Tuesday, November 13, 2012

10 People Who Time Traveled For Real

If one wants to travel through time, the only way to roll is in a speeding DeLorean with a plutonium-powered flux capacitor. Sounds crazy, right? Well, there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Thing is, we still don't know all that much about how the space-time continuum operates. So, is time travel possible? It depends on who you ask. From the government to an archaeologist to an extra in a Charlie Chaplin film, time travelers abound in legend, rumor, and documented "proof." Can we really send a man to the future and return him safely to the present? Judge the truth for yourself after perusing these time traveler stories.

Is the Government Conducting Time Travel Experiments?

Is the Government Conducting Time Travel Experiments?
The Montauk Air Force Station is rumored to house a massive, subterranean laboratory where top-secret government experiments in time travel are being conducted. Rumors began in the early 1980s when two men, Preston Nichols and Al Bielek, said that they had begun to recover suppressed memories of working in the lab. Many believe that the laboratory managed to create a "time tunnel," which allowed scientists to travel back to 1943.

A Time Portal in Versailles

A Time Portal in Versailles
In 1901, Anne Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain (above), the principal and vice-principal, respectively, of St. Hugh's College in Oxford, reported that they had accidentally slipped back in time. While visiting a small chateau on the grounds of Versailles, the women suddenly found themselves in the time of the French Revolution, where they reported seeing and interacting with people who they believed to be in the court of Marie Antoinette. The two women posthumously published an account of their tale, titling the book An Adventure.

A Portal in Liverpool

A Portal in Liverpool
Bold Street in Liverpool has gained quite the reputation recently. Many people have claimed that while on the street they have suddenly been transported back to the 1950s and '60s. According to a report called "On the Edge of Time" by Tim Swartz, a man walking along Bold Street slipped back in time to the 1950s. When he returned to their own time he recounted seeing the names of several historically accurate store signs.

Time Traveler In Chaplin Movie

Time Traveler In Chaplin Movie
A woman filmed outside the 1928 premiere of Charlie Chaplin's The Circus has convinced many people that time travel is real. The unidentified woman holds her hand up to her ear and talks to somebody, although no one is near her. But wait — there were no cell phones in 1928! Could this woman be a time traveler communicating with her contemporaries via mobile phone?

...a closer look...

...and a look at the woman turning toward the camera, in mid-sentence.

VonHelton the Time-Traveling Vampire

VonHelton the Time-Traveling Vampire
Known simply as VonHelton, this enigmatic figure suggests he might be part vampire, but asserts he is 100% time traveler. He has provided proof of his time travel prowess by lining up side-by-side photographs of himself starting in a studio in 1857 England, with stops in 1916 France, 1945 Berlin, and ending in the modern day in front of an American flag. Is he, in fact, a time traveler? Or is his "vampire gene" keeping him immortal?

Man Meets Himself

Man Meets Himself
Hakan Nordqvist was having a normal if irksome time fixing his leaky sink when he suddenly found himself crawling through a tunnel. At the end of the tunnel was Hakan himself - but as an older man, somewhere around 70. So that his claims wouldn't be refuted, Hakvan filmed himself jovially embracing… himself. The footage even shows the two men showing off their matching tattoos.

Time Traveler Discovers the Secrets of Macedonia

Time Traveler Discovers the Secrets of Macedonia
Pasko Kuzman is a Macedonian archaeologist whose findings are considered incredibly important in his field — oh, and he's also a self-proclaimed time traveler. He wears multiple watches on one arm, which he says help him travel through time: one takes him back to the Bronze and Neolithic Age, one takes him to the future, and the third is "The Archeologists' Watch," which alerts him to the presence of gold. Could his archeological fame be due to actually having visited the past?

Time Traveler Caught in 1941 Photo

Time Traveler Caught in 1941 Photo
At first glance, this photo appears to be nothing out of the ordinary — that is, until you spot the Rayban-wearing dude in the midst of a formal hat and tie crew from the 1940s. Not only do the gentleman's modern sunglasses make him suspicious, but observers have noted that he is wearing a screen-print t-shirt and holding a modern camera.

1950s Educational Video Instructor

1950s Educational Video Instructor
In footage from a civil defense educational film from the 1950s, a teacher gestures to the chalkboard on which is written, "With," "No," "Warning" and "Game 2 Giants 9 Rangers 0." Such was the score of game 2 of the 2010 World Series. Is this proof that the teacher was in reality a time traveling sports fan?

Is Henry Fonda from the Future?

Is Henry Fonda from the Future?
As Lt. Col. Owen Thursday in the 1948 movie, Fort Apache, Henry Fonda appears in one stagecoach scene to pull out and interact with what appears to be an iPhone. Could it be that Fonda visited the future and brought home a souvenir? Or perhaps the props master found the phone misplaced by a careless time traveler from our own time?

BONUS: C. E. Alden

BONUS: C. E. Alden
In 1906, newspapers announced the invention of the "Vest Pocket Telephone." Did inventor Charles E. Alden come from the future?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Charles E. Alden

A picture of Alden on the April 29, 1906 issue of the New York World
OccupationInventor, Time Traveler
Known forThe invention of the "vest pocket telephone" in 1906
COTTAGE CITY, Mass. April 28 [1906]. Charles E. Alden of New York has been pursuing experiments here since last fall in wireless telephoning. Has, he says, solved the problem of wireless telephoning and the result is so simple that is likely to create a sensation in the business world as well as in scientific circles.
New York World, April 29, 1906
Charles E. Alden (fl. 1906) was an obscure inventor mentioned in a 1906 edition of the New York World who was claimed to have created the idea of a vest pocket telephone, a device that was the precursor of the cell phone. He envisioned the idea in 1906, sixty-seven years before the first hand-held mobile phone was demonstrated by Dr Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973.[1][2][3]


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