Sunday, September 29, 2024

Ranked: The Best Free Chess Engines Every Player Should Try



Chess engines have come a long way from the days of basic algorithms. Today’s top engines are capable of calculating millions of positions in seconds, helping players of all levels improve their game. Below is a ranked list of the best free chess engines, based on their playing strength, unique features, and user experience. Let’s dive into the world of free chess engines and see which ones stand out the most!

1. Stockfish

Rating: 10/10

Stockfish is undoubtedly the reigning champion of free chess engines. It has consistently topped chess engine rankings and is widely used by players and professionals for analysis. As an open-source engine, Stockfish is constantly being improved by a community of developers. Its unparalleled depth of analysis, multi-core support, and user-friendliness make it the best option for any player.

Why It Ranks First:

  • Top-tier performance and strength
  • Open-source and free for everyone
  • Active development and regular updates

Where to Download:

2. Leela Chess Zero (Lc0)

Rating: 9.5/10

Lc0 is an artificial intelligence-based engine that uses neural networks to play chess. Inspired by Google DeepMind's AlphaZero, Lc0 doesn't rely on traditional brute-force calculations. Instead, it learns from self-play, providing a different, more human-like playing style. This makes it an exciting and formidable alternative to Stockfish, especially for players who want to explore new ideas in chess.

Why It Ranks Second:

  • Revolutionary neural network approach
  • More "human-like" play style
  • Stronger with more training data over time

Where to Download:

3. Komodo Chess Engine (Free Version)

Rating: 9/10

Komodo is a well-established name in chess engines, known for its sophisticated positional understanding and endgame mastery. While the commercial version of Komodo is extremely powerful, the free version still ranks high among top free chess engines. Its ability to excel in positional play makes it a fantastic tool for serious chess players who want to refine their understanding of complex middlegame positions.

Why It Ranks Third:

  • Excellent at positional play and endgames
  • Lightweight and easy to install
  • Stronger in strategic positions compared to many other engines

Where to Download:

4. RubiChess

Rating: 8.5/10

RubiChess is a relatively new engine but has already made a name for itself by combining efficiency and performance. It’s lightweight yet powerful, making it an excellent choice for players looking for a different flavor of analysis outside of the Stockfish/Lc0 duopoly. Its solid results in engine tournaments make it a reliable tool for both casual and serious players.

Why It Ranks Fourth:

  • Balanced in strength and speed
  • Simple to use and efficient
  • A rising star in engine competitions

Where to Download:

5. Fairy-Stockfish

Rating: 8/10

A fascinating variant of the Stockfish engine, Fairy-Stockfish supports a variety of chess variants beyond standard chess. While it shares the powerful analysis abilities of Stockfish, Fairy-Stockfish opens the door to experimenting with non-standard rules and pieces, making it perfect for fans of chess variants like Crazyhouse, Fischer Random (Chess960), and others.

Why It Ranks Fifth:

  • Best option for players interested in chess variants
  • Based on the powerful Stockfish engine
  • Ideal for experimenting with unconventional chess games

Where to Download:

6. Berserk

Rating: 7.5/10

Berserk is a tactically sharp engine, particularly good in imbalanced and attacking positions. While it doesn’t have the raw power of Stockfish or Lc0, it excels in positions where aggressive play is required. This makes Berserk an interesting alternative for players who want to explore more tactical games and improve their ability to spot sharp tactics.

Why It Ranks Sixth:

  • Focuses on tactical and imbalanced positions
  • Good for players who love aggressive play
  • Lightweight and fast

Where to Download:

7. Texel

Rating: 7/10

Texel offers a unique evaluation system that emphasizes a different approach to chess analysis compared to the more mainstream engines. While not as strong as the top engines like Stockfish or Lc0, Texel is still a highly capable engine that provides interesting insights, especially in complex middlegame and endgame positions.

Why It Ranks Seventh:

  • Unique evaluation function offers a fresh perspective
  • Useful for deep positional analysis
  • Lightweight and integrates well with most GUIs

Where to Download:


There’s no shortage of fantastic free chess engines available for players of all levels. Whether you're looking for brute-force calculation with Stockfish, the innovative neural network approach of Lc0, or the tactical sharpness of Berserk, these engines offer incredible value without costing a dime.

Integrate these engines into your analysis, practice, and preparation, and you’ll see your chess game improve in no time!

Which engine do you think fits your playing style the most? Feel free to experiment and discover what works best for you!

Best Free Chess Engines Every Chess Player Should Download



Chess engines have revolutionized how players study and play chess, offering insights into positions that even grandmasters can appreciate. Whether you're a beginner, a seasoned club player, or a master looking to fine-tune your game, having a powerful and accurate chess engine is a must. Here's a list of the best free chess engines every chess enthusiast should download and start using today.

1. Stockfish

Stockfish is, without a doubt, the most powerful free chess engine available. It's open-source, meaning anyone can contribute to its development. It offers an extremely high level of play and is capable of calculating millions of positions per second.

Key Features:

  • Open-source and completely free
  • Highly customizable for different levels
  • Supports analysis of multi-core processors
  • Continuous updates by the chess community

Where to Download:

2. Lc0 (Leela Chess Zero)

Lc0, short for Leela Chess Zero, is an AI-driven engine that mimics the way DeepMind's AlphaZero works. Unlike traditional chess engines that rely on brute-force calculations, Lc0 learns from self-play and improves over time. This makes it one of the most interesting engines for studying more 'human-like' chess patterns.

Key Features:

  • Uses neural networks for more human-like play
  • Constantly evolving and improving with time
  • Supports GPU acceleration for faster calculations

Where to Download:

3. Komodo Chess Engine (Free Version)

While Komodo offers a premium version for purchase, its free version still delivers exceptional strength. Known for its positional understanding and endgame prowess, Komodo is ideal for players looking for a different style of analysis compared to Stockfish or Lc0.

Key Features:

  • Strong positional play and excellent in endgames
  • Suitable for both tactical and strategic analysis
  • Easy to integrate with most GUIs like Arena or SCID

Where to Download:

4. Berserk

Berserk is a lesser-known engine but offers a fascinating alternative to mainstream engines. It’s designed to prioritize certain tactical imbalances, making it an excellent companion when you want to focus on aggressive or unconventional playstyles.

Key Features:

  • Strong in sharp, tactical positions
  • Lightweight and easy to run on almost any system
  • Ideal for trying out unusual opening systems

Where to Download:

5. Fairy-Stockfish

A variant of Stockfish, Fairy-Stockfish is perfect for players who enjoy experimenting with chess variants. While the regular Stockfish is focused on classical chess, Fairy-Stockfish supports different rules and pieces, making it excellent for exploring new ideas in chess.

Key Features:

  • Supports over 40 chess variants
  • Based on the Stockfish engine’s core
  • Great for those who want to analyze non-standard positions

Where to Download:

6. RubiChess

RubiChess is an UCI-compatible engine that's strong and continually evolving. It's lightweight yet powerful, making it suitable for running on different platforms. It's a bit more off the radar but still packs a punch.

Key Features:

  • A solid performer in standard chess engines tournaments
  • Offers a balance between strength and speed
  • Good for players looking for something different than Stockfish

Where to Download:

7. Texel

If you’re looking for an engine with an emphasis on evaluation, Texel might be the perfect addition to your collection. Its unique evaluation methods make it a great engine for analyzing deep middle games and understanding the nuances of positions.

Key Features:

  • Unique evaluation function
  • Easy to use and integrates well with UCI GUIs
  • Lightweight and efficient

Where to Download:

Best GUIs to Use With These Engines

A chess engine alone is great, but to fully experience its power, you'll need a GUI (Graphical User Interface) to run the engine. Here are two popular free GUIs you can use:

  • Arena: An easy-to-use, lightweight GUI. You can download it here.
  • SCID vs. PC: A feature-rich chess database that can run most engines. Available here.


With so many excellent, free chess engines available, there’s no reason not to take your chess skills to the next level. Whether you want brute-force power, AI-driven neural networks, or an engine that can handle chess variants, this list covers all bases. Download them today and start improving your game!

Dota Auto Chess Overview


Dota Auto Chess Overview

Dota Auto Chess is a custom mod for Dota 2 that gained massive popularity in 2019. It combines elements of chess and strategy, where players purchase and deploy heroes (called "chess pieces") on a board and battle in rounds against other players. The goal is to build synergies between heroes and outlast opponents through strategic positioning, resource management, and combinations of pieces.

Dota Auto Chess

Cheat Codes for Dota Auto Chess

There are no official cheat codes for Dota Auto Chess. Since it is an online multiplayer game, using third-party cheats can lead to bans or restrictions. Players are encouraged to use strategy guides, tips, and skill development to improve their gameplay.

Tips for Success:

  • Hero synergies: Focus on combinations of heroes with synergy bonuses.
  • Economy management: Efficient gold management helps in upgrading units and buying stronger heroes.
  • Positioning: Strategically place heroes to maximize their abilities and defend weak units.

For more detailed strategies, community guides are available across platforms like Reddit and Steam discussions.

What happened to had a significant rise and fall in the gaming community. It began as a popular mod for Dota 2, evolving into its own game, Auto Chess, created by Drodo Studio. The website quickly became a hub for discussions, updates, and forums where players could share strategies and follow the development of the game. At its peak, hosted a large, passionate community that engaged in various tournaments and discussed engine builds, strategies, and updates regularly​(pcgamer)​(Auto Chess).

the website

However, over time, the platform began facing issues. One of the main reasons behind the decline of the Auto Chess forum and website was the lack of continuous updates and community engagement. Technical issues started to arise, and as new platforms and versions of Auto Chess, like Auto Chess MOBA, came into play, the original website started to become outdated. The forum activity dwindled, and community members reported difficulties keeping up with modern developments​(Auto Chess).

Eventually, in 2024, it was officially announced that would be going offline for good. Long-time members, many of whom had been part of the community for over a decade, expressed nostalgia and fond memories of the forum, as it had once been a thriving space for discussions about thegame​( The community was encouraged to move to newer platforms like Facebook to continue their conversations​(

While is now a part of gaming history, the rise and fall of its forums reflect the challenges many niche gaming communities face as technology and player interests evolve.

What happened to Infinity Chess?

 The downfall of Infinity Chess seems to have occurred due to a combination of issues such as lack of updates, technical problems, and domain management. Originally, Infinity Chess was a popular online platform for playing chess, supporting human, engine, and centaur modes. However, users began experiencing compatibility problems when the platform stopped updating to support newer engines and operating systems. There are also suggestions that their domain may have expired or not been renewed, contributing to the website's unavailability​(GoDaddy).

photo of Infinity Chess

During its peak, Infinity Chess offered competitive tournaments and a unique experience with live broadcasts, but technical and compatibility issues led to its decline, and eventually, many users moved to other platforms like Lichess and

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Las Pupilas en el Reino Animal: Adaptaciones para la Supervivencia


El mundo animal está lleno de diversidad, desde los colores y formas hasta los comportamientos y adaptaciones biológicas. Una de las características más fascinantes y menos conocidas es la variedad de pupilas que se encuentran en los ojos de los animales. Las pupilas no solo varían en forma y tamaño, sino que están especialmente adaptadas para ayudar a cada especie a sobrevivir en su entorno particular.

En este post, exploraremos los diferentes tipos de pupilas en los animales, cómo estas han evolucionado para maximizar la supervivencia y qué nos dicen sobre el estilo de vida y los hábitos de caza de cada especie.

pupilas de gato

¿Qué son las Pupilas y Cuál es su Función?

Las pupilas son las aberturas en el centro del ojo que permiten la entrada de luz, controlando cuánto de esta llega a la retina, donde la luz se convierte en señales que el cerebro interpreta como visión. Pero la forma y el tamaño de las pupilas varían enormemente entre diferentes especies, y estas diferencias están directamente relacionadas con las necesidades visuales y el comportamiento de cada animal.

Tipos de Pupilas y sus Adaptaciones

1. Pupilas Verticales (Ranuras)

Las pupilas verticales, como las de los gatos, serpientes y algunos reptiles, están diseñadas para depredadores que cazan tanto de día como de noche. Estas pupilas en forma de rendija permiten una mejor adaptación a cambios drásticos en la luz, lo que permite a los depredadores controlar con precisión la cantidad de luz que entra en sus ojos.

  • Ventaja para la caza nocturna: Durante el día, las pupilas verticales pueden contraerse hasta ser finas rendijas, protegiendo la retina de un exceso de luz. De noche, estas pupilas se expanden al máximo para captar la mayor cantidad posible de luz, facilitando la visión en la oscuridad.
  • Precisión en la profundidad: Este tipo de pupilas también les otorga una excelente percepción de la profundidad, lo cual es crucial para cazar de manera eficiente y precisa, especialmente en situaciones de baja luminosidad.

2. Pupilas Horizontales

Los animales herbívoros como caballos, cabras y ciervos poseen pupilas horizontales. Este tipo de pupila ofrece una visión panorámica, ideal para detectar depredadores que puedan acercarse desde cualquier dirección.

  • Campo de visión amplio: La pupila horizontal actúa como una cámara panorámica, permitiendo que los animales vean casi 360 grados a su alrededor sin mover la cabeza. Esto les brinda una ventaja crucial en la vigilancia constante de posibles amenazas.
  • Estabilidad visual: Cuando estos animales agachan la cabeza para pastar, sus ojos rotan para mantener las pupilas horizontales, lo que les permite seguir observando el horizonte incluso en esta posición.

3. Pupilas Circulares

Las pupilas circulares, como las que tienen los humanos, los lobos y los perros, son comunes en animales que cazan o se mueven principalmente durante el día. Estas pupilas ofrecen un equilibrio entre la capacidad de ver en diferentes condiciones de luz, pero no están tan especializadas como las pupilas verticales o horizontales.

  • Visión enfocada: Los depredadores diurnos suelen tener pupilas redondeadas para obtener una visión enfocada y precisa. Esta pupila se adapta a una amplia gama de intensidades de luz, pero no es tan eficiente como las pupilas en forma de ranura para la visión nocturna.
  • Multifuncionalidad: Aunque no están tan adaptadas a la oscuridad como las pupilas verticales, las pupilas circulares ofrecen una buena visión en una variedad de situaciones lumínicas, haciendo que estos animales sean efectivos tanto de día como en el crepúsculo.

4. Pupilas en Forma de "W" o Complejas

Algunos animales acuáticos como los pulpos poseen pupilas complejas, que a menudo tienen formas irregulares como una "W" o forma de "U". Estas pupilas les permiten ver con claridad tanto en las brillantes aguas superficiales como en las oscuras profundidades.

  • Visión en diferentes medios acuáticos: Las pupilas complejas son particularmente útiles para especies que viven en entornos donde la luz cambia drásticamente con la profundidad o con la hora del día. Estos animales han desarrollado sistemas visuales que maximizan su capacidad para percibir tanto luz directa como reflejada, esencial en ambientes acuáticos.
  • Adaptación a diferentes profundidades: El hecho de poder ajustar su pupila para maximizar la captura de luz les permite ser eficientes depredadores en el agua, donde la luz puede desaparecer rápidamente a medida que uno se sumerge más profundamente.

5. Pupilas en Forma de Anillo o Redonda Grande

Animales como los tiburones o las águilas poseen pupilas redondas pero extremadamente grandes. Estas pupilas permiten captar la mayor cantidad de luz posible y están adaptadas para cazar en condiciones de baja visibilidad, como en las profundidades marinas o en alturas extremas.

  • Mayor sensibilidad a la luz: Los tiburones, por ejemplo, tienen pupilas diseñadas para aprovechar hasta la más mínima fuente de luz en el océano, dándoles una ventaja depredadora en las profundidades marinas. Las águilas, por otro lado, pueden enfocar su visión para ver presas desde largas distancias, gracias a la estructura de sus pupilas y sus ojos en general.
  • Precisión visual extrema: Animales con estas pupilas tienen una agudeza visual inigualable, lo que les permite detectar presas o depredadores a largas distancias, una capacidad esencial para su supervivencia.

Evolución y Supervivencia: La Importancia de la Adaptación Visual

La evolución ha dotado a cada especie de las herramientas necesarias para sobrevivir en su entorno específico, y las pupilas no son una excepción. Desde depredadores nocturnos hasta presas vigilantes, cada tipo de pupila refleja las necesidades particulares de la especie, ya sea cazar, escapar de los depredadores o simplemente navegar en entornos oscuros y cambiantes.


La variedad de pupilas en el reino animal es un testimonio impresionante de la evolución y la adaptación a las diferentes condiciones de vida. Desde las pupilas verticales de los depredadores hasta las horizontales de los herbívoros, cada forma y tamaño está diseñado para maximizar las posibilidades de supervivencia en un mundo lleno de desafíos visuales. Entender estas adaptaciones no solo nos revela más sobre la vida de los animales, sino también cómo las formas sutiles de la naturaleza están intrínsecamente conectadas con la necesidad de sobrevivir.

What Are Cremation Gems? A New Way to Preserve the Memory of Loved Ones

In today’s world, many seek unique ways to honor and remember loved ones who have passed away. While traditional methods of burial and cremation are still widely practiced, a new trend is emerging: cremation gems. But what exactly are cremation gems, and why are they becoming so popular? In this post, we will explore what cremation gems are, how they are made, and their significance as a modern memorial option.

Cremation Gems

What Are Cremation Gems?

Cremation gems, also known as memorial diamonds or cremation jewelry stones, are synthetic gemstones created from the ashes of a deceased individual. These gems provide a way for family members to keep a tangible piece of their loved ones with them, often in the form of jewelry such as rings, pendants, or bracelets. Cremation gems are not only a beautiful keepsake but also serve as a deeply personal reminder of the life that was lost, combining the physical remains with artistic craftsmanship.

How Are Cremation Gems Made?

The process of turning cremated ashes into a gem is a fascinating combination of science and art. Here’s a simplified overview of how it works:

  1. Collection of Ashes: After the cremation, a small portion of the ashes (usually around 200 grams) is required to begin the process of creating a gem.

  2. Carbon Extraction: The ashes contain carbon, the essential element used to form the gemstone. This carbon is carefully extracted through a heating and purification process, which can take several weeks.

  3. Crystal Formation: Once the carbon is extracted, it is subjected to extreme heat and pressure conditions, simulating the natural environment where diamonds and other gemstones form. Over time, the carbon transforms into a crystalline structure.

  4. Cutting and Polishing: After the crystal forms, skilled gem cutters shape and polish the gemstone to the customer’s specifications, ensuring the final product is both elegant and unique.

  5. Customization: Cremation gems can be customized in a variety of ways, including color, size, and cut. Some families choose to engrave the piece of jewelry or select a color that symbolizes something meaningful about their loved one.

Significance and Symbolism

The choice to turn cremated remains into a gem holds deep meaning for many people. Here are a few reasons why cremation gems have grown in popularity:

  • Eternal Memory: Just as diamonds are often seen as a symbol of eternity, cremation gems offer a way to carry a part of your loved one with you forever. The gem is a lasting memorial, a constant reminder of the bond shared with the person who has passed.

  • Personal Connection: Unlike a traditional burial plot or an urn placed on a mantel, a cremation gem is something that can be worn or carried daily. It becomes a personal keepsake that offers comfort and closeness.

  • Eco-Friendly: As burial space becomes more limited and concerns about environmental impact rise, cremation and alternative memorial methods are being embraced. Cremation gems offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional burial while still providing a physical form of remembrance.

Are Cremation Gems Right for You?

While cremation gems are a beautiful option for memorializing a loved one, they may not be for everyone. Some may prefer more traditional methods, while others may feel more connected to something they can wear or pass down as a family heirloom. Before deciding, it’s important to consider your personal values, cultural beliefs, and the wishes of your loved ones.


Cremation gems represent a modern and meaningful way to honor the memory of a loved one. They offer a unique blend of art, science, and sentiment, allowing individuals to keep a piece of those they have lost close to their hearts. As the trend grows, cremation gems are becoming a favored alternative for those seeking to preserve memories in a tangible and everlasting way.

By transforming ashes into a gem, we not only create something beautiful but also ensure that the legacy of our loved ones shines brightly in our lives for years to come.