Friday, December 9, 2016

BREAKING: Obama Accepts 2500 Middle East CRIMINAL Refugees REJECTED by Australia

BREAKING: Obama Accepts 2500 Middle East CRIMINAL Refugees REJECTED by Australia

Is this Obama’s final slap in the face to the American people?
Our BOZO president has agreed to take in 2500 Middle East refugees who are currently in detention centers after being rejected by Australia.
Obama has been orchestrating a secret deal to bring in the so-called “refugees” before Trump takes office.
The refugees have been rejected by Australia.
However, that’s not even the worst part……
Obama has classified the details on the refugees.
From Daily Caller:
Senate and House Judiciary chairmen called on the White House Tuesday to declassify the details of a secret agreement to accept some 2,000 refugees currently held in off-shore detention camps by Australia. The vast majority of the refugees housed in these camps are from the Middle East and have so far been rejected for resettlement by Australia. The reasons behind their rejection have not been made public. The White House has agreed to resettle many of them in the U.S., but in an unprecedented move, has classified the details of the plan.
Republicans Sen. Chuck Grassley and Rep. Bob Goodlatte raised concerns about the classification of the details following news of the agreement in November, and said Congress should have been consulted about the agreement. They attended a close-door brief with White House officials on details of the deal, which they said has convinced them there is “absolutely … no reason” for the specifics of the plan to be kept a secret from the American public.
“It is now absolutely apparent to us that there was no reason for the agreement to be classified from the outset, and that it should not continue to be classified,” Grassley and Goodlatte wrote in a letter to the Department of Homeland Security. “To that end, we request that you declassify the document outlining the agreement so that the American people can read it.”
Source: BREAKING : Obama Classifies Details of Agreement to Accept 2500 Middle East Detention-Center Refugees REJECTED by Australia – TruthFeed

Always remember to SHARE important information! We can change the world.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

How to reconnect my ZMODE GREET to my new wifi network

Not bad new after all,I was there ,i change my wifi network and lost Greet communication with my wifi,not big deal,just calm down and follow my instruction

  1. Get the book that brought the box where it was delivery your Greet device
  2. open app
  3. click add
  4. click Zink
  5. follow the instruction 


Please check that your devices meet the minimum requirements for setup: 
-You have a strong WiFi signal at the location of installation. If you are unsure, please view the following FAQ on testing your wireless signal strength. If your signal strength is weak, please refer to the following FAQ for tips to improve your wireless signal strength
-Your router is broadcasting a 2.4GHz WPA/WPA2 password-protected WiFi network. 
-If you have a dual-band router, make sure that the 2.4GHz signal is broadcasting with a different SSID than your 5GHz signal. For example, you can set your 2.4GHz signal to be "Home WiFi" and your 5GHz signal to be "Home WiFi_5GHz". 
-You are using an iOS® (v.7.0 and up) or AndroidTM smart mobile device for setup. 

If your wireless network does not meet minimum requirements, please follow the instructions below: 
1. Access your wireless router settings. If you are unfamiliar with how to access your router settings, please refer to the corresponding FAQ, linked here
2. Find the tab or setting called Wireless or Wireless Settings
3. Find the field with a title similar to Wireless Network Name (SSID)
4. Rename the SSID for your 5GHz signal so that it is different from the SSID of your 2.4GHz signal. 
5. Find the option called Security and select WPA or WPA2 personal. Set a strong password for your wireless network. 
6. Make sure that the Wireless SSID Broadcast or SSID Broadcast setting for your 2.4GHz network is enabled. 

If you have met the minimum requirements and are still having issues, please follow the steps below to troubleshoot for "Zink" or "Automatic Connection" methods. 
-If the Status Light is blinking green, try removing special characters and spaces from the SSID (WiFi network name) like "$" or "!". 
-If the Status Light is solid blue, then the device has already connected to the WiFi network. You can add the device by returning to the Add Device menu, selecting the "Wireless Device and Smart Kit" connection method and choosing the "Wireless Device" option. The app should automatically search for all devices on the WiFi network; please make sure that your smartphone is connected to the same WiFi network. 

If you have met the minimum requirements and are still having issues, please follow the steps below to troubleshoot your router for the SmartLink setup. 
1. Access your wireless router settings. If you are unfamiliar with how to access your router settings, please refer to the corresponding FAQ, linked here
2. Find the tab or setting called Wireless or Wireless Settings
3. Find the option called Wireless Network Mode
4. Set the wireless network mode of your 2.4GHz wireless network to 802.11b only, 802.11g only, or 802.11b/g only
5. Retry the SmartLink setup from your smartphone while connecting to this network. 
6. After SmartLink successfully connects your wireless device to the WiFi network, you can change your settings back to their original value. The wireless device will automatically connect to your network. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Carlsen Wins Rapid Playoff, Defends World Championship

MikeKlein FM MikeKlein

Nov 30, 2016, 3:47 PM 17,620 Reads 75 Comments Chess occasion scope

Better late than never.

Much the same as in the traditional bit of the 2016 big showdown, GM Magnus Carlsen got a few promising positions against GM Sergey Karjakin in the fast playoff.

The distinction? Today Carlsen utilized an additional weapon, his clock. Ahead on time in each diversion, Carlsen was once in a while under pressure while Karjakin's hourglass was continually coming up short on sand.

Only for no particular reason, he finished the big showdown with a ruler sac, prompting to multi-choice constrained mate. In the event that you don't tally the style focuses, the last edge was 3-1. The crown would return home to Norway.

Fittingly, it was in established recreations three and four that Carlsen ruined enormous points of interest. Today he won those same two numbered adjusts in the fast.

Carlsen is not the World Rapid Champion in vain. Other than continually sparing additional time, he was likewise never in huge threat today. By winning the quick, the three-week coordinate in New York City found some conclusion.

"On the off chance that anybody supposes it's simple, it's a great opportunity to return to Earth," Carlsen said at the end service.

The group sang "Glad Birthday" to him as he entered the regular zone, and Karjakin wished him the same. Carlsen turned 26 today, an indistinguishable age from his adversary in the most youthful big showdown ever.

Was the fast consummation of the big showdown a legitimate technique? To a great degree fascinating recreations two, three, and four will definitely proceed with the level headed discussion in the remarks and in different spots for quite a long time to come.

The twofold champion didn't change over each shot, however in a match, just a single is required. After the 6-6 tie in control play, today Carlsen's diversion three win delivered the required edge and his second fruitful title protection. Amusement four's magnificence deleted any of contemplations of his miss in diversion two.

"I think it was a great battle," Carlsen said of the month of November. He affirmed in words what his commonplace play in Monday's cycle 12 proposed. Carlsen conceded that he played for the tiebreak subsequent to holding his last turn as Black.

"I practically knew this would happen when we made the attract the eleventh amusement," he said. "My methodology was to go for the tiebreak and attempt my fortunes there." educated him that preceding today, he had an "exclusive" an even score against Karjakin in fast.

"I didn't really recognize what my score against him was in quick," Carlsen answered. "I felt that it was favorable position for me that I didn't need to ponder diversion 12 and he did. What's more, I felt my head was working superior to anything it was [before]...Playing four recreations rather than one appeared like a smart thought. Furthermore, it was extremely invigorating to play somewhat quicker after such a long time."

Karjakin took the match any longer than GM Viswanathan Anand could. In 2013, Carlsen required 10 recreations to wrest the title, then in 2014, he required 11 amusements to hold it. Both matches were against the previous Indian champion.

Carlsen essentially called it his hardest big showdown test and contrasted it with the 2013 Candidates' Tournament "where I scarcely got past."

Today after a for the most part equivalent opener, cycle two created a gigantic open door for Carlsen, who couldn't change over notwithstanding a few winning moves. Karjakin was all around commended for guarding a more terrible position for 84 moves, a large portion of them with under 10 seconds on his clock.

The challenger found a multi-move drawing blend, phenomenally relinquishing every one of the three residual pawns and his rook! Savants were at the end of the day perplexed how Carlsen could come up short at yet another transformation.

"I would shoot myself in Magnus' place," observer GM Judit Polgar said.

Spike Lee said, "It's gotta be the shoes," yet for the ball fixated Carlsen, today it was about the socks. They highlighted the NBA logo. "It was the end of the competition, and socks are regularly not the fundamental need," Carlsen said. "Toward the end of the competition, they can be rare."

The Russian's effective protection was a Pyrrhic triumph, as Karjakin's chief conceded later. Kiril Zangalis said that Karjakin couldn't be relied upon to keep up such resistance.

It wasn't only the most recent 50 minutes he needed to endure, it was the huge number of hours that Carlsen had him on the ropes in established.

After just a couple of minutes of break, Carlsen returned to the board looking stern. He utilized an indistinguishable technique from as a part of the past quick diversion: excel on the clock and offer a pawn for dynamic play. The huge distinction? The Norwegian kept the rulers on the board, and Karjakin at long last made his first disastrous mistake in New York.

The great knight versus awful priest middlegame searched prepared for 40 more moves of feline and-mouse. Be that as it may, this time Karjakin ran his clock beneath five seconds, then ran directly into the Norwegian's paws with 38. Rxc7.

retrieved from