Monday, September 19, 2016


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How to automatically transcribe your video (audio to text)

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Putin Orders “Full Defense” Of Trump, Authorizes All Hillary Clinton Emails Released!!!

Putin Orders “Full Defense” Of Trump, Authorizes All Hillary Clinton Emails Released!!!

A sensational Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that President Putin has ended the “war of words” between Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB) Alexander Bortnikov and Chairwoman of the Council of Federation Valentina Matviyenko over issues relating to top secret and confidential emails obtained from, and relating to, former US Secretary of State, and current presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton by ordering their release to the public—and has further ordered that all state ministries should now be acting in “full defense” of American billionaire Donald Trump. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, and as we had reported on in our 6 May report Kremlin War Erupts Over Release Of Top Secret Hillary Clinton Emails, an intense Security Council argument had erupted this past year over the correct disposition of Hillary Clinton emails—with FSB Director Bortnikov advocating their being kept secret in order to in the future blackmail Hillary Clinton should she become the US president, but, Chairwoman Matviyenko arguing they should be released to the public to ensure the election of Donald Trump.
The tens-of-thousands of Hillary Clinton emails possessed by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), it should be remembered, were first able to be obtained, in 2011, when SVR computer intelligence experts discovered that a Romanian computer hacker named Marcel Lazăr Lehel (aka Guccifer) was attempting to break into the computer system of the Federation funded RT television network.
By the SVR’s monitoring of Guccifer they were able to discover that he had penetrated the “weak/lax” security of a private home email computer server Hillary Clinton had set up in her home to evade US laws relating to the use and possession of top secret and confidential electronically transferred documents.
Once having penetrated Hillary Clinton’s private computer server and obtaining all of her emails, the SVR was then able to “penetrate/discover” access “codes/secret directions” to other US government and related computer servers—including the system belonging to Clinton’s Democratic Party.
Enraging FSB Director Bortnikov, though, Chairwoman Matviyenko authorized the SVR to leak one of Hillary Clinton’s emails in the belief it would force her out of office—and that RT reported on in their 20 March 2013 article titled Hillary Clinton’s ‘hacked’ Benghazi emails: FULL RELEASE.

Most unfortunately, however, this new SC report details, the US propaganda mainstream media failed to inform the American people that Russia was in possession of Hillary Clinton’s emails thus allowing her to retaliate by funding a coup against the democratically elected government of Ukraine during the next year—and that George Friedman, the Founder and CEO of Stratfor, the ‘Shadow CIA’ firm, called “the blatant coup in history”.
Even worse, this report continues, once Hillary Clinton destroyed the democratically elected government of Ukraine, she then installed to run that nation a Neo-Nazi government leaving the Federation no choice but to respond to save the lives of its Russian speaking citizens who were being massacred—and that after responding, as predictable, Hillary Clinton then rushed to put sanctions on Russia.
With all “normal” state efforts failing to stop Hillary Clinton, this report says, President Putin, on 13 May of this year, notified his military commanders that if she was elected as the next US president it would mean war—but in a final bid to derail her ambitions, on 1 June, authorized another release of one of her emails proving conclusively that she had deliberately broken US laws—and that we reported on in our report titled Putin Orders Release Of Most Dangerous Email In World.

Barely a month after President Putin ordered the release of this Hillary Clinton email, though, on 5 July, this report grimly notes, FBI Director James Comey gave a press conference saying she would not be charged for the many crimes she committed against her own government and people.
With the Federation now facing the choice of war should Hillary Clinton be elected as the next US president, or peace if it’s Donald Trump, this report continues, President Putin, this past fortnight, “conferred/discussed” with top Trump campaign foreign policy advisor Carter Page and Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort as to how to further proceed.
Paul Manafort and Carter Page, this report explains, both have longstanding ties with the Federation with Manafort having been a top aide to Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych prior to his being deposed in coup by Hillary Clinton’s Neo-Nazi led forces, and Page, aside from his being one of America’s top military minds, having long time business ties with both Russian state companies and politicians.
And just within this past fortnight Page, also, accused the Western powers of approaching Russia and Central Asian nations with a “nearly universally critical tone” despite their “advancements, this report continues, President Putin decision to side with Trump against Clinton has now becoming reached the highest level of national security—and is what caused him to authorize the turning over to Wikileaks of all Hillary Clinton emails obtained by the SVR, and that this whistle blowing organization has now begun to release, with more stunning revelations to come.

Wikileaks Drops Hillary Email Bomb That Could End Her Campaign but Face Book Censored It

It must be noted that this Security Council report contains vigorous objections by both the FSB and SVR to President Putin’s order to release all of Hillary Clinton’s emails to Wikileaks with them noting that Western propaganda news organizations loyal to the Obama regime will now focus on Russia instead of Hillary Clinton—and appears to be justified by headlines now appearing in American that include:How Putin Weaponized Wikileaks to Influence the Election of an American President, Clinton campaign accuses Russia of meddling in the 2016 presidential election to help Trump, and They’re With Her: US Media Uses Putin, Russia to Label Trump a Traitor, to just name a few.
This report concludes, however, by noting President Putin’s decision was not based on Hillary Clinton’s emails alone, but the “deep state” implications behind the current US presidential election—and that we first began to report on in our 28 February report Freemasonic Forces Led By Donald Trump Launch “Soon To Be Deadly” American Coup d’état.
And even though it is not mentioned in this report, it is very critical to note that Donald Trump now joins with former President’s Abraham Lincoln and William McKinley who when they sided with Russian against the evils powers seeking to destroy our world were assassinated, as well as President John F. Kennedy, who in seeking peace with Russia was gunned down too.

[Editor Note: Does anyone else besides us find it strange that three of the four American presidents to be assassinated were all friends of Russia?]
By: Sorcha Faal

Nice shoot killing another bastard of ISIS leader: UK 1-0 ISIS

Sunday, September 18, 2016



Juana de Asbaje y Ramírez Santillana, mejor conocida como Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, nació el 12 de noviembre de 1651. Poeta y dramaturga, estaba más bien interesada en la ciencia, pero como tenía una pluma prodigiosa, escribía poesía por encargo, para que la dejaran estudiar en el convento. Es decir, para que la dejaran en paz.
Cuatro años antes de morir, declaró:
Yo nunca he escrito cosa alguna por mi voluntad, sino por ruegos y preceptos ajenos, de tal manera que no me acuerdo haber escrito por mi gusto si no es un papelillo que llaman el Sueño.
"Papelillo", dice Sor Juana, para referirse a un poema complejo, filosófico, que ha sido estudiado sin descanso, que ha inspirado tesis, obras, cátedras y demás.
Para hablar de Sor Juana hacen falta espacio y tiempo, hacen falta vidas. Hoy recordamos su natalicio, y lo celebramos con algunas de las frases que se encuentran en sus creaciones.
    1. "En perseguirme, Mundo, ¿qué interesas? ¿En qué te ofendo, cuando sólo intento poner bellezas en mi entendimiento y no mi entendimiento en las bellezas?"
    2. "Sin claridad no hay voz de sabiduría."
    3. "Constante adoro a quien mi amor maltrata; maltrato a quien mi amor busca constante."
    4. En el mismo poema: "Triunfante quiero ver al que me mata; y mato a quien me quiere ver triunfante." ¿A quién no le ha pasado?
    5. "Para todo se halla prueba y razón en qué fundarlo; y no hay razón para nada, de haber razón para tanto."
    6. "Si al imán de tus gracias atractivo sirve mi pecho de obediente acero, ¿para qué me enamoras lisonjero, si has de burlarme luego fugitivo?"
    7. "No estudio por saber más, sino por ignorar menos."
    8. "La más brillante de las apariencias, puede cubrir las más vulgares realidades."
    9. "Y aunque es la virtud tan fuerte, temo que tal vez la venzan. Que es muy grande la costumbre y está la virtud muy tierna."
    10. "Amor empieza por desasosiego, solicitud, ardores y desvelos; crece con riesgos, lances y recelos; susténtase de llantos y de ruego."
    11. "Yo bien quisiera, cuando llego a verte, viendo mi infame amor poder negarlo; mas luego la razón justa me advierte que sólo me remedia en publicarlo; porque del gran delito de quererte sólo es bastante pena confesarlo."
    12. "Siempre tan necios andáis que con desigual nivel a una culpáis por cruel y a otra por fácil culpáis. ¿Pues cómo ha de estar templada la que vuestro amor pretende, si la que es ingrata ofende y la que es fácil enfada?"
    13. En el mismo poema: "¿Pues para qué os espantáis de la culpa que tenéis? Queredlas cual las hacéis o hacedlas cual las buscáis."
    14. "Detente, sombra de mi bien esquivo, imagen del hechizo que más quiero, bella ilusión por quien alegre muero, dulce ficción por quien penosa vivo."
    15. "Dime vencedor rapaz, vencido de mi constancia, ¿qué ha sacado tu arrogancia de alterar mi firme paz?"
    16. "Y así, amor, en vano intenta tu esfuerzo loco ofenderme: pues podré decir, al verme expirar sin entregarme, que conseguiste matarme mas no pudiste vencerme."
    17. "Si daros gusto me ordena la obligación, es injusto que por daros a vos gusto haya yo de tener pena."
    18. "Baste ya de rigores, mi bien, baste, no te atormenten más celos tiranos, ni el vil recelo tu quietud contraste con sombras necias, con indicios vanos: pues ya en líquido humor viste y tocaste mi corazón deshecho entre tus manos."
    19. "Este amoroso tormento que en mi corazón se ve, sé que lo siento, y no sé la causa por qué lo siento."
    20. En el mismo poema: "Con poca causa ofendida, suelo, en mitad de mi amor, negar un leve favor a quien le diera la vida."
    21. "Salgan signos a la boca de lo que el corazón arde, que nadie, nadie creerá el incendio si el humo no da señales."
    22. "Yo no puedo tenerte ni dejarte, ni sé por qué, al dejarte o al tenerte, se encuentra un no sé qué para quererte y muchos sí sé qué para olvidarte."
    23. "Si es mío mi entendimiento, ¿por qué siempre he de encontrarlo tan torpe para el alivio, tan agudo para el daño?"
    24. En el mismo poema: "También es vicio el saber, que si no se va atajando, cuando menos se conoce es más nocivo el estrago..."
    25. "Estos versos, lector mío, que a tu deleite consagro, y sólo tienen de buenos conocer yo que son malos, ni disputártelos quiero, ni quiero recomendarlos, porque eso fuera querer hacer de ellos mucho caso."
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70% of UScitizen think we are going on the wrong way

ISIS already in USA land thanks to our president OBAMA BIN LADEN

Donald Trump tells crowd a ‘bomb went off in New York’ though officials had not confirmed cause of explosion

Hunter Walker
National Correspondent
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told a crowd at a rally that a “bomb” went off in New York City before any confirmation came from official sources about what caused an explosion in Manhattan on Saturday night.
“I must tell you that just before I got off the plane, a bomb went off in New York. And nobody knows exactly what’s going on. But boy, we are living in a time — we better get very tough, folks. We better get very, very tough,” Trump told his supporters in Colorado Springs, Colo.
“It just happened,” he added. “So we’ll find out, but it’s a terrible thing going on in our world and in our country. And we are going to get tough and smart and vigilant. And we’re going to end it. We’re going to end it. We’ll see what it is. We’ll see what it is.”
Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Colorado Springs, Colo. (Photo: Mike Segar/Reuters)
Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Colorado Springs, Colo. (Photo: Mike Segar/Reuters)
About two hours later, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a press conference that the explosion on 23rd Street appeared to be the result of an “intentional” act and that there was no indication it was linked to terrorism. According to de Blasio, it was “too early” to say whether a bomb caused the explosion. The NYPD is also investigating a second location on 27th Street.
Trump, who made the remarks at the start of his speech, quickly pivoted to tout his poll numbers. Trump’s campaign has not responded to multiple requests for comment from Yahoo News about how he may have obtained information about the cause of the explosion that was not publicly available.
Officials said 29 people were injured, one seriously. An official source in New York City who was briefed by first responders told Yahoo News the explosion occurred in a dumpster. The NYPD Counterterrorism unit tweeted out a photo of the site of the explosion that seemed to show a mangled dumpster.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton told reporters later on Saturday night that she had been briefed on “the bombings” in New York and New Jersey. Another explosion had occurred earlier in the day at a charity race in Seaside Park, N.J.