Thursday, September 8, 2016

Why Vladamir Putin's driver was killed in a car crash September 6, 2016 +Iran & US conflict news

Putin's Near Fatal Accident, What it means

The human society is equal of greater than a virus

Stop GMO's in New Zealand Dairy !

Stop GMO's in New Zealand Dairy !
3,126 signers. Let's reach 5,000

Why this is important

New Zealand dairy cows are being fed Genetically Modified soy, cotton-seed and maize as supplementary feed that is being imported into the country.

Dairy company Fonterra says that it needs the GM-feed to boost milk production because the nutrition in New Zealand grass is not enough to meet their demands!

It makes me despair that Fonterra is undermining New Zealand's clean-green reputation for safe food. Fonterra should NOT be allowing farmers to import cheap and dirty feed made from GM crops, or to feed cows palm kernel expeller left over from the palm oil industry that has raised alarm because of deforestation.

There is growing evidence linking GM crops to infertility and tumours in animals in feeding studies, and to environmental harm caused by increased use of toxic sprays. My family, just like many around the globe, want to be able to trust New Zealand milk and cheese to be safe, natural, and GMO-Free.

Please tell Fonterra to STOP using GMO feed for production of New Zealand milk and cheese, and to keep it natural !

Russia had more internet freedom than other nations, in particular the United States.

Internet in Russia freer than in US, claims top Kremlin official

© Fabrizio Bensch
The deputy head of the presidential administration, Vyacheslav Volodin, has said that Russia has more internet freedom than the United States, where people receive prison sentences for online comments about President Barack Obama.
Volodin was giving a press conference in the central Russian city of Tambov, where a local reporter asked him to comment on the possibility of introducing a rule that would require social networks to obtain ID from their users “so that people could know who is on the other side of the internet.” The official replied that unlike many countries, Russia has chosen self-regulation on the internet and he saw no need to change this.
“Now we are capable of solving various issues through self-regulation and a ban on distribution of information about illegal drugs, suicide and extremism. Society has a need for this.”
He also noted that Russia had more internet freedom than other nations, in particular the United States.
“Take a look at the legal practice. Have you ever heard about the legal proceedings initiated by [Russian] civil servants and senior officials against ordinary internet users over even the most harsh statements made on the internet?” Volodin asked journalists.
A woman in the audience answered that a man had once attempted to sue her for dissemination of discrediting materials about him on the internet, but failed as police and prosecutors refused to recognize her material as unlawful. “You can see that prosecutors protect you. And if you take a look at the US statistics, even over the past six months, you will see that several people there received prison sentences between 12 and 18 months for their posts about President Obama,” Volodin told journalists.
“Ask yourselves – who has more democracy – us or them?” he concluded.
The official did not specify which legal cases he was talking about, but this could be the arrest of John Martin Roos – a 61-year-old Wisconsin man who was detained in April this year for threatening the US president on social media. Police also found weapons and several pipe bombs as they searched Roos’ home. He has not yet been sentenced. In 2013, Donte Jamar Sims from Florida was sentenced to six months in prison plus one year of supervised release for making threats to President Obama over Twitter.
In August 2014, Russia introduced a law requiring all blogs with 3,000 daily readers or more to follow many of the rules that exist in conventional mass media, such as tougher controls on published information and a ban on the use of explicit language. The restrictions include the requirement to verify information before publishing it and to abstain from releasing reports containing slander, hate speech, calls for extremism or other banned information such as advice on suicide.
In July this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into law a package of anti-terrorist amendments that allow automatic blocking of websites for promoting extremism and terrorism and require all communications companies, including internet providers, to retain information about their clients’ data traffic for three years and to hand it over to the authorities on demand (one year for messengers and social networks). Providers also must keep records of phone calls, messages and transferred files for six months.

retrieved from

Интернет в России свободнее, чем в США, утверждает топ-представитель Кремля
Опубликовано время: 5 сентября 2016 11:46
Под редакцией Время: 6 сентября 2016 7:58
Получить короткий URL
© Fabrizio Bensch
© Fabrizio Bensch / Reuters
Заместитель главы администрации президента Вячеслав Володин заявил, что у России есть больше свободы, чем в Интернет в Соединенных Штатах, где люди получают тюремное заключение для интернет-комментариев по поводу президента США Барака Обамы.
Володин дает пресс-конференцию в центральном российском городе Тамбове, где местный репортер попросил его прокомментировать возможность введения правила, которое потребует социальных сетей, чтобы получить удостоверение личности от своих пользователей ", чтобы люди могли знать, кто находится на другая сторона в Интернете. "ответил чиновник, что в отличие от многих стран, Россия выбрала саморегулирование в Интернете, и он не видит необходимости менять это.

"Сейчас мы способны решать различные вопросы путем саморегулирования и запрет на распространение информации о незаконных наркотиков, самоубийства и экстремизма. Общество имеет потребность в этом ".

ПОДРОБНЕЕ: Государственная Дума обдумывает жесткий контроль над интернет-агрегаторами новостей

Он также отметил, что у России больше свободы в Интернет, чем другие народы, в частности, Соединенные Штаты.

"Посмотрите на юридической практике. Вы когда-нибудь слышали о судебных процессах, инициированных [российских] государственных служащих и старших должностных лиц в отношении обычных пользователей Интернета, более даже самых резких заявлений, сделанных в Интернете? »Спросил журналистов Володин.

Женщина в аудитории ответили, что человек когда-то пытался судиться с ней за распространение порочащих материалов о нем в Интернете, но не сумел, как полиция и прокуратура отказалась признать ее материал незаконным. "Вы можете видеть, что прокуроры защищают вас. И если вы посмотрите на статистику в США, даже в течение последних шести месяцев, вы увидите, что некоторые люди там получили тюремные сроки от 12 до 18 месяцев для своих сообщений о президенте Обаме, "сказал журналистам Володин.

"Спросите себя - кто имеет больше демократии - мы или они?», Он пришел к выводу.

Чиновник не уточнил, какие судебные дела он говорил об этом, но это может быть арест Джона Мартина Роос - 61-летний мужчина Wisconsin который был задержан в апреле этого года за угрозу президента США на социальные медиа. Полиция также нашла оружие и несколько бомб трубы, как они искали дом Roos '. Он еще не был осужден. В 2013 году Donte Джеймар Sims из Флориды был приговорен к шести месяцам тюремного заключения плюс один год контролируемого выпуска для создания угрозы для президента Обамы через Twitter.

ПОДРОБНЕЕ: Человек заключен в тюрьму за угрозы Обаме в Twitter

В августе 2014 года Россия ввела закон, требующий от всех блогов с 3000 ежедневных читателей или больше, чтобы следить за многими из правил, которые существуют в традиционных средствах массовой информации, таких как ужесточение контроля на опубликованной информации и запрет на использование явных языка. Ограничения включают требование проверять информацию перед ее публикацией и воздержаться от рилизинг докладов, содержащих клевету, разжигание ненависти, призывы к экстремизму или другой запрещенной информации, такие как консультации по вопросам суицида.

В июле этого года президент России Владимир Путин подписал закон пакет антитеррористических поправок, которые позволяют автоматически блокировать веб-сайты для содействия экстремизму и терроризму и требуют все компании связи, в том числе интернет-провайдеров, чтобы сохранить информацию о трафике данных своих клиентов для три года и передать его властям по первому требованию (один год для мессенджеров и социальных сетей). Поставщики должны также вести учет телефонных звонков, сообщений и передаваемых файлов в течение шести месяцев.
Internet v Rossii svobodneye, chem v SSHA, utverzhdayet top-predstavitel' Kremlya
Opublikovano vremya: 5 sentyabrya 2016 11:46
Pod redaktsiyey Vremya: 6 sentyabrya 2016 7:58
Poluchit' korotkiy URL
© Fabrizio Bensch
© Fabrizio Bensch / Reuters
Zamestitel' glavy administratsii prezidenta Vyacheslav Volodin zayavil, chto u Rossii yest' bol'she svobody, chem v Internet v Soyedinennykh Shtatakh, gde lyudi poluchayut tyuremnoye zaklyucheniye dlya internet-kommentariyev po povodu prezidenta SSHA Baraka Obamy.
Volodin dayet press-konferentsiyu v tsentral'nom rossiyskom gorode Tambove, gde mestnyy reporter poprosil yego prokommentirovat' vozmozhnost' vvedeniya pravila, kotoroye potrebuyet sotsial'nykh setey, chtoby poluchit' udostovereniye lichnosti ot svoikh pol'zovateley ", chtoby lyudi mogli znat', kto nakhoditsya na drugaya storona v Internete. "otvetil chinovnik, chto v otlichiye ot mnogikh stran, Rossiya vybrala samoregulirovaniye v Internete, i on ne vidit neobkhodimosti menyat' eto.

"Seychas my sposobny reshat' razlichnyye voprosy putem samoregulirovaniya i zapret na rasprostraneniye informatsii o nezakonnykh narkotikov, samoubiystva i ekstremizma. Obshchestvo imeyet potrebnost' v etom ".

PODROBNEYe: Gosudarstvennaya Duma obdumyvayet zhestkiy kontrol' nad internet-agregatorami novostey

On takzhe otmetil, chto u Rossii bol'she svobody v Internet, chem drugiye narody, v chastnosti, Soyedinennyye Shtaty.

"Posmotrite na yuridicheskoy praktike. Vy kogda-nibud' slyshali o sudebnykh protsessakh, initsiirovannykh [rossiyskikh] gosudarstvennykh sluzhashchikh i starshikh dolzhnostnykh lits v otnoshenii obychnykh pol'zovateley Interneta, boleye dazhe samykh rezkikh zayavleniy, sdelannykh v Internete? »Sprosil zhurnalistov Volodin.

Zhenshchina v auditorii otvetili, chto chelovek kogda-to pytalsya sudit'sya s ney za rasprostraneniye porochashchikh materialov o nem v Internete, no ne sumel, kak politsiya i prokuratura otkazalas' priznat' yeye material nezakonnym. "Vy mozhete videt', chto prokurory zashchishchayut vas. I yesli vy posmotrite na statistiku v SSHA, dazhe v techeniye poslednikh shesti mesyatsev, vy uvidite, chto nekotoryye lyudi tam poluchili tyuremnyye sroki ot 12 do 18 mesyatsev dlya svoikh soobshcheniy o prezidente Obame, "skazal zhurnalistam Volodin.

"Sprosite sebya - kto imeyet bol'she demokratii - my ili oni?», On prishel k vyvodu.

Chinovnik ne utochnil, kakiye sudebnyye dela on govoril ob etom, no eto mozhet byt' arest Dzhona Martina Roos - 61-letniy muzhchina Wisconsin kotoryy byl zaderzhan v aprele etogo goda za ugrozu prezidenta SSHA na sotsial'nyye media. Politsiya takzhe nashla oruzhiye i neskol'ko bomb truby, kak oni iskali dom Roos '. On yeshche ne byl osuzhden. V 2013 godu Donte Dzheymar Sims iz Floridy byl prigovoren k shesti mesyatsam tyuremnogo zaklyucheniya plyus odin god kontroliruyemogo vypuska dlya sozdaniya ugrozy dlya prezidenta Obamy cherez Twitter.

PODROBNEYe: Chelovek zaklyuchen v tyur'mu za ugrozy Obame v Twitter

V avguste 2014 goda Rossiya vvela zakon, trebuyushchiy ot vsekh blogov s 3000 yezhednevnykh chitateley ili bol'she, chtoby sledit' za mnogimi iz pravil, kotoryye sushchestvuyut v traditsionnykh sredstvakh massovoy informatsii, takikh kak uzhestocheniye kontrolya na opublikovannoy informatsii i zapret na ispol'zovaniye yavnykh yazyka. Ogranicheniya vklyuchayut trebovaniye proveryat' informatsiyu pered yeye publikatsiyey i vozderzhat'sya ot rilizing dokladov, soderzhashchikh klevetu, razzhiganiye nenavisti, prizyvy k ekstremizmu ili drugoy zapreshchennoy informatsii, takiye kak konsul'tatsii po voprosam suitsida.

V iyule etogo goda prezident Rossii Vladimir Putin podpisal zakon paket antiterroristicheskikh popravok, kotoryye pozvolyayut avtomaticheski blokirovat' veb-sayty dlya sodeystviya ekstremizmu i terrorizmu i trebuyut vse kompanii svyazi, v tom chisle internet-provayderov, chtoby sokhranit' informatsiyu o trafike dannykh svoikh kliyentov dlya tri goda i peredat' yego vlastyam po pervomu trebovaniyu (odin god dlya messendzherov i sotsial'nykh setey). Postavshchiki dolzhny takzhe vesti uchet telefonnykh zvonkov, 

why so many people get stuck at the 1500-1900 FIDE chess level without making any progress

Dear ,
Are you wondering why so many people get stuck at the 1500-1900 FIDE chess level without making any progress despite countless studying and practice?
You are not alone. Dozens of students around this skill hit a glass ceiling despite continued study of tactics and games, and more.
We recently reached out to Argentine Grandmaster Damian Lemos, whose ascent to becoming a Grandmaster is very different than your typical story:

As a kid he showed incredible potential
, reaching 2000 FIDE level at only 10 years old while putting minimal effort into formal study beyond just practicing casual games.
Around this time he began to take chess more seriously and began studying tactics for hours-and-hours each week. Unfortunately by the time he was 12, he was actually rated lower for much of the year! What was he doing wrong? Was formal study actually hurting his game?
He began to read more books on tactics, memorize and study openings to a deeper level, scrutinize his own games, and play in more tournaments. By this point he was studying chess 25+ hours per week and it was basically his only extracurricular activity besides school at this point. This went on for nearly 2 years.
Did he become a Grandmaster? Hardly. By early 2004 he had barely gained 100 points. It would make him so angry to see his peers continue to seem to become better while studying less. Maybe he was one of those many children who showed promising results as a child "chess prodigy" that never translated into the adult world.
By early 2005 he had had enough. He was not going to give up and knew by this point that the problem was in the way he was studying. We are sure many of you have heard of the "Pareto Principle" (also known as the 80/20 rule) and so he began to completely rework the way he studied for chess, eliminating activities that had little gain and focusing on those that seemed to bring him the best return.
The results were shocking. The biggest mistake most club level players make is not shifting the WAY they study chess after they reach a certain level, and instead dedicate more time to studying the wrong way.
We think that when you hit this rating level, you need a massive paradigm shift in the way you think about improving your chess. Studying tactics and memorizing openings till your eyes bleed are no longer going to cut it. You need to learn the way Grandmasters think, which is completely different from the way club players think.
The results in the system he built for himself were insane. In early 2005 he didn't have a FIDE title. By 2006 he zoomed past the IM title and less than 30 months after that he became a 2500 GM.
He never shared this secret study system he put together that year (except for a few lucky students he privately tutored, of course).
In 2014 FIDE Master William Stewart from our friends at reached out to him to see if he would share the secrets of the system he created that year. They agreed to make a 20 disc authoritative course under the Empire Chess brand for struggling club players who are tired of seeing diminishing returns on their gains and want to leave the "beginner" way of studying tactics and openings out in the dustbin.
He spent the next 9 months carefully finding the best games to go over, the best content to cover and a way to maximize your chess gains in this course. The result was The Club Players Manifesto which went on to become the best selling Club Player’s video series on the market. The video is rated 4.8/5 stars on Amazon with over 35 reviews.
This bundle is not for everyone, it’s recommended for club level players in the FIDE range of 1200-1900 who are serious about improving their chess and want to add an excellent supplement to their chess study routine. We guarantee by just watching one lecture a day everyday for 20 days you will see marked improvement.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Upcoming Chess Events for 2016-2017

Sept 2-5, 3-5 or 4-5, 2016: New York State Championship,Albany NY- ENTER ONLINE! BLITZ
FREE LECTURE BY IM Jay Bonin: 9:00 am Monday!

Sept 23-25 or 24-25, 2016: Southern Class Championships, Orlando FL- ENTER ONLINE! BLITZ
Sept 23-25 or 24-25, 2016: Hartford Open, Windsor Locks CT-ENTER ONLINE! BLITZ
Oct 5-10, 7-10 or 8-10, 2016: Washington Chess Congress,Arlington VA ENTER ONLINE! BLITZ
Oct 14-16, 2016: Central New York Open, Syracuse NYENTER ONLINE!
Oct 28-30 or 29-30, 2016: Eastern Chess Congress, Basking Ridge NJENTER ONLINE! BLITZ
Nov 4-6 or 5-6, 2016: Stamford Open, Stamford CTENTER ONLINE! BLITZ
Nov 4-6 or 5-6, 2016: Los Angeles Open, Ontario CA ENTER ONLINE! BLITZ
Nov 11-13 or 12-13, 2016: Kings Island Open, Blue Ash OH -ENTER ONLINE! BLITZ
Nov 25-27 or 26-27, 2016: National Chess Congress, Philadelphia PAENTER ONLINE! BLITZ
Dec 26-30, 26-29 or 27-29, 2016: North American Open, Las Vegas NVENTER ONLINE! BLITZ
Dec 27-29 or 28-29: Empire City Open, New York NY
Jan 8-10 or 9-10, 2017: Boston Chess Congress, Boston MA
Jan 13-16, 14-16 or 15-16, 2017: Liberty Bell Open, Philadelphia PA
Jan 13-16, 14-16 or 15-16, 2017: Golden State Open, Concord CA
Feb 16-20, 17-20, 18-20 or 19-20, 2017: Southwest Class Championships, Fort Worth TX
Mar 3-5 or 4-5, 2017: Pittsburgh Open, Pittsburgh PA
Mar 11-12, 2017: New York State Scholastics, Saratoga Springs NY
Mar 24-26 or 25-26, 2017 (NEW DATES): Mid-America Open, Saint Louis MO
Mar 24-26 or 25-26, 2017: Southern Class Championships, Orlando FL
Apr 12-16, 13-16, 14-16 or 15-16, 2017: Philadelphia Open, Philadelphia PA
Apr 28-30 or 29-30, 2017: Eastern Class Championships, Sturbridge MA
May 25-29, 26-29, 27-29 or 28-29, 2017: Chicago Open, Wheeling IL
June 24-29, 2017: Philadelphia International, Philadelphia PA
June 29-July 4, June 30-July 4, July 1-4 or 2-4, 2017: World Open, Philadelphia PA
July 14-16 or 15-16, 2017: Chicago Class, Wheeling IL
Aug 10-13, 11-13 or 12-13, 2017: Continental Open, Sturbridge MA
Aug 25-27 or 26-27, 2017: Atlantic Open, Arlington VA
Oct 6-8 or 7-8, 2017: Midwest Class Championships, Wheeling IL
Oct 6-9, 7-9 or 8-9, 2017: Washington Chess Congress, Arlington VA
Nov 10-12 or 11-12, 2017: Kings Island Open, Blue Ash OH
Nov 24-26 or 25-26, 2017: National Chess Congress, Philadelphia PA
Dec 26-30, 26-29 or 27-29, 2017: North American Open, Las Vegas NV
Jan 12-15, 13-15 or 14-15, 2018: Liberty Bell Open, Philadelphia PA
Mar 2-4 or 3-4, 2018: Pittsburgh Open, Pittsburgh PA
Mar 10-11, 2018: New York State Scholastics, Saratoga Springs NY
Mar 23-25 or 24-25, 2018: Mid-America Open, Saint Louis MO
Mar 28-Apr 1, Mar 29-Apr 1, Mar 30-Apr 1 or Mar 31-Apr 1, 2018: Philadelphia Open, Philadelphia PA
Apr 27-29 or 28-29, 2018: Eastern Class Championships, Sturbridge MA
May 24-28, 25-28, 26-28 or 27-28, 2018: Chicago Open, Wheeling IL
June 28-July 3, 2018: Philadelphia International, Philadelphia PA
July 3-8, 4-8, 5-8, 6-8, 2018: World Open, Philadelphia PA
July 20-22 or 21-22, 2018: Chicago Class, Wheeling IL
Aug 16-19, 17-19 or 18-19, 2018: Continental Open, Sturbridge MA
Aug 24-26 or 25-26, 2018: Atlantic Open, Arlington VA
Oct 5-7 or 6-7, 2018: Midwest Class, Wheeling IL
Nov 9-11 or 10-11, 2018: Kings Island Open, Blue Ash OH
Nov 23-25 or 24-25, 2018: National Chess Congress, Philadelphia PA
Dec 26-30, 26-29 or 27-29, 2018: North American Open, Las Vegas NV
Jan 18-21, 19-21 or 20-21, 2019: Liberty Bell Open, Philadelphia PA
Mar 22-24 or 23-24, 2019: Mid-America Open, Saint Louis MO
Apr 5-7 or 6-7, 2019: Eastern Class Championships, Sturbridge MA
May 23-27, 24-27, 25-27 or 26-27, 2019: Chicago Open, Wheeling IL
June 27-July 2, 2019: Philadelphia International, Philadelphia PA
July 2-7, 3-7, 4-7 or 5-7, 2019: World Open, Philadelphia PA
July 19-21 or 20-21, 2019: Chicago Class, Wheeling IL
Aug 15-18, 16-18 or 17-18, 2019: Continental Open, Sturbridge MA
Oct 11-13 or 12-13, 2019: Midwest Class Championships, Wheeling IL
Nov 29-Dec 1 or Nov 30-Dec 1, 2019: National Chess Congress, Philadelphia PA
Dec 26-30, 26-29 or 27-29, 2019: North American Open, Las Vegas NV
Jan 16-19, 17-19 or 18-19, 2020: Liberty Bell Open, Philadelphia PA
Apr 24-26 or 25-26, 2020: Eastern Class Championships, Sturbridge MA
May 23-27, 24-27, 25-27 or 26-27, 2020: Chicago Open, Wheeling IL
July 1-5, 2-5 or 3-5, 2020: World Open, Philadelphia PA
July 7-12, 2020: Philadelphia International, Philadelphia PA
July 17-19 or 18-19, 2020: Chicago Class, Wheeling IL
Aug 13-16, 14-16 or 15-16, 2020: Continental Open, Sturbridge MA
Oct 10-12 or 11-12, 2020: Midwest Class Championships, Wheeling IL
Nov 27-29 or 28-29, 2020: National Chess Congress, Philadelphia PA
Dec 26-30, 26-29 or 27-29, 2020: North American Open, Las Vegas NV
June 25-30, 2021: Philadelphia International, Philadelphia PA
July 1-5, 2-5, 3-5, or June 30-July 5, 2021: World Open, Philadelphia PA

Nov 26-28 or 27-28, 2021: National Chess Congress, Philadelphia PA
For more Info visit the link