Saturday, November 14, 2015

Where to get free CTGand BIX opening chess book

Well i will start telling you that this book never were belong to me if no to the WWW where i get those for long time ago ,at this time they are outdated but if you follow the step how to tuning CTG chess book they will be back on shape,and this is a good fresh start for every lover chess player

Dont rush me I need time to start uploading those to any share file hoster; by the mean time i need you check link before downloading anything,

Virustotal is a place where you can let them check first before you make the decision to download the link ; if this make You feel more comfortable

BIX Opening chess book

CTG opening chess book links:

Fun Testbook 2007
HS for Rybka

----working on this--

What is the best chess server to play chess engine in tournament?

Definitely Infinity chess is the best place to play chess tournaments at this moment. I will state why I am confirming this statement. 

Infinity chess is been around from 2010-2011 more or less, since then I always see this site increasing in power and quality, see some of the main characteristic that attract me a lot to play engine on such website

1-This chess server is free (hopefully I hope it keep the same for much year ahead)
2-Its interface is better familiar with Chessbase and easy to interact 
3-There is existing data or information to tech beginner how to load a new chess engine and start walking through ,no experience is needed here
4-Friendly environment.
5-Every day at 1600 and 2200 server time big tournament for chess engines  
6-Every day ,every hours people login to play in auto 
7-Best place to test your CTG chess book

Now I know you are almost ready to click the link and go play,here are some tips that need to remember later on when you have lost couple games against strong player

Tips for Maximum Performance on Infinity Chess!
1.UCI Engine: Copy and Paste UCI engines to (My Doc"s – Infinity Chess- data- Engine"s Folder) Create UCI’s from this location.
2.CTG Books: Keep your CTG books in the Chess base default folder! (My Doc"s- Chess base-Book. Create paths to book for Default location.
3. Playing Mode: After logging on Infinity Chess, go to the Playing room you want, example. Human, Engine, Tournament Room, Then select Playing Mode – Human, Engine, Centaur, as needed for the room you’re playing in!
4. Make sure your Windows OS has been updated!
5. When leaving the room’s exam... Rebooting, reloading etc... Once you return Always check to make sure you are in the correct Playing Mode! If you have to log off or get disconnected when game is in play and you log back in, playing mode is saved and game will resume automatically!
6. If you have more than 2 pending updates of Infinity Software, it may help to uninstall and do a fresh install!

You can follow those recommendation for the manufacture of their chess engine to make the best from them

For examples:
From the magician Houdine
Maximum number of threads (cores) used by the analysis.
Default is hardware-dependent, min 1, max 6 (Standard) or 32 (Pro).

Houdini will automatically limit the number of threads to the number of logical processors of your hardware. If your computer supports hyper-threading it is recommended not using more threads than physical cores, as the extra hyper-threads would usually degrade the performance of the engine. See the FAQ about hyper-threading.

The FAQ about computer responsiveness contains some tips about using the correct number of threads to improve the responsiveness of your computer while the engine is running.
Amount of hash table memory used by Houdini, in MB.
Default 128, min 4, max 1024 (32-bit) or 4096 (64-bit Standard) or 262144 (64-bit Pro).
The value is rounded down to a power of 2 (4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, 131072, 262144 MB).

For infinite analysis or long time control matches you should use the largest hash that fits in the physical memory of your system. For example, on a system with 4 GB of memory you can use up to 2048 MB hash size.
For shorter games, for example 3 to 5 minute games, it’s better to use 256 MB or 512 MB as this will provide the best performance. For 16 min games 1024 or 2048 MB hash size should be fine.

With Position Learning Houdini will remember advantageous principal variations it has analyzed by storing them in a learning disk file, for reuse in later games or analysis. The feature is completely transparent to the user, once Learning is enabled the data will be saved and loaded automatically.

The Position Learning is available in analysis and match play. But remember that it will only kick in for certain positions in which there is something to learn, i.e. when the score is significantly above the static evaluation of the position. In quiet, equal positions there's usually not much to learn.

Position Learning works best for positions where a good move exists that raises the score significantly above the statical evaluation. Learning is less useful and sometimes counterproductive for positions where many more or less equivalent moves exist and the goal is to avoid bad moves. To improve the efficiency of the learning the feature only kicks in when a certain positive scoring threshold is exceeded. By default this Learning Threshold is put at 10 centi-pawn (0.1 pawn).

Although the learning file grows very slowly, make sure not to allow the file to grow too large as the automatic loading may slow down the engine at the start of the analysis.

The impact of Position Learning can be illustrated as follows.
When running the Eigenmann Ending Test Suite with 20 seconds/move on a single-core laptop producing about 1,000 kN/s, Houdini finds 77 out of 100 solutions, the total solution time is 12:06. The test run produces a Learning File of about 27 kB.
Running the Test Suite a second time demonstrates the profit of the Learning File. Houdini now finds 80 solutions and the total solution time drops to 9:42.

Learning (checkbox)
When Learning is enabled the learning file will automatically be loaded at the start of the analysis, and further analysis will be appended to the file.
When Learning is enabled, automatically the Never Clear Hash option will be activated as clearing the hash would be counterproductive for the learning.

Learning File
File name for saving the learning data.
A full file name is required, for example C:\Chess\Learn001.dat.
By default Houdini will use the Learn.dat file in the "My Documents" folder of the current user.
The learning file will be updated at the start of a new game or when you close the engine or GUI.

Learning Threshold
Min 0, Max 200, Default 10.
The Learning Threshold is the minimum positive score of a principal variation that is saved.
When Learning Threshold is larger the learning file will grow slower, as fewer moves will satisfy the condition..

Ponder (checkbox)
Have the engine think during its opponent's time.
The Ponder feature (sometimes called "Permanent Brain") is controlled by the chess GUI, and usually doesn't appear in the configuration window.

Who wants a Muslin husband for our daughter? what a big mistake ehh

Islam and their laws (Sharia) are terrible! Let's look at some of the facts: Although various opinions exist regarding Islamic marriage laws, the following constants remain:
  • A man is entitled to up to four wives, but a woman may only have one husband. In Western societies, a man typically only takes one wife.
  • The husband (or his family) pays a “bride price” or "dower" (mahr, which is money or property paid to the bride) which she is entitled to keep. This “mahr” is in exchange for sexual submission (tamkin). Sexual submission is traditionally regarded as unconditional consent for the remainder of the marriage.
  • A man can divorce his wife by making a declaration (talaq) in front of an Islamic judge irrespective of the woman's consent. Even her presence is not required. For a woman to divorce a man (khula), his consent is required.
  • The husband is responsible for the financial upkeep of home (nafaqa).
  • “Temporary marriage” (even for less than a half an hour) is allowed by some scholars, others regard it as a form of prostitution.
  • Wife beating permitted according to several scholars.
  • There is no joint property; the man owns all property, (except for what the woman owned before the marriage).
  • There is no specific minimum age for marriage, but most agree a woman must have reached puberty. Marriage as young as 12 or 13 is not uncommon in Muslim-majority countries. In Yemen in 2013, there was a highly publicized case of an eight-year-old girl who died of internal injuries suffered on her wedding night.According to Al Jazeera "Nearly 14 percent of Yemeni girls [are] married before the age of 15 and 52 percent before the age of 18." The case prompted calls for Yemen to pass a law setting a minimum age for marriage, although it has not yet done so!
As i wrote: Islam and Sharia are terrible. How can we tolerate this?

Sharia Law

Shariah lawSharia law is the law of Islam. The Sharia (also spelledShariah or Shari'a) law is cast from the actions and words ofMuhammad, which are called "Sunnah," and the Quran, which he authored.
The Sharia law itself cannot be altered, but the interpretation of the Sharia law, called "figh," by imams is given some leeway.
As a legal system, the Sharia law covers a very wide range of topics. While other legal codes deal primarily with public behavior, Sharia law covers public behavior, private behavior and private beliefs. Of all legal systems in the world today, Islam's Sharia law is the most intrusive and strict, especially against women.
According to the Sharia law:
•  Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand (above).
•  Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
•  Criticizing or denying Muhammad is a prophet is punishable by death.
•  Criticizing or denying Allah, the moon god of Islam is punishable by death.
•  A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death.
•  A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
•  A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
•  A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
•  Girls' clitoris should be cut (per Muhammad's words in Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
•  A woman can have 1 husband, but a man can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
•  A man can unilaterally divorce his wife but a woman needs her husband's consent to divorce.
•  A man can beat his wife for insubordination.
•  Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.
•  A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
•  A woman's testimony in court, allowed only in property cases, carries half the weight of a man's.
•  A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.
•  A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).
•  A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
•  Meat to be eaten must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be Halal.
•  Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
•  The list goes on.
Which countries use the Sharia law?
Muslims' aspired Sharia state is Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Muhammad that has no legal code other than the Sharia and enforces it without mercy (see Sharia law in Saudi Arabia). But as detailed herewith, the Sharia law is also used in full or in part, nationally or regionally in:
•  United States of America*
•  United Kingdom*
•  Canada*

•  Afghanistan (89%)**
•  Algeria
•  Austria*
•  Bahrain
•  Bangladesh (82%)**
•  Brunei
•  Comoros
•  Djibouti (82%)**
•  Egypt (74%)**
•  Eritrea
•  Ethiopia
•  France*
•  Gambia
•  Germany*
•  Ghana
•  India
•  Indonesia (72%)**
•  Iran
•  Iraq (91%)**
•  Jordan (71%)**
•  Kenya
•  Kuwait
•  Libya
•  Lebanon
•  Malaysia (86%)**
•  Maldives
•  Mauritania
•  Morocco (83%)**
•  The Netherlands*
•  Nigeria
•  Oman
•  Pakistan (84%)**
•  Palestinian territories (Gaza strip & the West Bank - 89%)**
•  Qatar
•  Saudi Arabia
•  Somalia
•  Spain*
•  Sudan
•  Sri Lanka
•  Syria
•  Tanzania
•  Thailand (77%)**
•  Uganda
•  United Arab Emirates (UAE)
•  Yemen
* In the United States of America, CanadaUnited Kingdom, and other European countries that resist the penetration of Sharia law, it has proven adept at infiltrating elements of the society that are left vulnerable (see Sharia law in America and the Islamization of America).
** Percent of Muslims who favor making Sharia the official law in their country (source: Pew Forum Research, 2013). In many countries where an official secular legal system exists alongside Sharia, the vast majority of their Muslim citizens favor making Sharia the official law. For example, while the Egyptian military may have blocked the Muslim Brotherhood's efforts in this direction, 74% of Egypt's Muslims still favor it. Even in Jordan, Indonesia and Malaysia - Muslim countries with progressive images - the relatively secular ruling elite sit atop Muslim masses, 71%, 72% and 86% respectively of whom want their countries to be ruled by Sharia. And in Iraq, where the United States shed blood and money for over a decade to try to plant democracy, 91% of its Muslims want to live under Sharia.
The number of countries that adopt (elements of) the Sharia law continues to grow around the world, as does the depth of its penetration in the countries that already use it. This penetration is not by happenstance; it is managed to occur in five phases: see Spread of Islam and how to Stop Islam.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Immortality on animals

The good news is that you can be immortal. The bad news is that you have to become a floating blob of jelly to do so. Scientists have discovered a jellyfish which can live forever.
Turritopsis dohrnii is now officially known as the only immortal creature. The secret to eternal life, as it turns out, is not just living a really, really long time. It’s all about maturity, or rather, the lack of it. The immortal jellyfish (as it is better known popularly) propagate and then, faced with the normal career path of dying, they opt instead to revert to a sexually immature stage.

Immortal Jellyfish
Turritopsis rubra – Commonly confused with immortal jellyfish
(c) Photo Credit: Peter Schuchert/The Hydrozoa Directory

It turns out that once the adult form of the 4.5 mm-wide species Turritopsis dohrnii have reproduced, they don’t die but transform themselves back into their juvenile polyp state. Their tentacles retract, their bodies shrink, and they sink to the ocean floor and start the cycle all over again. Among laboratory samples, all the adult Turritopsis observed regularly undergo this change. And not just once: they can do it over and over again.

Thus, the only known way they can die is if they get consumed by another fish or if a disease strikes the jelly. However, there are still many mysteries surrounding the turritopsis dohrnii. While the process of reverting from its adult-phase to a polyp was observed several times, it hasn’t been observed yet in nature, only in laboratory environments.

Turritopsis nutricula vs Turritopsis rubra vs Turritopsis dohrnii
There was a lot of confusion even inside the scientific community between the three types of turritopsis jellyfish: the dohrnii, the nutricula and the rubra. Simply put, the turritopsis genus can be found in many parts of the world and it it is not an easy task to differentiate between these tiny jellyfishes.

The nutricula was for a long time mistakenly the one referred to as the immortal jellyfish, while the jellyfish used in the lab observations was the turritopsis dohrnii, as they were collected from the Mediterranean, where the dohrnii is found.

The nutricula is found in the Caribbean and North America and the cycle reversal was not in fact observed on the nutricula. That doesn’t mean that the nutricula isn’t biologically immortal but that it has not yet been observed and proven that. When the study (Bavestrello et al. 1992;
Piraino et al. 1996, 2004) was published, the difference between the dohrnii and nutricula wasn’t clear yet and afterwards the media distributed the information that the nutricula would be the immortal one.

And finally the rubra is a turritopsis that can be found next to New Zealand waters. Its photos can be found all over the web describing the nutricula, but the rubra wasn’t even observed to be immortal. Its shape is similar to that of the nutricula, but it is bigger (it can reach 7 mm versus the 4.5 mm of the nutricula).

So chances are that if you ever hear about the nutricula being immortal, it is in fact the dohrnii but a picture of a rubra will be attached.

CORVALLIS, Ore. – A new study has concluded that the red sea urchin, a small spiny invertebrate that lives in shallow coastal waters, is among the longest living animals on Earth – they can live to be 100 years old, and some may reach 200 years or more in good health with few signs of age.

Tuning Books CTG

Tuning Books CTG:

By goldminer_999

Here is one way to hand tune the book that I have found very successful although it takes some time and effort. Use the book to play some engine games. Then play back over the games until you reach the point where either the book line ends and there are no more book moves, or the point at which you begin to get negative evaluations. Then set your engine on infinite analysis for a while so it goes quite deep in it's search and by doing this you will find the best next move - then add this move to the book line to extend it. Then next time your engine plays the same line it will make this better stronger move!

To manually edit the book go into Fritz and do File/Open/Openings Book and select the book you want to edit. Then select the Openings Book tab on right hand side of screen. Basically you can either:
•             Add a new move to the book, To do this right click somewhere in that book area (not on a move just in empty space) and tick Allow Move Adding. then when you play back through a game and want to add new line, just make the move on the actual board and then select new main line from the options. This will then have added the move to the book. You can do this for as many moves as you like so you can extend a book line quite significantly.

•             Change the 'weighting' of an existing move making it more/less likely to be chosen. This is shown in the Prob / % column. To change it right click on the actual move itself and do change weight. The value is from -125 (very unlikely to be picked) to +125 (very likely to be picked). You can change these manually to any value. Actually this is what the automatic book learning does based on whether games are won or lost - but this is how you do it manually.

•             Mark moves either red (means they won't be played ever) or green (mean they will be picked, with a probablility given by the % column). To make a move red right click on it and select Don't play in tournament
To make a move green right click on it and select Main Move. You might want to make a move red if you find that at some point in the book line you had a negative evaluation and therefore you can mark that move red so it won't be played again.

Retrieved from my lovely best forum site

Best commercial and non commercial Opening Chess Book CTG

HIARCS Chess Opening Book Subscription
World's Strongest Chess Openings Book¹
Suitable for all players from beginners to the World Chess Champion
Platform: PC Windows, Mac OS X, iPhone/iPad
Latest update 30th September 2015:
Tournament book 14,254,799 positions/moves, 834,277 variations based on 1,071,330 high quality games

Tuning and Making Books CTG

Tuning and Making Books CTG:

By Dagh Nielsen

Let me try to give a brief introduction to book making and tuning, as it applies to the Chessbase CTG books.

There are essentially 4 components in making/tuning a book:

  • Choosing and importing games to the book.
  • Choosing which openings/lines to play by coloring red and green.
  • Expanding the book by manually adding green moves to the lines you have chosen to play (or maybe by "adding priority analysis" or games).
  • Adjusting the weights of moves, often done automaticly through play on the server,but can also be done manually.

Any combination of these 4 can be applied by the book-maker to reach a desired result.

The very basic behaviour of any opening book is that it recognizes a position and decides that it will tell which move to play, instead of letting the engine decide. The task of the book-maker is to decide in which positions he wants the book to make that decision, and to make sure that the book makes a good decision.

Very obvious, but there's several ways to go about it, since different parameters in the book determine how it makes those decisions. You would want to play around with these parameters so they match your general approach - what parts of 1-4 above do you use, and where do you put in most of your efforts. Also, what are the playing conditions, etc.

The parameters are:

  • "Tournament book" - I think it is essential to turn this ON, or your color marking will not have any effect as far as I understand.
  • "Variety of play" - Should book only play move with the best stat, or also try others?
  • "Influence of learn value" - This concerns the weights associated to the moves. If you play on server, and a move gives some bad results and thus gets a negative weight, then the book will tend to avoid this move if you put this parameter in the high end.
  • "Learning strength" - How fast do you want the weights to be changed? One bad result or several bad (good) results are needed before the weight of a move changes a lot?
  • "Minimum games" - how many times does a move need to be "played" in your book (based on the imported games) before the book will consider the stats of the moves in order to reach a decision?

And then one of the most important "parameters" in my view: Move coloring. If you make a move green, a higher preference is given to this move. If you color a move red (and at least one other move in the position is green), the book will not make this move.

Before going on to some practical hints and considerations, just one general remark: How would YOU determine the success of your opening book? This can be answered in as many ways as there are book makers, and I think it is sensible to think about it once in a while while you work on your book. Is blitz Elo on playchess server your success criteria (or maybe only slow game Elo?)? Do you find it funny to make weird lines work out OK? Do you want a broad book playing "everything", or do you want a narrow book focusing on a few pet lines?

Fun can be had in many ways, and while I also find it very funny to compete on Elo, it is certainly also funny sometimes to give yourself a few personal challenges, like, "I really want this crazy gambit to work out OK", or, "I want my book to know this opening to depth 30 in all lines!", or whatever. My point is, success (and fun!) is how YOU define it, not ONLY Elo.

OK, some practical hints and considerations:

  • Most people agree that the decision on which games to base your book on is quite important. They should be high quality Smile Once they are in, there's sadly no way getting them out. I think one good approach is using a collection of recent high level games from the playchess server. These games have been played by engines using already very strong books.
  • One can also take some already made (by another person) book, and use this as basis for further tweaking/expansion (for personal use only ). For example, the Rybka book by Jeroen Noomen and the Takker TourbookII are quite strong, but some lines are not really covered by these. Instead, one could use a more broad book like for example the Fritz 9 book as start. Either way, the advantage of this approach is that then one can focus on a few pet lines and improve them, while your book is also covered reasonably well in lines you do not care to work further on. But in the end, I think most people will want to make their own book from scratch Smile There is also a chance that this will give higher diversity on the playchess server.
  • By choosing a good base of games, you are already on your way to a fine book. You can then let it play a lot of server games in order to tune the weights, and you will have a fine book in the end.
    HOWEVER! You will only get so far doing this. To further improve your book (and make it more personal!), you need to get some dirt under your nails Smile This means analysing played games, or variations you want your engine to play, and then expand the book in these lines by adding green moves.
    And maybe choosing which variations/moves NOT to play by marking these moves red. Improving your book in this way is an endless task, but also where all the fun lies IMHO Smile You can ALWAYS further improve your book by doing some work in your personal analysis laboratory.
  • In Fritz 9, you can choose some keyboard shortcuts for coloring moves under "tools - customize".
    This can save you a lot of time and frustration.
  • Parameters - There are as many preferred ways to combine these as there are bookmakers. I suggest playing around with them so they fit your CURRENT task. To make an analogy, Magnus Carlsen and his trainer for some time defined success as how much Magnus learned, and not the score on the tournament table. Likewise, for some time, you can "experiment" with new lines and choose loose parameters, and maybe later, when you have drawn some conclusions from the games and added some analysed moves and you are satisfied with the result, you can go back to some "bests of the bestests setting".
  • Go and kibbitz some games in the engine room on the playchess server. They will get added automaticly to one of your databases. You can then either import these into your book, or just use them as inspiration for further manual research. Some people on the server are paranoid about kibbitzers following them and thus learning all their secrets Smile Well, I really have no opinion on this, and I understand the pros and cons. I don't know if it would be a good idea if they made a "no kibbitzers" playing mode.
  • Maybe get some good friends on the server and exchange games with them. Not all people are too paranoid, or maybe you just want to conspire with others and help justify the paranoia.

At any rate, have fun book-cooking and competing! And in a few years time when you have grown exhausted from this, maybe we can meet in normal playing room and have a good old-fashioned game of human blitz Very Happy. 
