Sunday, October 18, 2015

George Adamski and the UFO experience

In the last years of the 1940's, George Adamski was one of the very first people to publicly reveal his encounters and experiences relating to the UFO phenomena. 

Through his devotion and courage to speak, he personally became responsible for pioneering the movement towards establishing greater public awareness and education regarding the existence of extraterrestrial life.

George Adamski supported his experiences with exceptional UFO photographs and color motion picture footage of these crafts in action throughout the world. His documented, witnessed encounters with Humans from other planets made him one of the most fascinating people of the twentieth century and lead to a lifetime of dedication to this subject.

He was invited to lecture before royalty, ecclesiastical leaders, political bodies, military groups and the scientific communities. His keen interest in outer space and the development of mankind took him to all corners of the globe. Guided by common sense and his love for life, he bravely presented his experience and proof before all who would listen. Through honesty, he shed light, logic and reason on the realty of intelligent extraterrestrial life and their reoccurring visitations to our planet. 

Pilot Report   RE: Nov 20th, 1952

Dear Sir:
In response to your letter of July 18th, 1956, we are enclosing a summary of project Blue Book Special Report # 14, which was released in October of 1955. The full report statically covers all reports up to the date, including a report by an Air Force Pilot on November 20th, 1952, from the general vicinity of Desert Center, California.
Special report #14 is available for you to examine at Los Angeles, California.

W.W. Elwood
1st. Lt. U.S.A.F.
Assistant Adjutant

From Project Blue Book

Teletype message concerning Salton Sea, California Case - November 20, 1952.
Unidentified object seen pilot Lockheed aircraft B50 5626. On a round robin from Davis Monthan. Object seen at 20005 Mountain Time 10 miles east of Salton Sea, altitude 16,000 feet. Aircraft was on a heading of 275 degrees and sighted object at 1100 o'clock to his position. Object was stationary and was changing color from white to red to green. Started in motion in N.W. heading and disappeared like turning out a light. There were no (word not legible) or propulsion or locomotion and the pilot was unable to describe the size and shape.

(G.A.F: Plane 32 miles South of Desert Center - seen to the S.W.... El Centro 63 miles South of Desert Center)
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Just the Facts Please ….
The Adamski photographs, including his exceptional 16mm motion picture film footage, were taken between the years of 1949 through 1965; long before any sophisticated film technology and processes existed, including any computers or manipulative and altering software programs. Today, absolutely anything can be manipulated, created and altered, and often is. However, the combined strength behind the original Adamski negatives, their known age and history, subsequent examinations, and successive decades of thousands of these similar crafts sighted and photographed worldwide, has, and continues, to PROVE the authenticity of Adamski’s materials.
Comparison with the 1952 Photos – Timothy Good 1983 (edited)
A number of researchers have denounced Adamski’s famous ‘Scoutcraft’ as a crude fake, with descriptions of ‘model’ used to cover a wide range of utensils: ‘lampshade’, operating theatre lamp’, ‘saucepan lid with ping pong balls’, tobacco humidor’, chicken feeder’, chick brooder (Prof. Menzel), ‘top of canister-type vacuum cleaner, and ‘bottle cooler’. In the later example, (GAF: as is so often the case after ridiculous accusation are made and intentional damage is circulated) the actual designer, Mr. Frank Nicholson, heard the false misrepresentation and came forward explaining that he had modeled the bottle cooler years AFTER the Adamski photos were published. TO THIS DAY, NO ONE has produced any utensil or model which, when photographed, resembles ‘proportionately’ the real craft photographed. Adamski offered $2000 in 1950s Dollars, which was a substantial sum then, to anyone who could prove his photos as fakes …. (GAF: While over the years, there have been many who have shot off wild accusation, without any verifiable substance), there otherwise has been no takers with any credibility scientific evidence proving the Adamski photos to be otherwise then what they really are – photographs of 3 dimensional aerial space crafts.
In the Publication, Flying Saucer Review, Desmond Leslie noted, “anyone with experience of telephotography who has obtained an original print made from the original Adamski negatives will at once notice a factor that has to be taken into account by all film directors using models to represent the full-size objects – a factor known sometimes as ‘atmospheric softening’. This phenomenon is due to moisture and dust in the atmosphere so that is impossible to match up a foreground model with a distant background (however sharp your depth of focus) unless certain partial gauzing and screenings are used. The effect through a telephoto lens is to produce a certain graying and flattening which is practically “impossible” to reproduce artificially. Tele-photography also slightly alters the perspective, hence the flattening and graying effects clearly noticeable in Adamski pictures ….”
Photographic Processing Lab Affidavit

• MGM Studios Special Effects Laboratory study of the Adamski pictures showed that although models could be built and posed, and lighting effects could be simulated; there was one thing that they could not duplicate accurately – distance effect. They could not screen a model to obtain a sufficiently realistic distance graying effect. (Bell Shaped UFOs )

• John Ford, the famous Hollywood Director was given some of the Adamski enlargements and stated, in his opinion, the saucers were large objects, shot through a telephoto lens of about six inches focal length.
• These finding were confirmed by Joseph Mansour, Chief of Jetex Model Aircraft, who’s job it was to make photographs from models aircraft attempting to make them real. He stated that in his opinion, Adamski’s photos were not models, but large objects about 30 feet or so in diameter. (Adamski described these crafts to be 33 feet in diameter, and later optical analysis of the Adamski photos against others by Leonard Cramp proved their accurate dimension and size).

• Cecil B. De Mille’s top trick photographer, Pev Marley, declared that IF Adamski’s pictures were fakes; they were the best he had ever seen.
• In England, fourteen experts from the J. Arthur Rank Company concluded that the objects photographed by Adamski were either real, or a ‘Full Scale Model’. (GAF: Later, examination of the Adamski property was made and no possible means of producing or suspending a full-scale model could be ascertained. And of course, as already proven, the graying effect from Telescopic photography cannot be faked either.)
• In 1955, the famous TV astronomer Patrick Moore (whom Adamski successfully debated several years later) told Leslie that he too had seen a set of photos of a ‘scout ship’ superior to those of Adamski and Darbinshire, and orthographically identical to those taken in England by Allingham in Scotland in 1954. Another famous American Astronomer, who wished anonymity, had allegedly took these photos through a telescope.
• Jim Diletoso, computer photographic analyst, “ Regarding the Adamski photos, there is no ‘proof’ of a hoax, in fact there is NO photogrametric or computer analysis of the Adamski case indicating a small object or a hoax. People say what they say, quoting a rumor as truth, or convert their opinion to scientific data. Issues in image analysis are very precise. Small objects have very different properties from large objects. In particular, the edges and the light distribution on the surface. I have examined over 1000 photographs (unknowns) in 25 plus years, including over 50 controlled objects (models). I use advanced tools, extract data from the unknown and compare it to data of known. If no match, - its an ‘unknown’.The properties of the Adamski craft do not match those of a small model, or optical overlay, or a hoax. Technically speaking, there is no indication of a hoax.
• Leonard Cramp, M.S.I.A, Scientist & Engineer: Space, Gravity and the Flying Saucer, 1955 “In the light of these facts, there seems to be no room for further doubt. We are forced to admit that the Coniston sightings (Darbishire 1954), and others (Potter 1953), there is adequate proof that Adamski is telling the truth when he says that he has photographed a space ship from another world.”
• Leonard Cramp, M.S.I.A, Piece to a Jigsaw, 1966 
“Out of the confusion and shadow surrounding this most enigmatic of Flying Saucer contact stories, emerges four very important facts.
1. Adamski type saucers are not uncommon among UFO reports.
2. On purely engineering grounds, the configuration of the ‘scout ship’ offers the best all around compromise, which would embody the functions required by gravitational propulsion theory.
3. Adamski description of inside the saucer is not inconsistent with the theory, on the contrary, seems to support it.
4. Thus on these grounds alone, I for one feel inclined to accept the first part of his experiences as fact, and in my opinion, any inconsistencies which may appear in his subsequent claims are insufficient to invalidate the previous conclusions.”

INSERT …. William T. Sherwood, optical engineer, Eastman Kodak 1965.
T.T. Brown, Agnew Bahnson, James King Connection.
In 1957, T.T. Brown and Agnew Bahnson met with George Adamski in hopes of reproducing the electromagnetic propulsion system exhibited in the Extraterrestrial spacecrafts he had been aboard. In his lectures, Adamski had explained, very much like Nicola Tesla had decades earlier, that all planets are giant generators of electricity, akin to a planetary scale Van De Graff Generator. Like the elliptical waves generated when a pebble is dropped into placid water, this immense energy field produced within our planet also radiates out into space, and carries a unique frequency signature. Harnessing this ‘free energy’ provides not only a means to successfully travel the distances of space, but also provides a means to power all energy consumption for any world’s population as well. (GAF: several reproductions of such devices to harness this energy has been successful over the decades since, all remain confined from the publics knowledge and reach for obvious reasons. See Basil Van De Berg)
Thomas Townsend Brown, who had experimented with magnetism with Bradford Shank in 1952, now teamed up with Agnew Bahnson at Bahnson’s research Laboratory in Winston – Salem, North Carolina. Unfortunately, Mr. Bahnson died in a plane crash in 1961, but his son, and a great deal of information, survives.
(Bahnson Thrust I – U.S. patent 3 263 102, Bahnson Thrust II – U.S patent 2 958 790)
Bahnson Family website:

Some have made the accusation that Adamski acquired the idea and shape for his UFO photographs from T.T. Brown / Bradford Shank and associates in 1952. However none could ever supply ‘any documentation or evidence’ that would link the two. Of course, one need only to recognize that Adamski photos dated as early as 1950 a full two years prior to the Brown/Shank experiments and did not meet with T.T. Brown and company until 1957.

• Mr. Charles Yost, N.C, Electric Spacecraft Journal, issue 8, 1992. “In 1952, I personally visited the T.T. Brown Foundation in Los Angeles. A friend and I talked for some time with Bradford Shank. He also showed us the ‘flying discs’ a pair about 2 feet in diameter mounted on a pole such that they would propel in a circle. We were shown some future expectations – but NO Adamski saucer designs or anything remotely similar. The lab notebooks of Agnew Bahnson Jr. (which I have) make a reference to the 1957 meetings and show explicit effort to perform experiments based upon the information. There was NO suggestion of an earlier design by T.T. Brown and associates. From this documentation, I would have to conclude that (prior to 1957) T.T. Brown ‘knew nothing’ for the Adamski design. I do know that T.T. Brown and Agnew Bahnson Jr. worked closely together for years, were friends, and did serious research, and had close cooperation with other scientists and government connections.”

• From the Memoirs of Mrs. Alice K. Wells, a long time friend and associate of Mr. & Mrs. Adamski, dating back to the 1930’s, “ Dr. Joseph Johnson, son of Mrs. Lolita Johnson who gave George his first 6 inch telescope in Laguna Beach in the 1930s, was an instructor at Cal Tech Pasadena. Dr. Johnson was involved in mapping the sky for the placement of the Hale 200 inch telescope for the Mount Palomar Observatory to be installed. Whenever possible, George Adamski spent many evenings with Dr. Johnson, discussing a great deal about space.”
• Interview with Ronal Florence, Palomar Historian and Author, “When the big mirror for the Palomar Telescope was brought up in 1947, it was set on a concrete platform, that still sits by the observatory today (On the west side). In a playful mood, Astronomer Olin Wilson placed a ‘carefully’ lettered sign on the platform that read, ‘This flying saucer, drawn here by the light gathering power of the 200 inch telescope, has brought visitors from other worlds who are currently guest of the government.’ ….. The sign was later removed when a visitor complained.
• In 1958, world-renowned archeologist, Professor Marcel Homet, in his book, The Sons of the Sun, published findings into ancient civilizations in Brazil and along the Eastern slopes of the Andes. Included were a series of petroglyphs, discovered in the area known as the Pedra Pintada and believed to exceed 10,000 years of age. One series of these petroglyphs, resemble by nearly 80% those engraved upon a photographic plate and given to Adamski in 1952 by his space contacts, a full six years earlier. Professor Homet said, “ Although I shall be destroying a great deal of the current theories about the world of antiquity, I have never found Adamski to be untruthful. I read Adamski’s book before the publication of my own book and was surprised to find the same symbols, but in another order. Only the Oval is completely identical to Adamski’s.” Prof. Homet went on to add that Flying Saucers were not his field of interest or expertise.
• UFO-logy, Jay-Mac press, 1973. NASA Scientist, Dr. James McCambell. “With the exception of a single instance … all encounters … were preceded by an incident in the California desert. On Novermber 20th, 1952, a witness met a strange man, ‘face to face’ in broad daylight that was described as ‘completely human’. In other words, the composite picture of normal sized UFO pilots seen on at least 83 occasions between 1952 and 1968 confirms the image of this class as described by the witness George Adamski. As the witness, George Adamski, thoroughly anticipated numerous unrelated events around the world. For two decades, he has either accurately described a personal observation, or he was one of the best prophets of modern times. Other portions of his writings deserve to be scrutinized for information about UFOs.”
Between 1954 & 1955 – George Adamski released information from both his own experiences and that extended from his space contacts.
• There are belts of radiation extended from our planet into space. They were later discovered 1958 and named after James Van Allen – Van Allen Radiation belts.

• Adamski described several observations made from space while in Earth Orbit. Charged Particles, he described as a “Fire-Fly Effect,” illuminated around the Flying Saucer and were observable through the portholes. This SAME effect was report in 1963, by Astronaut John Glenn.

• That year, he also passed along information that there were more than nine celestial bodies in our solar, and that there were actually 12. In 1977, Soviet scientist confirmed this, and then again in this decade of the year 2000, U.S. scientist also confirmed this.

One thing is for certain, of George Adamski's experiences, a mere fraction of the truth behind his extraterrestrial contacts and encounters are currently public knowledge.

Portuguese & Brazilian Article

Brazil UFO
Admaski Brazil UFO
Click link here for Portuguese article
Clique no link aqui para o artigo Portugues

Mexico - Spanish
UFO Adamski Mexico
Noteworthy Contributions
• Leonard Cramp, M.I.S.A: Space, Gravity and the Flying Saucer: International Aeronautical Congress, Innsbruck, August 1954. “To the ever growing list of eminent and respected Scientists, who have openly declared their belief in Flying Saucers, can be added the name of Professor Herman Oberth, German Mathematician and early pioneer of Rocket Research, who is not only convinced of the existence of Flying Saucers, but believes they are Extraterrestrial. Dr. Oberth said that the behavior of the Flying Saucer ruled out any means of propulsion known to us, and certainly rocket propulsion. A possible explanation was the use of a ‘anti gravity’ device. Dr. Oberth added he did not believe the Russians, Americans, or anyone else could have developed such a means of defeating gravity so quickly and in complete secrecy.”
• 1977, Dr. Sturrock, Astrophysicist at California Stanford University. “Eighty percent of U.S. Astronomers polled in a massive survey believe UFOs deserve further study. And 62 Astronomers said they had actually seen a UFO or recorded on their instruments events they thought might be related to the UFO phenomena.” A total of 1, 356 Astronomers answered Dr. Sturrock’s poll, all members of the prestigious American Astronomical Society (AAS). In a 202-page report outlining the survey results, Dr. Sturrock reported some to the strange UFO sightings and experiences of 62 Astronomers who said they had seen or recorded UFOs. Dr. Sturrock said he was very encouraged by the results of his survey, and the responses he got from the AAS members.
• Milwaukee Journal, October 2, 1970, UPI release: Restricted Air Force Academy Textbook Instructs about UFOs. “ The chapter notes that such objects have been reported for almost 50,000 years and says, ‘the entire phenomenon could be psychological, but that is quite doubtful, because of the reliable witnesses that have spotted them. This too is difficult to accept. It implies the existence of intelligent life on a majority of planets in our solar system or a surprisingly strong interest in earth by members of other solar systems. The textbook says, ‘The best thing to do is keep an open and skeptical mind and not take an extreme position.’ The suggestion comes from a 500 page notebook which is restricted to academy use only. The section on UFOs is a 14 page chapter written by Major Donald G. Carpenter.
Theological Aspect ….
• Father Renya, Senior Astronomer and Director of the Adhara Observatory, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1968. “From a theological point of view, the existence of intelligent visitors is just not possible, BUT it is PROBABLE and LIKELY. We would be naïve to believe that God’s grace has only been given to the inhabitants of Earth. I believe that God created rational beings on other planets in the Universe – beings who have developed advanced civilizations, explored space, found us and will eventually communicate with us.” (Note: Father Renya also took telescopic photos of such crafts moving across the lunar surface very similar to those taken by George Adamski nearly two decades earlier.
• Appleton Post Crescent, Thursday May 26, 1966 … Los Angeles API. Seismologist, Reverend & Dr. Joseph Lynch, Fordham University. “ Does intelligent life exist out there?” a Scientist and Reverend says ‘Yes’.Rev. Lynch told a symposium of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) in Anaheim, California that, “Gods desire to share his goodness would be better satisfied by having a myriads of galaxies inhabited by intelligent beings.” Four hundred Scientists and space engineers applauded Dr. Lynch at the closing session of a meeting devoted to technical aspects of the ‘search for extraterrestrial life.’ Dr. Harold Klein, assistant director for life sciences at NASA Ames Research Center, who had invited Dr. Lynch to speak said, “ I confess surprise at the positive position taken by him. It is obvious the church is prepared for the contingency we may find intelligent life on other worlds. It is coming to grips with this problem.” Dr. Ernan McMullin, Professor at Notre Dame, also on the symposium panel said, “ The possibility of a plurality of worlds has been discussed by Theologians since the 14th century.”
• Hebrew Book of Light, 12th – 13th century. “There were men from the sky on the earth in these days.”
Archeology & Ancient History
• In 1958, world-renowned archeologist, Professor Marcel Homet, in his book, The Sons of the Sun, published findings into ancient civilizations in Brazil and along the Eastern slopes of the Andes. Included were a series of petroglyphs, discovered in the area known as the Pedra Pintada and believed to exceed 10,000 years of age. One series of these petroglyphs, resemble by nearly 80% those engraved upon a photographic plate and given to Adamski in 1952 by his space contacts, a full six years earlier. Professor Homet said, “ Although I shall be destroying a great deal of the current theories about the world of antiquity, I have never found Adamski to be untruthful. I read Adamski’s book before the publication of my own book and was surprised to find the same symbols, but in another order. Only the Oval is completely identical to Adamski’s.” Prof. Homet went on to add that Flying Saucers were not his field of interest or expertise.

Sixto Paz Wells and the ufo experience

Sixto Paz is one of the most famous contactees in the world and a required guest in the world’s most important international congresses on the UFO question. Similarly, he’s been interviewed in the world’s most prestigious radio and TV programs, but how was he able to establish contact with the UFOs and their crew?

Sixto Paz Wells is a 58 year old Peruvian citizen, born in Lima, Perú on December the 12th, 1955. He studied primary and secondary school with the Marian Brothers (Maristas in Spanish) and also studied history at the Pontificia Universidad Católica.
I’ve been married with Marina Torres Puglianini and have two daughters that are university students and whose names are Yearim and Tanis.

How did you become involved with the UFO subject?
My father researched this subject as a hobby in the 50’s motivated by the American Project Blue book. This caused him to create together with some friends from the Peruvian Air Force an institute for UFO research in 1955 (Translator’s note: This institute is called IPRI or Instituto Peruano de Relaciones Interplanetarias). Sixto was born and grew up in that family environment. My father taught me, together with my siblings, not just to believe but to think in the possibility that in our vast universe it would be strange not to have life other than on Earth, rather than the opposite.
A series of synchronistic happenings created the circumstances to attempt an extraterrestrial contact experience. On January, 1974 a news item was propagated by “El Comercio”, the most serious and conservative daily in Lima. It said that through manned flights and radiotelescopes it had been discovered that ­ contrary to what was believed - space wasn’t immersed in a dead silence, but that it was filled with much noise. Furthermore, it was commented that those sounds or radio waves could be messages sent from other planets by advanced civilizations with an interest for contacting those alike. The article mentioned Project Ozma, an old version of SETI. All of this motivated my father, don Carlos Paz García, to organize a conference in order to comment on the article. This conference was entrusted to Dr. Victor Yañez Aguirre, a physician at Lima’s Hospital de Policía and an esotericist with a passion for parapsychology who during his dissertation delved on the possibility of telepathic communication on the part of alleged interplanetary visitors.
The conference inspired my desire to experiment with telepathy. I had already been practicing Yoga for one year, including meditation techniques so that taking advantage of this previous preparation and almost in a playful manner, together with my mother and sister, we attempted to receive a message.
It was on the night of January 22, 1974 when during meditation we received a psychographic message, which is a form of telepathic channeling through automatic- but conscious- writing. It didn’t involve a trance.

What did the message say?
“This home’s living room is adequate for communication. My name is Oxalc and I’m from Morlen, which you call Ganymede, one of the moons of Jupiter. We can have contact with you. You will see us soon.”

How were you able to corroborate if the message was real?
Just after receiving the message we cross examined it with my mother and sister’s and both of them had received the same message although they had not written it. Nevertheless, facing the possibility for this to be a joke played to us by our imagination, the following day a new reception was attempted together with a group of about 20 friends and, to everyone’s surprise, it took place again. Also, during this reception, corroboration was requested and all of us were asked to go on February 7 to the desert of Chilca, some 60 km south of Lima.

What happened on that occasion?
The people were gathered in that place, all of them were skeptical and, at the exact time, a strange and intense glow appeared behind the hills. For a few seconds the night became bright as day and, suddenly, from behind the hills, a light showed up and began traveling above the ridges, becoming stationary on the right side of the horizon. From there it began swinging, approaching and descending, producing great fear in the group. The light gradually transformed itself into a metallic disc-shaped object that rotated upon itself and had half a dozen small windows and lateral colored lights. Once it was on top of the group, it projected a light as if it was noon time and this light was sustained for several minutes that never seemed to end.
Then we all felt something akin to a mental message that told us that they “didn’t come down in that moment because the group didn’t know how to control its emotions.” The message said that further on “there will be a time and a place.” After this, the object began to move and left at a great rate of speed. The group was visibly shaken.

Was Sixto Paz the only one that received the psychographic messages?
No. After a month there were at least 8 persons, among young men and women, who were thus channeling and receiving the messages and not only from Oxalc but from beings such as Kulba, Xanxa, Sampiac, Anitac, Meth, Lertrad, etc. These beings weren’t all male. There were also female extraterrestrials.

How did the contact experience proceed?
A few days afterwards and seeking to understand with certainty what we had experienced, we invited my father and his research friends to a field excursion, so that they could verify by themselves the reality of what had transpired. They were very impressed by what they saw. On that occasion a cylindrical object appeared and it was estimated to be about 150 meters (500 feet) in diameter and positioned at about 1000 meters (0.62 miles) in altitude.
During the next months the sightings continued and always in the area of Chilca. These observations could be made during the day or the night. Sometimes one object appeared or even three objects appeared in formation. At times, one of them divided itself into many or let go small, round objects called “Caneplas” which are like electronic eyes or remotely controlled television cameras that then tumbled through the air all around us.
But in June, 1974, much stronger experiences arrived.

What happened in June, 1974?
We were invited to have a more direct kind of contact as a preparation for what would later be physical contact. This particular experience would be called the “Xendra.”
The group had increased in size considerably. We were about 50 or 60 persons that participated in the field work and these beings that we began calling “the extraterrestrial guides” told us to go in groups not larger than seven persons, groups that were well tuned together with affinity.
Once the seven selected seven individuals were walking in the desert, I moved ahead of them in a strange fashion and, all of a sudden, found myself behind a hill confronting a glowing half dome that measured about 10 meters (33 feet) in diameter. From this dome’s interior stepped out a human silhouette that invited me (to approach) up to three times. Then, I became a victim of fear of the unknown and resisted to take the necessary step until I saw this being going inside the light, thus forcing me to follow. Once inside, I felt different sensations, as if my body was burning, dizziness and nausea until I could distinguish a human looking person before me. He was about six feet tall, with a wide, oriental looking face, scant hair and dressed with a shiny, loose garment that resembled sport attire. He gestured with the hands and the communication was telepathic. Then, I perceived that this being called this phenomenon a “Xendra”, and that it was a dimensional door or threshold in Space-Time. As he said, they have been capable to concentrate energy in such a way as to be able to dematerialize an individual, canceling both his molecular cohesion and his atomic weight to project him to another place. According to this being, I would travel to Morlen, one of the moons of Jupiter, the largest planet in the Solar System, some 600 million kilometers (373 million miles) from Earth. He also said that the time that would pass over there would not correspond to the time on Earth.

How long did it pass and what did you see over there?
I estimate to have been about five days over there, but upon returning, only fifteen minutes of Earth time had transpired, sufficient time for the group to arrive a see me exit from the interior of the light.
What I remember is having seen a city called Crystal City, filled with domes, spherical buildings with no sharp angles and everything circular shaped. This was because, according to these beings, sharp angles cut the flow of energies and tend to trap negativity more easily, thus being not so healthy for inhabited houses.
In the streets, I could see men, women and some children. According to these beings, there’s no natural life in Ganymede. It is thus artificial in such a way that they have created a micro climate and a micro atmosphere above their cities that for the most part extend in the satellite’s subsurface. These beings (for the most part) would originate in what we know as the Orion Nebulae. They maintain sexual division, sexual contact and the basis of their society is the couple. Their telepathy and clairvoyance is very developed, for which reason there’s no divorce or infidelity. They also don’t hold democratic elections, but they all see and feel who are the ones called to steer them both politically and spiritually.

Recently, there have been space probes that have taken pictures, specially, of the moons of Jupiter and they haven’t found there neither cities nor extraterrestrial bases. How can this be explained?
The Galileo probe, a recent generation probe photographed the moons of Jupiter in 1996, among them was the satellite called Europa and it detected great amounts of water under its surface ice. Regarding Ganymede, this probe and the Hubble Space Telescope detected a magnetosphere, something more appropriate for a living planet. Blotches were also detected on its surface, blotches of what seemed to be formed by vegetation and frozen water. Even the unusual presence of ozone in Ganymede’s atmosphere ­ a factor in favor of life- was reported. Moreover, some Russian scientists of the University of Moscow analyzed Galileo’s photographs and concluded that on the satellite’s surface there seem to be domes, roads, high bridges, tunnels and excavations typical of mining activities.

What was the purpose of that journey through the Xendra experience?
Out of a greenish, bright screen, suspended in the midst of the air and inside a building with the shape of a truncated cone, Oxalc showed me a series of images of what the future of the Earth could be like. What I could see is that the world’s tension was such that it was attracting the perilous possibility that an asteroid or comet would pass so close that it could be affected gravitationally. The purpose of this journey was to alert others through young people willing to commit themselves with the message about the need to change, beginning from within each individual in order to generate a chain reaction that would revert the planetary future.

Can the future be modified?
According to the extraterrestrials, since the future is due to cause and affect, the prophecies have not been given so that they come to happen but so that they do not. They exist to alert in order to correct. The future is not unmovable since, otherwise, where would our free will be? On the other hand, regarding positive prophecies, we must cooperate so that they come to pass.

How can that future be modified?
One has to believe it in order to create it. The human mind is powerful and if many of us agree with the same intention and with faith, we can make it. But what is important is to change our attitude before life. We must be more optimistic, positive and constructive.

What happened when you stepped out of the light?
My companions were witnesses to this.

Did other persons go through the same experience?
Yes, two weeks later, six other companions went with me inside a new Xendra and had similar experiences. Afterwards, many others repeated them in an individual or collective manner. Moreover, on April 25, 1977, a Chilean corporal, Don Armando Valdéz from the Rancagua regiment, a man who was patrolling together with other soldiers the northern area of Putre, Arica, observed a light above a hill and asked the soldiers to protect him as he went to see what it was about. He went (into the light) by himself and after fifteen minutes came out with a five day old beard and a watch five days ahead in time. He had undergone an identical experience although he couldn’t remember what had happened inside the light.

How can we explain the concept of Xendras as interdimensional crossings?
In the last years scientists working on quantum physics have developed a theory based on the discoveries taking place in the large particle acceleration laboratories. According to it, excited electrons rotating around the atomic nucleus don’t produce a complete orbit but disappear and reappear on the opposite side. It is as if they find a shortcut. These shortcuts that exist in the Microcosm would also exist in the Macrocosm and have been called “wormholes” or inter dimensional folds. This would answer the question as to how would alleged extraterrestrials be able to move around in the universe over vast distances and this would also be applicable to the Xendras.

Have the contacts continued?
Definitely. Sightings and physical contacts have been multiplying with time and we have even been able to observe them stepping out of their craft in the open desert. These contacts and all of the experience were described to the world by the Spanish reporter Juan José Benitez, author of well known books such as the ones in the series “Caballo de Troya” “Los Astronautas de Yahvé” “La Rebelión de Lucifer” “El Enviado” “Documentos Oficiales,” etc.
When Juan José Benitez was just another press correspondent for the Spanish news agency Agencia EFE, was sent to Perú to cover the strange news that a group of young Peruvian adolescents who firmly claimed to be experiencing contacts (with extraterrestrials). The life of this reporter changed dramatically when he became a direct impartial and objective witness of those contacts. This took place when he went to t the desert of Chilca with the group on September 7, 1974 and saw the apparition of two UFOs, just as it had been told to him that they would.
His impression was so great in terms of what he had witnessed and in terms of the contact experience itself that, upon his return to Spain, he didn’t just made his testimony widely known on the Spanish press and TV, but he also published his first book narrating all of this. The book was titled OVNIS S.O.S. a la Humanidad and was published by Editorial Plaza & Janés. The following year, Benitez returned to Perú along with Manuel Mujica, another reporter from Agencia EFE and both went with the group to a programmed sighting experience which on this occasion took place on a beach north of Lima. Once more, a sighting that had been announced to the press took place and out of it another book (by Benitez) titled Cien Mil Kilómetros Tras los Extraterrestres was published.

And what happened afterwards?
As I said, the contacts have continued, with a myriad of sightings and experiences. Some of these experiences have been as extraordinary as that of many people going through new inter dimensional Xendra passageways in more than forty countries. The unusual reception of some strange crystals termed “Cesium Crystals” has also taken place. These crystals are incorporated within the bodies of the witnesses after receiving their pyramid shape. Also, on at least three occasions impressive physical encounters have taken place in which the interior of their spacecrafts has been boarded. Through these experiences a submarine base was visited and also on two occasions other cities in Morlen (Ganymede).
Throughout all of this contact process the international media has been summoned up to seven times to witness the authenticity and reality of the experiences but, above all, the contemporary importance of the experience as it relates to a received and transmitted message that favors the planting of a seed of hope regarding a positive future for the planet, a future that clearly also rests upon our personal and collective transformation. On the fifth occasion in which media representatives were summoned -thanks to the credibility achieved through the years- 40 reporters from 8 countries came to the desert. Among them were: José Gray from Channel 23 Univisión (Miami), Leticia Callava from Telemundo, Beatriz Parga from the Miami Herald, Gilda Muñóz from Radio Guado in New York, Rolando Veras from Channel 2 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Lizet Zelman from Televisión de República Dominicana, and others who witnessed the striking ongoing reality of the contact.

Has Sixto been listened to in an international forum?
Clearly my experience is not unique since from the very beginning it has involved many other people who, in time, have also undergone similar experiences. Nevertheless, the courage we’ve exhibited and our commitment to the message received (as demonstrated by) inviting the Media on several opportunities to programmed sightings, by dedicating our lives to share the information with our example of balance and even temperedness, and by recognizing our mistakes and learning from everything and everyone have allowed us to be invited to speak in some of the most important forums such as The United Nations, the Sociedad de las Américas, the University of Columbia in New York, John F. Kennedy University in San Francisco, the Universidad Autónoma de Mexico, and others. And I say that we have been invited because I represent a collective, an international group that is neither the only one nor the best contact group, although, in my opinion, it has already earned a place in the history of contactism.

If the UFO phenomenon is a definite reality, why is it known so little? If the subject is being hidden, who does this and why?
It is convenient for the governments of the great powers to hide the reality of the UFO phenomenon and the existence of extraterrestrial life because for the armed forces it’s equally valid whether UFOs are from extraterrestrials or from foreign countries. From the moment that an unidentified flying object challenges the air space of a country, without anyone being able to do something about it, it is a national security problem. Before taxpayers they would be facing ridicule. On the other hand, the most profitable business today, even one that challenges drug dealing, is arm sales. The most developed countries are manufacturers and sellers of armament and if there weren’t wars, they would have to invent them for the business to go on. Therefore, if the fact that we are not alone and never have been so is demonstrated together with the fact that (most of) these beings don’t come with bad intentions or they would have already liquidated us a long time ago, this would force us to unite as one great nation. It would be better if the space beings met us united rather than in conflict with each other, but if borders were to disappear arm sales would finish since there wouldn’t be any demand for it. Without borders there wouldn’t be foreign debt which is a mechanism to oppress people. Also, smuggling would end and political elites would diminish.
If the reality of the extraterrestrial presence is made known it would also bring an economic crisis as well as a crisis of faith because religions would have to explain the reason they have been silent on this subject since they affirm that they are provided with revelations from above.
As we see, in order to understand the UFO subject we also need to understand the kind of world we live in.

Then, governments do know about all this but hide the information?
Certainly and there hasn’t been an American or Russian space mission that hasn’t had extraterrestrial contact. Astronauts have been acting as diplomats for the great nations, receiving the extraterrestrial message and retransmitting it to their governments. The message is one of warning in that if relations within humanity are not eased, our negativity will attract a catastrophe of gigantic proportions.
Let’s remember the case of the (first) War in the Persian Gulf. It was the most advertised war in history but no one found out what really took place there. All of the information was sifted through an important new chain at the service of the American government.
If they could hide (the truth about) a war and isolate a vast area of the planet, what couldn’t they be doing regarding some concepts that are uncomfortable to their interests?

But, why would scientists assist in this lie or cover up?
Scientists are at the service of the capital that finances them. Let’s recall the not so distant news item that was made know to the world by CNN and in which it was said that two years before NASA had found what seemed to be water on Mars but had kept it hidden for military reasons.
Is Sixto Paz a special person, a chosen one or a modern prophet?
No, but I have lived a special experience that calls upon my commitment and motivates me to share the message we have received from the older brothers. These beings select the people with which they wish to establish the contact experience. Sixto Paz is a messenger like many others.

Is anyone capable of having extraterrestrial contact? What would the requisites be?
Anyone can have the contact because it is them (the extraterrestrials) who select who, how and why it will be. It is true that it’s very useful to count with a previous preparation in order to become hyper sensitive, but it depends more on them than on us. As we said before, the key lies in knowing that all of this is possible, to believe that it is possible and to want to do it.

Do you believe that things will change and soon?
If I didn’t believe it I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing. Our world cannot resist any longer. This change must take place now, but it all begins in us and with us. Then, it continues with each one’s family and so on in the manner of a chain reaction of Domino blocks falling down one after the other.

Sixto Paz has written several books about his experiences and about the extraterrestrial message. He has been the most important book fairs in the Spanish language and shown his works. Which are these and how can one get a hold of them?
The first book I wrote was Los Guías Extraterrestres, which has had great acceptance worldwide. It narrates the origins of this contact experience, its evolution and its message. (It contains much more information than this and is sold in the English language as The Invitation and has ISBN 1-8887472-29-0).
In the second book: Contacto Interdimensional, the evolution of the contact experience is made known in relation to how various groups have had similar experiences globally thus allowing us to exchange information. It also narrates a series of trips and adventures that were entrusted by the extraterrestrials and took the group to connect with intra terrestrials or beings that would represent remnants of lost civilizations and would be protectors of archives containing the true history of the planet, a history relating us like family with the older brothers.
In the third book: El Umbral Secreto, I narrate the contact adventure that took a group of people deep into the Amazon Jungle in order to connect with survivors of the Inca culture. This encounter allowed us to have access to information about who Jesus was, why he came and what his mission consisted of in light of the extraterrestrial contact.
In the fourth book: Los Guardianes y Vigilantes de Mundos, there’s a compendium of a great amount of information derived from the psychographic messages and the physical contacts. Here, a cosmic plan pertaining to Earth’s humanity is revealed and an individual as well as a collective mission is attributed to it. Also, the role of angels throughout our history is narrated here.
In the fifth book: Mensajeros del Cosmos: Una Puerta Hacia las Estrellas, the older brother’s points of view regarding specific topics such as God, Life, Death, Time and others is revealed through questions and answers.
In the sixth book: Una Insólita Invitación, there’s a return to the genre of narrating a contact adventure with a message. Here, there’s a description of the more recent invitations forwarded to the world press and a description of the most recent physical encounters with the space visitors, including their messages for the present stage humanity is going through. Here I also tell how some reporters had the opportunity of having some experiences that had been previously reserved just for contactees. Some of these experiences were the Xendras and the Cesium crystals.
In the seventh book: La Antiprofecía, I narrate the various trips and labors entrusted to our contact groups to contribute to the planetary change and to humanity’s collective awakening. It is a material and also a spiritual adventure that reminds us that the future can be modified and that, many times, it has to be modified.
All of these books can be found in the largest bookstore in the world: The World Wide Web.

Is there any other book in the making?
Yes, many about to be printed and all of them are in the stage of editing. I think that this prolific moment is due to today’s need to inform and awaken consciousnesses , sharing light on the scope of the UFO phenomenon that finds itself to be quite manipulated and contaminated.

What message can you give to young people?
Youth is a state of the soul. It is the capacity to renew oneself and also to renew other things. It is not to lose the capacity to run the risk of committing mistakes by wanting to do things in the best possible way.
To be young is to be capable of assuming risks and of displaying great efforts in order to realize noble ideals. Youth is all of that which leads us to identify ourselves with what is worth sacrificing ourselves for, things like life itself.
My message to young people is not to believe in these subjects, but rather to think, ponder, meditate and research without fearing what you may find. I also advise them to question everything they thought was certain because to be young is to renew ourselves.

Has Sixto Paz asked himself whether his work load will increase when information on extraterrestrials will be revealed and a definitive contact takes place?
I know that, when the moment arrives, those that today speak about the contact and have lived intense experiences will probably be summoned to become part of a new global diplomatic machinery and that, likely, our more recognized kind of work will increase, but this doesn’t worry me. What worries me is that humanity be able to react on time and a change takes place bringing with it a significant shift in world events.

Is Sixto Paz a happy man?
Yes, I’m a happy man and thankful to life because it has given me a wonderful wife who is my best friend as well. I’m also grateful because I’ve found in my two daughters Tanis and Yearim great teachers on what life is about.
Certainly God has blessed me and through these contact related travels I’ve also have had the privilege of getting to know many wonderful people whose life renders homage to the human condition.
I’m not interested in convincing people, only to make them think and motivate them to expand their minds. I know that what we have gone through is real and we have been able to demonstrate it more than once. For this reason I have the authority to disseminate something I consider valuable and useful, specially in times such as these.

To end, I would like to ask you if your wife supports you. What do your daughters think about what you do? Do they believe you? Wouldn’t they prefer instead to have a normal husband or father that doesn’t need to travel throughout more than 20 countries each year, risking attacks, defamation and mockery due to this controversial subject matter?
If they didn’t support me I wouldn’t be able to travel and to disseminate this information with the strength, energy and love that I feel when doing it. I always dedicate my work to them and they are the source of inspiration that allows me to see life in a cheerful and hopeful way. They have taught me a lot and their understanding and support gives me the strength to continue. Also, they feel proud of my career and accomplishments and tell me so every now and then.
Regarding whether they believe me or not, I think that since they know me, they have been able to be very good constructive critics of the work I’ve been performing, helping me to be more precise and truthful every day. I cannot lie to them just as I cannot kie to myself.

Sixto Paz, what is your secret?
My secret is to act in accordance with the message and that there are no secrets. Also that life allows us to harvest what we have preoccupied ourselves with planting. For this reason and now that harvest is approaching, time will tell whether planting was right.

End of the interview.

Sixto Paz Wells' Homepage

Billy Meier and the UFO photo

Eduard Albert “Billy” Meier is a 70+ year old, one and a half armed, Swiss farmer. He was born in 1937 and he claims to have been in contact with extra-terrestrials named the “Plejaren” or, formerly known as, the “Pleiadians”.
His claims of extra-terrestrial contact were first published in the late 1970s/early 1980s. What made Meier different from previous UFO contactees is that his photographs were of, what appeared to be, structured craft rather than the blobs or streaks of light that were the most common types of UFO photographs up to that time.
In addition to publishing a series of photographs of multiple forms of alleged spacecraft, Meier also published information concerning metal samples, audio recordings, motion pictures, and prophecies. Supporters of Billy Meier say that these forms of evidence prove that Meier has been in contact with extra-terrestrials. However, the analysis of these forms of evidence on this website suggests that Meier has not been in contact with extra-terrestrials.
According to Meier’s own biographies he claims to have been arrested for assault, convicted, and sent to youth prison. Twice. The first was in 1951 and then again in 1953. After escaping from prison in 1953 he joined the French Foreign Legion. In 1955 he deserted from the French Foreign Legion, returned to Switzerland for prosecution, and was “institutionalized” for two years. After his release Meier began to travel throughout the Middle East as a day laborer. During these travels he claims to have engaged in the grave robbing of a site he claims to have been the tomb of Jesus Christ in 1963. Shortly afterwards he takes his first photos of “UFOs” while in India. In 1964 he is expelled from India on charges of vagrancy and shortly thereafter had his left arm amputated at the elbow because he was hanging it outside the window of a bus when the bus crashed. In 1967 he meets and marries Kalliope. In 1975 he founded the Freie Interessengemeinschaft fur Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien (aka Free Community of Interests for Fringe and Spiritual Sciences and Ufology), otherwise known as FIGU.
retrieved from url

Saturday, October 17, 2015

How to dominate the Boom Beach game

The only way to win and dominate the island is to known the strategy of this game,no cheat will take you there because they dont work at the end; Boom Beach as any other strategy game is controlled by rules and knowing the key will unlock the master door that will crown as the ruler of all island around you

here I have collected some of the best hints that I have seen online for You,

Boom Beach Defense guide: Mines

There are two types of Mines in Boom Beach, I'm going to be focusing on the earliest type you get: the bog standard Mine.

But just because they're vanilla, it doesn't mean they don't pack a wallop.

Mines are most often used in one of two ways: lining the beach area of your Home Base to make an immediate dent in attacking forces, or surrounding your Head Quarters as a final stand-off.

Both strategies have their positive and negative points.

Lining the beach area will chip away at the strength of an enemy force's initial attack, making it easier for your other Defense structures to kill those troops. The potential downside is that the other player has the option of countering their effectiveness by sending in disposable troops.

Placing Mines near the Head Quarters will minimise the effectiveness of any strategy your opponent has, as they'll be able to less well control their forces by this point. However, you don't get the bonus damage upfront, and the Mines effectively end up representing your very final line of defence.

Boom Beach Defense guide: Machine Guns
Machine Guns are an extremely powerful weapon early on in Boom Beach, though their effectiveness diminishes if you don't keep upgrading them in-line with your overall level.

They continually fire round after round into enemy forces, mowing down most squads of soldiers at an alarming rate.

Because of this, it's best to have Machine Guns spread throughout your Home Base so that they can pick away at units and thin the numbers before they come anywhere near your Head Quarters.

If you do need to deal with Machine Gun defences, you'll be wanting to lead the charge with a Heavy, as this unit soaks up bullet damage like nobody's business.

Keep the more fragile unit types to the rear of your attack, and use Zookas to destroy the Machine Gun encampment quickly.
Boom Beach Economy guide: Vault
While what is essentially a glorified safe may not sound thrilling, the Vault is one of the best additions you can make to your Home Base, and the buildings I'll prioritise the upgrade of over all others when given the choice.

When you slap one of these on your island, a percentage of your total resources will be protected from raids by other players.

This is invaluable since it means you can react to raids more quickly by building defences quickly to patch holes, you can build units to retaliate, and you don't have to start from zero every time you lose in a battle.

Gold and Wood can be stored initially, but after a few upgrades the Vault will also hold Stone and Iron, which are much more valuable.

On top of all this, the Vault acts as additional storage too.

Seriously, the Vault is awesome.

Information retrieved from url

Friday, October 16, 2015

Omnidirectional Biquad Antenna for 5 8 GHz FPV

Omnidirectional Biquad Antenna for 5.8 GHz FPV
Directional antennas do have their strengths such as power over distance but sometimes you may need to use a good omnidirectional antenna to produce 360 degrees of coverage over a smaller area. So this video is a different take on the traditional biquad antenna and I will show you how to make an omnidirectional biquad for 5.8 GHz making this suitable for FPV fist person view. 5.8GHz full wave length 52mm ¼ wave length 13mm 5GHz full wave length 60mm ¼ wave length 15mm