Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Swinger cruises:

Like I always said "there is a world under another world" and for those that their every day routine of the job , schools and home; It is when we miss the side of the rainbow that always was there to escape for one day and participate in those dark erotic adult play with our wive 

 Published on March 30, 2015
"Swinger cruises, a phenomenon that started up only a few years ago, have become a hit on the high seas – albeit for a limited audience.
The cruises bring together like-minded passengers attracted to a special list of cruise activities that includes "playrooms," erotic adult movies and naughty theme parties. Some of the travel companies organizing the sexy cruises limit participants to couples. The idea is to "play" with others.
Here's a look at some upcoming swinger cruises.
  • The Yacht has booked The Yacht Club on MSC Cruises' MSC Divina for a four-day sailing from Miami, April 22 to 26. The charter company will host 132 guests, who will have exclusive access to the complex's private lounge, pool and restaurant, as the ship sails to Cozumel. Themed gatherings will include a sexy Pajama Party, a "Summer of Love Prom Formal Night," a "Hippie and Flower Children" costume party and a "Saturday Night Fever Party.", one of the travel agencies selling these "swinger cruises", describe themselves on their website as enjoying "the swinger and kinky lifestyle," and say that selling cruises for sexually adventurous couples has become their "passion."
  • Alaska Adult Cruise: Erotic Adult Travel is organizing an adult lifestyle group aboard Royal Caribbean's Radiance of the Seas this summer. The one-week cruise from Vancouver to Seward, Alaska, embarks on August 21. You visit Ketchikan, Icy Strait Point, Juneau and Skagway and view Hubbard Glacier. There are no onboard hosts for the event, but couples can meet up via a special online forum, according to the agency. There will be opportunity to hang with like-minded others at cocktail hours and arranged dinners.
  • Bliss Cruise 2015: Celebrity Cruises' 2,886-passenger Celebrity Silhouette will be the scene of an adults-only, clothing-optional lifestyle cruise, embarking from Fort Lauderdale on November 29. The one-week itinerary includes port calls in the Dominican Republic and Royal Caribbean's private beach in Labadee, Haiti. The cruise is for "swinger couples, nudists, voyeurs and exhibitionists as well as curious individuals looking to experience something different from the conventional cruise vacation," according to the Bliss Cruisewebsite. Activities include a "Roman Orgy Toga Party," a "Glow Panty Raid," a "Fetish Friday," as well as "sexy excursions." Sexual activity is limited to certain areas – such as the "Playrooms or Dungeon."
  • Swinger Cruise Croatia: Play with like-minded European couples on a sailing organized While the company's 2015 sailing onboard a chartered 20-cabin yacht is sold out, you can get on the list for a planned 2016 sailing. The cruise hugs the Croatian coastline and islands.
  • MSC Divina Couples Cruise: Expect nudity, playrooms and a dungeon on the April 16 to 23, 2016 sailing of the MSC Divina. The ship has been chartered for a special Couples Cruise, the eastern Caribbean sailing embarking from Miami, with port calls in St. Maarten, San Juan and Norwegian Cruise Line's private Bahamas island, Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas.
  • Exploring the Baltics: Visit Northern Europe on a clothing-optional swinger cruise organized by Luxury Lifestyle Vacations. The 10-day sailing on Azamara Club Cruises' 684-passenger Azamara Quest, embarks Stockholm on August 2, 2016. The itinerary includes Warnemunde, Germany (for Berlin) and an overnight in Copenhagen, en-route to Amsterdam. There are erotic theme parties planned, though the schedule has yet to be announced. According toCastaways Travel, the experience is appropriate for "hedonistic couples and adventurous nudists."
  • Bliss Cruise 2016: Bliss Cruise II will be on the Celebrity Silhouette on a one-week eastern Caribbean sailing, embarking Fort Lauderdale on November 27, 2016. Port calls are San Juan, St. Croix and St. Maarten. It's the company's second full-ship charter sailing. Again, adult lifestyle will be the focus.
  • Mediterranean Swinger Cruise: Organized by Luxury Lifestyle Vacations, and also sold by various other agencies, this eight-day, clothing-optional, full-ship swinger cruise embarks Rome (Civitavecchia) on August 5, 2017. The ship is the Azamara Quest, cruising to Barcelona with port calls in Livorno (for Florence), Monte Carlo (overnight), St. Tropez, Sete (France) and Ibiza (overnight).
  • Private Charters. Options for cruising swingers include gathering your own group (there are chat forums online) and meeting up on a ship or chartering a yacht. Erotic Adult Travel has six-couple charter options in the Caribbean and Mediterranean (boat owners and crew are briefed on your plan).

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Como he dicho siempre "hay un mundo bajo otro mundo" y para aquellos que su rutina de cada día de los puestos de trabajo, las escuelas y el hogar; Es cuando nos perdemos el lado del arco iris que siempre estaba allí para escapar por un día y participar en los oscura juego para adultos erótico con nuestro wive

Fran Dorado, Especial para EE.UU. HOY | Publicado el 30 de marzo 2015
"Swinger cruceros, un fenómeno que se puso en marcha hace sólo unos años, se han convertido en un éxito en alta mar - aunque por un público limitado.
Los cruceros reunir ideas afines pasajeros atrajo a una lista especial de actividades de cruceros que incluye salas de juegos "," películas para adultos eróticos y fiestas temáticas traviesos. Algunas de las agencias de viajes que organizan los cruceros sexy limitar los participantes en parejas. La idea es "jugar" con los demás.
He aquí un vistazo a algunos cruceros próximos swingers.
El Yacht Club: ha reservado El Club Náutico de MSC Cruises MSC Divina para una vela de cuatro días desde Miami, 22 de abril al 26. La compañía de vuelos chárter será el anfitrión de 132 invitados, quienes tendrán acceso exclusivo al salón privado del complejo , piscina y restaurante, mientras el barco navega a Cozumel. Reuniones temáticas incluirán un atractivo partido de pijama, un "verano del amor Una noche para morir formal", un "Hippie y niños de flor" fiesta de disfraces y un "Saturday Party Night Fever"., una de las agencias de viajes que venden estos "cruceros swingers", describen a sí mismos en su página web como disfrutar "el libertino y estilo de vida rizado," y dicen que la venta de cruceros para parejas sexualmente aventureros se ha convertido en su "pasión".
Alaska Cruise Adultos: Viaje erótico para adultos, está organizando un grupo de estilo de vida de adultos a bordo del Radiance of the Seas de Royal Caribbean de este verano. El crucero de una semana de Vancouver a Seward, Alaska, se embarca en agosto 21. Usted visita Ketchikan, Icy Strait Point, Juneau y Skagway y ver el Glaciar Hubbard. No hay anfitriones a bordo para el evento, pero las parejas pueden encontrarse a través de un foro especial en línea, de acuerdo con la agencia. Habrá oportunidad de pasar el rato con otros afines en hora de cóctel y cenas organizadas.
Dicha Crucero 2015: 2886 pasajeros Celebrity Silhouette de Celebrity Cruises será el escenario de un establecimiento exclusivamente para adultos, el estilo de vida de crucero de ropa opcional, embarcándose desde Fort Lauderdale el 29 de noviembre El itinerario de una semana incluye escalas en los puertos de la República Dominicana y en el Real La playa privada del Caribe en Labadee, Haití. El crucero es para "parejas swingers, nudistas, voyeurs y exhibicionistas, así como individuos curiosos que buscan experimentar algo diferente de las vacaciones de crucero convencional", según la Bienaventuranza Cruisewebsite. Las actividades incluyen un "romano Partido Orgía Toga", un "Raid Glow Panty", un "fetiche viernes", así como "excursiones sexy." La actividad sexual se limita a ciertas áreas - tales como los "Ludotecas o Dungeon".
Swinger Crucero Croacia: Jugar con parejas europeas afines sobre una vela organizado Si bien 2015 vela de la compañía a bordo de un yate fletado 20-cabina está agotado, puede entrar en la lista para una planeada 2016 vela. El crucero abraza la costa croata y las islas.
MSC Divina Parejas Cruise: Esperar desnudez, salas de juegos y un calabozo en el 16 a 23 abril, 2016 vela del MSC Divina. El buque ha sido fletado para un Crucero Especial pareja, la vela Caribe oriental embarcarse desde Miami, con escalas en St. Maarten, San Juan y la isla de Norwegian Cruise Line privado Bahamas, Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas.
La exploración de los países bálticos: Visita el norte de Europa en un crucero libertino de ropa opcional organizado por Vacaciones Luxury Lifestyle. La vela de 10 días en Azamara Club Cruises 684 pasajeros Azamara Quest, se embarca Estocolmo el 2 de agosto de 2016. El itinerario incluye Warnemunde, Alemania (de Berlín) y una noche en Copenhague, en ruta a Amsterdam. Hay fiestas temáticas eróticas previstos, aunque el calendario aún no ha sido anunciado. Según toCastaways viajes, la experiencia es apropiado para "parejas hedonistas y nudistas de aventura."
Dicha Crucero 2016: Dicha Cruise II estará en el Celebrity Silhouette en una semana el este de vela Caribe, embarcarse Fort Lauderdale el 27 de noviembre de 2016. Las llamadas portuarias son San Juan, St. Croix y St. Maarten. Es la segunda carta de navegación-barco lleno de la compañía. Una vez más, el estilo de vida de adultos será el tema central.
Mediterráneo Swinger Cruise: Organizado por Vacaciones Luxury Lifestyle, y también se vende por varios otros organismos, esta de ocho días, la ropa es opcional, barco lleno libertino crucero embarca Roma (Civitavecchia), el 5 de agosto de 2017. El barco es el Azamara Quest, crucero a Barcelona con escalas en Livorno (por Florencia), Monte Carlo (durante la noche), St. Tropez, Sete (Francia) e Ibiza (durante la noche).

Private Charters. Las opciones para los swingers de crucero incluyen la recopilación de su propio grupo (hay foros de discusión en línea) y reunirse en un barco o alquiler de un yate. Erotic Viajes Adulto tiene opciones de seis par de barcos en el Caribe y el Mediterráneo (los dueños del barco y la tripulación se les informa sobre su plan).

Как я всегда говорил, "есть мир под другой мир" и для тех, кто их каждый день рутиной работы, школы и дома; Это когда мы пропускаем сторону радуги, которые всегда был там, чтобы избежать в течение одного дня и участвовать в этих темных эротических взрослых играть с нашим wive

по Fran Golden, специально для USA Today | Опубликовано 30 марта 2015
"Свинг-круизы, явление, которое началось до всего лишь несколько лет назад, стали хитом в открытом море - хотя для ограниченной аудитории.
Круизы объединить единомышленников пассажиры привлекли в специальный список круизных мероприятий, которые включает в себя "игровые комнаты," эротические фильмы для взрослых и пикантные тематические вечеринки. Некоторые из туристических компаний, организующих сексуальные круизы ограничить участников пар. Идея состоит в том, чтобы "играть" с другими.
Вот посмотрите на некоторые предстоящих свингер круизов.
Яхт-клуб: заказал яхт-клуб на MSC Cruises »MSC Divina на четыре дня плавания из Майами, 22 апреля по 26 чартерная компания будет принимать 132 гостей, которые будут иметь эксклюзивный доступ к частному лаундж комплекса , бассейн и ресторан, а корабль плывет к Косумель. Тематические встречи будет включать в себя сексуальное Pajama партия, "лето любви Пром Формальные ночь" A ", хиппи и детей-цветов" костюмированный бал и "Saturday Night Fever партию.", один из туристических агентств, продающих эти "Свинг-круизы", называют себя на своем сайте как наслаждаясь "в Swinger и странный образ жизни", и сказать, что продажа круизы для сексуально предприимчивых пар стал их "страсть".
Аляска взрослых Круиз: Эротика для взрослых Путешествия организует группу образа жизни взрослых на борту Royal Caribbean в Сияние морей этим летом. Одну неделю круиз от Ванкувера до Сьюард, Аляска, отправляется на 21 августа Вы посещаете KETCHIKAN, ледяной пролив Point, Джуно и Скагуэй и просматривать Хаббард. Там нет на борту хозяева на мероприятие, но пары могут встретиться с помощью специального интернет-форуме, по данным агентства. Там будет возможность повесить с единомышленниками других в коктейль часов и расположенных ужинов.
Bliss Круиз 2015: Celebrity Cruises "2886 пассажиров знаменитости силуэт будет ареной только для взрослых, одежды необязательные образа жизни круиза, приступают из Форт-Лодердейл 29 ноября одну неделю маршрут включает в себя заходы в Доминиканской Республике и Royal Частный пляж Карибского моря в Labadee, Гаити. Круиз для "свингер пар, нудистов, вуайеристов и эксгибиционистов, а также любопытных лиц, которые хотят испытать что-то отличается от обычного круиз отпуск", в соответствии с Bliss Cruisewebsite. Мероприятия включают в себя в "римский оргия тогу партии," A "Glow Panty Raid" A ", Фетиш пятницу", а также "Sexy экскурсии." Сексуальная активность ограничивается определенными областями - например, "игровые или Dungeon."
Свингер Круиз Хорватия: Играть с единомышленниками европейских пар на парусной организована В то время как 2015 парусный спорт компании на борту чартерного 20-салоне яхты распроданы, вы можете получить в списке на запланированный 2016 парусного спорта. Круиз обнимает хорватского побережья и островов.
MSC Divina Пары Круиз: Ожидать нагота, игровые комнаты и подземелье на 16 апреля по 23 2016 парусного MSC Divina. Корабль был зафрахтован для специального Пары Круиз, восточной части Карибского бассейна парусный спорт приступать из Майами, с заходов в порты в Сен-Мартен, Сан-Хуан и частном острове Norwegian Cruise Line в Багамские Острова, Great стремя Кей, Багамы.
Изучение Балтии: Посетите Северную Европу на швейной необязательные свингер круиз, организованный Luxury Lifestyle Отдых. 10-дневная прогулка на яхте по Azamara Клуб Круизов 684 пассажиров Azamara Quest, отправляется в Стокгольм на 2 августа 2016 года маршрут включает в себя Варнемюнде, Германия (Берлин) и в течение ночи в Копенгагене, на маршруте в Амстердам. Есть запланированные эротические тематические вечеринки, хотя график еще не объявлен. По toCastaways Travel, опыт подходит для "гедонистических пар и приключений нудистов."
Bliss Круиз 2016: Bliss Круиз II будет на силуэт знаменитостей на одну неделю восточной части Карибского парусного спорта, начав Форт-Лодердейл 27 ноября 2016 г. Порт звонки Сан-Хуан, Санта-Крус и Сен-Мартен. Это второй полнометражный корабль чартер парусной компании. Опять же, для взрослых образ жизни будет в центре внимания.
Средиземноморский Свингер Круиз: Организаторы Luxury Lifestyle Отдых и также продаются различными другими учреждениями, это восемь дней, одежда-факультативно, полный корабль свингер круиз отправляется Рим (Чивитавеккья) 5 августа 2017 года корабль Azamara Quest, крейсерская Барселоны заходов в порты в Ливорно (для Флоренции), Монте-Карло (на ночь), Сен-Тропе, сете (Франция) и Ибица (на ночь).
Частные уставов. Варианты крейсерских свингеров включать сбор свой собственный группу (есть чат форум онлайн) и конференц-на корабле или зафрахтовать яхту. Эротические взрослых Путешествия имеет шесть пара вариантов Хартии в странах Карибского бассейна и Средиземноморья (владельцы судов и членов экипажа были проинструктированы на ваш план).
Kak ya vsegda govoril, "yest' mir pod drugoy mir" i dlya tekh, kto ikh kazhdyy den' rutinoy raboty, shkoly i doma; Eto kogda my propuskayem storonu radugi, kotoryye vsegda byl tam, chtoby izbezhat' v techeniye odnogo dnya i uchastvovat' v etikh temnykh eroticheskikh vzroslykh igrat' s nashim wive

po Fran Golden, spetsial'no dlya USA Today | Opublikovano 30 marta 2015
"Sving-kruizy, yavleniye, kotoroye nachalos' do vsego lish' neskol'ko let nazad, stali khitom v otkrytom more - khotya dlya ogranichennoy auditorii.
Kruizy ob"yedinit' yedinomyshlennikov passazhiry privlekli v spetsial'nyy spisok kruiznykh meropriyatiy, kotoryye vklyuchayet v sebya "igrovyye komnaty," eroticheskiye fil'my dlya vzroslykh i pikantnyye tematicheskiye vecherinki. Nekotoryye iz turisticheskikh kompaniy, organizuyushchikh seksual'nyye kruizy ogranichit' uchastnikov par. Ideya sostoit v tom, chtoby "igrat'" s drugimi.
Vot posmotrite na nekotoryye predstoyashchikh svinger kruizov.
Yakht-klub: zakazal yakht-klub na MSC Cruises »MSC Divina na chetyre dnya plavaniya iz Mayami, 22 aprelya po 26 charternaya kompaniya budet prinimat' 132 gostey, kotoryye budut imet' eksklyuzivnyy dostup k chastnomu laundzh kompleksa , basseyn i restoran, a korabl' plyvet k Kosumel'. Tematicheskiye vstrechi budet vklyuchat' v sebya seksual'noye Pajama partiya, "leto lyubvi Prom Formal'nyye noch'" A ", khippi i detey-tsvetov" kostyumirovannyy bal i "Saturday Night Fever partiyu.", odin iz turisticheskikh agentstv, prodayushchikh eti "Sving-kruizy", nazyvayut sebya na svoyem sayte kak naslazhdayas' "v Swinger i strannyy obraz zhizni", i skazat', chto prodazha kruizy dlya seksual'no predpriimchivykh par stal ikh "strast'".
Alyaska vzroslykh Kruiz: Erotika dlya vzroslykh Puteshestviya organizuyet gruppu obraza zhizni vzroslykh na bortu Royal Caribbean v Siyaniye morey etim letom. Odnu nedelyu kruiz ot Vankuvera do S'yuard, Alyaska, otpravlyayetsya na 21 avgusta Vy poseshchayete KETCHIKAN, ledyanoy proliv Point, Dzhuno i Skaguey i prosmatrivat' Khabbard. Tam net na bortu khozyayeva na meropriyatiye, no pary mogut vstretit'sya s pomoshch'yu spetsial'nogo internet-forume, po dannym agentstva. Tam budet vozmozhnost' povesit' s yedinomyshlennikami drugikh v kokteyl' chasov i raspolozhennykh uzhinov.
Bliss Kruiz 2015: Celebrity Cruises "2886 passazhirov znamenitosti siluet budet arenoy tol'ko dlya vzroslykh, odezhdy neobyazatel'nyye obraza zhizni kruiza, pristupayut iz Fort-Loderdeyl 29 noyabrya odnu nedelyu marshrut vklyuchayet v sebya zakhody v Dominikanskoy Respublike i Royal Chastnyy plyazh Karibskogo morya v Labadee, Gaiti. Kruiz dlya "svinger par, nudistov, vuayyeristov i eksgibitsionistov, a takzhe lyubopytnykh lits, kotoryye khotyat ispytat' chto-to otlichayetsya ot obychnogo kruiz otpusk", v sootvetstvii s Bliss Cruisewebsite. Meropriyatiya vklyuchayut v sebya v "rimskiy orgiya togu partii," A "Glow Panty Raid" A ", Fetish pyatnitsu", a takzhe "Sexy ekskursii." Seksual'naya aktivnost' ogranichivayetsya opredelennymi oblastyami - naprimer, "igrovyye ili Dungeon."
Svinger Kruiz Khorvatiya: Igrat' s yedinomyshlennikami yevropeyskikh par na parusnoy organizovana V to vremya kak 2015 parusnyy sport kompanii na bortu charternogo 20-salone yakhty rasprodany, vy mozhete poluchit' v spiske na zaplanirovannyy 2016 parusnogo sporta. Kruiz obnimayet khorvatskogo poberezh'ya i ostrovov.
MSC Divina Pary Kruiz: Ozhidat' nagota, igrovyye komnaty i podzemel'ye na 16 aprelya po 23 2016 parusnogo MSC Divina. Korabl' byl zafrakhtovan dlya spetsial'nogo Pary Kruiz, vostochnoy chasti Karibskogo basseyna parusnyy sport pristupat' iz Mayami, s zakhodov v porty v Sen-Marten, San-Khuan i chastnom ostrove Norwegian Cruise Line v Bagamskiye Ostrova, Great stremya Key, Bagamy.
Izucheniye Baltii: Posetite Severnuyu Yevropu na shveynoy neobyazatel'nyye svinger kruiz, organizovannyy Luxury Lifestyle Otdykh. 10-dnevnaya progulka na yakhte po Azamara Klub Kruizov 684 passazhirov Azamara Quest, otpravlyayetsya v Stokgol'm na 2 avgusta 2016 goda marshrut vklyuchayet v sebya Varnemyunde, Germaniya (Berlin) i v techeniye nochi v Kopengagene, na marshrute v Amsterdam. Yest' zaplanirovannyye eroticheskiye tematicheskiye vecherinki, khotya grafik yeshche ne ob"yavlen. Po toCastaways Travel, opyt podkhodit dlya "gedonisticheskikh par i priklyucheniy nudistov."
Bliss Kruiz 2016: Bliss Kruiz II budet na siluet znamenitostey na odnu nedelyu vostochnoy chasti Karibskogo parusnogo sporta, nachav Fort-Loderdeyl 27 noyabrya 2016 g. Port zvonki San-Khuan, Santa-Krus i Sen-Marten. Eto vtoroy polnometrazhnyy korabl' charter parusnoy kompanii. Opyat' zhe, dlya vzroslykh obraz zhizni budet v tsentre vnimaniya.
Sredizemnomorskiy Svinger Kruiz: Organizatory Luxury Lifestyle Otdykh i takzhe prodayutsya razlichnymi drugimi uchrezhdeniyami, eto vosem' dney, odezhda-fakul'tativno, polnyy korabl' svinger kruiz otpravlyayetsya Rim (Chivitavekk'ya) 5 avgusta 2017 goda korabl' Azamara Quest, kreyserskaya Barselony zakhodov v porty v Livorno (dlya Florentsii), Monte-Karlo (na noch'), Sen-Trope, sete (Frantsiya) i Ibitsa (na noch').

Chastnyye ustavov. Varianty kreyserskikh svingerov vklyuchat' sbor svoy sobstvennyy gruppu (yest' chat forum onlayn) i konferents-na korable ili zafrakhtovat' yakhtu. Eroticheskiye vzroslykh Puteshestviya imeyet shest' para variantov Khartii v stranakh Karibskogo basseyna i Sredizemnomor'ya (vladel'tsy sudov i chlenov ekipazha byli proinstruktirovany na vash plan).

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Refined Sugar - The Sweetest poison of All...

Article Written by William Dufty

Why Sugar Is Toxic To The Body

In 1957, Dr. William Coda Martin tried to answer the question: When is a food a food and when is it a poison? His working definition of "poison" was: "Medically: Any substance applied to the body, ingested or developed within the body, which causes or may cause disease. Physically: Any substance which inhibits the activity of a catalyst which is a minor substance, chemical or enzyme that activates a reaction."1 The dictionary gives an even broader definition for "poison": "to exert a harmful influence on, or to pervert".
Refined Sugar
Dr. Martin classified refined sugar as a poison because it has been depleted of its life forces, vitamins and minerals. "What is left consists of pure, refined carbohydrates. The body cannot utilize this refined starch and carbohydrate unless the depleted proteins, vitamins and minerals are present. Nature supplies these elements in each plant in quantities sufficient to metabolize the carbohydrate in that particular plant. There is no excess for other added carbohydrates. Incomplete carbohydrate metabolism results in the formation of 'toxic metabolite' such as pyruvic acid and abnormal sugars containing five carbon atoms. Pyruvic acid accumulates in the brain and nervous system and the abnormal sugars in the red blood cells. These toxic metabolites interfere with the respiration of the cells. They cannot get sufficient oxygen to survive and function normally. In time, some of the cells die. This interferes with the function of a part of the body and is the beginning of degenerative disease."2
Refined sugar is lethal when ingested by humans because it provides only that which nutritionists describe as "empty" or "naked" calories. It lacks the natural minerals which are present in the sugar beet or cane.
In addition, sugar is worse than nothing because it drains and leaches the body of precious vitamins and minerals through the demand its digestion, detoxification and elimination makes upon one's entire system. So essential is balance to our bodies that we have many ways to provide against the sudden shock of a heavy intake of sugar. Minerals such as sodium (from salt), potassium and magnesium (from vegetables), and calcium (from the bones) are mobilized and used in chemical transmutation; neutral acids are produced which attempt to return the acid-alkaline balance factor of the blood to a more normal state.
Sugar taken every day produces a continuously overacid condition, and more and more minerals are required from deep in the body in the attempt to rectify the imbalance. Finally, in order to protect the blood, so much calcium is taken from the bones and teeth that decay and general weakening begin. Excess sugar eventually affects every organ in the body. Initially, it is stored in the liver in the form of glucose (glycogen). Since the liver's capacity is limited, a daily intake of refined sugar (above the required amount of natural sugar) soon makes the liver expand like a balloon. When the liver is filled to its maximum capacity, the excess glycogen is returned to the blood in the form of fatty acids. These are taken to every part of the body and stored in the most inactive areas: the belly, the buttocks, the breasts and the thighs.
When these comparatively harmless places are completely filled, fatty acids are then distributed among active organs, such as the heart and kidneys. These begin to slow down; finally their tissues degenerate and turn to fat. The whole body is affected by their reduced ability, and abnormal blood pressure is created. The parasympathetic nervous system is affected; and organs governed by it, such as the small brain, become inactive or paralyzed. (Normal brain function is rarely thought of as being as biologic as digestion.) The circulatory and lymphatic systems are invaded, and the quality of the red corpuscles starts to change. An overabundance of white cells occurs, and the creation of tissue becomes slower. Our body's tolerance and immunizing power becomes more limited, so we cannot respond properly to extreme attacks, whether they be cold, heat, mosquitoes or microbes.
Excessive sugar has a strong mal-effect on the functioning of the brain. The key to orderly brain function is glutamic acid, a vital compound found in many vegetables. The B vitamins play a major role in dividing glutamic acid into antagonistic-complementary compounds which produce a "proceed" or "control" response in the brain. B vitamins are also manufactured by symbiotic bacteria which live in our intestines. When refined sugar is taken daily, these bacteria wither and die, and our stock of B vitamins gets very low. Too much sugar makes one sleepy; our ability to calculate and remember is lost.


Shipwrecked sailors who ate and drank nothing but sugar and rum for nine days surely went through some of this trauma; the tales they had to tell created a big public relations problem for the sugar pushers. This incident occurred when a vessel carrying a cargo of sugar was shipwrecked in 1793. The five surviving sailors were finally rescued after being marooned for nine days. They were in a wasted condition due to starvation, having consumed nothing but sugar and rum. The eminent French physiologist F. Magendie was inspired by that incident to conduct a series of experiments with animals, the results of which he published in 1816. In the experiments, he fed dogs a diet of sugar or olive oil and water. All the dogs wasted and died.3
The shipwrecked sailors and the French physiologist's experimental dogs proved the same point. As a steady diet, sugar is worse than nothing. Plain water can keep you alive for quite some time. Sugar and water can kill you. Humans [and animals] are "unable to subsist on a diet of sugar".4 The dead dogs in Professor Magendie's laboratory alerted the sugar industry to the hazards of free scientific inquiry. From that day to this, the sugar industry has invested millions of dollars in behind-the-scenes, subsidized science. The best scientific names that money could buy have been hired, in the hope that they could one day come up with something at least pseudoscientific in the way of glad tidings about sugar.
It has been proved, however, that (1) sugar is a major factor in dental decay; (2) sugar in a person's diet does cause overweight; (3) removal of sugar from diets has cured symptoms of crippling, worldwide diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart illnesses. Sir Frederick Banting, the codiscoverer of insulin, noticed in 1929 in Panama that, among sugar plantation owners who ate large amounts of their refined stuff, diabetes was common. Among native cane-cutters, who only got to chew the raw cane, he saw no diabetes. However, the story of the public relations attempts on the part of the sugar manufacturers began in Britain in 1808 when the Committee of West India reported to the House of Commons that a prize of twenty-five guineas had been offered to anyone who could come up with the most "satisfactory" experiments to prove that unrefined sugar was good for feeding and fattening oxen, cows, hogs and sheep.5
Food for animals is often seasonal, always expensive. Sugar, by then, was dirt cheap. People weren't eating it fast enough. Naturally, the attempt to feed livestock with sugar and molasses in England in 1808 was a disaster. When the Committee on West India made its fourth report to the House of Commons, one Member of Parliament, John Curwin, reported that he had tried to feed sugar and molasses to calves without success. He suggested that perhaps someone should try again by sneaking sugar and molasses into skimmed milk. Had anything come of that, you can be sure the West Indian sugar merchants would have spread the news around the world. After this singular lack of success in pushing sugar in cow pastures, the West Indian sugar merchants gave up.
With undaunted zeal for increasing the market demand for the most important agricultural product of the West Indies, the Committee of West India was reduced to a tactic that has served the sugar pushers for almost 200 years: irrelevant and transparently silly testimonials from faraway, inaccessible people with some kind of "scientific" credentials. While preparing his epochal volume, A History of Nutrition, published in 1957, Professor E. V. McCollum (Johns Hopkins university), sometimes called America's foremost nutritionist and certainly a pioneer in the field, reviewed approximately 200,000 published scientific papers, recording experiments with food, their properties, their utilization and their effects on animals and men. The material covered the period from the mid-18th century to 1940. From this great repository of scientific inquiry, McCollum selected those experiments which he regarded as significant "to relate the story of progress in discovering human error in this segment of science [of nutrition]".
Professor McCollum failed to record a single controlled scientific experiment with sugar between 1816 and 1940. unhappily, we must remind ourselves that scientists today, and always, accomplish little without a sponsor. The protocols of modern science have compounded the costs of scientific inquiry. We have no right to be surprised when we read the introduction to McCollum's A History of Nutrition and find that "The author and publishers are indebted to The Nutrition Foundation, Inc., for a grant provided to meet a portion of the cost of publication of this book". What, you might ask, is The Nutrition Foundation, Inc.? The author and the publishers don't tell you. It happens to be a front organization for the leading sugar-pushing conglomerates in the food business, including the American Sugar Refining Company, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Curtis Candy Co., General Foods, General Mills, Nestlé Co., Pet Milk Co. and Sunshine Biscuits-about 45 such companies in all. Perhaps the most significant thing about McCollum's 1957 history was what he left out: a monumental earlier work described by an eminent Harvard professor as "one of those epochal pieces of research which makes every other investigator desirous of kicking himself because he never thought of doing the same thing".
In the 1930s, a research dentist from Cleveland, Ohio, Dr. Weston A. Price, traveled all over the world-from the lands of the Eskimos to the South Sea Islands, from Africa to New Zealand. His Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects,6 which is illustrated with hundreds of photographs, was first published in 1939. Dr. Price took the whole world as his laboratory. His devastating conclusion, recorded in horrifying detail in area after area, was simple. People who live under so-called backward primitive conditions had excellent teeth and wonderful general health. They ate natural, unrefined food from their own locale. As soon as refined, sugared foods were imported as a result of contact with "civilization," physical degeneration began in a way that was definitely observable within a single generation. Any credibility the sugar pushers have is based on our ignorance of works like that of Dr. Price.
Sugar manufacturers keep trying, hoping and contributing generous research grants to colleges and universities; but the research laboratories never come up with anything solid the manufacturers can use. Invariably, the research results are bad news. "Let us go to the ignorant savage, consider his way of eating and be wise," Harvard professor Ernest Hooten said in Apes, Men, and Morons.7 "Let us cease pretending that toothbrushes and toothpaste are any more important than shoe brushes and shoe polish. It is store food that has given us store teeth." When the researchers bite the hands that feed them, and the news gets out, it's embarrassing all around. In 1958, Time magazine reported that a Harvard biochemist and his assistants had worked with myriads of mice for more than ten years, bankrolled by the Sugar Research Foundation, Inc. to the tune of $57,000, to find out how sugar causes dental cavities and how to prevent this. It took them ten years to discover that there was no way to prevent sugar causing dental decay. When the researchers reported their findings in the Dental Association Journal, their source of money dried up. The Sugar Research Foundation withdrew its support. The more that the scientists disappointed them, the more the sugar pushers had to rely on the ad men.


When calories became the big thing in the 1920s, and everybody was learning to count them, the sugar pushers turned up with a new pitch. They boasted there were 2,500 calories in a pound of sugar. A little over a quarter-pound of sugar would produce 20 per cent of the total daily quota. "If you could buy all your food energy as cheaply as you buy calories in sugar," they told us, "your board bill for the year would be very low. If sugar were seven cents a pound, it would cost less than $35 for a whole year." A very inexpensive way to kill yourself. "Of course, we don't live on any such unbalanced diet," they admitted later. "But that figure serves to point out how inexpensive sugar is as an energy-building food. What was once a luxury only a privileged few could enjoy is now a food for the poorest of people."
Later, the sugar pushers advertised that sugar was chemically pure, topping Ivory soap in that department, being 99.9 per cent pure against Ivory's vaunted 99.44 per cent. "No food of our everyday diet is purer," we were assured. What was meant by purity, besides the unarguable fact that all vitamins, minerals, salts, fibers and proteins had been removed in the refining process? Well, the sugar pushers came up with a new slant on purity. "You don't have to sort it like beans, wash it like rice. Every grain is like every other. No waste attends its use. No useless bones like in meat, no grounds like coffee." "Pure" is a favorite adjective of the sugar pushers because it means one thing to the chemists and another thing to the ordinary mortals. When honey is labeled pure, this means that it is in its natural state (stolen directly from the bees who made it), with no adulteration with sucrose to stretch it and no harmful chemical residues which may have been sprayed on the flowers. It does not mean that the honey is free from minerals like iodine, iron, calcium, phosphorus or multiple vitamins. So effective is the purification process which sugar cane and beets undergo in the refineries that sugar ends up as chemically pure as the morphine or the heroin a chemist has on the laboratory shelves.
What nutritional virtue this abstract chemical purity represents, the sugar pushers never tell us. Beginning with World War I, the sugar pushers coated their propaganda with a preparedness pitch. "Dietitians have known the high food value of sugar for a long time," said an industry tract of the 1920s. "But it took World War I to bring this home. The energy-building power of sugar reaches the muscles in minutes and it was of value to soldiers as a ration given them just before an attack was launched." The sugar pushers have been harping on the energy-building power of sucrose for years because it contains nothing else. Caloric energy and habit-forming taste: that's what sucrose has, and nothing else. All other foods contain energy plus. All foods contain some nutrients in the way of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins or minerals, or all of these. Sucrose contains caloric energy, period.
The "quick" energy claim the sugar pushers talk about, which drives reluctant doughboys over the top and drives children up the wall, is based on the fact that refined sucrose is not digested in the mouth or the stomach but passes directly to the lower intestines and thence to the bloodstream. The extra speed with which sucrose enters the bloodstream does more harm than good. Much of the public confusion about refined sugar is compounded by language. Sugars are classified by chemists as "carbohydrates". This manufactured word means "a substance containing carbon with oxygen and hydrogen". If chemists want to use these hermetic terms in their laboratories when they talk to one another, fine. The use of the word "carbohydrate" outside the laboratory-especially in food labeling and advertising lingo-to describe both natural, complete cereal grains (which have been a principal food of mankind for thousands of years) and man-refined sugar (which is a manufactured drug and principal poison of mankind for only a few hundred years) is demonstrably wicked. This kind of confusion makes possible the flimflam practiced by sugar pushers to confound anxious mothers into thinking kiddies need sugar to survive.
The use of the word "carbohydrate" to describe sugar is deliberately misleading. Since the improved labeling of nutritional properties was required on packages and cans, refined carbohydrates like sugar are lumped together with those carbohydrates which may or may not be refined. The several types of carbohydrates are added together for an overall carbohydrate total. Thus, the effect of the label is to hide the sugar content from the unwary buyer. Chemists add to the confusion by using the word "sugar" to describe an entire group of substances that are similar but not identical. Glucose is a sugar found usually with other sugars, in fruits and vegetables. It is a key material in the metabolism of all plants and animals. Many of our principal foods are converted into glucose in our bodies. Glucose is always present in our bloodstream, and it is often called "blood sugar". Dextrose, also called "corn sugar", is derived synthetically from starch. Fructose is fruit sugar. Maltose is malt sugar. Lactose is milk sugar. Sucrose is refined sugar made from sugar cane and sugar beet. Glucose has always been an essential element in the human bloodstream. Sucrose addiction is something new in the history of the human animal.
To use the word "sugar" to describe two substances which are far from being identical, which have different chemical structures and which affect the body in profoundly different ways compounds confusion. It makes possible more flimflam from the sugar pushers who tell us how important sugar is as an essential component of the human body, how it is oxidized to produce energy, how it is metabolized to produce warmth, and so on. They're talking about glucose, of course, which is manufactured in our bodies. However, one is led to believe that the manufacturers are talking about the sucrose which is made in their refineries. When the word "sugar" can mean the glucose in your blood as well as the sucrose in your Coca-Cola, it's great for the sugar pushers but it's rough on everybody else.
People have been bamboozled into thinking of their bodies the way they think of their check accounts. If they suspect they have low blood sugar, they are programmed to snack on vending machine candies and sodas in order to raise their blood sugar level. Actually, this is the worst thing to do. The level of glucose in their blood is apt to be low because they are addicted to sucrose. People who kick sucrose addiction and stay off sucrose find that the glucose level of their blood returns to normal and stays there. Since the late 1960s, millions of Americans have returned to natural food. A new type of store, the natural food store, has encouraged many to become dropouts from the supermarket. Natural food can be instrumental in restoring health. Many people, therefore, have come to equate the word "natural" with "healthy".
So the sugar pushers have begun to pervert the word "natural" in order to mislead the public. "Made from natural ingredients", the television sugar-pushers tell us about product after product. The word "from" is snot accented on television. It should be. Even refined sugar is made from natural ingredients. There is nothing new about that. The natural ingredients are cane and beets. But that four-letter word "from" hardly suggests that 90 per cent of the cane and beet have been removed. Heroin, too, could be advertised as being made from natural ingredients. The opium poppy is as natural as the sugar beet. It's what man does with it that tells the story. If you want to avoid sugar in the supermarket, there is only one sure way. Don't buy anything unless it says on the label prominently, in plain English: "No sugar added". use of the word "carbohydrate" as a "scientific" word for sugar has become a standard defense strategy with sugar pushers and many of their medical apologists. It's their security blanket.


Whether it's sugared cereal or pastry and black coffee for breakfast, whether it's hamburgers and Coca-Cola for lunch or the full "gourmet" dinner in the evening, chemically the average American diet is a formula that guarantees bubble, bubble, stomach trouble. unless you've taken too much insulin and, in a state of insulin shock, need sugar as an antidote, hardly anyone ever has cause to take sugar alone. Humans need sugar as much as they need the nicotine in tobacco. Crave it is one thing-need it is another. From the days of the Persian Empire to our own, sugar has usually been used to hop up the flavor of other food and drink, as an ingredient in the kitchen or as a condiment at the table. Let us leave aside for the moment the known effect of sugar (long-term and short-term) on the entire system and concentrate on the effect of sugar taken in combination with other daily foods.
When Grandma warned that sugared cookies before meals "will spoil your supper", she knew what she was talking about. Her explanation might not have satisfied a chemist but, as with many traditional axioms from the Mosaic law on kosher food and separation in the kitchen, such rules are based on years of trial and error and are apt to be right on the button. Most modern research in combining food is a labored discovery of the things Grandma took for granted. Any diet or regimen undertaken for the single purpose of losing weight is dangerous, by definition. Obesity is talked about and treated as a disease in 20th-century America. Obesity is not a disease. It is only a symptom, a sign, a warning that your body is out of order. Dieting to lose weight is as silly and dangerous as taking aspirin to relieve a headache before you know the reason for the headache.
Getting rid of a symptom is like turning off an alarm. It leaves the basic cause untouched. Any diet or regimen undertaken with any objective short of restoration of total health of your body is dangerous. Many overweight people are undernourished. (Dr. H. Curtis Wood stresses this point in his 1971 book, Overfed But undernourished.) Eating less can aggravate this condition, unless one is concerned with the quality of the food instead of just its quantity. Many people-doctors included-assume that if weight is lost, fat is lost. This is not necessarily so. Any diet which lumps all carbohydrates together is dangerous. Any diet which does not consider the quality of carbohydrates and makes the crucial life-and-death distinction between natural, unrefined carbohydrates like whole grains and vegetables and man-refined carbohydrates like sugar and white flour is dangerous. Any diet which includes refined sugar and white flour, no matter what "scientific" name is applied to them, is dangerous.
Kicking sugar and white flour and substituting whole grains, vegetables and natural fruits in season, is the core of any sensible natural regimen. Changing the quality of your carbohydrates can change the quality of your health and life. If you eat natural food of good quality, quantity tends to take care of itself. Nobody is going to eat a half-dozen sugar beets or a whole case of sugar cane. Even if they do, it will be less dangerous than a few ounces of sugar. Sugar of all kinds-natural sugars, such as those in honey and fruit (fructose), as well as the refined white stuff (sucrose)-tends to arrest the secretion of gastric juices and have an inhibiting effect on the stomach's natural ability to move. Sugars are not digested in the mouth, like cereals, or in the stomach, like animal flesh. When taken alone, they pass quickly through the stomach into the small intestine. When sugars are eaten with other foods-perhaps meat and bread in a sandwich-they are held up in the stomach for a while.
The sugar in the bread and the Coke sit there with the hamburger and the bun waiting for them to be digested. While the stomach is working on the animal protein and the refined starch in the bread, the addition of the sugar practically guarantees rapid acid fermentation under the conditions of warmth and moisture existing in the stomach. One lump of sugar in your coffee after a sandwich is enough to turn your stomach into a fermenter. One soda with a hamburger is enough to turn your stomach into a still. Sugar on cereal-whether you buy it already sugared in a box or add it yourself-almost guarantees acid fermentation.
Since the beginning of time, natural laws were observed, in both senses of that word, when it came to eating foods in combination. Birds have been observed eating insects at one period in the day and seeds at another. Other animals tend to eat one food at a time. Flesh-eating animals take their protein raw and straight. In the Orient, it is traditional to eat yang before yin. Miso soup (fermented soybean protein, yang) for breakfast; raw fish (more yang protein) at the beginning of the meal; afterwards comes the rice (which is less yang than the miso and fish); and then the vegetables which are yin. If you ever eat with a traditional Japanese family and you violate this order, the Orientals (if your friends) will correct you courteously but firmly. The law observed by Orthodox Jews prohibits many combinations at the same meal, especially flesh and dairy products. Special utensils for the dairy meal and different utensils for the flesh meal reinforce that taboo at the food's source in the kitchen.
Man learned very early in the game what improper combinations of food could do to the human system. When he got a stomach ache from combining raw fruit with grain, or honey with porridge, he didn't reach for an antacid tablet. He learned not to eat that way. When gluttony and excess became widespread, religious codes and commandments were invoked against it. Gluttony is a capital sin in most religions; but there are no specific religious warnings or commandments against refined sugar because sugar abuse-like drug abuse-did not appear on the world scene until centuries after holy books had gone to press.
"Why must we accept as normal what we find in a race of sick and weakened human beings?" Dr. Herbert M. Shelton asks. "Must we always take it for granted that the present eating practices of civilized men are normal?... Foul stools, loose stools, impacted stools, pebbly stools, much foul gas, colitis, hemorrhoids, bleeding with stools, the need for toilet paper are swept into the orbit of the normal."8
When starches and complex sugars (like those in honey and fruits) are digested, they are broken down into simple sugars called "monosaccharides", which are usable substances-nutriments. When starches and sugars are taken together and undergo fermentation, they are broken down into carbon dioxide, acetic acid, alcohol and water. With the exception of the water, all these are unusable substances-poisons. When proteins are digested, they are broken down into amino acids, which are usable substances-nutriments. When proteins are taken with sugar, they putrefy; they are broken down into a variety of ptomaines and leucomaines, which are nonusable substances-poisons. Enzymic digestion of foods prepares them for use by our body. Bacterial decomposition makes them unfit for use by our body. The first process gives us nutriments; the second gives us poisons.
Much that passes for modern nutrition is obsessed with a mania for quantitative counting. The body is treated like a check account. Deposit calories (like dollars) and withdraw energy. Deposit proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals-balanced quantitatively-and the result, theoretically, is a healthy body. People qualify as healthy today if they can crawl out of bed, get to the office and sign in. If they can't make it, call the doctor to qualify for sick pay, hospitalization, rest cure-anything from a day's pay without working to an artificial kidney, courtesy of the taxpayers. But what does it profit someone if the theoretically required calories and nutrients are consumed daily, yet this random eat-on-the-run, snack-time collection of foods ferments and putrefies in the digestive tract? What good is it if the body is fed protein, only to have it putrefy in the gastrointestinal canal? Carbohydrates that ferment in the digestive tract are converted into alcohol and acetic acid, not digestible monosaccharides. "To derive sustenance from foods eaten, they must be digested," Shelton warned years ago. "They must not rot." Sure, the body can get rid of poisons through the urine and the pores; the amount of poisons in the urine is taken as an index to what's going on in the intestine. The body does establish a tolerance for these poisons, just as it adjusts gradually to an intake of heroin. But, says Shelton, "the discomfort from accumulation of gas, the bad breath, and foul and unpleasant odors are as undesirable as are the poisons".9


In the Dark Ages, troubled souls were rarely locked up for going off their rocker. Such confinement began in the Age of Enlightenment, after sugar made the transition from apothecary's prescription to candymaker's confection. "The great confinement of the insane", as one historian calls it,10 began in the late 17th century, after sugar consumption in Britain had zoomed in 200 years from a pinch or two in a barrel of beer, here and there, to more than two million pounds per year. By that time, physicians in London had begun to observe and record terminal physical signs and symptoms of the "sugar blues".
Meanwhile, when sugar eaters did not manifest obvious terminal physical symptoms and the physicians were professionally bewildered, patients were no longer pronounced bewitched, but mad, insane, emotionally disturbed. Laziness, fatigue, debauchery, parental displeasure-any one problem was sufficient cause for people under twenty-five to be locked up in the first Parisian mental hospitals. All it took to be incarcerated was a complaint from parents, relatives or the omnipotent parish priest. Wet nurses with their babies, pregnant youngsters, retarded or defective children, senior citizens, paralytics, epileptics, prostitutes or raving lunatics-anyone wanted off the streets and out of sight was put away. The mental hospital succeeded witch-hunting and heresy-hounding as a more enlightened and humane method of social control. The physician and priest handled the dirty work of street sweeping in return for royal favors.
Initially, when the General Hospital was established in Paris by royal decree, one per cent of the city's population was locked up. From that time until the 20 century, as the consumption of sugar went up and up-especially in the cities-so did the number of people who were put away in the General Hospital. Three hundred years later, the "emotionally disturbed" can be turned into walking automatons, their brains controlled with psychoactive drugs. Today, pioneers of orthomolecular psychiatry, such as Dr. Abram Hoffer, Dr. Allan Cott, Dr. A. Cherkin as well as Dr. Linus Pauling, have confirmed that mental illness is a myth and that emotional disturbance can be merely the first symptom of the obvious inability of the human system to handle the stress of sugar dependency. In Orthomolecular Psychiatry, Dr. Pauling writes: "The functioning of the brain and nervous tissue is more sensitively dependent on the rate of chemical reactions than the functioning of other organs and tissues. I believe that mental disease is for the most part caused by abnormal reaction rates, as determined by genetic constitution and diet, and by abnormal molecular concentrations of essential substances. Selection of food (and drugs) in a world that is undergoing rapid scientific and technological change may often be far from the best."11
In Megavitamin B3 Therapy for Schizophrenia, Dr. Abram Hoffer notes: "Patients are also advised to follow a good nutritional program with restriction of sucrose and sucrose-rich foods."12 Clinical research with hyperactive and psychotic children, as well as those with brain injuries and learning disabilities, has shown: "An abnormally high family history of diabetes-that is, parents and grandparents who cannot handle sugar; an abnormally high incidence of low blood glucose, or functional hypoglycemia in the children themselves, which indicates that their systems cannot handle sugar; dependence on a high level of sugar in the diets of the very children who cannot handle it. "Inquiry into the dietary history of patients diagnosed as schizophrenic reveals the diet of their choice is rich in sweets, candy, cakes, coffee, caffeinated beverages, and foods prepared with sugar. These foods, which stimulate the adrenals, should be eliminated or severely restricted."13
The avant-garde of modern medicine has rediscovered what the lowly sorceress learned long ago through painstaking study of nature. "In more than twenty years of psychiatric work," writes DR Thomas Szasz, "I have never known a clinical psychologist to report, on the basis of a projective test, that the subject is a normal, mentally healthy person. While some witches may have survived dunking, no 'madman' survives psychological testing...there is no behavior or person that a modern psychiatrist cannot plausibly diagnose as abnormal or ill."14 So it was in the 17th century. Once the doctor or the exorcist had been called in, he was under pressure to do something. When he tried and failed, the poor patient had to be put away. It is often said that surgeons bury their mistakes. Physicians and psychiatrists put them away; lock 'em up.
In the 1940s, DR John Tintera rediscovered the vital importance of the endocrine system, especially the adrenal glands, in "pathological mentation"-or "brain boggling". In 200 cases under treatment for hypoadrenocorticism (the lack of adequate adrenal cortical hormone production or imbalance among these hormones), he discovered that the chief complaints of his patients were often similar to those found in persons whose systems were unable to handle sugar: fatigue, nervousness, depression, apprehension, craving for sweets, inability to handle alcohol, inability to concentrate, allergies, low blood pressure. Sugar blues!
DR Tintera finally insisted that all his patients submit to a four-hour glucose tolerance test (GTT) to find out whether or not they could handle sugar. The results were so startling that the laboratories double-checked their techniques, then apologized for what they believed to be incorrect readings. What mystified them was the low, flat curves derived from disturbed, early adolescents. This laboratory procedure had been previously carried out only for patients with physical findings presumptive of diabetes. Dorland's definition of schizophrenia (Bleuler's dementia praecox) includes the phrase, "often recognized during or shortly after adolescence", and further, in reference to hebephrenia and catatonia, "coming on soon after the onset of puberty". These conditions might seem to arise or become aggravated at puberty, but probing into the patient's past will frequently reveal indications which were present at birth, during the first year of life, and through the preschool and grammar school years. Each of these periods has its own characteristic clinical picture.
This picture becomes more marked at pubescence and often causes school officials to complain of juvenile delinquency or underachievement. A glucose tolerance test at any of these periods could alert parents and physicians and could save innumerable hours and small fortunes spent in looking into the child's psyche and home environment for maladjustments of questionable significance in the emotional development of the average child. The negativism, hyperactivity and obstinate resentment of discipline are absolute indications for at least the minimum laboratory tests: urinalysis, complete bloodcount, PBI determination, and the five-hour glucose tolerance test. A GTT can be performed on a young child by the micro-method without undue trauma to the patient. As a matter of fact, I have been urging that these four tests be routine for all patients, even before a history or physical examination is undertaken. In almost all discussions on drug addiction, alcoholism and schizophrenia, it is claimed that there is no definite constitutional type that falls prey to these afflictions.
Almost universally, the statement is made that all of these individuals are emotionally immature. It has long been our goal to persuade every physician, whether oriented toward psychiatry, genetics or physiology, to recognize that one type of endocrine individual is involved in the majority of these cases: the hypoadrenocortic.15 Tintera published several epochal medical papers. Over and over, he emphasized that improvement, alleviation, palliation or cure was "dependent upon the restoration of the normal function of the total organism". His first prescribed item of treatment was diet. Over and over again, he said that "the importance of diet cannot be overemphasized". He laid out a sweeping permanent injunction against sugar in all forms and guises.
While Egas Moniz of Portugal was receiving a Nobel Prize for devising the lobotomy operation for the treatment of schizophrenia, Tintera's reward was to be harassment and hounding by the pundits of organized medicine. While Tintera's sweeping implication of sugar as a cause of what was called "schizophrenia" could be confined to medical journals, he was let alone, ignored. He could be tolerated-if he stayed in his assigned territory, endocrinology. Even when he suggested that alcoholism was related to adrenals that had been whipped by sugar abuse, they let him alone; because the medicos had decided there was nothing in alcoholism for them except aggravation, they were satisfied to abandon it to Alcoholics Anonymous.
However, when Tintera dared to suggest in a magazine of general circulation that "it is ridiculous to talk of kinds of allergies when there is only one kind, which is adrenal glands sugar", he could no longer be ignored. The allergists had a great racket going for themselves. Allergic souls had been entertaining each other for years with tall tales of exotic allergies-everything from horse feathers to lobster tails. Along comes someone who says none of this matters: take them off sugar and keep them off it.
Perhaps Tintera's untimely death in 1969 at the age of fifty-seven made it easier for the medical profession to accept discoveries that had once seemed as far out as the simple oriental medical thesis of genetics and diet, yin and yang. Today, doctors all over the world are repeating what Tintera announced years ago: nobody, but nobody, should ever be allowed to begin what is called "psychiatric treatment", anyplace, anywhere, unless and until they have had a glucose tolerance test to discover if they can handle sugar. So-called preventive medicine goes further and suggests that since we only think we can handle sugar because we initially have strong adrenals, why wait until they give us signs and signals that they're worn out? Take the load off now by eliminating sugar in all forms and guises, starting with that soda pop you have in your hand. The mind truly boggles when one glances over what passes for medical history. Through the centuries, troubled souls have been barbecued for bewitchment, exorcised for possession, locked up for insanity, tortured for masturbatory madness, psychiatrised for psychosis, lobotomised for schizophrenia. How many patients would have listened if the local healer had told them that the only thing ailing them was sugar blues?

This article is extracted and edited from the book, Sugar Blues, © 1975 by William Dufty. The book was first published by the Chilton Book Company, Padnor, PA, USA. Warner Books, Inc., NY, published an edition in 1976 and reissued it in April 1993.

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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Kasparov, Short To Play 2-Day Match In St. Louis

At the end of the month GM Garry Kasparov will be playing chess again. His opponent will be GM Nigel Short, in a two-day exhibition match of rapid and blitz chess in St. Louis.
Hosted by the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis (CCSCSL), the match will consist of two rapid games and four blitz games, played April 25-26.
On each day, one rapid game and four blitz games will be played. The time control for the rapid games is 25 minutes, with a 10-second delay; the blitz will be played at 5 minutes, with a 3-second delay.
The games won't be rated for FIDE rapid or blitz ratings, and there will no tiebreaks in case of a drawn match.
The entire event will be broadcast live on, and so the chess fans can expect live commentary and analysis at the usual high level, known from the Sinquefield Cup and the U.S. Championship that is currently under way in St. Louis.
“Rapid and blitz chess are — as the name suggests, fast and furious. The smallest mistake can ruin a strategy quickly,” Kasparov was quoted in the press release. “It’s not often that I get to play Nigel and relive that moment on the chess world stage in 1993.”
Garry Kasparov, soon back behind the chess board.
Kasparov defeated Short 12.5-7.5 in a controversial world championship match in 1993, after splitting from FIDE and creating the Professional Chess Association. 
Kasparov and Short have played several quickplay matches before, for instance in 1987 and 1993 in London. The last time they met at the board was three-and-a-half years ago.
The YourNextMove blitz match, held on October 9, 2011 in Leuven, Belgium, was won 4.5-3.5 by Kasparov who had a 2-point lead after five games. Short then leveled the score with two consecutive wins, but Kasparov then won the last game, and the match.
Below is the video registration of that match, with commentary by GM Genna Sosonko.
“We’re honored to host two of the chess greats for this exhibition match,” said Tony Rich, Executive Director of the CCSCSL. “Our work at the club is focused on raising awareness of chess and we can’t think of a more distinguished match-up to do just that than Garry Kasparov and Nigel Short.” 
The event is described as “the first Battle of the Legends exhibition match” in the press release, suggesting similar matches will be held in the future.

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