Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Como cultivar tallos de rosas?

Se me ocurrio aprender de raiz como sembrar tallos de rosas y de otras especies, soy del tipo autodidacta que exige de si mismo maximizar el entendimiento, Es triste ver una poblacion que se deleita en embrutecerse, y volver al reino salvaje

Aca escoji de la net algunas buenas explicaciones de aportadores de yahoo.

  • J de H respondida hace 5 años
El tallo no debe ser muy largo lo más aconsejable es deja solamente entre tres o cuatro yemas o nudos.
Si consigues hormanas de enraizar moja la punta de la base (esto hace de que los nutrientes se dirijan a ese lugar para formar nuevas células y producir un cayo de crecimiento) luego lo puedes plantar en un reciente o directamente en el suelo, con un sustrato con buen drenado, fertil y suelto.
Si lo realizas en época de primavera en dos meses el tallo tendrá formada las raíces.
Una cosa importante el tallo no debe tener flores, si llegara a tener hojas deja una pocas y redúcelas a la mitad

eduardo d respondida hace 5 años
Debe ser un tallo maduro, nunca rojizo, la parte inferior debe estar cortada en bisel y puedes ponerla unos días en agua con una cebolla cortada en 4 para estimular la formación de raíces, entiérralo en una mezcla a partes iguales de tierra negra y arena, de preferencia debe tener al menos 15 cm. de longitud y plantarse entre verano y otoño.

diositama respondida hace 5 años
Hola Perica, cuando se hace la poda de los rosales, que es en invierno
esos tallos que has cortado se los utiliza para formar nuevas plantas.
Cuando se corta el tallo es conveniente hacerlo al sesgo o en diagonal
dejando más o menos entre 5 y 6 nudos luego, se le quita casi todas las hojas, solo deja 2 o 3 en la punta.
Los colocas en agua unos días, y luego preparas un sustrato de; tierra negra, compost o resaca, arena o perlita y humus de lombriz, este último solo 2 cucharaditas de té si es para maceta.
El esqueje a plantar, lo colocas en el envase de hormona de enraizar solo untar un poco el final del tallo, lo introduces en la tierra de la maceta unos 3 nudos y los restantes nudos afuera. Lo cubres con el mismo sustrato y apisonas la tierra para que quede derecho y sujeto.
Luego riegas bien y llevas la maceta a un lugar de sombra, puedes plantar varios en la misma maceta dejando un espacio entre 8 y 10 cm entre uno y otro. Cuando veas que brotan y tengan un follaje tupido
recién ahí los puedes trasplantar a tierra definitivo.
Espero te sea útil. Suerte

Cómo hacer esquejes de rosas

Si estás pensando en plantar rosas en el jardín intenta lo siguiente para que tus flores den raíces más rápido y se mantengan saludables: Antes de sembrar, inserta los tallos en papas para crear esquejes, esto le da humedad a los tallos y sus raíces son más fuertes por que absorben parte de los nutrientes de las papas. Una vez que el tallo tengo raíces ya puedes plantar tus rosas en la tierra y hay que regarla un poco más de lo común. Suena raro pero es bastante funcional.



Free online games:Air Traffic Chief

Organize the busy skies and guide the planes and helicopters to a safe landing in Air Traffic Chief. Keep your cool and don't let the numbers overwhelm you and most of all, do not crash. If you like to land a plane just draw a route for him and wait till it lands using your mouse. Do this for all the planes and helicopters. You have three runways so it`s pretty hard to land many airplanes. Be focused and try to see every planes trajectory to avoid crashing.
Use your mouse to drag flight paths for the aircraft to land on the runway and drag helicopters to the helipad.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Can be able Carlen to read though?

The recently finished Sinquefield Cup is going to attract chess players' attention for a long time. Mostly, chess analysts will concentrate their efforts trying to explain the phenomenal result of Fabiano Caruana. You can read my version here
It is very unusual to see a tournament where Magnus "the Magnificent" Carlsen is not the main media magnet.
Despite being in the Caruana's shadow the whole tournament, Carlsen still produced some good chess and came second. In the process, he demonstrated his trademark hypnotic skills. I
1f you are not sure what I am talking about, here is what GM Victor Korchnoi said about Magnus:
"I don't see that Carlsen has the chess ability and I can't understand at all how he achieves such incredible success. I can guess why, but it's got no direct relation to chess. In the chess world there are a few people with absolutely incredible hypnotic abilities. Not so long ago I wrote in one of my books that there were three chess players in history who could (or can) read thoughts of their opponents: Tal, Mecking and Carlsen. That's what, I think, explains the Norwegian phenomenon. He reads thoughts!
Now look at the position from the game Aronian-Carlsen played in the Sinquefield Cup to see what Korchnoi was talking about.
Levon Aronian (2805) vs. Magnus Carlsen (2877)
Sinquefield Cup | Saint Louis USA | Round 5.2 | 31 Aug 2014 | ECO: A47 | 0-1

Here is Carlsen discussing the game with Chess.com:

Yes, the position on the diagram is slightly better for Black due to the superior pawn structure, but why give up a pawn? After the unnecessary pawn sac, White could probably still make a draw, but I don't see any reason to complicate your own defense by giving up a pawn.  Carlsen duly won the game.
Here is another high profile example of Carlsen's hypnosis:

Viswanathan Anand (?) vs. Magnus Carlsen (?)
Anand-Carlsen World Championship | Chennai IND | Round 6 | 16 Nov 2013 | ECO: C65 | 

Again, we see a game where a very strong chess player (the world champion actually!) gave up a pawn for no reason in the position where almost any other reasonable move was sufficient. And just like in the previous game, White could still hold a draw later in the game, but it is beyond the point.
It reminds me about my days in the famous Botvinnik-Kasparov school, when the Patriarch would say about a move like this: "Bolsheviks liked to create problems for themselves in order to successfully solve them later."
So how did Magnus do it? He didn't set traps for his opponents; instead it is his opponents found a weird way to make their own lives more complicated by giving away pawns for no reason!
Should we check Magnus' obligatory orange juice for a trace of "eye of newt and toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog"?
Before we do it, let's open an interesting book "Practical Chess Psychology" by Amatzia Avni.

Pismeny vs. Liberzon
Israel | 1984 | 0-1

In the last two games you can notice identical placement of Black kings, queens and the king's side pawns. Moreover, in all three games a mysterious move of the black king preceded White's blunder.  It was similar to a magician who snaps his fingers and the audience falls asleep. Black played Kf8 or Kg7 and White immediately gave away a pawn!
So, finally the secret of Magnus Carlsen is revealed! It is a move with his king at the right moment! Want more evidence? Here it is:
Teimour Radjabov (?) vs. Magnus Carlsen (?)
World Championship Candidates | London ENG | Round 13 | 31 Mar 2013 | ECO: E32 | 0-1

Even amateur chess players know that in the bishops of the same color endgames, you are not supposed to put your pawns on the squares of the same color as your bishop, so how could a super GM play 64. a4? and ultimately lose this pawn?
It is definitely the hypnosis and the king's move! 
If you are not satisfied with the mounting evidence of Carlsen's blunder-inducing kings moves and insist on more materialistic explanation, here is what GM Liberzon wrote about his game that we just analyzed:
"I had not seen a path to victory, nor do I see one now; in such a state of mind, a chessplayer must strengthen his position, and pretend as if he has a plan leading to victory. Such an approach will intimidate his adversary and induce errors on his part." 
This is exactly what Magnus Carlsen is doing! He is confident, energetic and ready to play for as long as it is necessary to break his opponent's will.
Or maybe it is still the magic king moves?
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The US VALS™ Survey. What is your VALS survey?

My VALS™ Type is:Thinker/Striver

Your primary VALS™ type is Thinker, and your secondary type is Striver.
The primary VALS type represents your dominant approach to life. The secondary classification represents a particular emphasis you give to your dominant approach.
Would you be willing to take another short survey? See below

Take the US VALS™ Survey! Find the link below.

To Take the Survey:

  • Click "Take The Survey" below (it will open in a separate browser window).
  • Answer the questions. No answers are right or wrong; just select the answers that best describe you.
  • Click "Submit" at the bottom of the survey page to view your VALS types—the type that you are most like and the type that you are second-most like.
  • We will not e-mail survey results to you.

VALS Type Accuracy

By design, the questions are for use by people whose first language is American English. If you are not a citizen of the United States or Canada, residency should be for enough time to know the culture and its idioms.
If you do not meet these conditions, your VALS type will not be valid.

If You're Having Trouble Taking the Survey:

  • Java, Javascript, and cookies must be active; please check your browser preferences to make sure that they are.
  • Company and personal firewalls sometimes interfere with the survey. You may need to disable your firewall.
  • You may also need to turn off your computer's or web browser's automatic pop-up blocker.

About the US VALS™ Survey

The purpose of the US VALS™ survey is to identify the VALS type of the person taking the survey. That's it. To find out about a person's product ownership, media preferences, hobbies, additional demographics, or attitudes (for example, about global warming), the questions in the VALS survey integrate into larger questionnaires that ask about these topics. For example, the VALS questions integrate into GfK MRI's nationally syndicated Survey of the American Consumer, which enables us to see the media preferences of each of the eight VALS types. The VALS questions also integrate into our own Consumer Financial Decisions' MacroMonitor survey, giving us in-depth information about how each VALS type uses, invests, and saves money.
So go ahead. Take the VALS Survey and find out your own VALS type.

resource from:

  1. What does VALS stand for?
    VALS is not an abbreviation. Originally, VALS was based on social values, and at that time VALS was an acronym for Values and Lifestyles. However, currently, VALS is based on selected psychological traits and key demographics instead of values, so we dropped Values and Lifestyles but retained the VALS brand.
  2. What is VALS used for?
    U.S. VALS segments English-speaking adults ages 18 years and older on the basis of psychological traits that correlate with purchase behavior and key demographics, enabling users to understand not just what, but why consumers exhibit certain preferences and attitudes. Marketers, strategic planners, new-product designers and others use VALS to:
    • Segment their customers and prospects
    • Select targets
    • Position brands, products, and even policies to the targets
    • Develop communications that resonate with and motivate targets to take action.
    Imagine, for instance, that a company must design a new kind of software program, knowing only that most of its potential users are between 30 and 40 years old and have a college education. VALS goes beyond the demographics to add the human psychological details: preferences for control or freedom, tradition or novelty, information or stimulation, hands-on activity or intellectual abstractions.

Answer this simple question at Monkeysurvey.com about us

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Why my android can not sign in using gmail?

Sign in using application-specific passwords

The codes that you’ll get with 2-step verification don’t work with all applications. There are a few applications that use information from your Google Account that require application-specific passwords (ASPs).

Using application-specific passwords

Examples of devices and applications that use ASPs include: Email clients such as Outlook, Apple Mail and Thunderbird, and Gmail and Google Calendar on your phone. Below are two examples of what you might see when using an application that requires an ASP.

How to generate an application-specific password

  1. Visit your Google Account settings page.
  2. On the left, click Security.
  3. Under the "2-step verification" topic, click Manage your application specific passwords.
  4. Under the Application-specific passwords section, enter a descriptive name for the application (label 1) you want to authorize, such as "AdWords Editor – Desktop," then click “Generate application-specific password" (label 2).
    application-specific password creation
    You'll then see the ASP you just created (3). You'll also see the name you wrote in for the device (4) and a link toRevoke (5) -- or cancel -- the code.
    application-specific password example
    Once you click Done, you’ll never see that application-specific code again. But don't panic: You can generate a new one whenever you’re prompted for an ASP by a non-browser device or application -- even a device or application you’ve authorized before.
  5. When you sign in to an application requiring an ASP, enter your ASP in the password field, and make sure you check the "Remember password" option if you want the application to remember the code.
resource from Google help