Thursday, September 11, 2014

Why my android can not sign in using gmail?

Sign in using application-specific passwords

The codes that you’ll get with 2-step verification don’t work with all applications. There are a few applications that use information from your Google Account that require application-specific passwords (ASPs).

Using application-specific passwords

Examples of devices and applications that use ASPs include: Email clients such as Outlook, Apple Mail and Thunderbird, and Gmail and Google Calendar on your phone. Below are two examples of what you might see when using an application that requires an ASP.

How to generate an application-specific password

  1. Visit your Google Account settings page.
  2. On the left, click Security.
  3. Under the "2-step verification" topic, click Manage your application specific passwords.
  4. Under the Application-specific passwords section, enter a descriptive name for the application (label 1) you want to authorize, such as "AdWords Editor – Desktop," then click “Generate application-specific password" (label 2).
    application-specific password creation
    You'll then see the ASP you just created (3). You'll also see the name you wrote in for the device (4) and a link toRevoke (5) -- or cancel -- the code.
    application-specific password example
    Once you click Done, you’ll never see that application-specific code again. But don't panic: You can generate a new one whenever you’re prompted for an ASP by a non-browser device or application -- even a device or application you’ve authorized before.
  5. When you sign in to an application requiring an ASP, enter your ASP in the password field, and make sure you check the "Remember password" option if you want the application to remember the code.
resource from Google help

Monday, September 8, 2014

Carlsen Signs World Championship Contract

World Champion GM Magnus Carlsen has signed the contract to defend his title according to his manager, Espen Agdestein.

The match will take place as scheduled in Sochi, Russia from November 7-28, 2014.
Both Carlsen and Agdestein are in St. Louis following the 2014 Sinquefield Cup. Agdestein made the announcement to Kaja Snare of TV2 in Norway.
You can read the full transcript on TV2's web site here.

Snare translated some of the interview with Agdestein for
Manager Espen Agdestein confirms that Carlsen will play
"We have sent in the contract today. Magnus is playing in the world championship. He wants to play. His experience from last year is very was good. He is the world champion and he is a chess player and he wants to defend his title."
The contract was faxed to the FIDE office in Athens, and FIDE has confirmed that it received the contract. Here's their official statement:
“FIDE is happy to announce that both the World Champion Magnus Carlsen and the Challenger Vishy Anand have signed the World Championship Match contract and preparations are proceeding as planned.
The World Championship Match will take place in Sochi, Russia between the 6th and the 27th of November. The FIDE President is planning to invite both Prime Ministers of Norway and India to the opening ceremony and to the "first move". The FIDE President has also decided to invite all World Champions to the ceremony, which will take place on November 7th.
FIDE wishes both players and all the chess world a great match.
Gens Una Sumus”
In the third week of August, news came out that FIDE had denied a request from Carlsen to postpone his world championship match with Anand. Carlsen was not happy with the match taking place in November in Sochi due to “much uncertainty about it”, as stated by his manager.
However, FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov made clear at a press conference that the deadline would be upheld. Meanwhile, Anand had already signed, and was ready to play in Sochi.
Then, the Carlsen team wanted to postpone the decision whether to sign the match contract or not until after the Sinquefield Cup. FIDE's initial reaction, by Vice President Isreal Gelfer, was negative but later Ilyumzhinov agreed to postpone the deadline to September 7th (today). 
Now that both contracts have been signed, Anand-Carlsen Part II is on. The match is scheduled to take place November 7-28, 2014 in Sochi, Russia.

retrieved from

Saturday, September 6, 2014

How to factory reset LG-MS840 from metro pcs

The factory reset is very easy,following the next few step

step 1-locate the volume control bottom at its left side and the power bottom on its top
step 2-press volume down + power while it is turning off
step3-keep pressing same bottom until you see how it will turn it on
step4-wait to see the following message in the screen,refer to pic above and below to be familiar
step5-read it and then press power if agree
step 6-read the next message and then press power again

step7-follow the introduction new setting for your new LG-MS840 from Metropcs

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Both systems have a radar system that detects and processes moving object information from any sized vehicle, even a bicycle. These systems quickly analyze 20 times per second to give you advanced warning of adverse conditions.
Whether you are traveling on a bright sunny day, or in a rainstorm, our unique technology works effectively in any weather, day or night.

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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Could be the female body on the moon belong to the china mythology

Chang'e and Houyi the Archer (Version 1)[edit]

According to legend, Chang'e and her husband Houyi were immortals living in heaven. One day, the ten sons of the Jade Emperor transformed into ten suns, causing the earth to scorch. Having failed to order his sons to stop ruining the earth, the Jade Emperor summoned Houyi for help. Houyi, using his legendary archery skills, shot down nine of the sons, but spared one son to be the sun. The Jade Emperor was obviously not pleased with Houyi's solution to save the earth: nine of his sons were dead. As punishment, the Jade Emperor banished Houyi and Chang'e to live as mere mortals on earth.

In Chinese mythology, the Jade Rabbit lives on the Moon where he makes an elixir of immortality.

A classic portrait of Chang'e, from the Ming Dynasty, 16th-17th century
Seeing that Chang'e felt extremely miserable over her loss of immortality, Houyi decided to journey on a long, perilous quest to find the Pill of Immortality so that the couple could be immortals again. At the end of his quest he met the Queen Mother of the West who agreed to give him the pill, but warned him that each person would only need half the pill to become immortal.
Houyi brought the pill home and stored it in a case. He warned Chang'e not to open the case and then left home for a while. Chang'e became too curious: she opened up the case and found the pill just as Houyi was returning home. Nervous that Houyi would catch her discovering the contents of the case, she accidentally swallowed the entire pill. She started to float into the sky because of the overdose. Although Houyi wanted to shoot her in order to prevent her from floating further, he could not bear to aim the arrow at her. Chang'e kept on floating until she landed on the Moon.
While she became lonely on the Moon without her husband, she did have company. A jade rabbit, who manufactured elixirs, also lived on the Moon. The mythologies of Japan and Korea also feature references about rabbits living on the Moon.
Another companion is the woodcutter Wu Gang. The woodcutter offended the gods in his attempt to achieve immortality and was therefore banished to the Moon. Wu Gang was allowed to leave the Moon if he could cut down a tree that grew there. The problem was that each time he chopped on the tree, the tree would instantly grow back, effectively condemning him to live on the Moon for eternity.

Chang'e and Houyi the Archer (Version 2)[edit]

The Jade Bunny delineated on the Moon.
Chang'e was a beautiful young girl working in the Jade Emperor's palace in heaven, where immortals, good people and fairies lived. One day, she accidentally broke a precious porcelain jar. Angered, the Jade Emperor banished her to live on earth, where ordinary people lived. She could return to Heaven, if she contributed a valuable service on earth.
Chang'e was transformed into a member of a rich farming family. When she was 18, a young hunter named Houyi from another village spotted her, now a beautiful young woman. They became friends.
One day, a strange phenomenon occurred—10 suns arose in the sky instead of one, blazing the earth. Houyi, an expert archer, stepped forward to try to save the earth. He successfully shot down nine of the suns, becoming an instant hero. He eventually became king and married Chang'e.
But Houyi grew to become greedy and selfish. He sought immortality by ordering an elixir be created to prolong his life. The elixir in the form of a single pill was almost ready when Chang'e came upon it. She either accidentally or purposely swallowed the pill. This angered King Houyi, who went after his wife. Trying to flee, she jumped out the window of a chamber at the top of the palace—and, instead of falling, she floated into the sky toward the Moon. King Houyi tried unsuccessfully to shoot her down with arrows.
In contrast to the first version, her companion, a rabbit, does not create elixir of life. Aside from the rabbit, the Moon is also inhabited by a woodcutter who tries to cut down the cassia tree, giver of life. But as fast as he cuts into the tree, it heals itself, and he never makes any progress. The Chinese use this image of the cassia tree to explain mortal life on earth—the limbs are constantly being cut away by death, but new buds continually appear.
Meanwhile, King Houyi ascended to the sun and built a palace. So Chang'e and Houyi came to represent the yin and yang, the Moon and the sun.

Chang'e and Houyi the Archer (Version 3)[edit]

Chang'e was a human in the mortal world. She was a palace maid. Suddenly, 10 suns appeared in the sky and the earth became very hot. The king looked for a person with accurate archery skills to shoot down nine of the suns. A commoner called Hou Yi saw that the situation was getting bad. He took out his arrow and bow and shot down the nine suns with nine arrows. The King was pleased and wanted to reward him. Hou Yi was in love with Chang'e and wanted to marry her. The king gave her to him as a reward. The two lived happily until one day, a mysterious old man came and gave Hou Yi an elixir that could make him live forever. Hou Yi hesitated whether to take the pill. He was unsure and left the pill under his pillow on the bed. Chang'e found the pill. She did not know what it was and just swallowed it. Chang'e became immortal and flew to the moon. Hou Yi was devastated and died. People now use lanterns to light up the earth so that Chang'e can see them on the Earth.'e




Cháng'é hé hòu yì de shèshǒu (dì 1 bǎn) [biānjí]
jù zhuàn shuō, cháng'é hé tā de zhàngfū hòu yì shì zhù zài tiānshàng de shénxiān. Yǒuyītiān, yùhuángdàdì de shí gè er zi gǎizàochéng shí gè tàiyáng, zào chéng dìqiú kǎo jiāo. Yóuyú wúfǎ mìnglìng tā de érzi men tíngzhǐ pòhuài dìqiú, yùhuángdàdì zhàojiàn hòu yì de bāngzhù. Hòu yì, yòng tā chuánqí de shèjiàn jìnéng, jíluò de érzi 9, dàn xìngmiǎn yī zi shì tàiyáng. Yù dì xiǎnrán bù mǎnyì hòu yì de jiějué fāng'àn, yǐ zhěngjiù dìqiú: Tā de érzi 9 rén sǐwáng. Zuòwéi chéngfá, yù dì biǎn hòu yì hé cháng'é jūzhù de fánrén zài dìqiú shàng.

Zài zhōngguó shénhuà zhōng, yùtù zhù zài zhèlǐ, tā ràng bùxiǔ de xiāndān yuèqiú.

Yīgè jīngdiǎn de xiàoxiàng cháng'é, cóng míngdài, 16 shìjì 17
jiànyú cháng'é biétí duō cǎnle tā de sǔnshī dān yào, hòu yì juédìng lǚtú màncháng, wéixiǎn de zhuīqiú zhǎodào bùxiǔ di yàowán, ràng zhè duì fūqī kěnéng zàicì chéngwéi shénxiān. Zài tā de zhuīqiú jiéshù shí, tā yùjiànle shuí dāyìng gěi tā di yào xīwángmǔ, dàn gàojiè tā, měi gèrén zhǐ xūyào yībàn di yàowán, chéngwéi bùxiǔ zhī zuò.
Hòu yì suǒ dài lái di yàowán huí jiā, bìng cúnchú zài yīgè ànlì. Tā jǐnggào shuō, cháng'é bù dǎkāi jīxiāng, ránhòu líkāi jiā yì duàn shíjiān. Cháng'é biàn dé tài hàoqí: Tā dǎkāile de qíngkuàng xià, fāxiàn jiù xiàng shì hòu yì huí dàojiā bìyùn yào. Jǐnzhāng, hòu yì huì gǎn shàng tā fāxiàn ànjiàn de nèiróng, tā bù xiǎoxīn tūn xiàle zhěnggè yàowán. Tā kāishǐ fúdòng, yīn wéi guòliàng de tiānkōng. Suīrán hòu yì xiǎng pāishè tā, yǐ fángzhǐ tā zài piāofú, tā shěbudé miáozhǔn jiàntóu tā. Cháng'é bùduàn fúdòng, zhídào tā dēng shàngle yuèqiú.
Dāng tā chéngwéi gūdú de yuèliàng méiyǒu tā de zhàngfū, tā quèshí yǒu gōngsī. Yù tùzǐ, shuí zhìzào yǐ jì, yě zhù zài yuèqiú shàng. Rìběn hé hánguó de shénhuà hái jùyǒu duì shēnghuó zài yuèqiú shàng de tùzǐ yǐnyòng.
Lìng yīgè tóngbàn shì qiáo fū wú jiā ń. Qiáo fū dézuìle shénlíng zài tā shìtú dádào bùxiǔ, bìng yīncǐ bèi liúfàng dào yuèqiú. Wúgāng yǔnxǔ líkāi yuèqiú, rúguǒ tā néng kǎn xià zēngzhǎng yǒu yī kē shù. Dàn wèntí shì, tā kǎn shāng de shù měi cì, shù jiù lìkè zhǎng chūlái, yǒuxiào de qiǎnzé tā zhù zài yuèqiú shàng de yǒnghéng.
Cháng'é hé hòu yì de gōngjiàn shǒu (dì 2 bǎn) [biānjí]

yù tùzǐ huà dìng zài yuèqiú shàng.
Cháng'é shì yī wèi niánqīng piàoliang de nǚhái zài yùhuángdàdì zài tiānshàng, tiānshàng​​shénxiān, hǎorén hé xiānnǚ jūzhù de gōngdiàn de gōngzuò. Yǒu yītiān, tā bù xiǎoxīn dǎ suìle zhēnguì de cíqì guànzi. Jīnùle, yù dì biǎn tā shēnghuó zài dìqiú shàng, qízhōng pǔtōng bǎixìng shēnghuó. Tā kěyǐ huí tiāntáng, rúguǒ tā gòngxiànle dìqiú shàng de yǒu jiàzhí de fúwù.
Cháng'é biànchéngle yīgè fùyǒu de nóngmín jiātíng zhōng de yīyuán. Dāng tā 18 suì shí, yīgè niánqīng de lièrén míng jiào hòu yì cóng lìng yīgè cūnzhuāng fāxiànle tā, xiànzài shì yīgè měilì de niánqīng nǚzǐ. Tāmen chéngle péngyǒu.
Yǒu yītiān, fāshēngle 10 yīgè qíguài de xiànxiàng, tàiyáng chūxiànzài tiānkōng zhōng, ér bùshì yīgè, zǒuchū dìqiú. Hòu yì, zhuānjiā gōngjiàn shǒu, shàng qián shìtú zhěngjiù dìqiú. Tā chénggōng de jíluòle jiǔ gè tàiyáng, chéngwéi yīgè jíshí de yīngxióng. Tā zuìzhōng chéngwéile guówáng bìng qǔ cháng'é.
Dàn hòu yì chéngzhǎng wèi tānlán hé zìsī. Tā xiàlìng xiāndān bèi chuàngjiàn lái yáncháng tā de shēngmìng zhuīqiú bùxiǔ. Zài yīgè yàowán xíngshì de líng yào jīhū shì zhǔnbèi dāng cháng'é lái dàole. Tā ǒurán dì huò gùyì tūn xiàle yàopiàn. Zhè jīnùle wánghòu yì, tā de qīzi hòu, shuí qù. Shìtú táolí, tā tiào xià shì de chuāngkǒu chù gōngdiàn hé dǐngbù, ér bùshì xiàjiàng, tā piāo jìn xiàngzhe yuèliàng de tiānkōng. Wánghòu yì de qìtú wèi néng chénggōng pāishè xià tā yǔ jiàntóu.
Yǔ cǐ xiāngfǎn de dì yīgè bǎnběn, tā de tóngbàn, yī zhī tùzǐ, bù huì chǎnshēng chángshēng bùlǎo yào. Chúle tùzǐ, yuèliàng yě zhùzhe yīgè qiáo fū shuí shìtú kǎnfá guìshù, shēngmìng de jǐyǔ zhě. Bùguò, yǐ zuì kuài de sùdù, tā qiērù de shù, tā zhìyù zìjǐ, tā cónglái méiyǒu ràng rènhé jìnzhǎn. Zhōngguó rén yòng de ròuguì shù de zhège xíngxiàng jiěshì chénshì rénjiān, sìzhī bùduàn bèi qiè diàole sǐwáng, dàn xīnyá bùduàn chū xiàn.
Tóngshí, wánghòu yì dēng shàng tàiyáng hé jiànzàole gōngdiàn. Yīncǐ, cháng'é hé hòu yì lái dàibiǎo yīnyáng, yuèliàng hé tàiyáng.
Cháng'é hé hòu yì de shèshǒu (dì 3 bǎn) [biānjí]
cháng'é zài fán jiān rén. Tā shì yīgè gōngnǚ. Túrán jiān, 10 gè tàiyáng tóngshí chū xiànzài tiānkōng hé dàdì biàn dé fēicháng rè. Wáng zhǎole yīgèrén zhǔnquè de shèjiàn jìnéng jíluò jiǔ gè tàiyáng. Suǒwèi hòu yī bùyī kàn dào de qíngkuàng shì yuè lái yuè zāogāo. Tā ná chū tā de jiàn hé gōng hé shè xià jiǔ gè tàiyáng yǔ jiǔ jiàn. Guówáng hěn gāoxìng, xiǎng jiǎnglì tā. Hòu yǐ ài shàngle cháng'é, xiǎng hé tā jiéhūn. Guówáng gěile tā gěi tā zuòwéi jiǎnglì. Liǎng rénguòzhe xìngfú de shēnghuó, zhídào yǒu yītiān, yī gè shénmì de lǎorén láile, cì gěi hòu yì de chángshēng bùlǎo yào, kěyǐ shǐ tā chángshēng bùlǎo. Hòu yǐ yóuyù shìfǒu fúyòng bìyùn yào. Tā bù quèdìng, líkāi tā de zhěntou xià zài chuángshàng wán. Cháng'é fāxiànle bìyùn yào. Tā bù zhīdào nà shì shénme, zhǐ tūnle xiàqù. Cháng'é chéng xiān, fēi dào yuèqiú. Hòu yǐ bèi cuīhuǐ hé sǐwáng. Rénmen xiànzài shǐyòng de dēnglóng zhào liàngle dàdì, shǐ cháng'é yī hào kěyǐ kàn dào tāmen zài dìqiú shàng.


Chang'e y Houyi el Arquero (Versión 1) [editar] 
Según la leyenda, Chang'e y su marido Houyi eran inmortales que viven en el cielo. Un día, los diez hijos del Emperador de Jade transformó en diez soles, haciendo que la tierra para quemar. Al no haber podido ordenar a sus hijos a dejar de arruinar la tierra, el Emperador de Jade convocó Houyi ayuda. Houyi, con sus legendarias habilidades con el arco, derribó nueve de los hijos, pero perdonó a un hijo para ser el sol. El Emperador de Jade, obviamente, no estaba satisfecho con la solución de Houyi para salvar la tierra: nueve de sus hijos estaban muertos. Como castigo, el Emperador de Jade desterrado Houyi y Chang'e a vivir como simples mortales en la tierra. 

En la mitología china, el Conejo de Jade vive en la Luna, donde hace un elixir de la inmortalidad. 

Un retrato clásico de Chang'e, de la dinastía Ming, del siglo 16 y 17 
Al ver que Chang'e sentía muy desgraciada por su pérdida de la inmortalidad, Houyi decidió viaje en una larga y peligrosa búsqueda para encontrar la píldora de la inmortalidad para que la pareja podría ser inmortales de nuevo. Al final de su búsqueda se encontró con la Reina Madre del Oeste quien accedió a darle la píldora, pero le advirtió que cada persona sólo tendría la mitad de la pastilla para convertirse en inmortal. 
Houyi trajo el hogar píldora y se almacena en una caja. Advirtió Chang'e no abrir el caso y luego se fue de casa por un tiempo. Chang'e se convirtió en demasiado curioso: ella abrió la caja y encontró la píldora igual Houyi regresaba a su casa. Nervioso que Houyi la atraparía descubrir el contenido del caso, se tragó accidentalmente toda la píldora. Ella comenzó a flotar en el cielo debido a la sobredosis. Aunque Houyi quería dispararle a fin de evitar que floten más, no podía soportar la idea de apuntar la flecha en ella. Chang'e siguió flotando hasta que aterrizó en la Luna. 
Mientras que ella se convirtió en solitario en la Luna sin su marido, ella tenía compañía. Un conejo de jade, que fabricó elixires, también vivía en la Luna. Las mitologías de Japón y Corea también cuentan con referencias acerca de los conejos que viven en la Luna. 
Otro compañero es el leñador Wu Gang. El leñador ofendió a los dioses en su intento de alcanzar la inmortalidad y, por tanto, fue desterrado a la Luna. Wu Gang se le permitió abandonar la Luna si podía cortar un árbol que crecía allí. El problema era que cada vez que se cortó en el árbol, el árbol inmediatamente volvería a crecer, condenándolo a vivir de manera efectiva en la Luna por la eternidad. 
Chang'e y Houyi el Arquero (Versión 2) [editar] 

El Conejo de Jade delineada en la Luna. 
Chang'e era una hermosa joven que trabaja en el palacio del Emperador de Jade en el cielo, donde inmortales, buena gente y hadas vivían. Un día, ella rompió accidentalmente una preciosa jarra de porcelana. Enfurecido, el Emperador de Jade la desterró a vivir en la tierra, donde vivían la gente común. Podía volver al Cielo, si ella contribuyó un servicio valioso en la tierra. 
Chang'e se convirtió en un miembro de una rica familia de agricultores. Cuando tenía 18 años, un joven cazador llamado Houyi de otro pueblo la vio, ahora una hermosa mujer joven. Se hicieron amigos. 
Un día, un extraño fenómeno ocurrió-10 soles se levantó en el cielo en lugar de uno, abriendo la tierra. Houyi, un experto arquero, dio un paso adelante para tratar de salvar la tierra. Le disparó con éxito por nueve de los soles, convirtiéndose en un héroe. Con el tiempo se convirtió en rey y se casó con Chang'e. 
Pero Houyi creció hasta convertirse codicioso y egoísta. Él buscó la inmortalidad por pedir un elixir ser creado para prolongar su vida. El elixir en forma de una sola píldora estaba casi listo cuando Chang'e vino sobre él. Ella ya sea ingerida accidentalmente o intencionalmente la píldora. Esto enfureció a King Houyi, quien siguió a su mujer. Tratando de huir, saltó por la ventana de una cámara en la parte superior del palacio-y, en lugar de caer, mientras flotaba en el cielo hacia la Luna. King Houyi intentó sin éxito dispararle abajo con flechas. 
A diferencia de la primera versión, su acompañante, un conejo, no crea elixir de la vida. Aparte del conejo, la Luna también está habitada por un leñador que intenta cortar el árbol de la casia, dador de la vida. Pero lo más rápido que se corta el árbol, se cura a sí mismo, y él nunca hace ningún progreso. Los chinos utilizan esta imagen del árbol de la casia de explicar la vida mortal en la tierra-las extremidades son constantemente cortadas por la muerte, pero los nuevos brotes aparecen continuamente. 
Mientras tanto, el rey Houyi ascendió al sol y construyó un palacio. Así Chang'e y Houyi llegaron a representar el yin y el yang, la luna y el sol. 
Chang'e y Houyi el Arquero (Version 3) [editar] 
Chang'e era un ser humano en el mundo de los mortales. Ella era una dama de palacio. De repente, 10 soles aparecieron en el cielo y la tierra llegaron a ser muy caliente. El rey miró a una persona con habilidades de tiro con arco precisos para derribar nueve de los soles. Un plebeyo llamado Hou Yi vio que la situación se estaba poniendo malo. Él sacó su flecha y el arco y tiró abajo los nueve soles con nueve flechas. El rey estaba contento y quería recompensarlo. Hou Yi estaba enamorado de Chang'e y quería casarse con ella. El rey le dio a él como una recompensa. Los dos vivieron felices hasta que un día, un misterioso anciano se acercó y dio Hou Yi un elixir que podría hacer que él vive para siempre. Hou Yi dudó si tomar la píldora. Él no estaba seguro y salió de la pastilla debajo de la almohada en la cama. Chang'e encontró la píldora. Ella no sabía lo que era y simplemente se lo tragó. Chang'e se convirtió en inmortal y voló a la luna. Hou Yi fue devastada y murió. Las personas ahora usan linternas para iluminar la tierra para que Chang'e puede verlos en la Tierra.'e

Monday, September 1, 2014

Challenges unmet: Unclaimed prizes in science and technology