Monday, January 6, 2014

Group unveils Satan statue design for Oklahoma

Associated Press 
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A satanic group unveiled designs Monday for a 7-foot-tall statue of Satan it wants to put at the Oklahoma state Capitol, where a Ten Commandments monument was placed in 2012.

"The monument has been designed to reflect the views of Satanists in Oklahoma City and beyond," temple spokesman Lucien Greaves said in a statement. "The statue will also have a functional purpose as a chair where people of all ages may sit on the lap of Satan for inspiration and contemplation."The New York-based Satanic Temple formally submitted its application to a panel that oversees the Capitol grounds, including an artist's rendering that depicts Satan as Baphomet, a goat-headed figure with horns, wings and a long beard that's often used as a symbol of the occult. In the rendering, Satan is sitting in a pentagram-adorned throne with smiling children next to him.
The Satanic Temple maintains that the Oklahoma Legislature's decision to authorize a privately funded Ten Commandments monument at the Capitol opened the door for its statue. The Ten Commandments monument was placed on the north steps of the building in 2012, and the Oklahoma chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union has sued to have it removed.
Similar requests for monuments have been made by a Hindu leader in Nevada, an animal rights group and the satirical Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
In response, the Oklahoma Capitol Preservation Commission recently placed a moratorium on considering any new requests.
"Anybody can still make their request, but we'll hold off on considering them until the lawsuit is adjudicated," commission Chairman Trait Thompson said.
The push by the Satanic Temple has rankled elected leaders in this conservative state known as the buckle of the Bible Belt, who say such a proposal would never be approved by the commission.
"I think you've got to remember where you are. This is Oklahoma, the middle of the heartland," said Rep. Don Armes, R-Faxon. "I think we need to be tolerant of people who think different than us, but this is Oklahoma, and that's not going to fly here."
While Greaves acknowledges the Satanic Temple's effort is in part to highlight what it says is hypocrisy of state leaders in Oklahoma, he says the group is serious about having a monument placed there.
The group already has raised nearly half of the $20,000 it says it needs to build the monument.
"We plan on moving forward one way or another," Greaves said.
Another Oklahoma legislator, Rep. Earl Sears, called the group's effort "an insult to the good people of the state."
"I do not see Satanism as a religion, and they have no place at the state Capitol," said Sears, R-Bartlesville.
On its website, the Satanic Temple explains that it "seeks to separate Religion from Superstition by acknowledging religious belief as a metaphorical framework with which we construct a narrative context for our goals and works.
"Satan stands as the ultimate icon for the selfless revolt against tyranny, free & rational inquiry, and the responsible pursuit of happiness," the website says.

Associated Press

OKLAHOMA CITY ( AP ) - Un grupo satánico diseños dio a conocer el lunes por una estatua de 7 metros de altura de Satanás que quiere poner en el Capitolio estatal de Oklahoma , donde un monumento de los Diez Mandamientos se colocó en 2012.

" El monumento ha sido diseñado para reflejar las opiniones de los satanistas en Oklahoma City y más allá", dijo el portavoz del templo Lucien chicharrones en un comunicado. " La estatua también tendrá un propósito funcional como una silla donde la gente de todas las edades pueden sentarse en el regazo de Satanás por inspiración y contemplación. " El Templo Satánico sede en Nueva York presentado formalmente su aplicación a un panel que supervisa los jardines del Capitolio , incluyendo representación de un artista que representa a Satanás como Baphomet, una figura con cabeza de cabra con cuernos , alas y una barba larga que se utiliza a menudo como un símbolo de lo oculto. En la representación , Satanás está sentado en un trono pentagrama- adornado con niños sonrientes junto a él.

El Templo Satánico sostiene que la decisión de la Legislatura de Oklahoma a autorizar a un monumento de los Diez Mandamientos de financiación privada en el Capitolio abrió la puerta a su estatua. El monumento de los Diez Mandamientos se colocó en la escalera norte del edificio en 2012, y el capítulo de Oklahoma de la Unión Americana de Libertades Civiles ha presentado una demanda para que se lo retiren .

Peticiones similares para los monumentos han sido realizadas por un líder hindú en Nevada, un grupo de derechos de los animales y de la Iglesia satírica del Monstruo de Espagueti Volador .

En respuesta , la Comisión de Preservación Capitol Oklahoma colocó recientemente una moratoria en la consideración de nuevas solicitudes .

Rendering Ver galleryThis del artista proporcionada por el satánico ...
La representación de este artista proporcionada por el Templo Satánico muestra un monumento propuesto que el New Yo ...
"Cualquiera puede todavía hacer su solicitud , pero vamos a esperar antes de considerarlos hasta tanto se decida el pleito ", dijo la comisión Presidente Rasgo Thompson.

El impulso por el Templo Satánico ha irritado a los líderes electos en este estado conservador conocido como la hebilla del cinturón de la Biblia , que dicen que tal propuesta no sería aprobada por la comisión.

"Creo que tienes que recordar dónde se encuentra. Esto es Oklahoma, el centro del corazón , " dijo el representante Don Armes , R- Faxon . "Creo que tenemos que ser tolerantes con los que piensan diferente a nosotros, pero esto es Oklahoma, y eso no va a volar aquí . "

Mientras chicharrones reconoce el esfuerzo del Templo Satánico es , en parte, para resaltar lo que dice es la hipocresía de los líderes del estado en Oklahoma , dice que el grupo es serio sobre tener un monumento colocado allí .

El grupo ya ha recaudado casi la mitad de los 20.000 dólares que dice que necesita para construir el monumento.

" Tenemos la intención de seguir adelante de una manera u otra", dijo chicharrones .

Otro legislador de Oklahoma , Rep. Earl Sears, llamó el esfuerzo del grupo " un insulto a la buena gente del estado. "

" No veo el satanismo como una religión , y no tienen ningún lugar en el Capitolio estatal ", dijo Sears, R- Bartlesville .

En su página web , el Templo Satánico explica que " pretende separar la religión de la superstición al reconocer la creencia religiosa como marco metafórico con el que se construye un contexto narrativo para nuestras metas y obras.

"Satanás se erige como el último icono de la rebelión contra la tiranía desinteresada , la investigación libre y racional, y la búsqueda responsable de la felicidad ", dice el sitio web.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


If you're in the business of trying to lose weight, the best way to monitor your progress isn't by stepping on a scale. Since a basic bathroom scale measures your entire body weight, it doesn't take into consideration how much of you is made up of fat, and how much is made of healthy stuff like bones, muscle, blood, and organs. For a more accurate picture of your body composition, it's best to measure your body fat percentage, and here are the many ways it's calculated.
  • Home scales that measure body fat.They use the Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis method to measure body fat percentage. It sends a low level and harmless electrical current through your feet and uses the data to determine how much of you is fat. They are fairly accurate and easy to use, as long as you follow the directions. A scale like this will cost between $50 and $100.
  • DEXA (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) scan. This test is normally used to measure bone density to check for osteoporosis, but it can also measure fat percentage. It uses two different low-dose X-rays to figure out bone mass and soft tissue mass. Even though it's super accurate and considered the "gold standard" for measuring body fat, it's also super pricey, about $100 or more.
To see the other methods, read more.
  • Skin fold calipers (pinch test). You can buy a set to do on your own, or have a professional take your measurements. It basically squeezes your skin folds and measures how thick you are. This test is low in cost but tends to be less accurate than the DEXA scan.
  • Hydrostatic weighing (underwater weighing). You sit on a scale in a tank of water, blow out all your air, and then are dunked completely underwater. The more fat you have, the more you'll float. This test is very accurate, but it can be scary for some people to submerge themselves underwater. It costs around $50.

How BIA works: Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a commonly used method for estimating body composition, and in particular body fat. Since the advent of the first commercially available devices in the mid-1980s the method has become popular owing to its ease of use, portability of the equipment and its relatively low cost compared to some of the other methods of body composition analysis. It is familiar in the consumer market as a simple instrument for estimating body fat. BIA[1]actually determines the electrical impedance, or opposition to the flow of an electric current through body tissues which can then be used to calculate an estimate oftotal body water (TBW). TBW can be used to estimate fat-free body mass and, by difference with body weight, body fat.


Many of the early research studies showed that BIA was quite variable and it was not regarded by many as providing an accurate measure of body composition. In recent years technological improvements have made BIA a more reliable and therefore more acceptable way of measuring body composition. Nevertheless it is not a "gold standard" or reference method. Like all assessment tools, the result is only as good as the test done. Although the instruments are straightforward to use, careful attention to the method of use (as described by the manufacturer) should be given.
Simple devices to estimate body fat, often using BIA, are available to consumers as body fat meters. These instruments are generally regarded as being less accurate than those used clinically or in nutritional and medical practice. They tend to under-read body fat percentage.[2]
Dehydration is a recognized factor affecting BIA measurements as it causes an increase in the body's electrical resistance, so has been measured to cause a 5 kg underestimation of fat-free mass i.e. an overestimation of body fat.[3]
Body fat measurements are lower when measurements are taken shortly after consumption of a meal, causing a variation between highest and lowest readings of body fat percentage taken throughout the day of up to 9.9%.[4]
Moderate exercise before BIA measurements lead to an overestimation of fat-free mass and an underestimation of body fat percentage due to reduced impedance.[5]For example moderate intensity exercise for 90–120 minutes before BIA measurements causes nearly a 12 kg overestimation of fat-free mass, i.e. body fat is significantly underestimated.[6] Therefore it's recommended not to perform BIA for several hours after moderate or high intensity exercise.[7]
BIA is considered reasonably accurate for measuring groups, or for tracking body composition in an individual over a period of time, but is not considered sufficiently accurate for recording of single measurements of individuals.[8]
The accuracy of consumer grade devices for measuring BIA has not been found to be sufficiently accurate for single measurement use and are better suited for use to measure changes in body composition over time for individuals.[9] Two-electrode foot-to-foot measurement is less accurate than 4-electrode (feet, hands) and eight-electrode measurement. Results for some four- and eight-electrode instruments tested found poor limits of agreement and in some cases systematic bias in estimation of visceral fat percentage, but good accuracy in the prediction of resting energy expenditure (REE) when compared with more accurate whole-bodymagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA).[10]

Historical background

Electrical properties of tissues have been described since 1871. These properties were further described for a wider range of frequencies on larger range of tissues, including those that were damaged or undergoing change after death. Thomasset conducted the original studies using electrical impedance measurements as an index of total body water (TBW), using two subcutaneously inserted needles. Hoffer et al. and Nyboer first introduced the four-surface electrode BIA technique. A disadvantage of surface electrodes is that a high current (800 μA) and high voltage must be utilized to decrease the instability of injected current related to cutaneous impedance (10 000 Ω/cm2). By the 1970s the foundations of BIA were established, including those that underpinned the relationships between the impedance and the body water content of the body. A variety of single frequency BIA analyzers then became commercially available, and by the 1990s, the market included several multi-frequency analyzers. The use of BIA as a bedside method has increased because the equipment is portable and safe, the procedure is simple and noninvasive, and the results are reproducible and rapidly obtained. More recently, segmental BIA has been developed to overcome inconsistencies between resistance (R) and body mass of the trunk.

Measurement configuration

The impedance of cellular tissue can be modeled as a resistor (representing the extracellular path) in parallel with a resistor and capacitor in series (representing the intracellular path). This results in a change in impedance versus the frequency used in the measurement. The impedance measurement is generally measured from the wrist to the contralateral ankle and uses either two or four electrodes. A small current on the order of 1-10 uA is passed between two electrodes, and the voltage is measured between the same (for a two electrode configuration) or between the other two electrodes.[11]

Principles of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis


1. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)

Bioelectrical Impedance analysis is used to estimate body composition using the difference of conductivity based on the biological characteristic of tissue. Conductivity is proportional to water and electrolyte and it is decreased when cell shape is closer to a round form. Adipose tissue is composed of round shape cell and contains relatively less water than other tissues like muscle, so conductivity is decreased according to the increase of body fat.
Papers“Suitable Method to Body Fat Assessment and Follow-up Examination”,Ji-hyeon Gang
2005. The 10th Workshop of KOSSO in 2005, 261~269

When subtle alternating current signal flows in human body, electricity is flowing through water which has high conductivity. Impedance of body-composing constituents like water, fat, muscle and so on appears different from
one another and the impedance has steady relationship to body composition, therefore body composition can be evaluated using impedance. This method uses the two factors that human body is composed of highly conductive tissue (Conductor: Lean body mass) and less conductive tissue (Insulator: Body fat) and
measured impedance reflects the ratio between conductive tissue and non-conductive tissue,
so it is called bioelectrical impedance analysis.
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

The difference in Impedance between fat cell and muscle

Impedance of a cylindrical homogenous conductor

2. The assumed premises of BIA

BIA has assumed premises as follows ;
a. Human body is a cylinder shape or a combination of 5 cylinders of which size is determined by height and weight.
b. Body-composing elements are homogenous and evenly distributed.
c. Do not consider individual differences and variation of body composition.
d. Do not consider the changes according to environment (temperature) & body heat and stress.

The assumed premises of BIA
In reality, human body is not a homogenous tube shape conductor and the degree to reduce the flow of electricity at an appointed temperature (ρ) is not steady. Moreover, human body is composed of complex shapes with uneven body composition, has different density through age and different body composition according to gender, and is always changing in accordance with external environment.

Therefore, In order to overcome the difference between real body and assumed body of BIA, revised estimation model should be developed and applied which considers other predictable factors like weight, gender, age and so on except impedance and height.
In addition, separate clinical experiments for gender and age are needed to develop the formula calculating mass of body fat considering gender and age.

Using only one formula which calculates mass of body fat without considering gender and age is easy to use and able to reduce development costs. However, making up for the weak point in the assumed premises of BIA is necessary to develop a body composition analyzer with much higher accuracy.

Papers“Estimation of Body Fluid Volumes Using Tetra polar Bioelectrical Impedance
Measurements.”, Henry C Lukaski and William W. Bolonchuk
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. December, 1988
“Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis in Body Composition Measurement .”, NIH, USA
National Institute of Health Technology Assessment Conference Statement
December 12-14, 1994. 15.
“Comparison of total body potassium with other techniques for measuring lean body
mass in men and women with AIDS wasting.”, Colleen Cocoran, Ellen J Anderson,
Belton Burrows, Takara Stanley, Mark Walsh, Allion M Poulos and Steven Grinspoon
Am J Clin Nutr vol 72, No.4, 1053-1058. Oct. 2000
“Estimation of skeletal muscle mass by bioelectrical impedance analysis.“,
Ian Janssen, Steven B. Heymsfield, Richard N. Baumgartner, and Robert Ross
J Appl Physiol 89:465-471. 2000
“Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis(BIA) May Predict AIDS Survival”, John S. James
AIDS treatment News. 06/16/95
“Suitable Method to Body Fat Assessment and Follow-up Examination”,Ji-hyeon Gang
2005. The 10th Workshop of KOSSO in 2005, 261~269

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis or BIA is considered one of the most reliable and accessible methods of screening body fat. In conventional BIA, a person is weighed, then height, age, gender and weight or other physical characteristics such as body type, physical activity level, ethnicity, etc. are entered in a computer. While the person is lying down, electrodes are attached to various parts of the body and a small electric signal is circulated. Simply explained, BIA measures the impedance or resistance to the signal as it travels through the water that is found in muscle and fat. The more muscle a person has, the more water their body can hold. The greater the amount of water in a person's body, the easier it is for the current to pass through it. The more fat, the more resistance to the current. BIA is safe and it does not hurt. In fact, the signal used in body fat monitors can not be felt at all either by an adult or child.

Tanita's Patented BIA Method

Tanita has patented a revolutionary new way of measuring BIA that is faster, easier, less intrusive and includes a precision scale making this a simple one-step process. In fact, Tanita was the first company to introduce the world to the body fat monitor/scale. Tanita's monitor looks just like a bathroom scale. A person inputs age, gender and height, then steps onto the platform. Electrodes in the foot sensor pads send a low, safe signal through the body. Weight is calculated automatically along with body fat content in less than a minute. All Body Fat Monitor/Scales and UltimateScales feature Tanita's patented BIA method.

5 things to know about marijuana in the U.S.



Friday, January 3, 2014

How does a quantum computer differ from a conventional computer?

Confused about the NSA’s quantum computing project? This MIT computer scientist can explain.

D-Wave sells what it describes as a quantum computer, but Aaronson is skeptical about the device's capabilities. (Steve Jurvetson)
D-Wave sells what it describes as a quantum computer, but Aaronson is skeptical about the device's capabilities. (Steve Jurvetson)
My Washington Post colleagues have reported on an National Security Agency program to to build a quantum computer. In principle, the unique capabilities of a quantum computer could allow it to easily crack cryptographic codes that cannot be cracked by even the most powerful conventional computers.
But right now, quantum computing is more a theoretical research topic than a practical technology. To understand how quantum computers could work and what the implications would be if they did, I talked to Scott Aaronson. Aaronson is a Computer Science professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who has written extensively about quantum computation and its implications. We spoke by phone on Wednesday. The transcript has been edited for length and clarity.
Timothy B. Lee: Let's start at the beginning, how does a quantum computer differ from a conventional computer?
Scott Aaronson: The easiest way to say it is that a quantum computer would exploit quantum mechanics, laws of physics that are not familiar in everyday life but have been familiar to physics for [almost] 100 years. It's hard to get across with newspaper-friendly analogies.
Quantum mechanics is a framework for subatomic physics which is probabilistic. You can only calculate the probability that an electron or proton will be in a certain place when you make a measurement. That's not the most important part of it. We use probability all the time in everyday life.
But quantum mechanics has a completely different way to find probability. People talk about a 20 percent chance of rain tomorrow. But nobody talks about a negative 20 percent chance of rain. That would be nonsense. [But in quantum mechanics], to find the probability that a photon will be found on the screen or the probability that a computer will come up with a particular number, you have to add up [a bunch of numbers called amplitudes]. Amplitudes can be positive or negative, or even complex numbers. What's important is there are different ways that something can happen, and some of those ways have positive amplitude and some have negative amplitude. They can cancel each other out.
That's the thing that's totally unfamiliar to us. [In a famous physics experiment called the double-slit experiment], the two slits that the light can travel through can interfere with each other with the result that the light isn't there at all. If you close one of the slits, you do see light there because you no longer have this interference. By decreasing the number of ways that a photon can get to a certain point, you can increase the chance that it will be found at a point. That's what interference means.
The idea with quantum computing is to exploit the phenomenon of interference which is the core of quantum mechanics on a massive scale. To try to choreograph a whole computation, not just two possibilities with two slits of light to go through, but 2 to the 1000th power. What you could try to do is arrange things for each so of the wrong answers, some have positive amplitude and some have negative amplitude. So those would cancel each other, [while states representing the] right answer would be in phase with each other.
If you arrange that, then when you measure the computer, the right answer will be found with high probability. So that's the idea.
This is different from what most of the popular articles describe. Most of them take this lazy way out, they say a quantum computer will be unlike a classical one because it will explore all the possible answers in parallel. That's not a good way to describe it because you have to measure the computer.
While you can in some sense try every possibility in parallel, there's a sense in which that's true, but as soon as you make a measurement, you're going to see one of these answers, not all of them. You could get a random answer. So the only hope of getting a benefit with a quantum computer relies on this interference effect. So it's really something subtle.
How long have people been thinking about quantum computation?
The idea of quantum computing was proposed in the 1980s by physicists like Richard Feynman and David Deutsch, but it wasn't obvious that a quantum computer would be good for anything. The only application people could see immediately was you could use a quantum computer to simulate quantum mechanics. That's sort of obvious.
The big discovery that sort of got people excited about this field: Peter Shor discovered in [1994] that [if you had a quantum computer], you could use it to find the prime factors of enormous numbers. That's a practical problem we don't know how to solve with [conventional] computers in any reasonable amount of time.
People care about it because the security of e-commerce is based on the difficulty of finding prime factors. If you can do that you can break most of the cryptography on the Internet.
It is important to [understand] that in order to develop his algorithm, Shor had to exploit very special properties of the factoring problems. So even quantum computers have significant limitations. There's a famous class of NP-complete problems [which are among the most computationally difficult problems in computer science]. We don't know if quantum computer will be able to [solve these problems in a reasonable amount of time].
If you could build a quantum computer and it worked according to the theory, we know for sure it could factor large numbers. There's something special about factoring. So it's not a matter of trying every possible divisor in quantum superposition, that wouldn't work. You have to do something more clever to arrange this interference [pattern].
[There are] a few other quantum algorithms that give similarly dramatic speedups, for special problems. For modern cryptography, you need special algorithms to make it work.
Can you give me some concrete details about how a quantum computer works? Conventional computers are built with switches made out of transistors. Is there something similar for quantum computers?
The reason I haven't been concrete about it is that there's a lot of different ideas on the table about what a quantum computer could be built out of. We don't know which of these ideas is going to be the best one. Regardless of which one, they lead to the same theory. It's very much like if you're a classical computer programmer, if you're building a computer program, you don't need to know the physics of the transistor, if that's what you're concerned about.
I can tell you some of the ideas. Basically what you need is some physical system. You have to be able to place it in a quantum superposition of two states. If you have such a system, you call that a quantum bit or a qubit. You have to be able to set them, you have to be able to do operations on them, and you have to be able to make pairs of the qubits talk to each other.
You have to be able to [get them] correlated or entangled. You have to be able to measure the qubits at the end to read out an answer. Finally you have to do this while keeping the qubits [well-enough] insulated from the external environment to maintain their [quantum coherence].
People say that in quantum mechanics, the act of looking at something changes it. That's a little misleading. It doesn't have to be a conscious being. [Being exposed to the] air in the room works just as well. But if the system leaks out information into its external environment, then it loses its quantum characteristics. As soon as the system becomes too correlated with the rest of the world, then you no longer see the quantum characteristics.
This is why we don't notice these quantum effects in day to day life. It's why they were only discovered in the 1920s, why you have to do fairly complex experiments to notice these effects. They only come to predominate at the atomic scale. What makes it so hard is you've got these requirements that you've got to be able to do these operations while keeping things isolated from the environment.
So what ideas have people had for how to build qubits?
Different ideas are being explored in parallel. One is that you could use ions that are trapped in a magnetic field. The spin of the [nucleus], whether it's spinning clockwise or counter-clockwise, is your qubit. You could use a laser to manipulate them. Another one is superconducting qubits. You'd have current that is in a superposition of flowing clockwise and counterclockwise. These [qubits] are much larger [than ions]. These coils would be large enough that you can see them with a magnifying glass. If you cool them to [nearly] absolute zero you can get superposition.
Another is photonics. Use optical elements like beam splitters to move information around. There are a dozen of other proposal.
You describe quantum computers as a mostly theoretical concept, but a company called D-Wave claims to have created a practical quantum computer. What's their story?
I've been writing about D-Wave on my blog for the last decade. They've been the leaders on generating hype and generating press. For a long time they were literally a black box. We didn't really know what was going on, they would make press announcements with these deals, they'd sell these machines to Lockheed Martin and Google. We didn't really know.
Academics [were] very skeptical. They hadn't given evidence that they were doing anything beyond what you could do with a conventional computer. They were making extravagant claims, but we didn't see any evidence that there were really quantum effects going on or that we had a speed-up.
We know a lot more in the last year about what's going on with these devices. After they sold to Lockheed, an independent group led by Matthias Troyer actually did independent investigations of this machine. What they found briefly is that there is pretty good circumstantial evidence that there's some kind of quantum annealingbehavior, which means that there's a little bit of quantumness there.
Not even D-Wave is claiming that what they have or what they't trying to do is a full-scale quantum computer. They're not even trying to get universal quantum computer. A universal one is one that can do any quantum computation, like Shor's factoring algorithm. D-Wave is aiming to build something much more limited. [D-Wave uses an approach called] adiabatic optimization.
There's no evdience that [D-Wave's device is a] practical computer. Even if you could build this adiabatic optimization approach totally perfectly, you still wouldn't know if there's a practically important speedup using quantum computers. It's very different than the situation with Shor's factoring algorithm. If you could do it, we're extremely confident we could get this speedup. With the optimization problem, we don't really know if we'd get a speedup. It's going to boil down to people trying it out and seeing what happens.
Another issue: D-Wave's hardware is nowhere close to the theoretical ideal. It's mostly classical with a little bit of quantumness. Most of the scientists have focused on getting qubits that really work. Most people view this as basic research at this stage. That's how I think about it.
If you can't even build one qubit that you can really control and make work, it seems ridiculously premature to be trying to build commercial devices. But D-Wave's approach is very different. Take the [low-quality] qubits that exist and throw them together and see what happens.
I think it's great to try things out. Where the rubber meets the road and supposing you do that and find you don't get a speedup. Then what happens? Unfortunately, D-Wave has taken the path of obfuscating what the issues are and counting on journalists and people in the business world not caring enough to understand. They're just [talking about] quantum mechanics and parallel universes and it sounds cool, you know, and so people hear that Google is involved and Lockheed Martin is involved, and they don't ask the question, "Is this really giving you a benefit over what you could do with a classical computer?"
Photograph of a chip constructed by D-Wave Systems Inc., mounted and wire-bonded in a sample holder. The D-Wave processor is designed to use 128superconducting logic elements that exhibit controllable and tunable coupling to perform operations.

What would be the implications for cryptography if we were able to build true quantum computers? Would today's cryptographic algorithms be in danger?
Almost all of the public-key encryption that is currently used would be breakable in principle by a quantum computer. [A public-key, or asymmetric, encryption algorithm uses a "public key" that is published to the world and a "private key" known only to the recipient. Public-key algorithms are widely used online.]
That includes RSADiffie-HellmanElGamalelliptic curve cryptography, and several other things also. That accounts for 99.9 percent of public key cryptography that anyone uses. That's all breakable by a quantum computer.
On the other side, if you look at private-key cryptography, the kind where you have to agree on the key in advance, then most private-key cryptography you don't know how to break with a quantum computer.
Even with public-key cryptography, there are proposals out there for public-key cryptosystems that could resist quantum computers. The most important is lattice-based cryptography. These are mostly theoretical. Hardly anyone uses them. The industry coalesced around RSA instead. These lattice-based systems are much less efficient. You might need a key that's 100 megabytes or something.
The advantage is that we don't know how to break them with a quantum computer. If quantum computing became a reality, these would be an option: Make things like lattice-based cryptography more efficient so they could compete with standards like RSA.
Another response that you could take, ironically, is to switch to quantum cryptography. It's a completely different way of doing encryption. It uses fiber-optic cables that can transmit photons that maintain polarization. Cryptography based on quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle. This is actually practical right now. There are companies that sell quantum crypto devices: ID Quantique and Magiq. People are selling these devices. They do work, but there is a limited market for them. It's an exotic solution to a problem that most people think is solved with existing cryptography. Some people joke that the point of quantum computers is to create a market for quantum cryptography.
How much progress have scientists been making toward creating quantum computers in the lab?
I think there's a lot of progress on the hardware side. The problem is it looks unimpressive to an outsider. Fifteen years ago, people were messing around with one or two or three qubits. That's still what people are doing. But the one or two or three qubits are way better than they were 10 or 15 years ago. People are trying to get the qubits to behave well enough that you can start applying an idea which is called quantum error correction. That was a big discovery that convinced people that quantum computation could work.
To build a reliable, scalable quantum computer, you don't have to get it perfectly isolated. Only have to get it very well isolated. If you can get the amount of interaction below a certain threshold, then you can start applying these very clever error-correcting codes. Assuming you're below this threshold, it's like you've passed a critical point for a nuclear weapon, you start correcting errors faster than they're introduced. There's this critical point where once you pass it you should be able to scale it up in principle to be as big as you want.
Until you're at that point, nothing you do is going to [look all that] impressive. You don't get half a nuclear explosion if you're below that critical mass. Experimentalist are focusing on getting a real understanding of how the qubits behave with the idea being that once you have good enough qubits then you can scale it up. Until you do that trying to scale up with dirty qubits, it's like juggling on a unicycle. It's on impressive parlor trick good for generating headlines, but we know from the beginning that it's going to crap out before too long.
So most people know the real goal is not to get more and more qubits, but to get better and better qubits, because that's what's ultimately going to be needed.
How likely do you think it is that the NSA has succeeded in creating practical quantum computers?
People have speculated about that possibility and joked about it for a long time. I don't know. I don't have the security clearance. But there are some things that make me think it's not likely. One of them is that we know who the best experimentalists are, and yes the NSA is interested and talks to them and funds them, but we haven't seen them hoovering them up like the Manhattan project.
The more important thing is that if your goal is to read people's e-mail, there are so many more straightforward ways to go about that than building a quantum computer. It's an exotic possibility that captures people's imagination, but in reality, when these systems are broken, it's not by bashing down the fortress, it's by finding a back door. Finding a bug in the implementation or rigging the standards and strong-arming Microsoft and Google into just giving you backdoors. If the NSA were able to break all of this strong crypto, why would they be going to all this effort to do these things?
Snowden himself said properly implemented strong crypto is one of the things you can rely on. There are so many more prosaic possibilities I'd want to examine before considering the possibility that the NSA is building a quantum computer.
There's also just that it looks to most of us like [quantum computing is] in a basic research stage. It doesn't look like it's at the point where people could say here's how much money it would take and here's how many years it would take and we can build a device. We still don't know. We're still just trying to figure out which are the basic architectures. Maybe in 5 or 10 or 20 years it becomes a question of time and money and manpower and how much do people want this thing. Right now, it's a research question of how do you do it at all.
Update: After this interview was posted, Aaronson requested a few changes for clarity. These changes have been noted in square brackets.

InfinityChess Freestyle Battle 2014

 InfinityChess Freestyle Battle 2014
InfinityChess is pleased to announce a super strong Freestyle Tournament starting on February 4, 2014.  It's a round robin for 30 of the best freestyle and engine players from all over the world.
The total prize money is $ 20,000 USD. 
Please check out the

InfinityChess offers professional client software for free. Enjoy gaming by various play modes: human, engine or centaur. Enjoy our eye-catching graphics and high functionality.
InfinityChess combines ease of use with rich features, offline and online module, support for all UCI chess engines, various rooms for much kind of activities.
·         Bullet, blitz, rapid and long games.
·         Ranking and rating systems for all play modes and time controls.
·         Private and public chat.
·         Server currency: 10 Fini = $ 1 USD.
·         Fini Welcome Gift: 100 Fini welcome gift for new users. 
·         Player of the Month (POM) competition with Fini prizes.
·         Moderators and admins online for support and information.
·         Tournament formats: Round robin, Swiss System, Knockout and Scheveningen.
·         Detailed tour tables and chat info's keep you always up to date.
·         Broadcasting chess events.

·         Storing and download of games and databases.

InfinityChess Freestyle Battle 2014
InfinityChess se complace en anunciar una fuerte estupendo torneo Freestyle comenzando el 4 de febrero de 2014. Es un round robin de 30 de los mejores del freestyle y del motor jugadores de todo el mundo .
El premio total es de $ 20,000 USD . Por favor revise los detalles.
InfinityChess ofrece software de cliente profesional de forma gratuita. Disfruta de los juegos por diversos modos de reproducción: humana , motor o centauro. Disfrute de nuestros gráficos llamativos y alta funcionalidad.
InfinityChess combina facilidad de uso con características completas, fuera de línea y en línea , módulo de soporte para todos los motores de ajedrez de UCI , varias salas para mucho tipo de actividades.
· Bullet , Blitz , rápido y los juegos largos.
· Los sistemas de clasificación y calificación de todos los modos de juego y los controles de tiempo .
· Privado y chat público.
· La moneda del servidor: 10 Fini = $ 1 USD .
· Fini Regalo de bienvenida: 100 regalo de bienvenida para los nuevos usuarios de Fini .
· Jugador del Mes de la competencia (POM ) con premios Fini .
· Los moderadores y administradores línea de apoyo e información .
· Formatos de torneos : Round Robin , sistema suizo , Knockout y Scheveningen .
· Detallado mesas turísticos y charlar de información mantenerte siempre al día .
· Eventos de ajedrez de Radiodifusión.

· Almacenamiento y descarga de juegos y de las bases de datos .

InfinityChess Фристайл Битва 2014
InfinityChess рада сообщитьсупер сильным Фристайл турнир начиная 4 февраля 2014 года. Это круговой 30 из лучших фристайл и двигателей игроками со всего мира.
Общий призовой фонд составляет $ 20,000 USD . Пожалуйста, проверьте детали.
InfinityChess предлагает профессиональное клиентское программное обеспечение бесплатно. Наслаждайтесь играми различными режимами игры : человек, двигатель или кентавра . Наслаждайтесь нашим привлекательные графики и высокую функциональность.
InfinityChess сочетает в себе простоту использования с богатыми возможностями , оффлайн и онлайн модуль , поддержка всех UCI движков , различные комнаты для большого рода деятельности .
· Пуля , блиц , быстрые и длинные игры .
· Ранжирование и рейтинговые системы для всех режимов воспроизведения и контролем времени .
· Частные и государственные чата .
· Валюта Сервер: 10 Fini = $ 1 USD .
· Фини Приветственный подарок : 100 Фини приветственный подарок для новых пользователей .
· Игрок месяца (ПОМ ) конкуренция с Fini призами.
· Модераторы и администраторы онлайн для поддержки и информации .
· Форматы Турнир: Round Robin , швейцарской системе, Нокаут и Схевенинген .
· Детальное тур столы и общение Основная информация о держать вас всегда в актуальном состоянии .
· Шахматные события вещания .

· Сохранение и загрузка игр и баз данных.
InfinityChess Fristayl Bitva 2014
InfinityChess rada soobshchit'super sil'nym Fristayl turnir nachinaya 4 fevralya 2014 goda. Eto krugovoy 30 iz luchshikh fristayl i dvigateley igrokami so vsego mira.
Obshchiy prizovoy fond sostavlyayet $ 20,000 USD . Pozhaluysta, prover'te detali.
InfinityChess predlagayet professional'noye kliyentskoye programmnoye obespecheniye besplatno. Naslazhdaytes' igrami razlichnymi rezhimami igry : chelovek, dvigatel' ili kentavra . Naslazhdaytes' nashim privlekatel'nyye grafiki i vysokuyu funktsional'nost'.
InfinityChess sochetayet v sebe prostotu ispol'zovaniya s bogatymi vozmozhnostyami , offlayn i onlayn modul' , podderzhka vsekh UCI dvizhkov , razlichnyye komnaty dlya bol'shogo roda deyatel'nosti .
· Pulya , blits , bystryye i dlinnyye igry .
· Ranzhirovaniye i reytingovyye sistemy dlya vsekh rezhimov vosproizvedeniya i kontrolem vremeni .
· Chastnyye i gosudarstvennyye chata .
· Valyuta Server: 10 Fini = $ 1 USD .
· Fini Privetstvennyy podarok : 100 Fini privetstvennyy podarok dlya novykh pol'zovateley .
· Igrok mesyatsa (POM ) konkurentsiya s Fini prizami.
· Moderatory i administratory onlayn dlya podderzhki i informatsii .
· Formaty Turnir: Round Robin , shveytsarskoy sisteme, Nokaut i Skheveningen .
· Detal'noye tur stoly i obshcheniye Osnovnaya informatsiya o derzhat' vas vsegda v aktual'nom sostoyanii .
· Shakhmatnyye sobytiya veshchaniya .

· Sokhraneniye i zagruzka igr i baz dannykh