Monday, October 7, 2013

GM Judit Polgar wins Death Match 18 over GM Nigel Short - 17.5-10.5

Death Match 18 - Going Toe to Stiletto

UPDATE: GM Judit Polgar wins Death Match 18 over GM Nigel Short - 17.5-10.5. A longer news article will follow Sunday.

We've had Super-GM clashes before. We've had Europeans play many times, and we've had all-female battles too. But has never had a Death Match of this caliber.
Former world title challenger GM Nigel Short and undisputed best-ever woman GM Judit Polgarwill renew their third decade of friendly rivalry in Death Match 18, to be broadcast live on Saturday, October 5 at 11 a.m. Eastern, 8 a.m. Pacific.
Short-Polgar, Budapest, 2003 (Photo courtesy Judit Polgar)
Almost exactly 40 years ago, Billy Jean King easily beat Bobby Riggs in the "Battle of the Sexes"tennis match. Did the executives have this in mind when scheduling these two players?
"Who's Bobby Riggs?" said IM Danny Rensch, who will be commentating. "Kids," said GM Ben Finegold, Danny's co-host for the match on Chess/TV, in response to Danny's ignorance.
"Honestly, don't tell anyone this, but I just wanted to have one of the best Death Matches come right before my birthday. It's selfish, that's all." Rensch turns 28 not more than a few days after the match.
King and Riggs a few days before their 1973 match
Unlike that match, Short and Polgar have met many times before - some in classical tournaments, but also in a wide variety of other formats. Polgar said she has faced Short in rapid, blitz and blind. Partly due to her beginning a family, she said they strangely haven't played since 2005. "Even though we know each others' strengths and weaknesses, it will be really interesting to meet Nigel for the first time on the Web!"
Although the Death Matches represent a new thinking in blending technology and chess, the pair's most audacious chess match harkened back to the 12th century. Short and Polgar were slated to play a rapid match in 1995 on the Isle of Lewis using the famed Lewis Chessmen. Despite the assurances that they would wear gloves, apparently no promises were made about time pressure. 
A 19-year-old Polgar eyes 900-year-old pieces
In the end, the curators trumped the competitors - the match still took place, with the priceless chessmen loaned by the British Museum only as an art installation. Polgar won both of their encounters - with the Black pieces she found the yet-to-be discovered resources of castling long in what was thought to be a dangerous system for Black against the Alapin (see the scariness inNunn-Sher, Vejle 1994).


A year later, Short got his revenge by beating Polgar at the 32nd Chess Olympiad in Armenia. Short played board one for England, and his win over Polgar in the final round was the only decisive result of the four boards as England toppled Hungary 2.5-1.5. Team England only lost the bronze medal on tiebreaks to the United States.

Polgar's 14. Bh6, which opened the long diagonal and helped complete development, was astoundingly similar to GM Walter Browne's 14. Bh6, though Short found a worthy defense.
Between the two, they have played and bested practically everyone who is worth knowing in chess world. "I have defeated 12 World Champions," Short said. "You shouldn't believe everything you read on Wikipedia. Although I only beat Petrosian in a simul and Spassky in rapid chess. The other 10 I have beaten in classical games. Garry (Kasparov) was by far the toughest."
Short giving Kasparov a good fright
Polgar has similarly beaten most of the class of her generation, with one notable exception. "I would still love to play against Kramnik when I am in the best possible [form] for he is the only champion I did not win against yet," she said.
Nowadays, the two remain active in tournaments, but have found other pursuits within the community. Polgar has begun a chess school and written several books. She is hosting the 2013 Polgar Chess Festival on September 29, with as a sponsor. The tournament will feature some of the best young players from Hungary against prodigies from the U.S.
Polgar, invading Short's homeland in 2012
Last year Polgar released "How I Beat Fischer's Record (Judit Polgar Teaches Chess)", which Rensch favorably reviewed here. She also just finished the follow-up "GM to Top 10" where she analyzes some of her own games.
As for Short, he has been racking up the frequent flyer miles. Recently he has traveled to tournaments in Thailand, Angola, Tanzania and Canada (winning most), broadcast the World Cup in Norway, and has plans to visit Guatemala for chess. In March, he played "Talking Chess" in Iran, where he kibitzed his in-game thoughts and plans for the live audience.
Short, not afraid of third-world travel
He now puts his total country count at 102, good enough for the Travelers' Century Club. "I will travel almost anywhere once, but prefer visiting more sizable and important countries," Short said. "Of the places I haven't visited I guess Colombia or Cambodia would be somewhere near the top of my list. I also like Africa a lot."
Short during a "chess safari"
Neither player used online blitz much in their formative years. Short said he's only been playing since his rating has been on the decline, while Polgar still prefers the days when players sat down to talk about chess, "spending good and more relaxed time" with each other. She still remembers her first computer, a 286, and now "any amateur can see what kind of mistakes a professional makes just by switching on the engines." Polgar said she is a fan of the live relay of games, and she often finds herself on the couch watching the live moves of tournaments.
As for the Battle of the Sexes, the chess version has a lot to strive for. That 1970s matchup drew more than 30,000 spectators into the Houston Astrodome, still the largest crowd ever to see a tennis match in the U.S. Does have similar aspirations for Death Match 18?
"If I don't see at least 50,000 members watching on the livestream server, I may just pack up and start my birthday early," Rensch said.
Rensch has a plan to compete with tennis. Riggs came dressed to the Astrodome as Cleopatra. Look for his own flamboyance on the broadcast:

Join Danny and GM Ben Finegold (his opponent in the above pictured game from the SPICE Cup 2010) on October 5th at 11 a.m. EST, 8 a.m. PAC for all the action. Give your comments here on who you think will win this match. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed - The Truth about Angels and Demons!

Published on Jan 31, 2013
Buy Reality Films DVDs here:
Anthropologist and Ceremonial Magician, Poke Runyon explains and demonstrates the authentic techniques of ancient Ritual Magick. Learn how to invoke Angels and evoke Spirits to visible appearance. Stand in the Magick Circle with Masters of the Art as they conjure the Spirits of Bael and Astaroth (Baal and Astarte) to visible appearance in the Dark Mirror upon Solomon's Triangle. Discover the scientific truth and psychological validity behind our own culture's unique and powerful form of Shamanism. Experience the Mystery and Transformative Power of Solomon's Magick!

History of angels

Published on Feb 2, 2013
More info in my books:
Documentary about the history of angels, and their influence on humankind and society both in the past and in modern times. Includes interviews and information about peoples personal experience with angels, such as spirit guides.

Keywords: angels, heaven, god, spirituality, divine beings, spirit guides, astral realms, higher dimensions, art

Mind Over Matter - Telekinesis: 5th Dimension

Mind Over Matter - Telekinesis: 5th Dimension (Paranormal Documentary)

Documentary on telekinesis, and the power of the human mind to impact physical matter and the universe. Science attempts to explain supernatural and paranormal psychokinesis.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Lilith - Demon and first wife of Adam

Band from the Bible, untold story of the Adams first wife

The Book of Enoch Banned From the Bible. ENOCH warns all HUMANITY..160 B.C

Published on Nov 29, 2012
The book of ENOCH 160 B.C. With the earlier Fathers and Apologists it had all the weight of a canonical book, but towards the close of the third and the beginning of the fourth centuries it began to be discredited, and finally fell under the ban of the Church.The book was then lost sight of till 1773, when an Ethiopic version of it was found in Abyssinia by Bruce. This traveller brought home three copies of it, two old MSS. and a transcript from one of them.
The influence of Enoch on the New Testament has been greater than that of all the other apocryphal and pseudepigraphal books taken together. ' The Son of Man.' This definite title is found in the Book of Enoch for the first time in Jewish literature, and is, historically, the source of the New Testament designation, and contributes to it some of its most characteristic contents.the angelic watchers who fell from

And we also read the following in the book of enoch:

Son of Man was named in the presence of the Lord of
Spirits and his name before the Head of Days. 3. And
before the sun and the signs were created, before the stars
of the heaven were made his name was named before the
Lord of Spirits. 4. He will be a staff to the righteous
on which they will support themselves and not fall, and he
will be the light of the Gentiles and the hope of those who
are troubled of heart. 5. All who dwell on earth will fall
down and bow the knee before him and will bless and laud
and celebrate with song the Lord of Spirits. 6. And for
this reason has he been chosen and hidden before Him before
the creation of the world and for evermore. 7.

DNA Proof of 6" Tall Extraterrestrial: 2013

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Profile of Ata
Ata, is the skeletal remains of a 6-inch (150 mm) human found in a deserted town in the Atacama Desert, Chile in 2003. Ata has since found its way into a private collection in Spain.[1] It was found by Oscar Muñoz near an abandoned church in a ghost town called La Noria, 56 km to the interior of Iquique in northern Chile. Muñoz later sold it to a local pub owner for 30,000 pesos, who then sold it to a Spanish businessman, Ramón Navia-Osorio, who is the current owner.[citation needed]
Although initially thought to be older, the remains have been dated to the last few decades, and contained high quality DNA for scientific analysis. Ata has an irregularly shaped skull and is missing two ribs.[1] Ata may have also suffered from Oxycephaly.[2] There are severalhypotheses about what Ata is. Anatomist and paleoanthropologist William Jungers has suggested that it is a premature human fetus, considering the frontal suture was very open, and because the hands and feet were not fully ossified. An alternative hypothesis, by immunologist Garry Nolan is that Ata had progeria and thus died prematurely. Nolan's more speculative suggestion is that Ata suffered from a very severe form of dwarfism, but no genes for dwarfism have been found during his team's genetic analysis.[1] Professor of Medicine, Ralph Lachman said that dwarfism can not account for all the features found in Ata.[2]
During the DNA analysis by Nolan, the B2 haplotype group was found. Combined with the alleles from the mitochondrial DNA, it suggested that Ata is indigenous to the west of South America.[2] While it has been claimed that Ata is an alien, by ufologists, this is inconsistent with the human genetic material which is present.[1]

Published on Apr 9, 2013
((( HELP get this out on Twitter and Facebook )))
Six inch Tall Humanoid/ET? believed to be 6 to 8 years old was found in the Atacama Desert in Chile in 2003. The DNA proves this little being is a "Humanoid Being of Unknown Classification"...Are we looking at a "Lost Civilization" or an Extraterrestrial Hybrid Human...The Atacama Humanoid...

Atacama Humanoid... Atacama Humanoid... Atacama Humanoid... Atacama humanoid.

Watch the NEW documentary featuring this ET called "Sirius"

ET drawing done by...(Rizztastic channel on Youtube)

Narrated by: Randy Clark from "goforitRandy" Youtube channel
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    Ata , son los restos del esqueleto de un hombre de 6 pulgadas ( 150 mm ) que se encuentra en un pueblo abandonado en el desierto de Atacama , Chile , en 2003. Ata ha encontrado ya su manera en una colección privada en España . [ 1 ] Fue encontrado por Oscar Muñoz cerca de una iglesia abandonada en un pueblo fantasma llamado La Noria , a 56 kilómetros al interior de Iquique, en el norte de Chile . Muñoz tarde lo vendió al propietario de un pub local de 30.000 pesos , que luego se venden a un empresario español , Ramón Navia -Osorio , quien es el actual propietario . [ Cita requerida ]
    Aunque en un principio cree que es más, los restos han sido datados en las últimas décadas , y contenía ADN de alta calidad para el análisis científico. Ata tiene un cráneo de forma irregular y falta dos costillas. [ 1 ] Ata también puede haber sufrido oxicefalia . [ 2 ] Hay severalhypotheses acerca de lo que es Ata . Anatomista y paleontólogo William Jungers ha sugerido que se trata de un feto humano prematura , teniendo en cuenta la sutura frontal era muy abierta , y porque las manos y los pies no estaban totalmente osificado . Una hipótesis alternativa , por el inmunólogo Garry Nolan es que Ata tenía progeria y así murió prematuramente. Sugerencia más especulativo de Nolan es que Ata sufría de una forma muy severa de enanismo , pero no los genes de enanismo se ha encontrado durante el análisis genético de su equipo . [ 1 ] Profesor de Medicina, Ralph Lachman dijo que el enanismo no puede dar cuenta de todas las características que se encuentran en Ata. [ 2 ]

    Durante el análisis de ADN por Nolan , se encontró que el grupo de haplotipo B2 . Combinado con los alelos del ADN mitocondrial , sugirió que Ata es indígena en el oeste de América del Sur. [ 2 ] Si bien se ha afirmado que Ata es un extranjero , por ufólogos , esto es incompatible con el material genético humano que está presente . [ 1 ]

    Ата , це останки 6- дюймовий ( 150 мм ) людини знайдені в покинуте місто в пустелі Атакама , Чилі в 2003 році. Ата з тих пір знайшла свій шлях у приватній колекції в Іспанії. [ 1] Було встановлено , Оскар Муньос поблизу занедбаної церкви на місто-привид під назвою Ла Норія , 56 км вглиб Ікіке на півночі Чилі . Муньос пізніше продав його в місцевий паб для власника 30 000 песо , який потім продав його іспанський бізнесмен , Рамон Навия -Осоріо , який є поточним власником . [ Правити]
    Хоча спочатку вважалося , що старше , останки були датовані останні кілька десятиліть , і містив ДНК високої якості для наукового аналізу . Ата має неправильну форму черепа і не вистачає двох ребер. [ 1] Ата , можливо , також постраждали від Oxycephaly . [ 2] Є severalhypotheses про те , що Ата. Анатом і палеоантропології Jungers Вільям припустив , що це передчасна плоду людини , враховуючи фронтальні шов був дуже відкритим , і тому , що руки і ноги не були повністю окостенілу . Альтернативна гіпотеза , за імунолог Гаррі Нолан є те , що Ата була прогерією і , таким чином помер передчасно. Більш спекулятивні пропозицію Нолана в тому , що Ата страждає від дуже важкою формою карликовості , але не гени карликовості не були виявлені в ході генетичного аналізу своєї команди. [ 1] Професор медицини , Ральф Лахман сказав , що карликовість не можуть врахувати всі особливості знайдені в Аті. [ 2]
    Під час аналізу ДНК Нолан , групи В2 гаплотип був знайдений. У поєднанні з аллели від мітохондріальної ДНК , він припустив , що Ата корінних на заході Південної Америки. [ 2] У той час як він стверджував , що Ата є іноземець , уфологи , це несумісно з людським генетичним матеріалом , який присутній [ 1].
    Ata , tse ostanky 6- dyuy̆movyy̆ ( 150 mm ) lyudyny znay̆deni v pokynute misto v pusteli Atakama , Chyli v 2003 rotsi. Ata z tykh pir znay̆shla sviy̆ shlyakh u pryvatniy̆ kolektsiï v Ispaniï. [ 1] Bulo vstanovleno , Oskar Munʹos poblyzu zanedbanoï tserkvy na misto-pryvyd pid nazvoyu La Noriya , 56 km vhlyb Ikike na pivnochi Chyli . Munʹos piznishe prodav y̆oho v mistsevyy̆ pab dlya vlasnyka 30 000 peso , yakyy̆ potim prodav y̆oho ispansʹkyy̆ biznesmen , Ramon Navyya -Osorio , yakyy̆ ye potochnym vlasnykom . [ Pravyty]
    Khocha spochatku vvazhalosya , shcho starshe , ostanky buly datovani ostanni kilʹka desyatylitʹ , i mistyv DNK vysokoï yakosti dlya naukovoho analizu . Ata maye nepravylʹnu formu cherepa i ne vystachaye dvokh reber. [ 1] Ata , mozhlyvo , takozh postrazhdaly vid Oxycephaly . [ 2] YE severalhypotheses pro te , shcho Ata. Anatom i paleoantropolohiï Jungers Vilʹyam prypustyv , shcho tse peredchasna plodu lyudyny , vrakhovuyuchy frontalʹni shov buv duzhe vidkrytym , i tomu , shcho ruky i nohy ne buly povnistyu okostenilu . Alʹternatyvna hipoteza , za imunoloh Harri Nolan ye te , shcho Ata bula proheriyeyu i , takym chynom pomer peredchasno. Bilʹsh spekulyatyvni propozytsiyu Nolana v tomu , shcho Ata strazhdaye vid duzhe vazhkoyu formoyu karlykovosti , ale ne heny karlykovosti ne buly vyyavleni v khodi henetychnoho analizu svoyeï komandy. [ 1] Profesor medytsyny , Ralʹf Lakhman skazav , shcho karlykovistʹ ne mozhutʹ vrakhuvaty vsi osoblyvosti znay̆deni v Ati. [ 2]

    Pid chas analizu DNK Nolan , hrupy V2 haplotyp buv znay̆denyy̆. U poyednanni z allely vid mitokhondrialʹnoï DNK , vin prypustyv , shcho Ata korinnykh na zakhodi Pivdennoï Ameryky. [ 2] U toy̆ chas yak vin stverdzhuvav , shcho Ata ye inozemetsʹ , ufolohy , tse nesumisno z lyudsʹkym henetychnym materialom , yakyy̆ prysutniy̆ [ 1].