Monday, March 18, 2013

How Much Bandwidth do I Need?

When you’re shopping around for internet service, an internet provider (i.e. AT&T, Comcast) will typically offer many differently-priced service plans depending on how much bandwidth they will provide.  This equates almost directly with connection speed and load times, so it’s important to have enough bandwidth to accommodate your browsing habits.
There are two important metrics in bandwidth allocation (measured in Megabits per second or Mbps): upstream and downstream, denoting the speed of outbound and inbound traffic respectively.  They are useful for different tasks, so let’s address them separately.  All bandwidth suggestions below are for a single user.  Obviously if many users are simultaneously sharing a single connection, requirements will increase accordingly.

Downstream Bandwidth

This is the more useful of the two metrics for most residential users.  It reflects how much data can be transmitted to your computer/LAN at one time, affecting the speed of web page loading, file downloading, video/audio streaming, etc.  For comfortable web browsing, I recommend you have 1-2 Mbps per user.  If you watch a lot of YouTube or Netflix or use Pandora or other streaming media service, you probably want more like 4-5 Mbps per user.  If you make use of digital software and game distribution services like Steam or frequently download very very large files, then you should spring for 10-20 megs or faster.  It will really save on your thumb-twiddling time.

Upstream Bandwidth

Upstream bandwidth plays a more complicated role in internet activity.  It is less used, but still very important as it determines how quickly your computer/LAN can transmit data to a remote location.  In web browsing and media streaming, its only real function is to send the initial request for web pages and files to the server.  After that, all the load is carried on the downstream pipe.  For this reason ISPs typically provide much less outbound bandwidth to their subscribers, sometimes as little as 1/10th the inbound.
Upstream bandwidth does have significant impact on certain operations.  Does it take a long time to attach files to your email?  That’s the limitation of your upload speed.  Stuttering in Skype calls?  That’s probably a lack of upstream bandwidth (though it could be yours or the person you’re talking to).  Though you can theoretically make Skype video calls with 512k upstream bandwidth, you will probably experience poor performance and/or low picture quality.  Offsite backup systems like Mozy or Carbonite rely exclusively on your outbound bandwidth to transmit your files to their servers.  This is the reason they take so long to complete a full backup.
Sufficient outbound bandwidth is also critical when hosting remotely-accessible services on your LAN.  If you use Remote Desktop or LogMeIn or other remote protocol to access your home or office computer while on the road, you should have at least 1 Mbps upstream. 2 Mbps  or better is a good idea when accessing remote files via VPN.  If you’re hosting a website, you’ll need some significant outbound bandwidth too, but that becomes more complicated because your bandwidth requirements will change depending on how popular your site is.  I recommend 2 Mbps or more to start.

The Short and Sweet

If you want affordable general purpose internet and won’t be using any kind of remote access or hosting services, get 2-4 Mbps downstream per user and don’t sweat the upstream speed.  But do be aware of these metrics so you can make informed changes going forward.

Table o’ Bandwidth Requirements (Downstream)

Bandwidth (per user)What it’s fast enough for…
< 1 MbpsEmail
Instant Messaging
Frustrating Web Browsing
MUDs (those old text adventure games, remember?)
1-2 MbpsWeb Browsing
Audio Chat
Streaming Audio (i.e. Pandora)
Online Gaming
3-4 MbpsVideo Chat
Streaming Video (YouTube, Netflix, etc.)
High Quality Photos
Peer to Peer File Sharing
Obsessive Facebook Use
5-9 MbpsStreaming HD Video
Porn (see Streaming HD Video)
10-20 MbpsDigital Software Distribution
20-50 MbpsDownloading very large files
Porn Addiction (see Downloading very large files)
50+ MbpsHuge households
Small Countries
Impatient People

Table o’ Bandwidth Requirements (Upstream)

Bandwidth (per user)What it’s fast enough for…
< 256 KbpsEmail & Instant Messaging
Web Browsing
Audio/Video Streaming
SSH Server
512 KbpsAudio Chat
Online Gaming
Remote Desktop
1 MbpsVideo Chat
Emailing tons of obnoxious photos
Hosting a network game (2-4 players)
Screen Sharing
2 MbpsSkype with more than 2 people
Hosting a network game (4-8 players)
Remote Backup
Web server for a small site
3-5 MbpsMulticast Video Streaming
Web server for a mildly popular site
P2P Network Hub
10+ MbpsMaking Me Jealous

CT Registry Review "Physics"

This quiz is designed to check your understanding of CT Physics.  I hope that it is challenging and helps you in your quest to become CT Registered.  Credit goes to Dimaio!  PS.  Know your Anatomy, it weighs equally with the Physics.  Key to identifying Veins/Arteries, if it branches of the IVC, it's a vein, Descending Aorta: Artery.  Follow the vessel to the structure, it will also help in identification.  Not only does the exam point to anatomy to identify, you also have to place your cursor over the appropriate anatomy and click to place an "X".  "Know your Anatomy"!  Please let me know how you all fare on your Registry!  Have a great day and God Bless!

48th Capablanca Memorial

Monday, 18 March 2013 23:12
The 48th edition of the Tournament Capablanca in Memoriam 2013 will take place from April 20th to May 1st
at Habana Riviera Hotel in La Havana, Cuba.

The Elite group’s full lineup was announced. With the March 1st ratings, the tournament reaches FIDE Category 18, something that might change in April.

There will be two Russian Grandmasters in the field: current National champion Dmitry Andreikin (2727) and
 Ernesto Inarkiev (2688).

Indian Pentala Harikrishna (2705) and Hungarian Zoltan Almasi (2689) will also take part.

The field is completed with two Cuban representatives: the best player in Latin America Leinier Dominguez (2723)
and Yuniesky Quesada (2596).


Sunday, March 17, 2013

The True History and Purpose of NASA

Uploaded on Nov 24, 2011
If this video is not viewable, please go to my mirror Dailymotion channel to see it in full [gmoore50]

Did You Know that NASA has an esoteric agenda to help bring about a one world government, a New World Order?

JFK Moonlanding by end of decade speech, Rice University,


Launch of Apollo 11, July 16, 1969.

Part 1: Project Paperclip and the NAZI Infiltration of NASA

Interview with Bruce Gagnon.


Part 2: NASA Moon Landing Hoax

The Apollo 16 Stagehand Video Hoax

My video "The Apollo 16 Stagehand Video Hoax" can be found here:

Brief excerpt from video showing wires were used on the Apollo astronauts, controlled by wire men in a studio.

Moon Landing Hoax - Wires Footage

Proof is shown of the moon landing video being faked in a studio, using rear screen projection.

Apollo 17: the moving magic mound

Part 3: Why would NASA need to fake the moon landings?

William (Bill) Cooper will explain this, in excerpts from his 3 part presentation called "MAJESTYTWELVE"




STS-121 Space Shuttle Discovery Launch

"To make interstellar travel believable NASA was created....."

Part 4: The Esoteric Occult Purpose for the Space Shuttle Program

Just take a look briefly at the names of the space shuttles, and you will see their hidden agenda: 1) Enterprise, 2) Columbia, 3) Endeavor, 4) Discovery, 5) Atlantis, and 6) Challenger.

Part 5: The Great Alien Deception

Ronald Reagan Alien Threat Speech at the United Nations

Part 6: The Fake Plane UFO Phenomenon

Fake plain videos from:

May 13, 2010 ~ Maple Ridge BC, Canada
Fake plane UFO chemtrail stunt over small town BC?

November 8, 2010 ~ West Coast of Southern California,

United States
Raw Video: Mystery Missile Appears over Southern

California. Helicopter CAM "no audio"

November 8, 2010 ~ Coast of South-California, United

UFO & Missile Launch Off California

October 3, 2010 ~ Wittlich, Germany
ufo ovni - ufo at fake plane

December 9, 2009
Norway Spiral Light 12/09/2009

FakePlane (Rod Hilderman)
April 17, 2008 ~ Lloydminster Alberta, Canada
Solve 9/11 Solve The Chemtrail Phenomena

Part 7: Project Bluebeam: Holograms, HAARP, Chemtrails, and GWEN Towers.

We have the technology now to project holograms in the sky.

Blue Beam Holographic Testing in Sierra Vista, AZ FT

Huachuca 1/2


Chris Morris and Janet Morris interview

Chemtrails contain Barium and Aluminum, necessary ingredients to produce realistic holograms in the sky, when activated by HAARP.

2012 NWO Agenda, Part 14

Project Blue Beam Documentary part 1

Project Blue Beam Documentary part 2


Sound affects video, torture from CIA

Strange sound in Kiev again Aug.11.11.

GWEN Towers will be used to broadcast Silent Sound Spread Spectrum

Silent Sound Spread Spectrum Mind Control Explained

SSSS Technology and Microwaves 2 of 2

Digital TV, HAARP, GWEN, Silent Sound & Mind Control

Technologies Part 1

Clips from Beneath the Planet of the Apes, which was filmed the same year as the Apollo 11 mission (1969). It was the first major motion picture to feature realistic depictions of holographic, sound and telepathic deceptions for use in warfare, another example of "Predictive Programming" in Hollywood.

More information on my website located at:

Music by Kevin MacLeod

Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"


History of the World Chess Championship

The History of Chess

 Throughout the history of chess, humanity has continually held a fascination
 with those rare individuals whose immense skill and success at the game 
makes them deserving of being labeled "The Strongest Player on Earth."
 The title of World Chess Champion is the embodiment of this notion. 
This page is both a brief history of the World Chess Championship and 
an index of all of the modern championship matches.
Unofficial World Chess Champions

 For many centuries, there was no formal world chess championship, but 
there were nonetheless a select few who achieved fame for their ideas and successes over the chess board, and sometimes even for their writings. Each 
player below was recognized in his respective time as the strongest chess 
player in the world. The years indicate the approximate time period when 
each could be considered world champion in an unofficial capacity.
player  years  country
Luis Ramirez de Lucena  ~1490  Spain
Pedro Damiano  ~1520  Portugal
Ruy Lopez de Segura  ~1560  Spain
Leonardo da Cutri  ~1575  Italy
Paolo Boi  ~1575  Italy
Alessandro Salvio  ~1600  Italy
Gioachino Greco  ~1620  Italy
Kermur Sire De Legal  ~1730-1747  France
Francois-Andre Philidor  ~1747-1795  France
Alexandre Deschapelles  ~1800-1820  France
Louis De La Bourdonnais  ~1820-1840  France
Pierre de Saint Amant  1842-1843  France
Howard Staunton  1843-1851  England
Adolf Anderssen  1851-1858  Germany
Paul Morphy  1858-1862  USA
Adolf Anderssen  1862-1866  Germany
Wilhelm Steinitz  1866-1878  Austria
Johannes Zukertort  1879-1886  Poland
click player name for biography, stats, discussion, and more

Paul Morphy

 In the 1850s, America's foremost chess player was a young man from

 Louisiana named Paul Morphy. In 1858, Morphy traveled overseas to play 
against the finest competition that Europe had to offer. Morphy annihilated
 the opposition, including the German attacking geniusAdolf Anderssen, who 
was widely regarded as the strongest player of the day. Morphy had proven 
himself in every way a World Chess Champion. After his European tour, Morphy returned to the states, and announced his retirement from chess.Morphy's retirement in 1862 left a vacuum in the chess world, and the simple question, 
"Who is the best?" lacked a definitive answer. Anderssen was a likely choice,
 but it wasn't long before people turned their attention to an Austrian chess sensation named Wilhelm Steinitz, whose daring attacking style had earned 
him the nickname "The Austrian Morphy". When Steinitz defeated Anderssen 
in 1866, Steinitz was widely regarded as the world's best, and would be for 
decades to come.
Official World Chess Champions
 In the 1870s, a Polish immigrant to the United Kingdom named 

Johannes Zukertort was gaining worldwide attention. By the 1880s many 
believed that he had surpassed Steinitz, which was further confirmed when Zukertort won the London tournament of 1883, defeating nearly every leading player in the world, finishing three points above second-place Steinitz. 
The stage was finally set for the first official World Chess Championship.

Wilhelm Steinitz

So who was better, really? In 1886 these two masters settled the question
 in the only acceptable way: they played a long chess match. Although not
 held under the aegis of any official organization, most chess historians
regard the Steinitz-Zukertort match as the first official World Chess
Championship, because it started a grand tradition. This tradition is
characterized by several components, chief among which are:

  1. The title is determined by a match of sufficient length to demonstrate a superiority of one player over the other.
  2. The winner of the match becomes heir to the title of World Chess Champion, the highest title there is.
  3. The title, although intangible, is treated for all purposes like a physical object which may be possessed by only one person at a time.
  4. The reigning champion can only relinquish the title by losing a subsequent match to a competitor, or by retiring, or by death.
  5. From time to time, the reigning champion is obligated to defend his title against the strongest challengers.
 Starting with Steinitz, the title of World Chess Champion has been handed
 down through the generations from one player to another, like an Olympic

FIDE World Chess Champions
 In 1946, Alexander Alekhine passed away, and forced the chess world to
resolve a novel dilemma: the death of a reigning champion. Due to this
problematic interregnum, a French chess organization founded in 1924,
 inactive since 1939, suddenly rocketed to prominence.Fédération
Internationale des Échecs
 (FIDE) proposed a solution that a title tournament
take place inviting the world's most prominent players. The plan was
successful, and led to the 1948 FIDE World Chess Championship Tournament
which crowned Mikhail Botvinnik as World Chess Champion and established a
 more formal system of selecting candidates for the
future.Garry Kasparov

 This system worked reasonably well, until 1993, when World Champion
Garry Kasparov made the historic decision to break his allegiance to FIDE.
 Unhappy with the bidding process to select the site for the match, FIDE's
 lack of consultation with the players, and the 20% cut of the prize fund going
 to FIDE, Kasparov declared that he would defend the title outside of the
auspices of FIDE. This created a split title, in which Kasparov played title
 defense matches under a newly created organization called the PCA
 (Professional Chess Association), while FIDE continued to manage a World Championship cycle that was stripped of legitimacy in the eyes of most chess
 fans. The uncomfortable situation of a split title persisted for 13 years,
during which time Kasparov lost a title defense toVladimir Kramnik.
In order
to end the chaos of the split title, and for FIDE to retain legitimacy, it was necessary to pit Kramnik (the rightful heir of Kasparov's throne) against the
FIDE World Champion. The title was reunified in 2006 when FIDE Champion
 Veselin Topalov lost to Kramnik in the 2006 FIDE World Championship Match
 in Elista.

Index of all World Chess Championships
 The following list is an index of all official World Chess Championships.
Click on a tournament for a crosstable, a short historical article, a
chronological list of all the games, and a discussion forum.
