Friday, February 8, 2013

Breaking News - Why Exercising at This Time of Day is FAR Better than Any Other Time...

exercising before breakfastA new study suggests that exercising in the morning, before eating, can significantly lessen the ill effects of a poor holiday diet.
Researchers recruited healthy, active young men and fed them a bad diet for six weeks. A group of them that exercised before breakfast gained almost no weight and showed no signs of insulin resistance. What's more, they burned the fat they were taking in more efficiently.
According to the New York Times:
"... [W]orking out before breakfast directly combated the two most detrimental effects of eating a high-fat, high-calorie diet. It also helped the men avoid gaining weight."

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

I'm an advocate of exercising first thing in the morning for two reasons:
  1. It gets done. Despite your best intentions, any number of things can happen in the afternoon and evening, making you skip exercise for "lack of time"
  2. There are additional health benefits to exercising before consuming your first meal of the day
The study above is a great illustration of how making slight changes to the order of your daily routine can dramatically improve your end results.

Exercising Before Breakfast Counteracts Poor Diet and Aids Weight Loss

The study in question lasted for six weeks. It included 28 healthy men between the ages of 18 and 25, divided into three groups; those who:
  1. Exercised before eating a carbohydrate-rich breakfast, and drank only water during exercise
  2. Ate a carbohydrate-rich breakfast before exercising, and drank sugary drinks such as sports drinks during their workout
  3. Ate an identical diet but did not exercise at all
The men who exercised, ran and cycled at a strenuous intensity four times a week.
Overall, the men had identical high-calorie, high-fat diets. The primary difference was whether—and most importantly, when—they exercised. The other difference was the type of beverages they drank during exercise.
At the end of the trial, the non-exercising control group had gained an average of more than six pounds, and had developed insulin resistance—the precursor to type 2 diabetes.
Those who ate breakfast prior to hitting the gym gained an average of about three pounds; half the weight gain of those who did not exercise. However, they too had developed insulin resistance…
The only group that gained almost no weight, and showed no signs of insulin resistance were those who exercised before eating breakfast, and drank only water during their workout.
I want to draw your attention to how the type of beverage consumed during exercise can also have a major impact on your weight loss and health goals.
You'll want to avoid all types of sugary drinks, including sports drinks, for up to two hours after your workout because fructose obliterates the growth hormone response. You'll find more information about that at the end of this article.
Clearly, the fasting exercise group reaped the benefits of both fasting and not ruining their efforts with carbohydrate-rich beverages...
"This study for the first time shows that fasted training is more potent than fed training to facilitate adaptations in muscle and to improve whole-body glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity during hyper-caloric fat-rich diet."
That's quite remarkable, considering all three groups consumed very high caloric diets. This is powerful evidence that occasional indulgences do not have to lead to excessive weight gain, which is great news for most of us, especially in light of the recent holidays.
But even beyond holiday excesses, it's quite clear that something as simple as modifying your schedule to exercise before eating your first meal of the day can have a very beneficial and protective impact on your health and weight.

How Fasting Forces Your Body to Shed Excess Fat, and Combats Insulin Resistance

One of the explanations for how exercising on an empty stomach can prevent weight gain and insulin resistance despite overindulgence is that your body's fat burning processes are controlled by your sympathetic nervous system (SNS), and your SNS is activated by exercise and lack of food.
The combination of fasting and exercising maximizes the impact of cellular factors and catalysts (cyclic AMP and AMP Kinases), which force the breakdown of fat and glycogen for energy.
This is why training on an empty stomach will effectively force your body to burn fat.
It's also important to realize that eating a full meal, particularly carbohydrates, will inhibit your sympathetic nervous system andreduce the fat burning effect of your exercise. Instead, eating lots of carbs activates your parasympathetic nervous system, (which promotes energy storage—the complete opposite of what you're aiming for.
This can explain why those who exercised vigorously but ate a carbohydrate-rich breakfast first still ended up gaining weight, albeit not as much as those who did not exercise at all.
More important, however, is the impact fasting exercise can have on your insulin regulation. The researchers concluded that those who fasted before exercise had increased levels of a certain muscle protein that plays a pivotal role in insulin sensitivity.
As I've explained in numerous articles, insulin resistance is the root cause of most chronic disease, making maintaining proper insulin regulation a primary factor of good health.
In a nutshell, you do that by:
  1. Exercising regularly
  2. Avoiding sugar/fructose, and grains (including organic whole grains as they too will quickly convert to sugar in your body and lead to insulin resistance)
Based on the impressive results from the study above, you may also want to consider exercising prior to having your breakfast to optimize the beneficial impact of your exercise on your insulin regulation.

Other Pros and Cons of Exercising on an Empty Stomach

Keep in mind that the majority of the "fuel" used during most exercise is not actually coming from the food you have just eaten. If you're working out at a moderate to high intensity you're using glycogen and fat that is stored in your muscles, liver, and fat cells. Typically, your body has enough of that stored fuel to last for one to two hours of intense work, or three to four hours at moderate intensity.
Therefore, if you are consuming a high quality diet, eating every three to four hours, your body may not need anything to eat before you begin your workout.
Still, some people do have a hard time exercising without eating something first.
Typically these people are more sensitive to changes in their blood sugar levels, which can decline during the first 15-25 minutes of their workout. It is this decline in blood sugar that causes dizziness, faintness, nausea or lightheadedness. This is especially true if you exercise first thing in the morning.
Additionally, exercising on an empty stomach may not appeal to athletes as it will typically reduce overall performance. Professional athletes may also not be as concerned with fat loss.
I believe the best approach is to use some common sense and listen to your body.
A number of individual factors can play a role, such as your age, when you last ate, whether or not you're pregnant, taking medications, your medical history, level of fitness, and the type of workout you engage in.
For example, if you feel weak or nauseous while exercising on an empty stomach, you may want to at least eat a small meal before exercising.
Fortunately, there's a near perfect breakfast food that may offer the best of both worlds.

What to Eat Before Exercise to Really Boost Fat Burning

Yes, there's another, perhaps even more efficient way to boost fat burning without fasting.
A recent study published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise, demonstrated that consuming whey protein (20g protein / serving) 30 minutes before resistance training boosts your body's metabolism for as much as 24 hours after your workout.
It appears as though the amino acids found in high quality whey protein activate certain cellular mechanisms (mTORC-1), which in turn promote muscle protein synthesis, boost thyroid, and also protect against declining testosterone levels after exercise.
In practical terms, consuming 20 grams of whey protein before exercise and another serving afterward will most likely yield the double benefit of increasing both fat burning and muscle build-up at the same time.
Again, not everyone will need to eat something prior to exercise, but if you do, a high quality whey protein is one of your best bets. It'll curb your hunger while still optimizing fat burning.
Whey protein is also known for its ability to help your insulin work more effectively, which, again, is one of the primary benefits of fasting prior to exercise.
For more information about whey protein—known as the gold standard of proteins—listen to my interview with Ori Hofmekler, author of The Warrior Diet. He's a wealth of knowledge when it comes to fitness and how to use food to burn fat, build muscle, and optimize your health.

A Great Way to Start Your Morning

Personally, I typically exercise first thing in the morning, before eating, and then have a whey protein shake for breakfast. This ensures that I get my exercises done before anything has the opportunity to derail my plans, and gives me plenty of energy for the day ahead.
Earlier last year I posted my own breakfast shake recipe, which took me quite a while to develop, so if you missed it, feel free toreview it now. It's packed with nutrients and is perfect both as a healthful breakfast and post-work out meal.
It should be noted for clarity, however, that whey protein is NOT a weight loss supplement, in and of itself. Without the exercise, it will not magically help you lose weight.

The Most Effective Exercise for Weight Loss and Optimal Health

Since we're talking about fat burning it's important to realize that the type of exercise you perform will also have a major impact on this process.
I recently wrote about the many health benefits of high-intensity burst-type exercises such as Sprint 8. Improved fat burning is just the beginning when it comes to this type of training!
Performed two or three times a week, Sprint 8 exercises will boost your body's natural production of human growth hormone (HGH), and slow down telomere shortening—both of which are tied to the aging processes of your body. To learn more, pleasesee this link.
During these high intensity, sprint-type exercises you raise your heart rate up to your anaerobic threshold for 30 seconds, followed by a 90 second recovery period. The cycle is then repeated for a total of eight repetitions—hence the term "Sprint 8."
Another boon of Sprint 8 exercises is the amount of time you save. Including a three minute warm up and two minute cool down, your total time investment is a mere 20 minutes as opposed to your regular hour-long treadmill session.
I've been doing Sprint 8 exercises since April 2010 and have shed over 17 pounds of fat and three inches off my waist while gaining more than five pounds of muscle, all while dramatically reducing the time I spend in the gym.
For a more in-depth explanation of the Peak Fitness program, which is a comprehensive exercise plan that also includes strength training, core exercises and stretching, please review this recent article.
So, to summarize the diet and health advice discussed above:
  • Exercising before breakfast can help prevent weight gain and insulin resistance, even when consuming an excess amount of calories and carbs
  • Quench your thirst during exercise with pure, clean water only. Sugary drinks such as sports drinks will obliterate many of the most impressive health benefits of your training
  • If you can't, or don't want to exercise on an empty stomach, your ideal breakfast alternative is a high quality whey protein. It will help boost metabolism for as much as 24 hours after your workout and promote healthy insulin secretion
  • Incorporate high-intensity burst-type exercises like Sprint 8 into your fitness regimen to further maximize fat burning and slow down the aging process

Beef Burgers Made of Horse Meat and Salmonella Outbreak from Ground Beef -- The Unsavory Truth of Rising Food Fraud and Contamination

By Dr. Mercola
When you buy processed meat, whether from your local grocer or a restaurant, what are you really getting?
That's a very valid question these days, as one meat-related scandal after another has been revealed. Most recently, at least 16 people in the US have been sickened from salmonella-tainted ground beef, and in the UK, many got sick to their stomach when it was discovered beef burgers contained horsemeat.

New DNA sequencing technology now allows regulatory agencies to inexpensively make this determination.
From the standpoints of health, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability, there's really only one type of meat I recommend: organically raised, grass-fed or pastured. This applies to all types of meat, from fowl to beef, and related animal products such as eggs and dairy.

Tesco Apologizes for Selling Burgers Containing Horsemeat

On January 17, BBC News1 reported that the supermarket chain Tesco had placed full-page ads in several national newspapers, apologizing for selling hamburgers found to contain nearly 30 percent horse meat. A majority of tested beef burgers also contained pig meat, as did over 30 other processed beef products, including cottage pie, beef curry pie, and lasagna.
"The supermarket giant said it and its supplier had let customers down and promised to find out 'what happened,'" BBC writes. "So here's our promise. We will find out exactly what happened and, when we do, we'll come back and tell you. And we will work harder than ever with all our suppliers to make sure this never happens again."
While horse meat does not pose a health risk per se, many are disgusted by the thought of eating horse, much like you'd shun cat or dog meat. The discrepancy was discovered by Irish food inspectors. Horse meat was also found in burgers sold by Iceland, Lidi, Aldi and Dunnes. The stores have reportedly removed all products from the meat supplier in question.
Burger King in the UK has also issued a statement saying it has replaced the meat supplier. According to Reuters:2
"'This is a voluntary and precautionary measure,' Burger King, famed for its flame-grilled burgers, said. 'We are working diligently to identify suppliers that can produce 100 percent pure Irish and British beef products that meet our high-quality standards.'"
According to Reuters, the source of the contamination is thought to be “a beef based product bought from two third-party suppliers outside of Ireland.” This highlights one of the most basic problems with mass-produced meat products.

The final product is a jumble-toss of meat and scraps from multiple sources, making the risk of contamination of huge amounts of meat very high – whether the contamination is a type of meat that doesn't belong, or contamination with a pathogen. It also makes tracing the contamination back to its source all the more difficult.
Overall, it's important to realize that the more steps your food goes through before it reaches your plate, the greater your chances of contamination becomes. If you are able to get your food locally, directly from the field or after harvest, such as directly from a farmer or farmer's market, you knock out numerous routes that could expose your food to contamination.

Several Sick After Eating Contaminated Ground Beef

Case in point... In the United States, federal health officials recently reported that at least 16 people in five states were sickened by ground beef contaminated with salmonella.3 About half of them required hospitalization, but none have died so far. Seven of those afflicted ate Kibbeh – a raw ground beef dish – at an unnamed Detroit restaurant.
Again, the contamination was scattered around a very large area: Michigan, Arizona, Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention4 (CDC), the outbreak is linked to a recent recall of more than 1,000 pounds of ground beef from Gab Halal Foods and Jouni Meats, both based in Michigan.
Each year, an estimated one in six Americans become ill from consuming contaminated food. Sometimes this results in a 24-hour bout of diarrhea and vomiting that clears up on its own, but in other cases foodborne pathogens can lead to organ failure, paralysis, neurological impairment, blindness, stillbirths and even death.
While the majority of food contaminations are linked to imported foods, the mere fact that a food is manufactured on U.S. soil does not guarantee its safety. Most of the meat sold in U.S. grocery stores and restaurants comes from confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), which can house tens of thousands of animals (and in the case of chickens, 100,000) under one roof, in nightmarish, unsanitary, disease-ridden conditions. It's under these conditions that foodborne pathogens flourish, and indeed studies have shown that the larger the farm, the greater the chances of contamination.

How CAFO Chicken Farms May Contaminate Other Foods

In one study, more than 23 percent of CAFOs with caged hens tested positive for Salmonella, while just over 4 percent of organic flocks tested positive. The highest prevalence of Salmonella occurred in the largest flocks (30,000 birds or more), which contained over four times the average level of salmonella found in smaller flocks. Organic flocks are typically much smaller than the massive commercial flocks where bacteria flourish, which is part of the reason why eggs (and other products, like meat) from truly organic, free-range sources are FAR less likely to contain dangerous bacteria such as Salmonella.
What many don't realize is that not only are you at greater risk of getting sickened from CAFO chicken meat, contaminated chicken litter from these farms can also spread disease throughout the food chain...
Yes, even lettuce and other vegetables have occasionally been found to contain Salmonella, courtesy of contaminated fertilizer. Chicken litter and feathers are also commonly used in other livestock feed, further increasing chances of spreading contamination around from one mass-produced food source to another.5
If you buy your meat at your supermarket, even if it's U.S. raised, you should know that you are directly supporting a food system that typically promotes widespread contamination. And you can bet that as long as there are people willing to buy cheap, contaminated meat, the industry will continue to produce it. Consumer Reports tests6 have indicated that 83 percent of fresh, whole broiler chickens bought at supermarkets nationwide harbor Campylobacter or Salmonella. This is clearly unacceptable, and if you start to demand more -- meat that is raised in a healthy, humane way, free from toxins and disease -- producers will have no choice but to listen.

Study Shows Roundup Creates Botulism Breeding Ground in Poultry

CAFO chickens can also be heavily exposed to glyphosate when fed genetically engineered feed, and according to recent research,7 glyphosate residues will preferentially kill beneficial species of microorganisms in the GI tract, leaving pathogenic species that can cause harm.
What does this mean for you and me?
The essential implication is that poultry fed GE corn or soy would fall victim to dysbiosis, meaning unhealthy changes in their gut flora that threaten the health of the birds, as well as anyone consuming them. The beneficial bacteria in the poultry gut, such as Enterococcus, Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, are killed off, allowing the pathogenic or disease causing bacteria to flourish. Varieties such as Salmonella and Clostridium are very dangerous pathogens for humans. Clostridia bacteria are some of the deadliest, with strains including C. tetani (tetanus) and C. botulinum (botulism).
Chickens bred in CAFOs are already routinely fed antibiotics, arsenic, and even antidepressants, all of which have serious adverse health consequences. But this German study8 suggests CAFO chickens exposed to glyphosate may become breeding grounds for Botulism, Salmonella and other major pathogenic organisms.
According to a new report by the CDC9 detailing the most common sources of foodborne illness reported between 1998 and 2008, the majority – 19 percent – of food poisoning deaths were linked to contaminated poultry.10
The implications of this become even clearer when you consider the recently released findings of a decade-long feeding study that showed GE feed can cause significant changes in the digestive system, immune system, and major organs (including liver, kidneys, pancreas, genitals and others) of rats, mice, pigs and salmon. If it's doing all of that to animals and fish, what's it doing to you? Clearly, the conventional agribusiness food system has emerged as a major threat to your health.

Food Fraud at All Time High...

According to a recent report by the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP), a whopping 800 new records of food fraud have been added to its ever expanding database.11 You can both search the USP database and report fraud directly, at It seems quite clear at this point that food fraud is on the rise, and while many have started reading food labels, those labels are increasingly found to be less than truthful.12 According to the USP's press release:13
“The first iteration of the database compiled 1,300 records of food fraud published between 1980 and 2010. The update increases the total number of records by 60 percent – and consists mostly of newer information published in 2011 and 2012 in both scholarly journals and general media.
Initial analyses of the database by USP food scientists was published in the April 5, 2012, Journal of Food Science. This research revealed that milk, vegetable oils and spices were among the top categories where food fraud occurred as documented in published reports. Analyses of new information by USP scientists show similar trends for 2011 and 2012, and add seafood (fish, shrimp), clouding agents and lemon juice as categories vulnerable to food fraud.
Food fraud is a collective term that encompasses the deliberate substitution, addition, tampering or misrepresentation of food, food ingredients or food packaging, or false or misleading statements made about a product for economic gain. A more specific type of fraud, intentional or economically motivated adulteration of food ingredients, has been defined by USP as the fraudulent addition of nonauthentic substances or removal or replacement of authentic substances without the purchaser's knowledge for economic gain to the seller.
'While food fraud has been around for centuries, with a handful of notorious cases well documented, we suspect that what we know about the topic is just the tip of the iceberg,' said Dr. Jeffrey Moore, senior scientific liaison for USP and the database's creator and lead analyst.”

Are You Buying Unusable Scraps and Fillers, Thinking it's 'Good Food'?

Over the past year alone, I've discussed a number of food issues that have come to light that would turn the stomach of most people, including:
  • Fast food burgers that do not decompose, even after being left out for a decade
  • Pink slime” (an unsavory combination of ground up beef scraps and connective tissues mixed with a solution of ammonia and water) being used in school lunches and processed meats across the US
  • Reconstituted meat, and how the use of meat glue cheats you out of your hard-earned money at the grocery store and threatens your health, and most recently
  • The truth of what's really in the famous McRib pork sandwich – a questionable concoction of over 70 different ingredients, the “meat” portion of which is actually “restructured” meat that can include the innards and castoffs from the pig

Buying Local is One of the Best Ways to Avoid Food Contamination

All in all, modern food manufacturing is far from savory once you learn what goes on, and there's room for fraud at every turn. Quite frankly, I'd be hard-pressed to call much of the processed fare available in stores today food. It's so far from it, it's no wonder we have such problems with obesity and poor health. What can you expect when you're not actually consuming real nutrients?
The solution, of course, is to revert back to real, whole food.
If you value food safety, you'll want to get your meat, chickens, eggs and dairy from smaller community farms with free-ranging animals, organically fed and locally marketed. This is the way food has been raised and distributed for centuries... And by supporting the small family farms in your area, particularly organic farms that respect the laws of nature and use the relationships between animals, plants, insects, soil, water and habitat to create synergistic, self-supporting, non-polluting, GMO-free ecosystems, you help everyone in your community to eventually have greater access to wholesome food. Because as demand for locally-grown food rises, farmers will heed the call...
If you opt for imported foods, or those from U.S. CAFOs, your food will go through upwards of nine steps before it reaches your dinner plate. Public health agencies like the FDA use the term "field-to-fork continuum" to describe the path any given food takes on the way to your plate, and during any of the following steps, contamination is possible:
  • Open field production
  • Harvesting
  • Field packing
  • Greenhouse production
  • Packinghouse
  • Repacking and other distribution operations
  • Fresh-cut/value-added processing
  • Food service and retail
  • Consumer
If you are able to get your food directly from the farmer, you knock out five potential operations that could expose your food to contamination. The closer you are to the source of your food, the fewer hands it has to pass through and the less time it will sit in storage, the better, and likely safer, it will be for you and your family. Plus, when you know the person who grows your food, you can ask questions about its growing conditions -- an impossibility when you buy food from CAFOs or other countries.

Helpful Resources

If eating locally is new to you, rest assured that you can find a source near you, regardless of whether you're in a remote or rural area or a big city. Here's a list of helpful resources:
  • For a listing of national farmer's markets, see this link.
  • Another great web site is There you can find farmers' markets, family farms, and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area where you can buy produce, grass-fed meats, and many other goodies.
  • Subscribe to a community supported agriculture program (CSA). Some are seasonal while others are year round programs. Once you subscribe, many will drop affordable, high quality locally-grown produce right at your door step. To find a CSA near you, go to the USDA's website where you can search by city, state, or zip code.
  • Eat Well Guide: Wholesome Food from Healthy Animals is a free online directory of sustainably raised meat, poultry, dairy, and eggs from farms, stores, restaurants, inns, and hotels, and online outlets in the United States and Canada.
  • Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA) is dedicated to sustaining agriculture and promoting the products of small farms.
  • FoodRoutes. Their "Find Good Food" map can help you connect with local farmers to find the freshest, tastiest food possible. On their interactive map, you can find a listing for local farmers, CSA's, and markets near you.
  • For an even more comprehensive list of CSA's and a host of other sustainable agriculture programs, check out this link to my Sustainable Agriculture page.
With food fraud and contamination of processed foods on the rise, the safest and healthiest food you can get your hands on are those grown right in your backyard – perhaps literally your own yard, or from a local farm. Remember, from the standpoints of health, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability, there's really only one type of meat I recommend: organically raised, grass-fed or pastured. This includes all types of meat: chicken, turkey, pork and beef, and all related animal products, such as eggs and dairy.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

'Most energy-efficient' light bulb shines on Kickstarter

An eye-catching invention that produces as much light as a 100-watt incandescent bulb using just an eighth of the power has become a crowdfunding star for three University of Toronto graduates.
The Nanolight is essentially a circuit-board with LEDs attached to it, folded up into the shape of a light bulb that plugs into a regular lighting fixture.
The Nanolight is essentially a circuit-board with LEDs attached to it, folded up into the shape of a light bulb that plugs into a regular lighting fixture. (Kickstarter)

The Nanolight, billed as "the world's most energy-efficient light bulb" has raised $133,022 on the U.S. crowdfunding site Kickstarter and generated pre-orders for more than 3,000 bulbs since the project started seeking backers on Jan. 7.
The project had originally hoped to raise $20,000.
"It's been incredible for us," said Gimmy Chu, product developer for Nanolight, the company he founded with Tom Rodinger and Christian Yan, two former teammates on the University of Toronto solar car project whom he met in 2005.
Gimmy Chu, Tom Rodinger and Christian Yan met in 2005 while working together on the University of Toronto student solar car project. Gimmy Chu, Tom Rodinger and Christian Yan met in 2005 while working together on the University of Toronto student solar car project. (Courtesy of Christian Yan)
"What's next is to set up manufacturing lines so we can actually start producing for all our backers."
People who have pledged $30 or more to the project on Kickstarter can expect to be among the first to get one of three versions of the Nanolight shipped directly to them for free anywhere in the world:
  • 10 watts, equivalent to a 75-watt incandescent bulb.
  • 12 watts, equivalent to a 100-watt incandescent bulb.
  • An even brighter 12-watt bulb, created "using the best components available without any regard for price."
"To get that kind of efficiency, we had to redesign the whole idea of an LED light bulb from the ground up," recalls Chu, who began working on the project with Rodinger and Yan about three years ago.

Circuit-board origami

Their design consists of a circuit-board with LEDs attached to it, folded up into the shape of a light bulb that plugs into a regular lighting fixture.
"That way it kind of mimics the traditional incandescent light bulb in that it shines light in all directions," Chu said.
According to the Nanolight team, there are currently very few LED lighting products on the market as bright as a 100-watt incandescent bulb. The Nanolight is almost half as heavy as a compact fluorescent light bulb, and unlike fluorescent bulbs, it turns on instantly.
Potential customers will have the opportunity to pre-order the Nanolight on Kickstarter until March 8.
The Nanolight team is currently working on other light bulb models, including one that is dimmable.

Jet-sized asteroid to pass between Earth and satellites

But no risk that it will hit us

Posted: Feb 7, 2013 3:24 PM ET 

Last Updated: Feb 7, 2013 4:51 PM ET 

 A space rock about the size of a jet plane will zip so close to Earth that it will briefly come between us and our weather satellites next week.
Asteroid 2012 DA14 will be just 27,700 kilometres from the surface — a mere tenth of the distance between the Earth and the moon — when it makes its closest approach around 2:24 p.m. ET on Feb. 15. At that time, it will be zooming by at about 28,100 kilometres per hour or 7.82 kilometres per second relative to Earth.
DA14 will come 8,100 kilometres closer to Earth than man-made weather and communications satellites that are in geosynchronous orbit, which means they circle the Earth once a day.
In fact, the 45-metre diameter, 130,000-tonne asteroid will come closer than any object its size has ever been predicted to come before.
The asteroid's orbit is so well known that "there's no chance of a collision," said Donald Yeomans, manager of NASA's Near Earth Object Office, at a news conference Thursday.
Nor is it likely to hit any satellites, as it's too close to Earth to hit the geosynchronous satellites, but a lot further out than the bulk of satellites orbiting, including the International Space Station, located 386 kilometres above the surface.
"This asteroid seems to be passing the sweet spot between the GPS satellites and weather and communications satellites," Yeomans said.
He added that just to be safe, the U.S. space agency is giving satellite providers detailed information about the asteroid's position at different times so they can compare that to the position of their satellites.

Less frequent visits expected

While DA14 has been coming relatively close to Earth about twice a year, that's about to change, Yeomans said. As it flies by, the Earth's gravity will actually perturb the asteroid's orbit, shaving a couple of months off its usual 12-month travel time around the sun.
"It won't come back in the Earth's neighbourhood anywhere near as frequently as it has in the past," he said. "The Earth is going to put this one in an orbit that is considerably safer than the orbit it has been in."
NASA estimates that asteroids the size of DA14 actually fly this close about once every 40 years and hit the Earth roughly once every 1,200 years. The last time it happened was on June 30, 1908, when a meteorite crashed in Tunguska, Russia, and levelled trees over 2,200 square kilometres.
DA14 is about 45 metres in diameter, making it about twice the size of a space shuttle. DA14 is about 45 metres in diameter, making it about twice the size of a space shuttle. (Duk Han Lee/CBC)

लेकिन कोई खतरा नहीं है कि यह हमें मारा जाएगा
7 फ़रवरी, 2013 03:24 एट: पिछले अद्यतन: 7 फ़रवरी, 2013 04:51 एट 61comments61 पढ़ें सीबीसी समाचार पोस्ट

 एक जेट विमान के आकार के बारे में एक अंतरिक्ष रॉक तो पृथ्वी के करीब है कि यह कुछ समय के लिए अगले सप्ताह हमें और हमारे मौसम उपग्रहों के बीच आ जाएगा ज़िप जाएगा.

पृथ्वी और चंद्रमा के बीच की दूरी के एक मात्र 10 - 2012 क्षुद्रग्रह DA14 सतह से सिर्फ २७७०० किलोमीटर होगा जब वह अपने 15 फरवरी को 2:24 बजे एट के आसपास निकटतम दृष्टिकोण बनाता है. उस समय, यह प्रति घंटे +२८१०० किलोमीटर के बारे में या पृथ्वी पर सापेक्ष 2 प्रति 7.82 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर zooming जाएगा.

DA14 मानव निर्मित मौसम की तुलना में 8100 पृथ्वी पर करीब किलोमीटर और संचार उपग्रहों geosynchronous कक्षा, जिसका मतलब है कि वे एक दिन में एक बार पृथ्वी सर्कल में आ जाएगा.

वास्तव में, 45 मीटर व्यास, 130,000 टन क्षुद्रग्रह करीब आने की किसी भी वस्तु से अपने आकार पहले कभी आने की भविष्यवाणी की गई है.

उन्होंने कहा, "वहाँ एक टक्कर का कोई मौका नहीं है" एक संवाददाता सम्मेलन में गुरुवार को नासा के पास पृथ्वी वस्तु कार्यालय के प्रबंधक, डोनाल्ड Yeomans, क्षुद्रग्रह कक्षा इतनी अच्छी तरह से जाना जाता है कि ने कहा.

न ही यह करने के लिए किसी भी उपग्रहों के हिट होने की संभावना है, क्योंकि यह भी पृथ्वी के करीब है geosynchronous उपग्रहों मारा है, लेकिन एक बहुत अंतरराष्ट्रीय अंतरिक्ष स्टेशन, सतह से 386 किलोमीटर ऊपर स्थित सहित, की परिक्रमा उपग्रहों के थोक से बाहर आगे.

", इस क्षुद्रग्रह के लिए जीपीएस उपग्रहों और मौसम और संचार उपग्रहों के बीच मिठाई हाजिर पारित किया जा रहा है" Yeomans कहा.

उन्होंने कहा कि बस के लिए सुरक्षित हो, अमेरिकी अंतरिक्ष एजेंसी उपग्रह प्रदाताओं अलग अलग समय पर क्षुद्रग्रह की स्थिति के बारे में विस्तृत जानकारी दे रहा है तो वे उनके उपग्रहों की स्थिति की तुलना कर सकते हैं.

कम लगातार दौरों की उम्मीद
जबकि DA14 के बारे में एक वर्ष में दो बार किया गया है अपेक्षाकृत पृथ्वी के करीब आ रहा है, कि बदलने के बारे में है, Yeomans कहा. के रूप में यह द्वारा मक्खियों, पृथ्वी के गुरुत्वाकर्षण वास्तव क्षुद्रग्रह कक्षा उपद्रव, अपने सामान्य 12 महीने सूर्य के चारों ओर यात्रा के समय बंद महीनों के एक जोड़े शेविंग.

"यह वापस पृथ्वी के पड़ोस में कहीं नहीं निकट आ जाएगा के रूप में अक्सर यह अतीत में किया है," उन्होंने कहा. "पृथ्वी एक कक्षा है कि कक्षा इसे अंदर किया गया है की तुलना में काफी सुरक्षित है में इस एक रखा जा रहा है"

नासा का अनुमान है कि क्षुद्रग्रहों DA14 के आकार वास्तव में एक बार हर 40 साल के बारे में इस बंद के लिए उड़ान भरने और लगभग हर 1200 साल में एक बार पृथ्वी मारा. पिछली बार यह हुआ 30 जून, 1908 को जब एक उल्का तुंगुस्का, रूस में दुर्घटनाग्रस्त हो गया था, और 2200 वर्ग किलोमीटर से अधिक पेड़ों को समतल.

Pero no hay riesgo de que se nos pegan
CBC News Publicado: 07 de febrero 2013 15:24 ET Última actualización: 07 de febrero 2013 16:51 ET Leer 61comments61

 Una roca espacial del tamaño de un jet que pasean tan cerca de la Tierra que brevemente se interpondrá entre nosotros y nuestros satélites meteorológicos de la próxima semana.

Asteroide 2012 DA14 estará a sólo 27.700 kilometros de la superficie - una décima parte de la distancia entre la Tierra y la luna - cuando hace su acercamiento más próximo en torno a 14:24 ET del 15 de febrero. En ese momento, será de aplicación del zoom en alrededor de 28.100 kilometros por hora o 7,82 kilometros por segundo con respecto a la Tierra.

DA14 vendrá 8.100 kilometros más cerca de la Tierra que el hombre hecho a tiempo y satélites de comunicaciones que están en órbita geoestacionaria, lo que significa que un círculo alrededor de la Tierra una vez al día.

De hecho, los 45 metros de diámetro, 130.000 toneladas asteroide se acercará más que cualquier otro objeto de su tamaño nunca se ha predicho que vendría antes.

La órbita del asteroide es tan conocido que "no hay ninguna posibilidad de una colisión", dijo Donald Yeomans, director de la Oficina Cerca de la NASA Earth Object, en rueda de prensa el jueves.

Tampoco es probable que golpee los satélites, ya que está muy cerca de la Tierra para golpear a los satélites geoestacionarios, pero mucho más lejos que la mayor parte de los satélites en órbita, incluyendo la Estación Espacial Internacional, que se encuentra 386 kilometros por encima de la superficie.

"Este asteroide parece estar pasando el punto dulce entre los satélites GPS y satélites meteorológicos y de comunicaciones", dijo Yeomans.

Añadió que sólo para estar seguro, la agencia espacial de EE.UU. está dando los proveedores de satélite información detallada acerca de la posición del asteroide en diferentes momentos para que puedan compararla con la posición de sus satélites.

Visitas menos frecuentes espera
Mientras DA14 ha estado viniendo relativamente cerca de la Tierra dos veces al año, que está a punto de cambiar, dijo Yeomans. A medida que pasa volando, la gravedad de la Tierra realmente perturbar la órbita del asteroide, afeitarse un par de meses fuera de su horario habitual viaje de 12 meses alrededor del sol.

"No va a volver a aparecer en la vecindad de la Tierra ni de lejos tan frecuentemente como lo ha hecho en el pasado", dijo. "La Tierra se va a poner éste en una órbita que es mucho más seguro que la órbita que ha estado adentro"

La NASA estima que los asteroides del tamaño de DA14 realmente volar tan cerca de una vez cada 40 años, y golpeó la Tierra aproximadamente una vez cada 1.200 años. La última vez que ocurrió fue el 30 de junio de 1908, cuando un meteorito se estrelló en Tunguska, Rusia y nivelada árboles más de 2.200 kilómetros cuadrados

Aber kein Risiko, dass es uns treffen wird
CBC News Verfasst am: 7. Februar 2013 15.24 Uhr ET Aktualisiert: 7. Februar 2013 16.51 Uhr ET Read 61comments61

 A Space Rock über die Größe eines Düsenjets wird zip so nah an der Erde, dass es kurz zwischen uns und unseren Wettersatelliten der nächsten Woche.

Eine bloße Zehntel des Abstandes zwischen Erde und Mond - - Asteroid 2012 DA14 wird nur 27.700 Kilometer von der Oberfläche, wenn es macht seine größten Annäherung um 14.24 Uhr ET am 15. Februar. Zu dieser Zeit wird es durch bei etwa 28.100 Kilometern pro Stunde oder 7,82 km pro Sekunde relativ zur Erde werden Zoomen.

DA14 kommen 8.100 Kilometer näher an der Erde als Menschen verursachten Wetter-und Kommunikationssatelliten, die in geostationären Umlaufbahn, die sie umkreisen die Erde einmal am Tag heißt es.

In der Tat wird der 45-Meter-Durchmesser, 130.000-Tonnen-Asteroiden näher zu kommen, als jedes Objekt seine Größe immer vorhergesagt wurde vor kommen.

Der Asteroid die Umlaufbahn ist so gut bekannt, dass "es gibt keine Chance einer Kollision", sagte Donald Yeomans, Leiter des Near Earth NASA Object Office, auf einer Pressekonferenz am Donnerstag.

Auch ist es wahrscheinlich keine Satelliten getroffen, da es zu auf der Erde zu schließen ist, um die geostationären Satelliten getroffen, aber viel weiter aus als der Großteil der Satelliten, einschließlich der International Space Station, 386 Kilometer über der Oberfläche befindet.

"Dieser Asteroid scheint an den Sweet Spot zwischen der GPS-Satelliten und Wetter-und Kommunikationssatelliten," Yeomans sagte.

Er fügte hinzu, dass, nur um sicher zu sein, die US-Raumfahrtbehörde ist was Satelliten-Anbieter detaillierte Informationen über die Asteroiden die Position zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten, so dass sie, dass die Position der Satelliten zu vergleichen.

Weniger häufige Besuche zu erwarten
Während DA14 worden kommenden hat relativ nahe an der Erde etwa zweimal im Jahr, das sich zu ändern ist, sagte Yeomans. Da es von fliegt, wird die Schwerkraft der Erde tatsächlich stören des Asteroiden umkreisen, Rasieren ein paar Monate aus der üblichen 12-Monats-Fahrtzeit um die Sonne.

"Es wird nicht wieder in der Erde Nachbarschaft annähernd so häufig wie in der Vergangenheit", sagte er. "Die Erde wird dieses in einer Umlaufbahn, die wesentlich sicherer als die Bahn es war in. hat, ist gelegt"

NASA schätzt, dass Asteroiden von der Größe DA14 tatsächlich fliegen diese enge etwa einmal alle 40 Jahre und die Erde treffen etwa alle 1.200 Jahre. Das letzte Mal passierte, war am 30. Juni 1908, als ein Meteorit in Tunguska, Russland abgestürzt, und nivelliert Bäume über 2200 Quadratkilometern

Mais pas de risque que cela va nous frapper
CBC Nouvelles Posté le: 7 février 2013 15h24 HE Dernière mise à jour: 7 février 2013 16h51 HE Read 61comments61

 Une roche de l'espace de la taille d'un avion à réaction aura zip si près de la Terre qu'elle sort brièvement entre nous et nos satellites météorologiques la semaine prochaine.

Astéroïde 2012 DA14 sera seulement 27.700 km de la surface - qu'un dixième de la distance entre la Terre et la lune - quand il fait sa plus proche approche autour de 14h24, HE, le 15 février. À ce moment-là, il sera le zoom par à environ 28.100 km par heure ou 7,82 kilomètres par seconde par rapport à la Terre.

DA14 viendra 8.100 km plus près de la Terre que l'homme-made météorologiques et des satellites de communication qui sont en orbite géosynchrone, ce qui signifie qu'ils tour de la Terre une fois par jour.

En fait, les 45 mètres de diamètre, 130,000 tonnes astéroïde se rapprochera de n'importe quel objet de sa taille n'a jamais été prévu de venir devant.

Orbite de l'astéroïde est si bien connu qu '«il n'ya pas de risque de collision», a déclaré Donald Yeomans, directeur du Bureau de la NASA Earth Object Près, à une conférence de nouvelles jeudi.

Il n'est pas susceptible de heurter les satellites, car il est trop près de la terre pour frapper les satellites géostationnaires, mais beaucoup plus loin que la majorité des satellites en orbite, dont la Station spatiale internationale, située 386 km au-dessus de la surface.

"Cet astéroïde semble passer le sweet spot entre les satellites GPS et les satellites météorologiques et de communication», a dit Yeomans.

Il a ajouté que juste pour être sûr, l'agence spatiale américaine est de donner aux fournisseurs par satellite des informations détaillées sur la position de l'astéroïde à différents moments afin qu'ils puissent comparer cela à la position de leurs satellites.

Des visites moins fréquentes devraient
Bien DA14 a été à venir relativement proche de la Terre deux fois par an, c'est à peu près à changer, dit Yeomans. Comme il vole, la gravité de la Terre sera effectivement perturber l'orbite de l'astéroïde, se raser quelques mois de repos le temps de déplacement habituel de 12 mois autour du soleil.

«Il ne reviendra pas dans le quartier de la Terre n'importe où près aussi souvent qu'il a dans le passé", at-il dit. "La Terre va mettre celui-ci dans une orbite qui est beaucoup plus sûr que l'orbite a été po"

La NASA estime que les astéroïdes de la taille du DA14 réellement voler si près une fois tous les 40 ans et a frappé la Terre environ une fois tous les 1200 ans. La dernière fois que c'est arrivé, c'était le 30 Juin 1908, quand une météorite s'est écrasé dans Tunguska, en Russie, et nivelé arbres plus de 2.200 kilomètres carrés

Justin Bieber lands No. 1 album record

Believe Acoustic sold 211,000 copies in first week of release

Posted: Feb 7, 2013 9:56 AM ET 

Last Updated: Feb 7, 2013 11:00 AM ET 

Justin Bieber, seen accepting a prize at the American Music Awards in November, has become the youngest artist to have 5 No. 1 albums.Justin Bieber, seen accepting a prize at the American Music Awards in November, has become the youngest artist to have 5 No. 1 albums. (John Shearer/Invision/Associated Press)

Justin Bieber's fans have sent him into the record books, with the Canadian pop star now the youngest artist to rack up five No. 1 albums.
Sales of Bieber's album Believe Acoustic — featuring new tracks as well as stripped-down versions of previous uptempo hits — sent it to the top of the Billboard 200 album chart during its first week of release, according to figures released by Nielsen SoundScan on Wednesday. It sold 211,000 copies over the past week.
"We did it! #HISTORY," the singer declared to his more than 34 million followers on Twitter.
"Let's keep it going...Hope you are enjoying the albums and the music. That is what it is all about."
The album also soared to the top of the iTunes download charts in more than 60 countries.
Bieber had previously been tied for the album record with former Disney child star Miley Cyrus, who also had four No. 1 albums before the age of 19.
His earlier chart-toppers include 2012's Believe, 2011's Under the Mistletoe and 2010's My World 2.0. He burst onto the scene in 2009 withMy World.
The Canadian singer, who celebrates his 19th birthday on March 1, has also now joined a rarified company of artists who have released four No. 1 albums in consecutive years. Others include The Beatles and rapper Jay-Z.
Bieber will host and perform as the musical guest on longrunning sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live this weekend, airing the night before the Grammy Awards. The singer failed to pick up a Grammy nominationdespite his bestselling album and having had a sold-out tour.
Fellow Canadians Tegan and Sara also landed in the top five of the Billboard chart this week, landing in third place for their new albumHeartthrob