Wednesday, February 6, 2013

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tech, telecom giants take sides as FCC proposes large public WiFi networks

Tech, telecom giants take sides as FCC proposes large public WiFi networks

Video: The Federal Communications Comission is proposing a plan that could expand WiFi access across the nation, potentially undermining cellphone and Internet service providers. The line in the sand is drawn, with the telecommunication industry on one side and Internet giants on the other. The Post’s Cecilia Kang discusses the contentious move.

The federal government wants to create super WiFi networks across the nation, so powerful and broad in reach that consumers could use them to make calls or surf the Internet without paying a cellphone bill every month.
The proposal from the Federal Communications Commission has rattled the $178 billion wireless industry, which has launched a fierce lobbying effort to persuade policymakers to reconsider the idea, analysts say. That has been countered by an equally intense campaign from GoogleMicrosoft and other tech giants who say a free-for-all WiFi service would spark an explosion of innovations and devices that would benefit most Americans, especially the poor.

Mon Feb 04 2013
The Federal Communications Comission is proposing a plan that could expand WiFi access across the nation, potentially undermining cellphone and Internet service providers. The line in the sand is drawn, with the telecommunication industry on one side and Internet giants on the other. The Post’s Cecilia Kang discusses the contentious move.
The Washington Post

The airwaves that FCC officials want to hand over to the public would be much more powerful than existing WiFi networks that have become common in households. They could penetrate thick concrete walls and travel over hills and around trees. If all goes as planned, free access to the Web would be available in just about every metropolitan area and in many rural areas.
The new WiFi networks would also have much farther reach, allowing for a driverless car to communicate with another vehicle a mile away or a patient’s heart monitor to connect to a hospital on the other side of town.
If approved by the FCC, the free networks would still take several years to set up. And, with no one actively managing them, con­nections could easily become jammed in major cities. But public WiFi could allow many consumers to make free calls from their mobile phones via the Internet. The frugal-minded could even use the service in their homes, allowing them to cut off expensive Internet bills.
“For a casual user of the Web, perhaps this could replace carrier service,” said Jeffrey Silva, an analyst at the Medley Global Advisors research firm. “Because it is more plentiful and there is no price tag, it could have a real appeal to some people.”
The major wireless carriers own much more spectrum than what is being proposed for public WiFi, making their networks more robust, experts say.
Designed by FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, the plan would be a global first. When the U.S. government made a limited amount of unlicensed airwaves available in 1985, an unexpected explosion in innovation followed. Baby monitors, garage door openers and wireless stage microphones were created. Millions of homes now run their own wireless networks, connecting tablets, game consoles, kitchen appli­ances and security systems to the Internet.
“Freeing up unlicensed spectrum is a vibrantly free-market approach that offers low barriers to entry to innovators developing the technologies of the future and benefits consumers,” Genachow­ski said in a an e-mailed statement.
Some companies and cities are already moving in this direction. Google is providing free WiFi to the public in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan and parts of Silicon Valley.
Cities support the idea because the networks would lower costs for schools and businesses or help vacationers easily find tourist spots. Consumer advocates note the benefits to the poor, who often cannot afford high cellphone and Internet bills.

The proposal would require local television stations and other broadcasters to sell a chunk of airwaves to the government that would be used for the public WiFi networks. It is not clear whether these companies would be willing to do so.
The FCC’s plan is part of a broader strategy to repurpose entire swaths of the nation’s airwaves to accomplish a number of goals, including bolstering cellular networks and creating a dedicated channel for emergency responders.

Some Republican lawmakers have criticized Genachowski for his idea of creating free WiFi networks, noting that an auction of the airwaves would raise billions for the U.S. Treasury.
That sentiment echoes arguments made by companies such as AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon WirelessIntel and Qualcomm, in a letter to the FCC staff late last month, that the government should focus its attention on selling the airwaves to businesses.
Some of these companies also cautioned that a free WiFi service could interfere with existing cellular networks and television broadcasts.
Intel, whose chips are used in many of the devices that operate on cellular networks, fears that the new WiFi service would crowd the airwaves. The company said it would rather the FCC use the airwaves from television stations to bolster high-speed cellular networks, known as 4G.
“We think that that spectrum would be most useful to the larger society and to broadband deployment if it were licensed,” said Peter Pitsch, the executive director of communications for Intel. “As unlicensed, there would be a disincentive to invest in expensive networking equipment and provide users with optimal quality of service.”
Cisco and other telecommunications equipment firms told the FCC that it needs to test the airwaves more for potential interference.
“Cisco strongly urges the commission to firmly retreat from the notion that it can predict, or should predict . . . how the unlicensed guard bands might be used,” the networking giant wrote.
Supporters of the free-WiFi plan say telecom equipment firms have long enjoyed lucrative relationships with cellular carriers and may not want to disrupt that model.
An FCC official added that there is little proof so far that the spectrum that could be used for public WiFi systems would knock out broadcast and 4G wireless signals.
“We want our policy to be more end-user-centric and not carrier-centric. That’s where there is a difference in opinion” with carriers and their partners, said a senior FCC official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the proposal is still being considered by the five-member panel.
The lobbying from the cellular industry motivated longtime rivals Google and Microsoft to join forces to support the FCC’s proposal. Both companies would benefit from a boom in new devices that could access the free WiFi networks.
These companies want corporations to multiply the number of computers, robots, devices and other machines that are able to connect to the Internet, analysts said. They want cars that drive themselves to have more robust Internet access.
More public WiFi, they say, will spur the use of “millions of de­vices that will compose the coming Internet of things,” the firms wrote in their comment to the FCC last week.
“What this does for the first time is bring the prospect of cheap broadband, but like any proposal it has to get through a political process first,” said Harold Feld, a vice president at the public interest group Public Knowledge.

Gold to go in catalytic converters.

There's gold in them there catalytic converters.

Nanostellar, which specializes in molecules and materials for making diesel engines run more efficiently, has devised a new coating for the inside of catalytic converters--devices that reduce emissions before they leave a car's tailpipe--that will both cost less than traditional coatings and cut down further on pollution.
The secret ingredient is gold, explained CEO Pankaj Dhingra. The company combines gold along with platinum and palladium into a material called NS Gold that car and auto parts makers will sprinkle into a new line of cleaner catalytic converters. Ideally, NS Gold will increase oxidation activity, i.e. the chemical reaction that reduces pollutants, by about 40 percent compared with conventional catalytic converters and about 20 percent compared with the converters treated with materials Nanostellar already sells.
"At the nano level, gold becomes very active, but until now no one has been able to make it for automotive use," he said in an interview. "You have high temperatures, a huge amount of oxygen. At high temperatures most materials are not stable."
Although gold at the nano level can assume different colors, NS Gold lives up to its name. At Nanostellar's lab in Redwood City, Calif., CNET saw a beaker of the material swirling in a liquid. The mixture looked like the inside of an Orange Julius machine.
Rising fuel prices combined with fears about global warming have sparked interest in diesel cars. Traditional diesels can actually be somewhat dirty, emitting unburned fuel as well as carbon and nitrogen gases. But several European car manufacturers have developed diesels that burn much cleaner than their historical counterparts. Add to that the fact that diesel cars often last longer and can go farther on a gallon of fuel than traditional gas cars, and the new diesels start looking somewhat green.
Already in Europe, these cars will come to the States over the next few years. Some cities have even rolled out diesel hybrid buses.
Diesel cars can also run on biodiesel, which leads to even lower greenhouse gas emissions. The materials produced by Nanostellar, which spun out of Stanford, can now be found in aftermarket converters, but next year a large auto manufacturer will release cars that include converters with its materials.
Other companies, meanwhile, have come up with additives for cleaner diesel fuel.
Precious metals inside catalytic converters exist to break down things like carbon monoxide. Gases from the combustion process enter the converter and, when they come into contact with the metals, recombine with other gases to make less harmful gases and byproducts.
Platinum, the traditional metal inside converters, is costly, running about $1,250 an ounce. The particles also clump together over time and lose their effectiveness.

Thieves in some parts of the country have taken to stealing the converters out of large trucks and cars. A big rig could have as much as $1,000 worth of platinum in it, although extracting it from the catalytic converter isn't easy.
Nanostellar already sells a catalyst material that consists of about two-thirds platinum and one-third palladium, a metal that sells for around $350 an ounce.
Substituting the platinum-palladium alloys for pure platinum can reduce the platinum budget in a Volkswagen Passat by $56 to $107, according to statistics from Nanostellar. Although the cost may not change the sticker price of a new car much, it adds up. Automakers spent about $2 billion on platinum in 2005.
NS Gold further reduces the platinum budget, cutting the price of the material an additional 20 percent, he said. Gold sells for around $680 an ounce.
Besides cutting the price, the three-way mixture should help insulate auto manufacturers a bit from the fluctuations of the commodities markets. If platinum drops and gold rises, the company can tweak the formula to curb the effects of any price changes.
The new material will also cut down on the unburned fuel that comes out of diesel engines, the source of the odor that follows diesels.
"All that smell part goes away," he said. "If you are behind an old diesel truck, that smell is all the unburned hydrocarbons."
The company says that interested manufacturers can now order samples.
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Thieves Leave Cars, but Take Catalytic Converters

CHICAGO — Jose Fernandez said he decided some time ago that on his salary as a restaurant worker, he was better off without his 1996 Toyota 4Runner. He hoped to make a nice bit of cash from its sale.

Joshua Lott for The New York Times
A thief can sell a stolen catalytic converter to a scrap yard for a couple of hundred dollars. The honeycomb filter inside contains platinum traces.

Before he could do that, though, someone beat him to extracting value: A thief sneaked under the sport utility vehicle with a battery-powered saw, slicing from the Toyota’s underbelly what may be one of the most expensive small parts of the auto world: the catalytic converter, an essential emissions-control device made with small amounts of metals more precious than gold. Who knew? Mr. Fernandez didn’t.
Inside the lobby of the New Windy City Mufflers and Brakes shop, Mr. Fernandez said he had heard a rumor that catalytic converters had suddenly become the rage on the black market here, but he did not believe it until his went missing on a well-lighted North Side street.
Theft of scrap metals like copper and aluminum has been common here and across the country for years, fueled by rising construction costs and the building boom in China. But now thieves have found an easy payday from the upper echelon of the periodic table. It seems there may not be an easier place to score some platinum than under the hood of a car.
“This morning I woke up and walked out, turned the key and there was a noise like this,” Mr. Fernandez said, grumbling the trainlike roar that cars make when they are missing their converters. “And now to fix it, I don’t want to spend the money because it’s really expensive.”
The price of gold recently hit record highs, crossing the $1,000-an-ounce mark before retreating a bit. Less well publicized has been the fate of the even-more-rarefied metals platinum, palladium and rhodium, with platinum hitting recent record highs of more than $2,300 an ounce. People who may have thought their lives had nothing to do with the booming commodities market are finding out the hard way where their connection is — in their car’s exhaust system.
The catalytic converter is made with trace amounts of platinum, palladium and rhodium, which speed chemical reactions and help clean emissions at very high temperatures. Selling stolen converters to scrap yards or recyclers, a thief can net a couple of hundred dollars apiece.

Exactly how much depends on the size of the car and its converter. But even a little bit is worth a lot. Converter thefts are the quickie crime du jour, not only in Chicago, where workers in auto body shops and other experts say it is increasingly a nuisance, but anywhere cars are, which is to say basically everywhere.
“These are definitely occurring more than they have in recent memory, and why that is is definitely tied to the price of precious metals within converters,” said Frank Scafidi, spokesman for the National Insurance Crime Bureau.
Replacement converters usually start around $450. “When you start getting into the larger S.U.V.’s, it’s $1,000-plus,” said Don Tommasone, owner of Village Automotive, a car care center just outside the city. “The larger the catalytic, the more platinum. That’s the ones they’re stealing. It’s also easier to crawl underneath them. They don’t need to jack up the vehicle, they just saw it right off.”
This month in Memphis, 140 children were stuck at their day care center after thieves stole the catalytic converters from the center’s two vans. Recently in Columbus, Ohio, 25 cars in one parking lot were vandalized for their catalytic converters. And several states are working on legislation to make it harder to resell what up to now was a part little known outside the world of auto enthusiasts and mechanics.
Because stealing a converter does not involve actually breaking into a car, it often goes undetected. Alarms and other precautions, like parking in a well-lighted area, are scant defenses.
Last year in Minnesota, someone broke into the Ramsey Police Department’s impound lot and took 19 catalytic converters off the vehicles there, a spokeswoman said. The Star Tribune in Minneapolis ran this headline about the break-in: “Thieves Show How Low They’ll Go.”
Jim Lyon lives opposite a police station in the Chicago suburb of Westmont, and can see his Jeep Cherokee from his window. Still, someone got him. “They’ll probably get 150 bucks for two minutes’ work. Not bad!” Mr. Lyon said. “As soon as I realized there was precious metal inside, I knew what they were looking for.”
Legs sticking out from under a car were a tip-off this year for the Chicago police, who said they spotted a man in the Lakeview neighborhood just before he slithered from under the car and discarded a power saw along the curb. The man and three accomplices were charged with burglary and possession of burglary tools.
“When will this stop?” wondered Chris McGoey, an auto theft expert. “When they’re not worth anything any more.”

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Magnus Carlsen Wins 2013 Tata Steel Tournament

By , GuideJanuary 27, 2013
The final round of the 2013 Tata Steel Chess Tournament in Wijk aan Zee was played today, with Magnus Carlsen scoring a draw with the black pieces against Anish Giri to finish with a 10/13 score and his third Wijk aan Zee title. Of course, if you were paying attention to the tournament, you already knew this on Saturday; Carlsen had clinched the victory with a round to spare, and ended up winning the tournament by 1.5 points over Levon Aronian. The result matched the 1999 score put up by Garry Kasparov as the best result in the history of the tournament; Carlsen won seven games without a loss, putting up a performance rating of 2930 -- enough to push his rating (unofficially) above 2870 for the first time.
It's another impressive performance from the young Norwegian, who has already had a career that would likely put him among the top players in history who didn't win a World Chess Championship -- nothing to scoff at, especially at the age of 22. But in order to make the leap into the list of chess immortals, Carlsen will, of course, have to win a championship eventually (and preferably in a match format for much of the chess world to consider it meaningful). That quest will begin in a couple months, when the Candidates Tournament is held for the 2013 World Chess Championship. Given his recent results, Carlsen will likely enter this tournament as the odds-on favorite to win the event and challenge Viswanathan Anand.
Speaking of Anand, the Tata Steel Tournament was also a good event for the reigning World Chess Champion. After a year of poor results in 2012, Anand bounced back with some very impressive games in the Netherlands. While his 8/13 score was only good enough for third place, it was still a bounce back tournament that showed Anand should be a force to be reckoned with not only in his upcoming title defense, but also in super-tournaments for years to come.

La ronda final del Torneo de Ajedrez Tata Steel 2013 en Wijk aan Zee se jugó hoy, con Magnus Carlsen anotar el empate con las piezas negras contra Anish Giri para terminar con una puntuación de 10/13 y su tercer título de Wijk aan Zee. Por supuesto, si se presta atención al torneo, ya lo sabía el sábado; Carlsen había conseguido la victoria con una ronda de sobra, y terminó ganando el torneo en 1,5 puntos sobre Levon Aronian. El resultado coincide con la puntuación de 1999 levantada por Garry Kasparov como el mejor resultado en la historia del torneo, Carlsen ganó siete partidos sin perder, la colocación de una valoración sobre la actuación de 2930 - lo suficiente para empujar su rating (no oficial) por encima de 2870 para la primera vez.

Es otra impresionante actuación del joven noruego, que ya ha tenido una carrera que probablemente lo pondría entre los mejores jugadores en la historia que no ganó un Campeonato Mundial de Ajedrez - nada que se burlan, sobre todo, a la edad de 22 años. Pero para poder dar el salto a la lista de los inmortales del ajedrez, Carlsen, por supuesto, tiene que ganar un campeonato con el tiempo (y preferiblemente en un formato rival para gran parte del mundo de ajedrez por considerarlo significativo). Esa búsqueda se iniciará en un par de meses, cuando el Torneo de Candidatos se mantiene durante el Campeonato Mundial de Ajedrez 2013. Teniendo en cuenta sus resultados recientes, Carlsen es probable que entrar en este torneo como favorito odds-on para ganar el evento y el desafío Viswanathan Anand.

Hablando de Anand, el Torneo Tata Steel también fue una buena prueba para el campeón del mundo de ajedrez reinante. Después de un año de malos resultados en 2012, Anand se recuperó con algunos juegos muy impresionantes en los Países Bajos. Mientras que su 8.13 marcador era sólo lo suficientemente bueno para el tercer lugar, todavía era un torneo de rebote que mostró Anand debería ser una fuerza a tener en cuenta no sólo en su próxima defensa del título, sino también en súper-torneos en los próximos años .

La ronde finale du tournoi d'échecs Tata Steel 2013 à Wijk aan Zee a été joué aujourd'hui, avec Magnus Carlsen marquer un tirage au sort avec les pièces noires contre Anish Giri pour terminer avec un score de 10/13 et son troisième titre de Wijk aan Zee. Bien sûr, si vous avez été attentif au tournoi, vous le saviez déjà ce samedi, Carlsen a remporté la victoire avec un tour d'épargner, et a remporté le tournoi de 1,5 points par rapport à Levon Aronian. Le résultat correspondait à la note 1999 a par Garry Kasparov comme le meilleur résultat dans l'histoire du tournoi, Carlsen a remporté sept matchs sans défaite, la mise en place d'une évaluation du rendement de 2930 - assez pour pousser son évaluation (officieusement) ci-dessus pour 2870 la première fois.

C'est une autre performance impressionnante de la jeune Norvégien, qui a déjà eu une carrière qui serait probablement le mettre parmi les meilleurs joueurs de l'histoire qui n'ont pas gagné un championnat du monde d'échecs - rien à se moquer, surtout à l'âge de 22 ans. Mais afin de faire le saut dans la liste des immortels échecs, Carlsen sera, bien entendu, pour gagner un championnat éventuellement (et de préférence dans un format de match pour une grande partie du monde d'échecs à le considérer comme significatif). Cette quête va commencer dans quelques mois, lorsque le tournoi se déroule candidats pour le Championnat du Monde 2013 Echecs. Compte tenu de ses récents résultats, Carlsen entrera probablement dans ce tournoi comme le favori des cotes pour gagner le défi de l'événement et Viswanathan Anand.

En parlant de Anand, le Tata Steel Tournoi a également été une bonne épreuve pour le champion du monde d'échecs en titre. Après une année de mauvais résultats en 2012, Anand a rebondi avec certains jeux très impressionnants dans les Pays-Bas. Alors que son 8/13 score était tout juste bon pour la troisième place, c'était quand même un tournoi de rebondir qui a montré Anand devrait être une force à compter avec, non seulement dans sa défense de titre à venir, mais aussi dans des super-tournois pour les années à venir .

Эдвард Scimia, GuideJanuary 27, 2013

В финале 2013 года Tata шахматный турнир сталь в Вейк-ан-Зее сыграли сегодня, Магнус Карлсен забил вничью с черными фигурами против Аниш Гири, чтобы покончить с 10/13 баллов и его третья Вейк-ан-Зее название. Конечно, если бы вы были обращая внимания на турнире, вы уже знали, что это в субботу, Карлсен был завоевал победу с круглым, чтобы сэкономить, и в конечном итоге победу в турнире по 1,5 очка за Левон Аронян.Результат соответствует 1999 году оценка мириться Гарри Каспаровым как лучший результат в истории турнира, Карлсен выиграл семь игр без потерь, поднимая производительность рейтингу 2930 - достаточно, чтобы подтолкнуть его рейтинг (неофициально) выше 2870 для в первый раз.

Это еще одна впечатляющая производительность от молодой норвежец, который уже имел свою карьеру, которая, скорее всего, положил его в число лучших игроков в истории кто не выиграл чемпионат мира по шахматам - ничего не издеваться над, особенно в возрасте 22 лет. Но для того, чтобы сделать скачок в список бессмертных шахматы, Карлсен, конечно, должны выиграть чемпионат в конечном счете (и желательно в матче формат для большей части мира по шахматам рассмотреть его смысл). Это поиски начнутся через пару месяцев, когда турнир претендентов состоится в 2013 году чемпионат мира по шахматам. Учитывая его последних результатов, Карлсен, скорее всего, войти в этот турнир в качестве наиболее вероятным фаворитом на победу события и проблемы Вишванатан Ананд.

Говоря о Ананд, Tata Steel турнир был также хорошим событием для действующего чемпиона мира по шахматам. После года плохие результаты в 2012 году, Ананд возвращаться с некоторыми очень впечатляющие игры в Нидерландах. Хотя его 8/13 Оценка была только достаточно хорошо за третье место, он был еще турнир в норму, который показал Ананда должна быть силой, с которой нельзя не считаться не только в его предстоящей защите титула, но и в супер-турнира на долгие годы .

Von Edward Scimia, GuideJanuary 27, 2013

Die letzte Runde des 2013 Tata Steel Chess Tournament in Wijk aan Zee gespielt wurde heute mit Magnus Carlsen erzielte ein Remis mit den schwarzen Steinen gegen Anish Giri mit einer 10/13 des Gastes und seiner dritten Wijk aan Zee Titel zu beenden. Natürlich, wenn Sie aufgepasst haben, um das Turnier, die Sie bereits wusste, dass dies am Samstag, Carlsen hatte holte den Sieg mit einer Runde zu ersparen, und gewann schließlich das Turnier mit 1,5 Punkten über Levon Aronian. Das Ergebnis entsprach dem 1999 Gäste durch Garry Kasparov als das beste Ergebnis in der Geschichte des Turniers setzen; Carlsen gewann sieben Spielen ohne Niederlage, das Aufstellen eines Performance-Bewertung von 2930 - genug, um seine Bewertung (inoffiziell) vor 2870 drängen die erste Zeit.

Es ist eine andere beeindruckende Leistung von dem jungen Norweger, der schon hat eine Karriere, die wahrscheinlich legte ihn unter den besten Spielern in der Geschichte, die nicht gewonnen haben World Chess Championship - nichts zu spotten, vor allem im Alter von 22 Jahren. Aber um den Sprung in die Liste der Schach Unsterblichen zu machen, wird Carlsen, haben natürlich eine Meisterschaft letztendlich gewinnen (und vorzugsweise in einem Match-Format für einen Großteil der Schachwelt zu prüfen es sinnvoll). Das Quest wird in ein paar Monaten beginnen, wenn die Kandidaten Turnier für das Jahr 2013 World Chess Championship gehalten wird. Angesichts seiner jüngsten Ergebnisse wird Carlsen wahrscheinlich geben dieses Turnier als odds-on Favorit auf den Event und Herausforderung Viswanathan Anand gewinnen.

Apropos Anand war die Tata Steel Turnier auch eine gute Veranstaltung für den amtierenden Weltmeister. Nach einem Jahr der schlechten Ergebnisse im Jahr 2012, prallte Anand wieder mit einigen sehr beeindruckende Spiele in den Niederlanden. Während seine 8/13 Score war nur gut genug für Platz drei, war es noch ein bounce back Turnier Anand sollte eine Kraft, mit der nicht nur in seine bevorstehende Titelverteidigung rechnen sein zeigten, sondern auch im Super-Turniere für die kommenden Jahre .

De laatste ronde van de 2013 Tata Steel Chess Tournament in Wijk aan Zee werd gespeeld vandaag, met Magnus Carlsen het scoren van een gelijkspel met de zwarte stukken tegen Anish Giri te eindigen met een 10/13 score en zijn derde Wijk aan Zee titel. Natuurlijk, als je aandacht te besteden aan het toernooi, die je al wist dat dit op zaterdag; Carlsen had pakte de overwinning met een ronde te sparen, en eindigde het winnen van het toernooi met 1,5 punt meer dan Levon Aronian. Het resultaat overeen met de 1999 score opgezet door Garry Kasparov als het beste resultaat in de geschiedenis van het toernooi; Carlsen zeven wedstrijden gewonnen zonder een verlies, het ophangen van een performance rating van 2930 - genoeg om zijn rating (officieus) druk boven 2870 voor de eerste keer.

Het is weer een indrukwekkende prestatie van de jonge Noor, die al een carrière die waarschijnlijk zou hem tot de top in de geschiedenis die niet won een World Chess Championship - niets om te spotten met, in het bijzonder op de leeftijd van 22. Maar om de sprong te maken in de lijst van schaken onsterfelijken, zal Carlsen, natuurlijk, moet een kampioenschap uiteindelijk winnen (en bij voorkeur in een wedstrijd formaat voor een groot deel van de schaakwereld om te overwegen het zinvol). Die zoektocht begint in een paar maanden, wanneer de kandidaten Toernooi wordt gehouden voor de 2013 World Chess Championship. Gezien zijn recente resultaten, zal Carlsen waarschijnlijk voer dit toernooi als de kansen-op favoriet om het evenement en uitdaging Viswanathan Anand te winnen.

Spreken van Anand, de Tata Steel toernooi was ook een goed evenement voor de regerend wereldkampioen schaken. Na een jaar van slechte resultaten in 2012, Anand stuiterde terug met een aantal zeer indrukwekkende games in Nederland. Terwijl zijn 8/13 score was slechts goed genoeg voor de derde plaats, het was nog een bounce back toernooi dat bleek Anand moet een kracht om rekening mee te houden, niet alleen in zijn aankomende titel verdediging, maar ook in de super-toernooien voor de komende jaren .

Wijk aan Zee में 2013 टाटा स्टील शतरंज टूर्नामेंट के अंतिम दौर में आज खेला गया था, मैगनस कार्लसन अनीश गिरि के खिलाफ काले मोहरों के साथ एक आकर्षित रन स्कोर / 13 10 और उनकी तीसरी Wijk aan Zee शीर्षक के साथ खत्म करने के साथ,. बेशक, अगर आप ध्यान टूर्नामेंट के लिए भुगतान कर रहे थे, तो आप पहले से ही शनिवार को यह पता था, कार्लसन जीत करने के लिए एक अतिरिक्त दौर के साथ जीता था, और समाप्त Levon Aronian से अधिक 1.5 अंक से इस टूर्नामेंट को जीतने की. परिणाम 1999 में गैरी कास्पारोव ने टूर्नामेंट के इतिहास में सबसे अच्छा परिणाम के रूप में डाल स्कोर मिलान, कार्लसन एक नुकसान के बिना सात गेम जीता, 2930 के एक प्रदर्शन दर्ज़ा डाल करने के लिए 2870 से ऊपर के लिए अपनी रेटिंग (अनाधिकारिक) धक्का पर्याप्त पहली बार.

यह युवा नार्वेजियन, जो पहले से ही एक कैरियर की संभावना है कि उसे इतिहास में शीर्ष खिलाड़ियों को जो एक विश्व शतरंज चैंपियनशिप में जीत नहीं था के बीच रखा जाएगा पड़ा है से एक और शानदार प्रदर्शन करने के लिए 22 वर्ष की आयु में, विशेष रूप से, कुछ भी नहीं उपहास है. लेकिन आदेश में शतरंज अनहृ की सूची में छलांग बनाने के लिए, कार्लसन, निश्चित रूप से, एक चैम्पियनशिप अंततः जीत (और अधिमानतः शतरंज की दुनिया के बहुत से यह सार्थक विचार के लिए एक मैच स्वरूप में) होगा. खोज है कि एक दो महीने में शुरू करने के लिए, जब उम्मीदवारों टूर्नामेंट 2013 विश्व शतरंज चैंपियनशिप के लिए आयोजित किया जाता है. अपने हाल के परिणाम को देखते हुए, कार्लसन संभावना बाधाओं पर अपने पसंदीदा के रूप में इस टूर्नामेंट में प्रवेश करेंगे घटना और चुनौती विश्वनाथन आनंद जीत.

आनंद की बात हो रही है, टाटा स्टील टूर्नामेंट भी राज विश्व शतरंज चैंपियन के लिए एक अच्छी घटना थी. 2012 में गरीब परिणाम के एक वर्ष के बाद, आनंद नीदरलैंड में कुछ बहुत ही प्रभावशाली खेल के साथ वापस बाउंस. जबकि उसका स्कोर 8/13 केवल तीसरे स्थान के लिए काफी अच्छा था, यह अभी भी एक उछाल वापस टूर्नामेंट पता चला है कि आनंद एक न केवल अपनी आगामी शीर्षक बचाव में माना जा ताकत होना चाहिए था, लेकिन यह भी आने वाले वर्षों के लिए सुपर टूर्नामेंट में .

Ang huling ikot ng ang 2013 Tournament Tata Steel Chess sa Wijk Aan Zee-play ngayon, may Magnus Carlsen pagmamarka ng mabubunot na may itim na piraso laban sa Anish Giri upang tapusin na may 10/13 puntos at ang kanyang ikatlong Wijk Aan Zee pamagat. Siyempre, kung ikaw ay nagbabayad pansin sa paligsahan, mayroon ka nang alam ito sa Sabado; Carlsen ay clinched ang tagumpay na may isang ikot na matitira, at nagwakas na pagpanalo sa paligsahan sa pamamagitan ng 1.5 puntos sa paglipas ng Levon Aronian. Ang resulta ay tumugma sa 1999 puntos ilagay up sa pamamagitan ng Garry Kasparov bilang ang pinakamahusay na resulta sa kasaysayan ng torneo; Carlsen won pitong laro nang walang pagkawala, paglalagay ng rating ng pagganap ng 2930 - sapat na upang itulak ang kanyang rating (unofficially) sa itaas 2870 para sa sa unang pagkakataon.

Ito ay isa pang kahanga-hangang pagganap mula sa batang Norwegian, na ay nagkaroon ng isang karera na malamang na mailagay siya kabilang sa mga tuktok na mga manlalaro sa kasaysayan na ay hindi manalo ng World Chess Championship - walang tumuya, lalo na sa edad ng 22. Ngunit upang gawin ang mga hakbang sa listahan ng mga immortals ng chess, Carlsen, siyempre, upang manalo ng championship sa kalaunan (at mas sa isang tugma format para sa magkano ng mundo ng chess upang isaalang-alang ito makahulugang). Pakikipagsapalaran na magsimula sa isang ilang buwan, kapag ang mga Kandidato Tournament ay gaganapin para sa 2013 World Chess Championship. Given kanyang mga kamakailang mga resulta, Carlsen ay malamang na ipasok ito paligsahan bilang mga logro sa paboritong upang manalo ang kaganapan at hamon Viswanathan Anand.

Nagsasalita ng Anand, Tata Steel Tournament ay din ng isang mahusay na kaganapan para sa reigning World Chess Champion. Pagkatapos ng isang taon ng mga mahihirap na mga resulta sa 2012, bounce Anand muli na may ilang masyado kahanga-hanga laro sa Netherlands. Habang ang kanyang 8/13 puntos lamang mabuting sapat na para sa ikatlong lugar, ito ay pa rin ng isang paligsahan ng bounce pabalik na ipinakita Anand ay dapat na isang puwersa na reckoned may hindi lamang sa kanyang mga paparating na pamagat pagtatanggol, ngunit din sa sobrang-paligsahan para sa mga taon na dumating