Sunday, December 2, 2012

Car Rankings: Hybrid Cars

View the best hybrid and electric cars, covering electric cars and hybrids generally priced below $30,000. Then read our hybrid reviews and view photos

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Ford Fusion Hybrid Image

2013 Ford Fusion Hybrid

Excellent fuel economy, strong performance, great reliability and safety scores, a roomy interior and stylish exterior help the 2013 Ford Fusion Hybrid rank at the top of ... Read full review »
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Ford C-Max Hybrid Image

2013 Ford C-Max Hybrid

The 2013 Ford C-Max gets 47 miles per gallon and is more fun to drive than the Toyota Prius v, yet some reviewers say the ride is ...Read full review »
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Hyundai Sonata Hybrid Image
  • MSRP: $25,850 - $25,850
  • MPG: 34 (Est) City / 39 (Est) Hwy

2012 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid

The 2012 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid ranks at the top of the pack for its good fuel economy, smooth transmission and long list of standard features, which make ... Read full review »
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Toyota Camry Hybrid Image

2012 Toyota Camry Hybrid

Auto reviewers say that after a complete overhaul, the 2012 Toyota Camry Hybrid is now one of the best midsize hybrid cars on the market. Read full review »
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Chevrolet Volt Image

2013 Chevrolet Volt

The 2013 Chevrolet Volt offers the fuel savings of an electric car along with the unlimited range of a gas engine. However, some reviewers say that it’s ... Read full review »
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Toyota Prius V Image

2012 Toyota Prius V

For buyers looking for the fuel economy of a Prius and the practicality of a wagon, the 2012 Prius v is the only game in town. Luckily, ... Read full review »
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Toyota Prius Image
  • MSRP: $23,215 - $30,005
  • MPG: 51 (2012) City / 48 (2012) Hwy

2013 Toyota Prius

The Prius isn’t thrilling to drive, but critics say its high fuel economy ratings, spacious trunk and roomy interior will appeal to shoppers who want to save ... Read full review »
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Toyota Prius c Image

2012 Toyota Prius c

With the highest fuel economy ratings in its class, reviewers say the 2012 Toyota Prius c hybrid is a perfect match for the city, as long as ... Read full review »
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Honda CR-Z Image

2012 Honda CR-Z

Reviewers think the 2012 Honda CR-Z is the best-performing hybrid car on the market, but warn shoppers that it isn’t the most fuel-efficient or spacious one available. Read full review »
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Nissan Leaf Image

2012 Nissan Leaf

The 2012 Nissan Leaf is kind to the environment, but a lot of shoppers may find its limited range and cramped interior hard to live with. Read full review »
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Honda Civic Hybrid Image

2012 Honda Civic Hybrid

While reviewers are impressed with the 2012 Honda Civic Hybrid’s improved fuel economy ratings, they are disappointed with its bland interior and predictable exterior. Read full review »
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Honda Insight Image

2012 Honda Insight

The automotive press says the 2012 Honda Insight is designed for shoppers who want a hybrid without an ultra-high price tag.Read full review »
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Kia Optima Hybrid Image
  • MSRP: $25,700 - $25,700
  • MPG: 34 City / 39 Hwy

2012 Kia Optima Hybrid

Reviewers are disappointed with the powertrain in the 2012 Kia Optima Hybrid, but they are pleased with almost everything else about this midsize hybrid car. Read full review »
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Mitsubishi i Image

2012 Mitsubishi i

The 2012 Mitsubishi i is the least expensive electric car available, but the automotive press says this perk comes with its fair share of compromises. Read full review »
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Acerca de los saurómatas, se cuenta lo siguiente. Cuando los griegos combatieron contra las amazonas “a las que las amazonas los escritas llaman oiorpata, palabra que equivale en griego a andractonoi ““matadoras de hombres”” pues oior significa “hombre” y pata “matar” ”. Es fama entonces que, vencedores los griegos en la batalla del Termodonte, se hicieron a la vela llevando en tres navíos cuantas amazonas había podido tomar prisioneras, pero que en alta mar ellas les atacaron e hicieron pedazos. Mas no entendían de barcos ni de manejar remos; y después de haber matado a los hombres se dejaban llegar a merced de las olas y del viento. Arribaron a Cremnos en la laguna Meotis; Cremnos pertenece a la comarca de los escitas libres. Allí bajaron de las naves las amazonas y se encaminaron al poblado. Arrebataron la primera manada de caballos con que toparon, y montadas en ellos saqueaban el país de los escitas.

No podían estos atinar con lo que pasaba, pues no conocían la lengua ni el traje ni la nación, y se admiran de donde habían podido venir. Ténganlas por hombres de una misma edad, y combatían contra ellas; a consecuencia del combate, los escitas se apoderaron de los cadáveres, y saín conocieron que eran mujeres. Tomaron acuerdo sobre el caso y decidieron no matar en adelante a ninguna, y enviarles a sus jóvenes en igual numero al que según presumía, seria el de aquellas; los mancebías habían de acampar cerca de ellas y hacer lo mismo que ellas hiciesen; si les perseguían no habían de admitir el combate sino huir y cuando cesasen había de volver y acampar cerca de ellas. Así habían resuelto los escitas deseando tener hijos de ellas.
Los mozos enviados cumplieron las órdenes. Cuando advirtieron a las amazonas que no venían con ánimo hostil, los dejaron enhorabuena, pero cada día un campamento se acercaba más al otro. Los jóvenes, como las amazonas, no tenían consigo cosa alguna sino sus armas y caballos y Vivian de igual modo que ellas, de la caza y de la pesca.

A mediodía las amazonas hacían así: se dispersaban de a una o de a dos, y se alejaban unas de otras, dispersándose para satisfacer sus necesidades. Los escitas, que las habían observado, hicieron lo mismo, y uno se abalanzo sobre una de las que andaban solas: no le rechazo la amazona, antes le dejo hacer. No podía hablarle puesto que no se entendían; pero con señas le indico que al día siguiente viniese al mismo lugar y que trajese otro “mostrandole por señas que fueran dos”, y que ella trajera a otra. Al volver el mozo, contó esto a los demás; al día siguiente acudió y trajo consigo a otro, y hallo a la amazona con otra que les estaba esperando. Enterados de ellos los demás mozos, se amansaron de las demás.

Después juntaron los reales i vivieron en compañía, teniendo cada cual a aquella con la quien primero se había unido. Los hombres no pudieron aprender la lengua de las mujeres, pero las mujeres tomaron la de los hombres. Y cuando llegaron a entenderse dijeron los hombres a las amazonas: “Nosotros tenemos padres, tenemos bienes; así, pues, no sigamos mas en esta vida; veámonos y vivamos con nuestro pueblo; por mujeres os tendremos a vosotras, y no a otras algunas”. A lo cual respondieron ellas de este modo: “Nosotras no podríamos vivir con vuestras mujeres, pues no tenemos las mismas usanzas que ellas. Nosotras lanzamos el arco, tiramos el venablo, montamos a caballo y no aprendimos labores mujeréeles; vuestras mujeres, al contrario, nada saben de lo que os hemos dicho, sino que se quedan en sus carros y hacen sus labores sin salir a caza ni a parte ninguna. Luego, no podríamos avenirnos. Pero si queréis gozar fama justos, y tenernos por mujeres, id a ver a vuestros padres y tomad vuestra parte de bienes, volved y luego viviremos aparte”.

Persuadieron sé los jóvenes y asi hicieron. Después de tomar la parte de los bienes que les tocaba, volvieron a las amazonas, y las mujeres les hablaron así: “Miedo y temor nos de pensar que hemos de vivir en estos paraje, parte por haberos privado de vuestros padres, y parte por haber devastado mucho vuestra tierra, crucemos el Tanais y vivamos allá”.

Persuadieron sé también a esto los jóvenes, pasaron el Tanais, y anduvieron en dirección a Levante tres días de camino a partir del Tanais, y tres en dirección al viento Norte a partir de la laguna Meotis. Llegados al mismo paraje en el que moran en el presente, fijaron su morada. Desde entonces las mujeres de los sármatas viven al uso antiguo: van a la caza a caballos juntos a los hombres o sin ellos, y llevan el mismo traje que los hombres.

Los sármatas hablan la lengua escita, si bien llena de solecismos desde antiguo, ya que las amazonas no la aprendieron bien. En cuanto al matrimonio tiene esta ordenanza: ninguna doncella se casa si no mata antes un enemigo, y algunas de ellas mueren viejas y sin casarse, por no haber podido cumplir la ley.

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La Shekinah (del termino hebreo como que se determina la “presencia”) es la cara femenina de Dios en el judaísmo. La Shekinah es la presencia de Dios en el mundo y el esplendor de Dios que habito en el primer templo de Jerusalén.
Ella condujo a los israelitas a su éxodo en Egipto. Protegió así mismo al niño Moisés y se convirtió en su compañera, apareciendo en la zarza ardiente. Dios preservo a Moisés del Ángel de la Muerte, y la Shehinah se llevo su alma con un beso.
En el Islam, hay dos mujeres de capital importancia. Maria, la virgen madre de Jesús, es un ejemplo espiritual para toda la humanidad. El Corán le dedica todo un capitulo. De igual importancia es Fátima, la hija menor del profeta Mahoma.
Ella es la primera creyente que entra en el Paraíso tras la resurrección. Para los musulmanes chiíes, Fátima es la esposa del verdadero imán, Alí, y madre originaria, a partir de sus dos hijos, de todos los imanes verdaderos.

How to play automatic at YAHOO chess room using YAY3

The crazy truth: Google+ can thrive alongside Facebook

The tech world loves to pit these two against each other. But for now, they really are on different courses. 

It's easy to call Facebook the social network of the past. It's harder to build the social network of the future.
To hear Bradley Horowitz tell it, though, Google is well on its way. Google+, he says, lets people share with others in a more natural way than its competitors. Easy privacy controls, an environment free from obtrusive advertising, and highly polished mobile apps combine on Google+ to deliver a next-generation social network, as Horowitz tells it.
"It's not attempting to chase the social networks of the past," he said this week at a Business Insider conference in New York, in an assertion that launched a hundred headlines. "We're charting our own course, and it's a different course."
The 15-minute interview with Google's vice president of product for Google+ showed off a refreshingly pugnacious side of a social network that's been rather quiet as of late -- and, in doing so, got the network its best press coverage in months. (Slagging on Facebook's increasingly advertising-heavy newsfeed, which no one besides Facebook investors are excited about, can do that for you.) Horowitz went on to suggest that Facebook fails to capture the way people interact in the real world. As a result, he drew renewed attention to the Facebook-Google rivalry that began in earnest last year when Google, a laggard in social software, launched Google+.

Google+'s Bradley Horowitz speaks during a Business Insider conference.
(Credit: Dan Farber/CNET)
But the fascination with Google+ as a would-be Facebook killer obscures the larger story about what Google+ offers. Yes, Google+ competes with Facebook -- for users, for buzz, and ultimately, for ad dollars. But it means more to Google than simply fending off a fast-growing competitor.
Google+ is really two things. One is a destination for connecting with friends and subjects that interest them. When the press writes about Google+, it's usually in this context.
But Google+ plays a second role, as a product that improves other products. Google tends to talk about this in abstract terms -- it's "a social spine;" it's a "fabric;" it "weaves" Google products together. Let's try to be a little more concrete about what Google+ is doing besides giving people a Facebook alternative.
Google+ is a feed of what your friends share online. Did your friend download an app in the Google Play store? Her name will show up front and center when you search for the same app. Searching Google Shopping? Your friends' reviews rise to the top. Did your friend click +1 on a link they found through search? You'll see it when you run your own query on the same subject. Google calls these "social signals," and views them as an essential part of improving nearly all their consumer products. Expect to see more of them.
Google+ is a single sign-on system. Until the social network launched in June 2011, users of various Google services used different identities for each. You were one person on Gmail, another on YouTube, yet another on Blogger. When you visited the search engine, you were little more than an IP address. This drove Google crazy. (It wasn't much fun for users keeping track of different logins and passwords for each service, either.) By creating a single, unified login, Google gained the ability to personalize services (and ads) across all its products. This has not been universally popular, but it has almost certainly been simpler.
Google+ is a data mine. The unified login means Google can start tracking users' interests and behavior around the Web. Follow a bunch of ski resorts on Google+, and Google might eventually show you more search ads for skiing products. If your friends like a certain brand, that might show up higher in results, along with a "social annotation" informing you of your friend's endorsement. Advertisers are arguably way more interested in this stuff than users are, but Google contends that it leads to more relevant ads from which everyone benefits. (So far, companies have found that those social annotations boost ad clicks by double-digit percentages, Google says.)
"Over the past decade, Google has come to provide the products and services that have become essential to internet users... not only Google search but also the Chrome browser, theAndroid phone, YouTube, Gmail... the list goes on and on," Horowitz told me in an e-mail. "Google+ was designed from its inception as a foundational, unifying layer that makes these already great services even greater. So Google+ is different. It's not only an innovative new social network, it is also the identity, relationship and interest system for Google."
What's important about these aspects of Google+ is that they benefit the company and its customers regardless of whether Google+ ultimately wipes Facebook off the map. The social signals, personalization and improved ad targeting that Google+ creates are arguably by themselves enough to justify the entire effort from Google's perspective. It may be less compelling as a news story than a virtual death match between Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Page, but it's real.
But don't underestimate FacebookThat said, Horowitz did say Facebook is the social network of the past. And for now that looks like a case of Google spin getting ahead of the facts.
Facebook's billion monthly active users make it 10 times the size of Google+, even if Google did hit the 100 million active-user mark in roughly a quarter of the time that Facebook did. Zuckerberg and Co. have made Facebook indispensable across a wide range of products. Its photos, events and messaging features are world class. Timeline has successfully enticed millions of people to upload their entire lives to the service, turning it into a virtual scrapbook that would be hard to abandon. Facebook Connect has become a wildly popular, near-universal login for countless apps and much of the Web. (The company says eight of the top 10 iOS apps, and 40 percent of the top 400 apps, integrate with Facebook.) Then there's the Open Graph, still in its early stages, which aspires to bring the rest of the Web directly into the news feed.
To this high-stakes fight over the future of social networking, Google+ has brought ... privacy controls. And video chat. And a promise to keep ads out of the news feed, at least for now. Plus some nice mobile apps.
It's little wonder, then, that according to (admittedly ancient) available statistics on the average amount of time users spend in each social network, Facebook is ahead of Google+ by leaps and bounds. Google said in June that active users spend 12 minutes a day on the site; we requested updated numbers from ComScore, which furnished numbers to the Wall Street Journal in February on the subject, and didn't hear back.
Of course, Facebook took longer than the 18 months that Google+ has been in the marketplace to become the juggernaut it is today. And it's easy to forget that people thought Google washopelessly late to the party when it launched ... a search engine.
To date, Google has focused on using Google+ to improve its existing products. The bigger test of the network will come when it invests more heavily in turning it into a destination, giving users a reason to return to it constantly. Horowitz said he aspires to make Google+ the social network where you go to wish your friends a happy birthday. That's a long way off.
Even if Google+ never becomes the Web's hottest property, Google still stands to reap significant benefits from it. Facebook doesn't have to lose for Google+ to be successful. But Google will invest huge resources into seeing that it does. As Horowitz showed this week, Google is coming out swinging. Now let's see if it can land a punch.

Bling! Researchers create 24k gold in the lab

There's gold in them thar chlorides! Researchers at Michigan State University figure out how to transmute a toxic chemical compound into solid gold.

A close-up of gold flecks, created by science! (Click to enlarge.)
(Credit: G.L. Kohuth)
To put it lightly, something sensational happens upon feeding large concentrations of toxic gold chloride (also known as liquid gold) to the bacteria Cupriavidus metallidurans. After about a week's time, the bacterium creates a 24-karat gold nugget from the digested toxins.
"Microbial alchemy is what we're doing, transforming gold from something that has no value into a solid, precious metal that's valuable," said Kazem Kashefi, assistant professor of microbiology and molecular genetics at Michigan State University, where the research is taking place.

Gold formulating in the bioreactor.
(Credit: G.L. Kohuth)
Don't get too excited, though, as the inventors describe the process as cost-prohibitive on a larger scale. Nonetheless, successfully creating gold in this way does raise questions about potential economic impact, as well as ethical queries regarding reverse-engineering natural processes.
Kashefi collaborated with associate professor Adam Brown on the project, officially known as "The Great Work of the Metal Lover." A portable laboratory made of 24-karat gold-plated hardware, a glass bioreactor, and the Trumpian bacteria stands on display at the Prix Ars Electronica cyber art competition in Austria until October 7.
"This is neo-alchemy. Every part, every detail of the project is a cross between modern microbiology and alchemy," Brown said. "Science tries to explain the phenomenological world. As an artist, I'm trying to create a phenomenon. Art has the ability to push scientific inquiry."

This bioreactor, part of an art exhibit, uses a gold-fiending bacteria and gold chloride to create real 24-karat gold.
(Credit: G.L. Kohuth)

Scientists find economic process for creating gold from base metals

By Ben Dover
San Francisco Comical
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
LIVERMORE, California -- Scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have discovered a process for inexpensively converting base metals into gold, the lab announced Tuesday night at a hastily called news conference.
Since medieval times the dream of alchemists has been to make gold, the exemplar of the precious metals, out of lead, the basest of the base metals. Heretofore this has been possible only through the use of particle accelerators and other devices of nuclear mechanics to remove three protons from each lead atom, a process requiring so much energy that it was far more costly than any gold that could be produced.
But Lab Director Stew Pidasso said Tuesday night the lab's scientists have produced economic quantities of the precious metal in a different way.
"The alchemists and the early nuclear scientists failed to realize that there's more than one way to skin a proton," Pidasso said. "Instead of trying to knock protons out of lead, protons can be borrowed from metals with lower atomic numbers and added to make gold."
Pidasso said the lab, a division of the U.S. Department of Energy, first achieved the transformation by borrowing protons from copper and nickel and adding them to bars of iron. But when copper and nickel supplies ran out, the lab began using protons from calcium, which is abundant in seashells along the nearby California coastline.
According to Pidasso, using proton borrowing and high-quality varnishes, the lab will be able to manufacture about 1,500 metric tonnes of gold per year, which, he predicted, might indefinitely fill what is estimated to be the gap between annual world gold demand and mine and scrap supply.
Pidasso said the laboratory's gold research long has been funded by grants from JPMorganChase & Co. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. but that recently "enormous" help had been provided by Bear Stearns Cos.
The lab's announcement was expected to plunge the precious metals markets into chaos. A spokesman for the World Gold Council in London, reached late in the evening on his cell phone at a local club, would say only, "Young women in slinky outfits will look good in gold no matter how much of the stuff is available or where it comes from. Those details hardly matter to us."
* * *

Gold Finally Made in Laboratory - costs more than the gold

Laboratory Gold ~ Man has created gold from bismuth at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in California ~ a feat only dreamed of by alchemists of the Middle Ages. But it wasn't alchemy that did it. It took the BEVALAC atomic particle accelerator. The machine hurled ions of carbon and neon at the bismuth. This "knocked away fragments of the bismuth atoms, leaving the lighter element gold," reports Science 80 magazine. Will this prompt a modern-day gold rush? Probably not. It took $10,000 (US) in accelerator operating expenses to make about a million atoms of gold. "In all our work," said the scientist operating the machine, "we produced gold that was worth less than one billionth of a cent."

$10,000.00 = 1/1,000,000,000th (one billionth) of a cent in gold 

Montauk Project

Montauk Project

The Montauk Project was purportedly a series of secret United States government projects conducted at Camp Hero and/or Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Long Island. It was claimed by a small number of conspiracy theorists to be secretly developing a powerful psychological war weapon. The Project is widely regarded by mainstream sources as fictional.
The Legend of the Project

The Montauk Project is believed by small numbers of people to be an extension or continuation of the controversial Philadelphia Experiment, which supposedly took place October 28, 1943.
According to the legend, sometime in the 1950s, surviving researchers from Project Rainbow began to discuss the project with an eye to continuing the research into technical aspects of manipulating the electromagnetic bottle that had been used to make the USS Eldridge invisible, and the reasons and possible military applications of the psychological effects of a magnetic field.

The legend goes on to say that a report was supposedly prepared and presented to Congress, and was soundly rejected as far too dangerous. So a proposal was made directly to the Department of Defense promising a powerful new weapon that could drive an enemy insane, inducing the symptoms of schizophrenia at the touch of a button. Without congressional approval, the project would have to be top secret and secretly funded. The Department of Defense approved. Funding supposedly came from a cache of US$10 billion in Nazi gold recovered from a train found by U.S. soldiers in a train tunnel in France. The train was blown up and all the soldiers involved were killed. When those funds ran out, additional funding was secured from ITT and Krupp AG in Germany.

Work began at Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, New York under the name Phoenix Project, but it was soon realized that the project required a large radar dish, and installing one at Brookhaven would compromise the security of the project. Luckily, the U.S. Air Force had a decommissioned base at Montauk, New York, not far from Brookhaven, which had a complete SAGE radar installation. The site was large and remote (Montauk was not yet a tourist attraction) and water access would allow equipment to be moved in and out undetected.

Equipment was moved to Camp Hero at the Montauk base in the late 1960s, and installed in an underground bunker beneath the base. According to conspiracy theorists, to mask the nature of the project the site was closed in 1969 and donated as a wildlife refuge/park, with the provision that everything underground would remain the property of the Air Force (although, in reality, the base remained in operation until the 1980s). The park has never been opened to the public, under the excuse of environmental contamination.
Various conspiracy theorists claim that experiments began in earnest in the early 1980s. They claim that during this time one, some or all of the following occurred at the site. No evidence has ever been provided that any of the following is true:
  • The facility was expanded to as many as twelve levels and several hundred workers. Some reports have the facility extending under the town of Montauk itself.
  • Homeless people and orphans were abducted and subjected to huge amounts of electromagnetic radiation to test mind control technology and remote brain programming. Few survived.
  • People had their psychic abilities enhanced to the point where they could materialize objects out of thin air. Stewart Swerdlow claims to have been involved in the Montauk Project, and as a result, he says, his "psionic" faculties were boosted, but at the cost of emotional instability, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other issues. An alien supposedly designed a chair, which an individual could sit in to boost his mental and precipatory powers. A prototype duplicate was given to England and put in a facility on the Thames River.
  • Experiments were conducted in teleportation.
  • A "porthole (portal?) in time" was created which allowed researchers to travel anywhere in time or space. This was developed into a stable "Time Tunnel." Underground tunnels with abandoned cultural archives were explored on Mars using this technique.
  • Contact was made with alien extraterrestrials through the Time Tunnel and technology was exchanged with them which enhanced the project. This allowed broader access to "hyperspace".
  • Mind control experiments were conducted and runaway and kidnapped boys were abducted and brought out to the base where they underwent excruciating periods of both physical and mental torture in order to break their minds, then their minds were re-programmed. Many were supposedly killed during the process and buried on the site. Others were released with programming as mind-slaves with alternate personalities to be sleeper cells who could be activated to perform missions.
  • On or about on August 12, 1983 the time travel project at Camp Hero interlocked in hyperspace with the original Rainbow Project back in 1943. The USS Eldridge was drawn into hyperspace and trapped there. Two men, Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron both claim to have leaped from the deck of the Eldridge while it was in hyperspace and ended up after a period of severe disorientation at Camp Hero in the year 1983. Here they claim to have met John von Neumann, a famous physicist and mathematician, even though he was known to have died in 1957. Von Neumann had supposedly worked on the original Philadelphia Experiment, but the U.S. Navy denies this.
  • Flying saucers were observing the Philadelphia Experiment in 1943 and and got sucked into a time warp and was transported to one of the underground tunnels in Montauk and got stuck there. The aliens demanded a large quartz crystal to help get their ship's engines started to be able to leave. The time machine was used to obtain one from another planet.
  • Nikola Tesla, whose death was faked in a Conspiracy, was the chief director of operations at the base. Mass psychological experiments, such as the use of enormous subliminal messages projects and the creation of a "Men in Black" corps to confuse and frighten the public, were invented there.
  • Professional wrestler Rob Van Dam claims to have accidentally stumbled upon the area while driving to an arena. During one hour's time, he went into the time tunnel and claimed to have met Nikola Tesla, who told him that he was "...going to return in 2007 to end it all".
The site was opened to the public on September 18, 2002 as Camp Hero State Park. The radar tower has been placed on the State and National Register of Historic Places. There are plans for a museum and interpretive center; focusing on World War II and Cold War era history.Despite rumors, no traces of secret underground facilities have been found; although on the grounds of Camp Hero there is a hill with concrete sealed doors.

"The Metaphysical Experience"
Preston, Ellie, Duncan
Below is an interview I did with Preston Nichols and Duncan Cameron who were guests on my TV talk show "The Metaphysical Experience" in 1991. This does not imply that I agree with what was told to me.
There is something about the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project that draws the same people together over and over, this being posted in 2007, and my connection with them having begun in 1989. We have shared memories gathered independently and yet the same. I was not part of either project, but share other memories from a parallel experience. I do not believe the events will ever be proven, but there is something that links the time travel experiments of WW II with our current time line, experiences and the destiny of humanity, not to mention reality as a consciousness experiment in linear time.
There are events that parallel our biogenetic experiment, as an alien platform, the Nazi Germany WW II biogenetic experiments and time travel itself. When we move through Project Stargate we are looking at a metaphoric message linking SG with the sacred geometric design of our programmed reality.

The Interview
The Philadelphia experiment originally began back in the 1930's in Chicago with three people. Dr. John Hutchinson Sr., who was the Dean of the University of Chicago, Nicola Tesla, and Dr. Kurtenaur, who was an Austrian physicist who was on staff at the University.
They decided to do something with the speculation regarding the concept of things and people being invisible. This subject had been discussed for several year. They got together and did some research at the University of Chicago around 1931 or 1932. In 1933 the Institute of Advanced Studies at Princeton was formed and the project was transferred there in 1934. One of the people on staff at the Institute was Dr. John Erich Von Neumann, who was from Budapest Hungary. He got his degree in chemistry in 1925 and his Ph.D. in mathematics in 1926. He taught in Europe for about four years and transferred to the United States. He taught at the graduate level for three years and was invited to join the Institute.
Other people at the Institute included Albert Einstein, who left Germany in 1930. He went to the California Institute of Technology for three years and taught there and then went to the Institute upon their invitation and acceptance. A lot of other people showed up there as time went on. The project expanded about 1936. In the meantime, Tesla was named director of the project. He was a friend of president Franklin Roosevelt, whom Tesla met in 1917 when FDR was secretary of the Navy.
Tesla was asked at that time to do some work for the government for the war effort, which he did. He accepted and became director of the invisibility project until he resigned in 1942. In 1936, after intensive study, they decided to have an initial test of their work. They achieved some partial invisibility. The Navy and everyone else was encouraged to continue the work, and the Navy supplied money for research.
Scientists were coming to the United States from Germany until 1939, when the war with Germany was started.

In 1940, after research using Tesla's approach, they decided they were ready for a full test at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. They had a small ship and a tender ship at each side. One ship provided the power and the other supplied the drive for the coils. They were tendered to the test ship by cables. The idea was that if anything went wrong they could cut the cables or sink the test ship. Everything worked and the project was declared a success.

The important point about the 1940 test is that there was no one on board the test vehicle. It was strictly a dry run with no people. This is important because of what happened later. Other people came on board. Thomas T. Brown joined the project because of his expertise in electrogravity effects. He had the task of solving the problem of the German magnetic mines that were affecting allied shipping and Naval efforts. This led into a parallel project which involved the use of disguising coils and cables to explode the mines at a distance from the ship.

The Navy wanted several people to keep an eye on the tests. That is how I got involved. Keeping technical commentaries. Let's look at Nicola Tesla.
In 1879 his father died and his first year at college ended. He came to the United States in1884. He had enormously intuitive insight. He had a perfect track record. Before coming to the US he had known Robert Oppenheimer, who later worked with the development of the atomic bomb, and Dr. David Hilbert, the mathematician who devised equations for Hilbert Space, which described multiple space or multiple realities mathematically.
These equations for multiple space became very important in the project. Dr. von Neumann met Hilbert in 1927 and retained a lot of what he had learned. With that, Von Neumann developed other new systems of mathematics. Von Neumann was considered to be one of the most outstanding mathematicians in this century. Some think he was better than Einstein. Another mathematician involved was Dr. John Levinson, who was born in 1912. He died in 1976. He published three books on mathematics. Levinson developed the so-called Levinson Time Equations. with all this behind them, the group had all they needed to proceed with the project.

After the successful 1940 test, the Navy decided to give the project unlimited funds and to classify the project. In 1942 Tesla was given a ship and a crew for a full sized test. Tesla got a battleship. Tesla and Von Neumann didn't agree on some things. Tesla insisted that they were going to have a very severe problem with personnel. Tesla wanted more time but the NAVY wouldn't agree. Tesla made periodic announcements in the late 1930's and early 1940's about his contact with off planet species. He was in contact with the outside, who agreed that there was a problem with the people. He decided to sabotage the 1942 test in an attempt to stop the project. He de-tuned the equipment so nothing would work. The test failed. Tesla then turned the project over to Von Neumann in March 1942 and left the project.

Von Neumann went to the Navy and requested time to study the problem to determine what had gone wrong. Von Neumann decided to make changes in some of the equipment. He decided he would need a special ship that was designed from the ground up. The Eldridge was selected. The equipment was built into the ship. They put all the equipment on the ship. October 1942 arrived. They selected 33 volunteers for the crew, who arrived after graduation in December 1942. We still have a picture of the class.
After the ship was out of drydock work began. In May of 1943 von Neumann installed a third generator. It would never synchronize with the other two. It went out of control one day and zapped one of the men. Von Neumann pulled out the third generator (installed because Tesla had convinced Von Neumann of the potential problem with people) and went back to the original design. In mid June, the ship had sea trials. On July 22, 1943, they had the test. The ship between radar and optically invisible. They discovered people very disoriented. The Navy pulled the crew off and consulted Von Neumann, who requested more time again from the Navy. The Navy, after consultation with higher-ups, announced that the drop dead date was on the 12th of August, 1943. Von Neumann voiced his concern that it wasn't enough time.
The Navy decided that it just wanted radar invisibility and not optical invisibility. The equipment was again modified by Von Neumann. August 12th arrived. We knew things were not right. The test began, and for about a minute everything was all right. The ships outline could be seen in the water. There was suddenly a blue flash and the ship disappeared entirely. No radio communication was possible. It was gone. In about three hours it came back. One of the masts was broken.

Some personnel were partially embedded in the steel deck. Others were fading in and out. Some disappeared entirely. Many were insane. The Navy extracted the crew and proceeded with four days of meetings to decided what to do about the problem. They decided there would be one more test with another dry run without personnel. They conducted the dry run using about 1000 feet of cable attached to another ship. In late October 1943 the test occurred. The ship disappeared for about 20 minutes. When it returned, they found equipment missing. Two transmitter cabinets and one generator was missing. The cabinet with the zero-time reference generator was intact. At that point, the Navy stripped the ship and stopped the project. The Eldridge served in the war and was turned over to Greece at the end of the war.

The important thing is that there were two tests that were exactly 40 years apart to the day. It was a 40 year separation in hyperspace. Now, the Earth itself has a biorhythm that peaks on a 20 year cycle on August 12th. It "just happened" to peak and provided the connecting link through the fields of the Earth for the two experiments to lock up in hyperspace. Walk-in efforts are aided if they occur during this peak.
The ship was pulled into hyperspace. We were inside the ship and knew something was drastically wrong with the test. We tried to shut it off but it wouldn't shut off. We ran out on deck and jumped over the side of the ship. We jumped overboard but ended up in a time tunnel which ended at Montauk, Long Island on August 12th, 1983. At night.

We were found very quickly and taken down stairs, where Von Neumann greeted us. He expected us. It was a bit of a shock. We had just been in 1943 and now we were in 1983 looking at Von Neumann as an old man. He said that there was a hyperspace lockup and that we had to go back and shut off the generators on the ship or the hyperspace rift would keep increasing and possibly engulf the planet. He had been waiting 40 years for us to arrive.
Montauk sent us back and we smashed the equipment with axes. The ship returned to its original point in space and about three hours later in time. From 1943 on, Von Neumann didn't know what happened. He had modified earlier equipment in 1943 to where he had a full blown time machine. The Germans also were working on time travel, and had it working in 1945 just before the end of the war. This is all a matter of record.

After the Navy decided to shut down the project in 1943, Von Neumann was sent to work on the atomic bomb project at Los Alamos until that was over. In 1947 there were major changes in the Department of Defense. Someone in the new structure decided to dig up the Philadelphia project to see if they could find out what went wrong. They asked Von Neumann to "take another look" at the project. He agreed.
There is another matter. Starting about August 6th, 1943, UFOs appeared over the Eldridge for about six days. They were there during the test. One of the UFOs was sucked up into hyperspace with the Eldridge and it ended up in an underground facility in Montauk in 1983. It contained a charging device which some aliens made us go back and get for them, as they didn't want humans to have it. We don't know who they were. Pruett was concerned about an alien invasion.

Also, Von Neumann was called by the government to come and assist in the examination of a crashed UFO in 1947 at Aztec. Another crash occurred at Aztec about a year later. The first crash had greys on it and none survived. At least one occupant survived the second crash. The radar systems unintentionally brought down the craft. Radar was used intentionally after that until the aliens got wise to it.
The occupant of the second crash was not a grey, and Von Neumann got to talk with it. Von Neumann asked it what the answer to the invisibility problems could be. He learned that he had to go back and do his homework in metaphysics. The nature of the problem was that the personnel on the ship were not locked to the zero time reference of the ship. Humans are normally locked to the point of conception as a time reference, not a zero-time reference. The time stream lock allows the person to flow in synch with the system so interaction is possible.

Time locks are fragile. All the power of the project disrupted the time-locks of the people on the deck on the ship. When the ship came back in time, the people didn't come back to the same reference.
Von Neumann realized that he needed a computer, as well as some knowledge of metaphysics in order to be able to lock the time reference of the people to the time reference of the ship. He built a computer in 1950 for the purpose. It was ready to be installed in 1952 and a test was performed in 1953 that was successful. They didn't go floating off into space when it was over. At this point, the Navy canceled Project Rainbow and changed the name to project Phoenix.
A lot came out of the negative effects of the Rainbow project. Some of it led to mind control research programs in the Phoenix project. The invisibility research produced some Stealth technology as well as other highly classified projects.

In 1983, they decided to apply mind control to all participants in these projects in an effort to cover them up. They had also been working on another project: age regression. Now, Tesla had sought back in the 1940's to develop equipment that could help the members of the crew after they lost time-lock . The government developed it into the age regression program. It was physical age regression. A person retained the memory they had from the older age.
Tesla's theory was that if you took the individual's time-lock and moved it forward in time than you would remove aging. That's what happened. It took between 30 and 60 days for the body to complete the change to the new time reference.
When our astronauts first landed on the moon in 1969 they were greeted by a fleet of disks sitting on the rim of a crater. The astronauts asked their superiors if they knew about these disks. They were told "yes", that they were American disks. The astronauts were angry at being used as public relations men by the government.

Well, the aircraft combines two aspects for invisibility. One of the aspects relates to the construction and coating applied to the surface. The other aspect relates to an electronic type of invisibility package which is a result of work done on the Philadelphia experiment years ago. Also, the stealth has a secondary drive system which is very advanced and allows it to fly in space. The assistant director of NASA admitted that this came straight out of alien technology. He admitted this to the public.
There are breaks in the government secrecy programs that are starting to show up. More and more people are getting totally disgusted with government activities and attitudes and they are beginning to talk.
The Phoenix Project was a project that evolved out of the Philadelphia Project. It was a project that the Navy did in the 1930's and 1940's in an attempt to make ships invisible. They threw the switch one eventful day and the ship went into hyperspace. They had all sorts of problems with the people on the boat. It was a huge success as well as a huge failure - then they shelved it. Around 1947 it was decided to re-activate the project and it was moved to Brookhaven National Laboratories with Dr. John Von Neumann and his associates. Out of Phoenix I came Stealth technology. It also produced all sorts of energetic little toys like the radiosonde.

The radiosonde was a little white box that they attached to a balloon and sent up into the atmosphere. The government told people that it involved gathering weather data. It used a very unusual type of pulse modulation. In most cases they used a CW (continuous wave) oscillator and pulsed the signal. This turned out to be a very efficient conversion of electrical energy to etheric energy. They were designed up at Brookhaven National Labs. I started to talk to people at Brookhaven and ran into a retired gentleman who used to work there. He told me that the design was originally done by Wilhelm Reich.
The story goes that in about 1947 Wilhelm Reich handed the US Government a weather control device, a device that would do DOR-busting. Reich thought that if he could decrease the amount of DOR that storms would not be so violent. (DOR is the result of orgone energy coming into contact with an enclosed radioactive source). Deadly Orgone Energy is DOR. The government sent the device up into a storm and it did reduce the intensity of the storm. They worked.

The Montauk Project was a combination of Wilhelm Reich's work and the Philadelphia Experiment. There were two separate projects going on in Phoenix One. You had the invisibility aspect and you had the development of Wilhelm Reich's weather control. Toward the end of the Phoenix project, by using some of Wilhelm Reich's concepts and some of the transmission schemes used from the "radiosonde" project, they found that you could combine the two -factors and use them for 'Mind Control'.

The people who were running it went to the military and proposed that they could use it to "influence the minds of the enemy". The military loved the idea, and let them use the old Montauk Air Force Base. Among the equipment requested was an old SAGE radar unit, which was on the base. The base was shut down and everything was auctioned off. The group then moved in from the Brookhaven Labs. That began what we call Phoenix Two. They spent the first ten years from about 1969 to about 1979, researching pure mind control.
The first part of the mind control project was to take an individual and stand them about 250 feet away from the antenna. The SAGE radar had a peak pulse power of .5 MW. The antenna had a gain of 30db. That means an effective radiated power of at least a gigawatt. It was nominally a gigawatt. Can you imagine what that would do to people? I think its amazing these people are still here. It does things like burn out brain functions, create neurological damage, scar lungs from heat, etc. They tried this with a number of people and there were few survivors. The subjects were often indigent people they grabbed off the streets.
The project was controlled by Dr. John Von Neumann and Jack Pruett. About 30 people worked there. It was a joint project...Air Force & Navy. Original funding came from the Nazi government funds. In 1944 there was an American troop train that went through a French railroad tunnel carrying $10 billion in Nazi gold which they had found.

It was $10 billion at the 1944 price of $20 per ounce. The train was blown up in the tunnel. It killed 51 American soldiers. The gold turned up ten years later at Montauk. This has been verified. That money was used to finance the project for many years as the value of gold went up.
They spent all of it and ran out of money. That's when they tapped on ITT, who funded it. ITT was owned by Krupp in Germany. In terms of personnel, many of the civilians and scientists there were all ex-Nazi's who came from Germany both before and after the war ended.

The project was under US Government surveillance. The intelligence community knew what was going on and the CIA monitored everything, as did other government intelligence agencies. The field of players who actually operated on the base was small, between 30 and 50.
The funding was entirely private. After 1983, Senator Goldwater found out about it and started an investigation. He couldn't find any trace of government funding. Pruett was the metaphysical director of the project. He was Air Force. After he left Dr. Herman C. Untermann took over. They had an electronics expert, Dr. Mathew E. Zerrett, who came over from Germany in 1946 with Werner von Braun. Probably the reason that they ran out of money is that they had a total of 25 bases around the United States to support. The last of the bases shut down August 12, 1983. The base at Montauk, where all the stations got their zero-time reference from, shut down and the other two remaining bases went down with it.
Other experiments included time travel. No one has picked up a tangible future beyond 2012 AD. There is a very abrupt wall there with nothing on the other side. A working time vortex was created to the future.
At one point a creature came through and everyone went into a panic. They shut the transmitter off. The creature ate people and equipment. They had to go back and shut down the unit in Philadelphia in order to shut off the unit in the future so they could stop this creature in 1983. This was on August 12,1983.

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