Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Por Miguel Pedrero
Última actualización 21/09/2012@08:50:26 GMT+1
Hallazgos en campos tan dispares como la genética, la biología, la bioquímica o la astrofísica apuntan hacia una evidencia desestabilizadora: que una inteligencia no humana –quizá una civilización alienígena, como sostienen aclamados científicos– fabricó de modo artificial el ADN terrestre, ensamblando determinados elementos por medio de ingeniería genética y codificando en el mismo la información necesaria para el surgimiento de la vida en nuestro planeta. Esta tesis ha sido y es defendida por investigadores de primer nivel, como el propio descubridor de la estructura del ADN y Premio Nobel de Medicina por dicho hallazgo…
En 1953, Harold Urey y Stanley Miller, dos científicos de la Universidad de Chicago (EE UU), llevaron a cabo un experimento, calificado por la prensa del momento como «el más sorprendente de todos los ensayos». Ambos investigadores habían creado una mezcla formada por moléculas simples de metano, amoniaco, hidrógeno y vapor de agua, que introdujeron en una vasija con agua. Su intención era reproducir la «sopa primordial», en la que presumían había nacido la vida en la Tierra por primera vez miles de millones de años atrás.

En definitiva, «el más sorprendente ensayo de la historia», que todos hemos estudiado en el colegio como la prueba de que la vida surgió de forma casual y espontánea, únicamente consiguió formar compuestos inertes, que nada aclaraban sobre el nacimiento de las primeras células vivas: las unidades básicas de todo ser, capacitadas para absorber nutrientes –alimentos– y reproducirse en nuevas células.

El mismo año que Urey y Miller realizaron su famoso ensayo –en 1953–, los biólogos James D. Watson y Francis Crick hicieron uno de los grandes hallazgos de la humanidad: descubrieron la estructura del ADN en forma de doble hélice, lo que complicaba mucho más la explicación de que la vida había nacido en la Tierra de forma casual. Por su logro, Watson y Crick recibieron el Premio Nobel de Medicina en 1962, convirtiéndose por derecho propio en dos de los científicos más influyentes del siglo XX.

Francis Crick siempre se caracterizó por dar a conocer sus opiniones de una forma clara y rotunda, sin medias tintas ni ambigüedades.

Por ello, pocos se sorprendieron cuando en 1973 publicó un artículo con el laureado químico Leslie Orgel en la revista Icarus (vol. 19). En dicho trabajo defendía una teoría que ya conocían muchos de sus compañeros científicos: que la vida en nuestro planeta había sido inseminada «por la actividad deliberada de una civilización extraterrestre».

Francis Crick era consciente –al igual que muchos otros genetistas– de que la estructura del ADN en forma de doble hélice parecía haber surgido de la nada, pues no se habían encontrado pasos intermedios previos a su formación. Por tanto, dedujo que la única posibilidad es que hubiera llegado a nuestro planeta ya conformada.

La probabilidad de que organismos vivos extraterrestres «aterrizaran» en nuestro planeta a bordo de un meteorito o por esporas empujadas a nuestro mundo a causa de la presión ejercida por la radiación de una estrella –tal como defiende la hipótesis de la panspermia–, es prácticamente nula según Crick, pues ningún organismo vivo resistiría a los rigores de tal viaje espacial.

Orgel y Crick escribieron en Icarus: «Como alternativa a esta teoría propia del siglo XIX –la panspermia–, nosotros consideramos la panspermia dirigida, la teoría que concibe que los organismos vivos fueron deliberadamente transmitidos a la Tierra por seres inteligentes de otro planeta. Concluimos que es posible que la vida alcanzara la Tierra de esta manera…»… (Continúa en AÑO/CERO 267).

Ancient Relics & Mysteries:

October 16, 2012 Coast Insider Audio

Ancient Relics & Mysteries:
In the middle two hours of Monday's show, researcher and writer on the subject of ancient mysteries, Adrian Gilbert, discussed the legacy of objects such as the the Stone of Destiny, and the Ark of the Covenant, as well as delved into stargates and prophecy. According to legend, the Stone of Destiny (which currently is displayed at Edinburgh Castle in Scotland) was originally the stone that the biblical prophet Jacob slept on when he had a dream about angels going up and down a ladder. The stone seems to have ominous properties, said Gilbert, comparing it to the Spear of Destiny, which was said to have pierced Jesus Christ.

When the Stone of Destiny was in Ireland, it was said to cry out when the right person stood on it who was meant to be King (though Gilbert conjectured it was probably the people nearby who were crying out). While some relics themselves may not be magical, they can make a link or connect someone to a saint, prophet, or holy person associated with them, he commented. Regarding the Ark of the Covenant, he doubts that the wood object still survives. Because it was covered with gold leaf, when sunlight hit it, it may have given off a strong electrostatic charge, which would account for its unusual properties, he theorized.

Gilbert spoke about stargates, which he characterized as specific places in the sky that act as time-markers for the long cycle known as the precession of the equinoxes. We are currently at the end of one cycle, which has been designated by the Mayan calendar, he noted. He believes that the "opening" of the stargate on 12/21/12 will herald a catastrophic war in the Middle East, and events foreseen in the Book of Revelation.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Website that turns your webcam into a surveillance camera

Your webcam is obviously handy as a communications device, but with help from software, you can turn it into a security camera pretty easily.

Ugolog doesn't require any software

Working strictly over the internet, Ugolog harnesses your webcam as a security camera without any software installation (you need to use a webcam with motion detection capabilities).
Video is recorded directly to Ugolog's servers and you can tune in any time you like to watch a live stream of what your webcam is seeing.
Price: various monthly plans, the most expensive is $29.95 per month

Yawcam is completely free

Windows users will want to check out Yawcam, a free piece software that turns your webcam into a motion-sensitive security camera.
You can also view live video over the internet, shoot time-lapse movies, and set it to upload images to an FTP server however you like.
Price: free (donations encouraged)

MyWebcam Broadcaster

If you'd like to make your webcam viewable to the public EyeSpyFX's MyWebcam Broadcaster is set up to make your video feed as public (or as private) as you like.
You can view your feed from anywhere you like on your mobile device -- just use the MyWebcam app, currently available for Android, Blackberry, Java Mobile, iPhone, and iPad.
Price: free

EvoCam is packed with features

The killer feature for EvoCam is "Actions," a way to make the software perform certain tasks when certain environmental things happen -- "create timelapse movies, record movies when motion or sound is detected, publish a webcam image on a web server via FTP, or integrate EvoCam with your security system or home automation software."
Price: free for 15 days, $30 after that

iSpy can collaborate with your home automation system

iSpy was originally created to hunt UFOs, but it has plenty of security applications as well. Monitor your home or office and supervise your nanny remotely. It can also pair with existing home automation systems.
For example, if it detects an intruder, it can "instantly turn the lights on, play a sound of a dog barking and send yourself a framegrab directly to your mobile phone."
Price: free

UStream is free and functional

UStream doesn't offer any motion detection capabilities, but as a free service it's still completely functional.
You can set your stream to be public or password-protected, and there's no time limit for recording. Let it run as long as you like and UStream will archive your video on their servers.

This is one powerful webcam

The Panasonic BL-C131A wireless network camera lets you control it remotely from another computer. You can pan and tilt around a room to see what's going on.
It also has plenty of useful sensors that let you configure it to be sensitive to motion, sound, or heat.
Price: around $200

Why not get a robot?

Why not get a robot?
The WoWee Rovio is a WiFi-controlled remote webcam that lets drive around your house and broadcast live video over the internet. If you'd like to be able to move around your place in real time, this is for you.
It has LED headlights and a waypoint system, meaning you won't have to manually steer it long distances.

Web Camera Security System
Web Camera Security System WCSS is an affordable and effective remote monitoring solution for detecting motion and recording video automatically.
Turn your WebCam into a Security Camera. No extra equipment needed. Just set the timer and leave the room. The camera will detect the first thing that moves and start recording video in AVI format. Set to record in intervals to assure the culprit is caught on tape. Automatically E-mail JPEG images when Motion is Detected. Can be used to detect motion even in dimly lit areas with the Night Detection feature. Stealth Mode and Super Stealth Mode allow you to cloak the window out of site away from prying eyes. Highly customizable motion detection settings. This application was specifically designed to give everyone else a Security Camera with Motion Detecting capabilities with out the hefty price.
Web Camera Security System takes your web cam and turns it into a fully automated security video surveillance camera that will capture video while you are away.

Software Information System Requirements
Version: 1.0
  • Windows 98/2000/XP/NT/ME/Vista
  • Pentium II CPU
  • 256 MB of RAM
License: Free to try, $19.95 to buy
File Size: 1.31 MB
Screenshot: View Screenshot
Rating :

Key Features of Web Camera Security System:
  • Set Motion Detection Tolerance
  • Auto-Records AVI Video when Motion Detected
  • Record in Intervals or Long Term to Ensure Capturing
  • Stealth Mode to Quickly Hide Program from Prying Eyes
  • Night Detection for Dimly Lit Capturing
  • Delay Timer Provides Time to Leave the Room
  • Records Time and Date of Video Capture
  • Customize Video Format and Video Compression
  • Record Still Shots on Timed Interval or on Motion Detect
  • E-mail Snapshots on Motion Detection
There are many uses for Web Camera Security System:
  • See who is snooping around your home or office
  • Monitor your child's actions from the other room
  • See what your kids are up to when they come home from school
  • Make sure the babysitter is not abusing your children
  • Watch maintenance workers to make sure they don't rip you off
  • Use Video to Conduct studies of the behavior of your subjects
  • Find out who is using your computer
  • See how your pets react when you are away

Turn Your Webcam Into A Security Cam

Hacks Hub

Turn Your Webcam Into A Security Cam
November 2, 2007 05:51 PM
Yawcam Security Camera
Just about every new laptop purchased today is bundled with a built-in web cam. It’s a great accessory for video conferencing, but there are also plenty of other useful things to do with them. This tutorial will demonstrate how to turn just about any web camera into a security camera which will capture any movement it sees using motion technology. No extra components or tools required!

What’s Needed:
Quick Install Process:
1) Download yawcam.zip and unzip it
2) Click on yawcam.exe and install it
3) Start Menu -> Start up Yawcam
Note: If you have a USB camera, plug it in before starting up yawcam. If yawcam says “No Device Selected”, go to Settings -> Device -> Change to -> [select your camera]. If you are able to view your camera in the Yawcam Preview window, proceed to the next step.
Yawcam In Action Demo
Setup Motion Detection:
1) Go to Window -> Motion Detection (a new window should appear)
2) Blue lines should appear when you move your hand past the camera.
3) Click on the Actions tab and un-check Play Sound.
4) Select Settings… for Save file and Activate Image array.
5) Finally hit the enable button to begin monitoring!

Note: If you see a lot of static or in the motion detection window, go to the Motion Detection window -> Settings Tab -> Detection Level -> Select Auto detect. Step away from the camera and make sure nothing in it’s line of view is moving while it is adjusting.

At this point any movement past the camera should be captured and will be displayed under the Motion Events list. A date & time stamp along with the percentage of movement detected will be provided with each captured frame. If you would like to save higher quality images into a folder, enable the Save file option found under the Action tab in the Motion Detection window. Optionally, you can ask Yawcam to automatically upload each captured image to an FTP server or email it to yourself.

Yawcam unfortunately can not capture video clips at this time. There are however some paid applications which support that feature. This isn’t exactly the BEST security camera technology, but it is definitely a good start. It is also neat to actually make use of your web cam if your laptop has one built in. The best part of all of this may just the fact that Yawcam is completely free and that it only takes a few minutes to setup.

 Yawcam does support plenty of advance features, however we will not go through setting those up. Just for example, you can quite easily broadcast and stream your camera to any computer with an internet connection or even play scary sounds when your machine detects motion. Anyways if you know of any better apps or have questions, please reply in the comments or visit our forums.
Download: yawcam.zip
Links: YawCam.com
opensource, ability to capture video and motion detection.




Watchinator is a website that turns your webcam into a surveillance camera. By detecting video motion it can also serve as an alarm system. Set any alarm, and it will ring when an intruder passes the view of the camera. Bring a live link to work, and you can watch when something's happening at home.

11 Ways to recycle an old computer

11 ways to recycle an old PC
Spring is in the air and, for many of us, so is the accumulated dust and clutter from winter. If you’ve recently purchased a new computer system with Windows 7 and are finally retiring the old one you’ve had for years, here are some creative ways you can do that. Still searching for the perfect PC? Have a chat with our interactive PC Scout to find the one that’s right for you.

1. Use it as a DVR

Windows 7, Windows Vista Home Premium, and Windows Vista Ultimate come with Windows Media Center, which records and plays back both broadcast and non-scrambled cable TV for free. You can even play back your recorded programming on your TV for those shows that absolutely, positively must be watched from the couch.
Recorded TV in Windows Media CenterYou can record and watch TV with Windows Media Center
Learn more about recording TV in Windows Vista and Windows 7.

2. Help find a cure for cancer

Did you know you can sign your computer up to help crunch data for scientific researchers? Distributed computing is one of the most philanthropic uses there is for an old computer. Scientific projects often require awesome amounts of processing power to analyze data to help find cures for diseases like cancer or to analyze reports from telescopes scanning interstellar static for signs of alien life. You can let them use the processor in your old PC.
A computer signed up to one of these projects receives data over the Internet and analyzes it with its spare processing cycles. Set up your PC in a spare room and connect it to a distributed computing project; everything after that is automatic.
For more information on distributed computing projects, check out the website DistributedComputing.info or this Wikipedia list of distributed computing projects.

3. Donate to charity

You might be living in the Internet Age, but there are still plenty of people out there who don’t have easy access to computers. Many local schools or nonprofits will gladly accept old PCs that are in reasonably good working condition or only need minor rehabilitation.
There are also various organizations, such as Computers with Causes, dedicated to collecting old PCs and giving them to charitable programs.
One thing to be aware of before donating your PC is the data that might be on your hard drive. Even if you reformat the drive, the data can still be recovered, so use a tool like Eraser to make sure your sensitive data is removed.

4. Bequeath it to a family member

Why not bequeath your dear old PC to your dear old great aunt? Think of all the candy you’ll get in return! Forget about hard drive size and high-def video playback quality—as long as the PC can browse the web, display digital photos, and run Microsoft Word, it’ll be a perfect starting point for an Internet and PC novice. The points you’ll earn for setting her up for video chatting alone will likely be paid back in a metric ton of knitted clothing.
Video chatYour old PC is useful for all kinds of things—you can even set it up for video chat

5. Environmental recycling

Tossing your old computer into a dumpster is certainly the easy solution. However, by taking it to a dedicated PC recycling firm, it’ll either be refurbished for use by people and organizations in need of computers, or recycled with the least environmental impact.
If you don’t have the time to track down a recycling firm, consider giving the computer away via freecycle.org.

6. Use your old monitor as a television

If your old computer has cried ‘uncle’ for the last time, you can always put your 19-inch CRT monitor to good use as a second television—it might be the only way you’ll get the spouse to agree to a TV in the garage. Get yourself an external TV tuner (they retail for about $50), plug an antennae cable into one end and the VGA lead from your monitor into the other, and you’ve got yourself an extra TV.
A TV tuner and remote controlA TV tuner and a remote control will help you turn your old monitor into a new TV

7. Make a games server

If you play online multiplayer games with a group of friends, it’s preferable to play on your own server rather than on someone else’s. When someone else hosts the server, which could be anywhere in the world, you are subjected to time-lag and the whim of moderators you don’t know. However, if you host the server on your own PC, it won’t perform as well in the game because it’s spending precious system resources to keep all the other players in the loop. What to do?
Enter your old PC. Surprisingly little power is needed for a dedicated server whose sole purpose is directing the web-traffic portion of the game. Since it doesn’t have to load the game itself, it doesn’t need a fancy 3-D card or a super-fast CPU. Most games have an option for a dedicated server in their Start menu folder, so setup usually isn’t too difficult.

8. Set up a security system

Any old webcam can be used for a makeshift, always-on security camera. Or pick up one of the latest webcams, which not only include software to capture video or pictures upon motion detection, but will probably capture better quality images than an old webcam. Some webcams even send email notifications when they capture moving images, with the images attached to the email. Or the images can be uploaded onto a predetermined, private webpage. Or, instead of email, you could have a real-time, live feed on a webpage so you can always check in on what’s happening. Learn more about setting up webcams.
A webcamYou can use an old webcam as a security camera

9. Artful recycling

The guts of your old PC can be transformed into versatile craft material that will raise eyebrows on artists and geeks alike. How about a stick of memory hanging off your key ring or a working clock face mounted on an ISA network card? The careful extraction of an old printed circuit board can have infinite uses in gifted hands. Here is an example for creative inspiration.
Keyboards used as artThere's no end to the creative projects you can do with spare computer parts

10. Moving picture frame

Why take loads of photos on your digital camera only to leave them languishing unseen on your hard drive? If your old PC is running Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7, you can create a screensaver to display your digital photos for all to enjoy. Affix a nice picture frame to an inexpensive flat-panel monitor, hide the old PC behind a bookcase, then leave the screensaver running 24/7—and you’ve got yourself an eye-catching conversation piece.

11. Use it as a backup device

Rather than saving all your precious photos and files on a pile of CDs, you can easily copy all important files from your main PC to your old one. The Backup and Restore feature in Windows 7 or Windows Vista will prompt you to choose a hard drive for your files and you can designate the old PC for this use

About the author

Leif Pettersen is a writer, traveler, juggler and mixed martial arts master(‘s cat sitter). He has visited 47 countries, lived in Spain, Romania, and Italy, and his travel writing has appeared in over two dozen print publications, including several Lonely Planet guidebooks. He lives in Minneapolis.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

How to setup static IP address on my Gateway 3801,3800, nvg589,nvg510 from AT&T

There are three basic steps to configurate the 3801HGV fir use with PUblic IP address

1-Enable the Supplementary Network on the 3801HGV and configure it with the apporpiate Gateway (router) IP address and subnet mask.

2-Assign the Public Ip addresses to the desired LAN devices.

3-(Optional) Configure firewall rules to direct unsolicited traffic to the associated LAN device/s

WARNING: The Gateway will lose its configuration and the setup steps will have to be repeated if you perform a factory reset of the 3801HGV. The Gateway will retain its configuration if you only perform a simple power cycle or restart of the 3801HGV


Enable the Supplementary Network

-Determine the IP addressing information to configure in the 3801HGV.

The 3801HGV uses two sets of broadband IP addresses. One for use between the 3801HGV and the boradband network, and the second independent set of Public IP addresses solely for use with end devices. The Public IP addresses, and subnet mask, should have been provided to you.

For example, you may have benn provided with information like the following: (the info here is sample information only.)

Account addresses: to
Router address:
LAN adresses: to
Subnet mask:


Check the service order for the IP address and networking information that has been assigned. The information will look similar to the following example.


In this example is the network base address and is not usable as a host address. is usable as a host address is usable as a host address is usable as a host address is usable as a host address is usable as a host address is the last usable address. (Assign this address to the Gateway.) is the Broadcast address and is not usable as a host adress.


Determining the Subnet Mask:

If You do not have the subnet mask, you can determine it using the table below based on the numberof IP adresses assigned to your account.

fig 1

Access the Broadband Link Configuration

Access the 3801HGV by browsing to (orgateway.2wire.net)

Then select the Setting tab on the top  menu bar and under that, the Broadband tab from menu bar, and click on the" Link Configuration"

fig 2


Configuring the Supplementary Network on the 3801HVG enables the 3801 to recognize the Public IP addresses on both the broadband and LAN side of the 3801

Fill in the Router Address and Subnet Mask

In the "Supplementary Network" section of this page

  • Click on the "Enable" check box
  • Fill in the Router Address and Subnet Mask.
  • Click on the SAVE button to save these settings

After they have been saved, the "Public Networks" section of the LAN Status and Broadband Status page will reflect this change. see fig 3 below for an example.

Do not select the "Auto Firewall Open" option at this time. This can be configured later if needed.See the section on configuring firewall rules below for more details 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The best chess server to play automatic

From top to less popular

