Saturday, August 5, 2023




Second Edition (SE)

This page honor to all creator of YtoICS; in special to (Sunny)

Reborn Second Edition (SE)....


1. Changes in Config File.

2. Track Users who played with you if you left you prog. on autostart.

3. Black listed users stored in separate file.

4. Credit System removed. (Due to objections raised by zappa_engine)

5. Change the variable from config while playing. Command Setv variableX Value (X is the variable number e.g. setv Variable91 1)

6. Auto Launch of winboard

7. Many more...

Download link: Reborn Second Edition SE

Any issue, new features and communicate with reborn community on

REBORN Second Edition Installation instruction

You don't require Active perl to install Reborn SE.


Unzip the downloaded Reborn SE to the the folder of you choice.

The Unzipped folder should have following content:

    • winboard.lnk: This is the winboard short cut will be required to launch winboard.

    • Rebornse.exe: This is the reborn launcher

    • Config file: where is required for configuring Reborn SE

    • Reborn.bat: In this file you can save login, password and room. You can can launch reborn through this file. You don't have to enter login, password and room code again.

    • Winboard folder: This will have winboard and auto adaptor, polyglot and polyglot ini files.

    • ChessRoom.txt: This have the Yahoo Chess Room Codes.

Copy winboard folder to C:\Program Files if you are using 32 Bit windows and if you are using 64 Bit window copy it to C:\Program Files (x86). Winboard.lnk file should only be placed in the folder where you have kept the rebornse.exe as Reborn SE will require it to launch the winboard.

For windows 32 bit

Copy and paste the following code in their correct location

Target: "C:\Program Files\WinBoard-4.2.7\winboard.exe" /zp /ics /icshost /icsport 6000 /fcp="winboard232d.exe -pipe"

Start in: "C:\Program Files\WinBoard-4.2.7"

Now launch your Chessbase program.

Now click on Tool menu and select Connect Hardware... option. A new window will open up.

The new window will look like this:

Now Select Auto-232 1.0, Check Server Name checkbox and uncheck Unload after autoplay. (If you have Unload after autoplay, Chessbase program will not play after you have completed one game. It will close the connection.) Now the will will look like this.

Now Click on Ok button. A new small window will pop up, displaying Waiting for connection..

Now Double click on Rebornse.exe. The below window will open up.

Enter user name and password and then click next button.

Enter Yahoo chess Room code where you want to play. Then click on Next button. For room code please read chessrooms.txt file.

Enter captcha codeand then click next.

Now you don't have to double click on winboard shoutcut to launch winboard, Reborn SE will launch the winboard for you. If You have provided all the correct information then following windows will open up. In Dos windows Connection accepted from will be displayed.

Now that you are connected to yahoo. Go to the chessbase program and click on New -> Two Computer Match... It will launch new window.

Uncheck Master and click on Ok Button

Chessbase program will now ready to play and I will look like this.

Now create your own table or join on other table to play.

If you still face any difficulty, Please log-on to and you discuss with me

Contact us:

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