Saturday, August 5, 2023

Chess Links Directory

 The world most completed chess links directory

    • – Simple AJAX chess with a great looking interface.

    • – Play with anyone – from a beginner to champion Anatoly Karpov for $30/year (or just play for free on Fridays).

    • Chess Any Time – Gaming zone with hundreds of players, powered by Java.

    • – Rated games with time limits.

    • Chesspark – Beautiful online client with a monthly fee. True Ventures agrees, since they just funded them with $1,000,000.

    • Free Internet Chess Server – With over 300,000 users and a powerful Java interface, it’s no wonder FICS is one of the most popular sites in the world.

    • Instant Chess – Play against players from anywhere in the world. No registration required.

    • Internet Chess Club – Play in tournaments, take chess lessons, and much more from one of the most popular chess clubs on the ‘Net.

    • Morfik Chess – Single or multiplayer AJAX style chess.

    • MSN Chess – If you don’t mind using IE 6 or higher, you can play real-time chess with anyone with a Windows Live ID.

    • Yahoo Chess – You’ll have to bypass an annoying ad and open a ton of windows, but Yahoo Chess is one of the biggest chess servers on the web for beginners, intermediates, or masters.

    • Ajaxplay – Email notification, ratings, and more are built into this powerful AJAX app.

    • – Huge site with a social network, email, coaches, videos, forums, and much more(see coverage here).

    • – Forums, tournaments, championships, teams, and much more are available with this powerful game server.

    • Chess on the Web – Powerful correspondence server.

    • – Extremely popular chess site with many customizable features.

    • Free Internet Correspondence Games Server – Win tournaments, rated games, and even play games for money with FICGS.

    • GE Chess – Ever played chess in Google Earth? Me neither, until I found GE Chess. You can even play online without Google Earth, if you choose to do so.

    • Instant Chess – Play chess, Fischer chess, or checkers via email.

    • International Correspondence Chess Federation – Play hundreds of rated international users on the ICCF.

    • – With tournaments, PGN format support, and much more, is a must-have for any chess user.

    • Queen Alice – Community of international players with ratings, tournaments, and much more.

    • Red Hot Pawn – With over 100,000 users, clans, notebooks, messaging, and more, Red Hot Pawn is a winner in any chess book.

    • – Popular correspondence site with multiple varieties of chess.

    • Morfik Chess – Single or multiplayer AJAX style chess.

    • Thinking Machine – Java engine that graphically displays what it’s thinking about.

    • TkChess – Java or text engine from Yale.

    • WebChess – GNU Chess engine online.

    • Chessbase – Daily news, opinion, chess history, and much more.

    • Chess Life Magazine – The official magazine of the US Chess Federation.

    • This Week In Chess – Leo Laporte would probably want these guys to change their name. It’s still a great chess news site for chess afficionados.

    • World chess links - International news, chess tournaments, Best chess elo rating

    • Internet Chess Club

    • Online chess community. Find grandmasters, lectures, tournaments, coverage of major events, and an active chat area.


    • Free Internet Chess Server (FICS)

    • Allows users to play chess on the Web for free.



    • Play chess online in this free, online chess community with live games, news, free articles, downloads, and more.



    • Play checkers, chess, and reversi in a non-realtime, turn-based interface. Email notificiation.



    • Place where users can download or play chess games online, interact with other players, and train with Grandmasters.


    • Red Hot Pawn

    • Play email-based correspondence chess through a browser interface.



    • Turn-based chess with global rankings.


    • ChessBoss

    • Play free online chess on this chess server that offers chess games, chess tournaments, chess news, and chess lessons.


    • Caissa's Web

    • Play live games against international opponents on a full-service chess server.


    • PostCardChess.Com

    • Challenge the chess machine in a game of computer chess! Play visual email chess with your friends using Internet chess postcards.


    • Net-Chess.Com

    • Play correspondence chess through the web with strict time controls.



    • Allows visitors to watch live chess games with a play option also available.


    • Yahoo! Games: Chess

    • From beginner to advanced, a java-based game for everyone.


    • Thinking Machine 4

    • [read review] Play chess against a transparent intelligence, its evolving thought process visible on the board before you.


    • Dutch Internet Chess Server (DICS)

    • Play with client software or a Java applet.


    • GNU WebChess

    • You vs. gnuchess, board graphics through HTTP


    • Chess Stop

    • Offers a games visualizer, downloads, competitions, e-mail chess, and more. Also in Portuguese.


    • WebChess

    • Lets individuals from around the world play chess via the World Wide Web.


    • Chess

    • Play free online chess and practice to become a grandmaster.


    • Internet Chess Club

    • Online chess community. Find grandmasters, lectures, tournaments, coverage of major events, and an active chat area.


    • Chess Lab

    • Interactive Java interface to chess games. Online database with weekly updates.


    • iChess

    • Client-server chess games for Java-capable browsers. Spectators can watch live games with players' moves animated on screen. Free registration required.


    • Java TkChess

    • Play online chess against tkChess.


    • WebChess Interface Gamow

    • Online chess game. Needs to have a javascript enabled Netscape 3+, or Internet Explorer 4+.


    • MSN Games: Games

    • Free online chess game from MSN Games.


Note: All external links will open in a new window

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