Monday, June 5, 2023

The black walnut hulls benefits




One of the key benefits of Black Walnut Hulls are their ability to expel various kinds of worms and parasites that live in the intestines. Often making an appearance in parasite cleanses, Black Walnut Hulls contain juglandin, juglone and juglandic acids as well as tannins and organic iodine.

The primary active constituent in Black Walnut is a “naphthoquinone”, known as juglone. Juglone is a natural herbicide that exerts an inhibitory effect on certain enzymes needed for metabolic function. It is thought that the high tannin content is also responsible for the anti-parasitic properties of Black Walnut, helping to eliminate microbes from the large intestine. The high tannin and juglone content is also thought to oxygenate the blood which can kill parasites and working as a laxative, it expels parasites as part of its cleansing of the body.


Intestinal Candidiasis is an overgrowth of the Candida fungus, which can actually weaken the walls of the intestines and release toxins into the bloodstream. This plays havoc with the immune system and can manifest in a whole range of baffling symptoms which can be very difficult to diagnose.

The hulls of the Black Walnut are also powerfully anti-fungal, making them a potential Candida killer that may be even more effective than their pharmaceutical counterparts. A study conducted at the University of Mississippi in the 1990’s showed it was just as effective, if not more effective, to use Black Walnut, as it was commercial antifungal preparations. The active ingredient, juglone, has been shown in studies to have an anti-fungal activity and it can also prevent Candida from growing and spreading due to its inhibitory effect on enzymes in the yeast that are needed for metabolic function.

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