Thursday, November 14, 2019

InstantChess will close on 31 December 2019.

Dear Chess Player,

We regret to inform you that InstantChess will close on 31 December 2019.

Image result for InstantChess"
Our small team has worked on this website since 2001 making this place very welcoming for people who simply want to enjoy a wonderful game of chess. We made every effort to keep you away from the controversial professional chess world with all its cheating (including in the toilet) and arrogance to normal chess players. We made this place free of cheaters and any kind of abusers by removing the show-off element from the game of chess altogether, so you can simply log in and give your brain a good and deserving exercise. We are proud of having been able to serve this mission consistently for 18 years. The effort of ourselves and our families often saw only a very moderate income in our pockets.

Image result for instantchess"

We are very grateful to you for bringing your individuality to the game making this place truly international and free from anything but pure logic and excitement.

We know from feedback that our members appreciate our site. Some have been members since the beginning, which says a lot about how they like the site. It has been a pleasure to welcome chess players from all parts of the world, who have played as one family irrespective of national boundaries.

Yours sincerely,

Andrey, Dmitry and Vlad

InstantChess Team

PS: Until 15 November 2019, you can still purchase/extend your monthly subscription (please kindly do so).

Please do not hesitate to contact us via email, we will respond to you within 5 days at the latest.

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