Saturday, November 30, 2019

AG Barr has ordered the issue of federal warrants for Kathy Griffen, Tom Arnold, Robert DeNiro, and Barbara Streisand for ‘Threats against the President’.

Federal Warrants Issued For Kathy Griffin, DeNiro, & Streisand For Threats On President


Hollywood celebrities think they can break the law with impunity. They have used their positions for decades to openly commit crimes, knowing that the law would never pursue them.
But the times they are a’ changing.
AG Barr has ordered the issue of federal warrants for Kathy Griffen, Tom Arnold, Robert DeNiro, and Barbara Streisand for ‘Threats against the President’. The order was made after several highly publicized releases from the stars over the past couple of years. Griffin, of course, photographed herself with trump’s severed head. Arnold tweeted ahead of the recent Dallas rally that Trump should “remember what happened to JFK in Dallas”. Streisand just put out a video depicting Nancy Pelosi killing President Trump. And DeNiro has simply openly begged for assassination on several occasions. These are all illegal hate speech that seemed to be going unpunished but Trump’s America is a new America and lawbreakers are punished in this new realm.
Barron Joseph is a prosecutor working in the Justice Department. He had this to say:
“Their crimes are blatant. Threats against our duly elected President will not be tolerated.
Let this be known far and wide – The Federal Government is no longer ignoring these clear crimes and are prosecuting the previously protected Hollywood elite.
Members of Hollywood- You have been warned.”
It’s refreshing to see an administration in place that will not bow down to the liberal establishment. Why have celebs always had a free pass before now? Because they make silly films or sing songs to entertain us? That is a ridiculous reason to make a class above the law.
Their time is up.

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