Monday, October 14, 2019

Stockfish Wins Computer Championship 2017


Superfinal Crosstable
1Stockfish 05111734003424½½½½10½½½1½½½½½½0½1½
2Houdini 6.0234073383½½½½01½½½0½½½½½½1½0½
The tournament featured $2,500 in prize money to further the development of computer chess.
1. Stockfish: $1,000
2. Houdini: $750
3. Komodo: $500
4. Fire: $250

Round Robin Crosstable
1Stockfish 0511173400352601½½½1½111111111½114.5/18
2Houdini 6.023407344410½½½½111113.0/18
3Komodo 1959.00b33983422½½½½½1½½½1½½111112.5/18
4Fire 6.233003389½0½½½0½½½1111111.5/18
5Andscacs 0.9232403258½0½½½½½½½½½½½½½½8.0/18
6Fizbo 1.93262323700½0½½½½½½11½½7.5/1855.00
7Deep Shredder 13329132340000½½½0½½½½11½½½½7.5/1854.75
8Chiron 4320331590000½½½½00½0115.5/1839.50
9Booot 6.232243157000000½½00½½½15.5/1837.00
10Gull 3 syz31913112½00000½½½½½½004.5/18

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