Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Revealing God's Treasure - Noah's Ark

Ark Discovery International

This is an update from regarding the discoveries of Noah's Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah, Red Sea Crossing, Mount Sinai and the Ark of the Covenant.  
Hello Friend:

Tour to Noah’s Ark

This past May we had a tour to Noah’s ark with a great group of folks joining the trip.  We met in Istanbul at our hotel and the next morning headed East to the ark area and enjoyed a few days there exploring the ark and the village of eight with the sea anchor stones.  The tour ended back in Istanbul, but some of us went over to Jerusalem and spent three days there, including driving down to the Dead Sea and Gomorrah.  Here are some photos from the tour:     See our web page for tour info for next year:   Let us know if you are interested in the tour.

Fake Ark Dig Permits

Speaking of Noah's ark, there have been several bogus ark digs sponsored by a local cab driver out in the Noah’s ark area.  He convinces people he can go to the capitol and convince the authorities to issue an excavation permit for the ark.  Totally fake.  Sadly, he is paid thousands of dollars for the fake permits that he comes up with.  Donations are called for, dig permit fees are paid by dig participants and everyone is tricked by his deception.  The Americans that support him should stop what they are doing.  We had someone tell us their friend had donated $20,000.00 for one of these fake digs and when the dig was canceled none of the money was refunded!  I also heard that thousands of dollars in dig fees were not paid back either.  This fraudster in Turkey now knows that I have been exposing him for what he is, and now he is blaming me for the digs not happening, and he is also telling authorities that I conducted a dig at the ark in his effort to get me arrested, but neither of his accusations are true.  I never shut down any of his fake digs and I never had a dig at the ark.  Lies and lies from the fraudster.  There is an official government web page that lists legal digs in Turkey and of course none of his digs have ever been listed there.

I am working with the only government archaeologist in the ark area and we are trying to get legal permits for two different digs in the area.  He working on avenues to make these digs happen.  The authorities in Ankara have said to our archaeologist friend that the ark site is a sitting area, that is, it is a place that will sit there and nothing will happen.   In other words, this is a very difficult task to obtain official permission to dig at the ark.   Please keep this in your prayers.

New Drone Video at Noah’s Ark

We have a second edition drone video of the ark that I hope to get online soon, so make sure you are subscribed to our YouTube channel 

T-Shirts on the discoveries

A supporter of the discoveries has discovery t-shirts for sale now and they kindly placed our website address on the shirts.  You can see a link to their store in our store at

Patterns of Evidence Series

Tim Mahoney’s documentary series titled Patterns of Evidence is finishing up the next installment that will cover Ron Wyatt’s Red Sea crossing.  See   The film will be titled Patterns of Evidence – The Red Sea Miracle.  We do not know when the film will be released, but hope it will be soon!   We have been waiting for this film since 2003, when we knew Tim was starting to work on the film.  Tim made it into KSA around that time and saw the evidence in person.

Joel Richardson and Mount Sinai

Joel has put out several videos on Jebel el Lawz being Mount Sinai and he made it out to the mountain last year.  His latest video is here:

3D printed model of Ark of the Covenant

We had numerous people ask about a model of the ark of the covenant, so we paid a designer $1,000.00 to create a digital model of the ark of the covenant in 3D, and now have a 3D printed model of it in our store.  It is the most accurate model of the ark available.  Each one is individually printed for us upon request.  You can see it here:


We have joined Patreon as a way for our supporters to donate to our work each month if they wish.  Those who become $15.00 per month members will receive some photos from some of our trips and be invited to a conference here in Tennessee on the discoveries.  We have said it may be when we reach 200 supporters, but it may take place sooner than that point.  Check out our Patreon page at     We operate on a meager budget and survive through our store sales at this point, so adding Patreon is another avenue to help us meet our fundraising goals.   We do not pay salaries here.

New DVD Case for Revealing God’s Treasure, On Sale this Month

Our latest batch of DVD’s were ordered with a clear case and it has an image inside as shown here:

This month if you Donate $45.00 in our store  we will send you five Revealing God’s Treasure DVD’s with free shipping to USA.  This is only available to our USA friends.  Make sure you include your mailing address with the donation.   These DVDs are great for sharing with friends, family, or strangers.


We are needing to purchase banners for our ministry trailer and also for the museum in Dogubayazit Turkey, so if you would like to help support that project we would appreciate it.  Our Donate button is in our store at

Thanks for supporting the discoveries

I appreciate your supporting the discoveries of the late Ron Wyatt and telling your friends about them.  If you have any questions or would just like to chat about the discoveries, you can reach me at (615) 530-5978.

God bless,

Kevin Fisher
Pres., Ark Discovery International

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