Monday, March 18, 2019

Trump Dossier Author Admits Source Was Fake News Stories Found Online

Former British spy Christopher Steele has admitted that he used fake news stories he found online as sources for the now-infamous Trump-Russia dossier he authored.

christopher steele admits he used fake news stories he found online as sources for his anti trump dossier

In his stunning confession, Steele admits that a key source was a CNN website called "CNN iReport" that allowed users to upload unverified and unedited stories.

The site allowed anyone to publish articles, fabricated or not, without needing approval and without being fact-checked.

To put it into perspective, it works in the same way as any public forum, so using it as a source would equate to using a work of fiction that has been posted anonymously to a site such as Reddit or 4Chan.

a transcript from christopher steele s testimony where he admits he used unverified stories he found online

© Neon Nettle

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