Friday, November 25, 2016

Carlsen win this game to evened 5-5.great hope on the remaining of his crown

Carlsen Wins Marathon Game To Even Match With Karjakin

Carlsen Wins Marathon Game To Even Match With Karjakin

  • Nov 24, 2016, 5:32 PM 
  • 16,115 Reads 
  • Chess event coverage
GM Magnus Carlsen got to be Magnus Carlsen today.
He had tried to break down GM Sergey Karjakin with the Ruy Lopez and the Giuoco Piano in the 2016 World Championship. Today, he used a hybrid, but it was his continuous endgame edge that finally wore down the challenger after more than six hours.
With his opportunities to equalize the match score dwindling, Carlsen mustered pressure, then finally, his first full point. His win evened the match 5-5. There is still everything to play for with two classical games remaining.
The accumulation of many favorable positions finally paid dividends for the world champion. He wasn't perfect in the conversion, but he was good enough.
"It feels very good," Carlsen said, visibly much more ebullient than at any other point in the match. "It wasn't easy, but I made him break."
Longtime second GM Jon Ludvig Hammer, viewing from Norway, told he had never seen Carlsen this happy before.

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