Sunday, October 16, 2016

20 Reasons To Dislike The Democrat Party

John Hawkins
Posted: May 18, 2013 12:01 AM

1) Ted Kennedy. Barney Frank. Bar Blagojevich. Eric Massa. Marion Barry. Dan Rostenkowski. Eliot Spitzer. John Murtha. Alcee Hastings. Anthony Weiner. James Traficant. Sandy Berger. Gerry Studds. Robert Byrd. Mel Reynolds. James McGreevey. Jesse Jackson, Jr. Robert Torricelli. Gary Condit. Charge Clinton. John Edwards. Furthermore, those are JUST SOME OF THE ONES that got.

2) The assessed number of individuals murdered in the Holocaust? 11 million. The evaluated number of individuals who were slaughtered in WWI? 37 million. The assessed number of infants who have been murdered as a result of the Democrats' dearest Roe v. Swim? 54 million.

3) The three most noticeably bad Presidents of the last one hundred years have been Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter and Lyndon Johnson, in a specific order.

4) The Democrats in the group of onlookers really BOOED GOD at their 2012 Democratic National Convention.

5) The Democrat Party's trademark in 1868: "This is a white man's nation: Let white men run the show."

6) California is a huge state with Hollywood, flawless climate, Silicon Valley, flourishing ranchers, dynamic ports and Los Angeles; yet the state is quick turning into a banana republic that will be inconceivably blessed on the off chance that it can fight off chapter 11 for one more decade. Democrats did that.

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7) When the Social Security checks stop, your youngsters are wearing clothes and there are rampaging swarms torching things in light of the fact that the legislature can't keep arrange, you can thank the Democrats for bankrupting America.

8) The Trail Of Tears.

9) The Democrats have blue as their gathering shading when everybody knows they ought to be spoken to by red like whatever remains of the Commies.

10) The Democrats really have citizen subsidized fetus removal on request up until the day of birth in the gathering stage.

11) The Democrats battled Republicans for more than a hundred years on social equality issues, at long last came around to our position and afterward guaranteed we were the ones against social equality. What's it like?

It would be as though, in the wake of battling Democrats for a hundred years over the issue of premature birth, Republicans at long last got Roe v. Swim upset, and after that, out of immaculate political figuring, Democrats hopped on the fleeting trend and requested a government law banning fetus removal. Some genius life Republicans would likely protest that government law prohibiting fetus removal is not one of Congress' identified forces. On the premise of Republicans' protected protests, Democrats would then turn around the whole history of the master life development and begin guaranteeing the Democratic Party alone battled to end fetus removal in America. That is precisely what they have finished with the historical backdrop of social liberties.

12) Al Gore attempted to take a presidential race he lost in 2000 he's as yet attempting to imagine like he was the casualty.

13) "It's a fixation on the Democrats to nationalize everything: medicinal services, welfare, as far as possible, fetus removal, the drinking age — so there's no escape. Like all totalitarians, the Democrats' position is: We brainstormed something that we know will work superior to anything any other person has accomplished throughout the previous 30,000 years. We don't know why nobody else has considered it. We should be more intelligent. This is the reason the historical backdrop of radicalism comprises of supplanting things that work with things that sounded great on paper." - Ann Coulter

14) Democrat President Woodrow Wilson was a true blue rightist in the genuine feeling of the word. In the expressions of Jonah Goldberg,

Without a doubt, it is my contention that amid World War I, America turned into a rightist nation, yet briefly. The main appearance of current totalitarianism in the Western world wasn't in Italy or Germany yet in the United States of America. By what other means would you depict a nation where the world's first advanced publicity service was set up; political detainees by the thousands were annoyed, beaten, spied upon, and tossed behind bars basically to express private suppositions; the national pioneer blamed nonnatives or outsiders for infusing treasonous "toxic substance into the American circulatory system;" daily papers and magazines were closed down for scrutinizing the administration; almost a hundred thousand government purposeful publicity specialists were conveyed among the general population to throw together support for the administration and its war; school educators forced reliability promises on their partners; about a quarter-million goons were given lawful power to threaten and beat "bums" and dissidents; and driving craftsmen and authors devoted their artworks to converting for the legislature?

15) The Democrats are the KKK Party. Not just did they make the KKK, Democrat Robert Byrd was the last individual from Congress to hold participation in the KKK, Democrat Hugo Black was the last individual from the Supreme Court to hold enrollment in the KKK and Democrat Harry Truman was the last President to hold enrollment in the KKK. Presently, whom do the Democrats fault for the KKK? Republicans.

16) The Democrat Party image is the ass. Yes, truly.

17) The main two Presidents that have been reprimanded so far are Democrat Andrew Johnson and Democrat Bill Clinton.

18) Barack Obama's whole administration.

19) The Democrats got us into the Vietnam War, set up tenets of engagement that made it difficult to win, annihilated open support for the war with their inadequacy and grimy, nonconformist dissents and after that after Nixon put us on track to win, ensured we lost by slicing off assets to our partners in the South after we cleared out, which prompted a genocide.

20) Thanks for making us battle a Civil War since you cherished servitude so much, assclowns!

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