Saturday, September 17, 2016

US Military Revolt Against Obama’s Decision To “Support Al Qaeda In Syria!!!

US Military Revolt Against Obama’s Decision To “Support Al Qaeda In Syria!!!

A military revolt against the plan of the Obama administration to launch a potentially disastrous attack against is gathering pace, with two senior officers and members of scheduled services who express their vehement opposition to what the United States s ‘entangled in the conflict. The reaction began to spread on social media yesterday with many military posting pictures of themselves holding up signs saying they would refuse to fight on the same side as in Syria. Others have posted their photos on Twitter with the hashtag #IdidntJoin.

As the Obama administration prepares to present a draft resolution to legislators is far from “limited” in scope and would actually grease the skids for a war of indefinite duration, John Kerry and other officials State Department reported that Obama will simply ignore Congress if the vote no, and launch the attack anyway.

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