Wednesday, March 9, 2016

How to crack mc password

Watch me hack into this Macbook Air and delete user passwords :p

These are the commands _ = space

line#1: mount_-uw_/
line#2: rm_/ var/db/.applesetupdone
line#3: shutdown_ -h now

Uploaded on Apr 23, 2011

Have a newer OS? For those running 10.6 or above, I have created a newer (simpler) video guide -
Turn on computer by pressing power
Press immediately COMMAND + S

Process 1 -

mount -uw /
launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/­DirectoryServices.plist
ls /Users
dscl . -passwd /Users/username password

Process 2 -
mount -uw /
rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
shutdown -h now

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