Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Kodi Support for Apple TV 2 to be Discontinued

Kodi Support for Apple TV 2 to be Discontinued

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Well folks, it’s been a good run for the Apple TV 2 and XBMC, but as you probably already realize, all good things must eventually come to an end. It is with great regret that we must inform you that about a week ago, the official Team Kodi posted a notice to their blog announcing that the release of Kodi 14.1 would also mark the end-of-life for the little black box we’ve all grown to love.
For many, the Apple TV 2 was the gateway to the world of XBMC. It has for years been the staple device for many XBMC users, however due to technical limitations it has been decided that supporting the device would no longer be viable, and that the time that has been put into maintaining device compatibility could be much employed elsewhere, in areas such as iOS and Android development for the Kodi platform.
It was explained that Team Kodi has been struggling to keeping the device operational for quite some time now; that the device’s limited hardware and storage capacity make it next to impossible to support the ever evolving growth and amelioration of the Kodi platform. Among the hardware shortcomings cited were crashing during high definition playback and further memory constraints applied each time Apple adds new features such as Netflix.
Apple’s lack of a development framework for the Apple TV was also noted as a major factor in Team Kodi’s decision to discontinue support for the device. They’ve made third party development for the device too complicated; this leaves developers in a situation where “back-alley” hacks and what not have to be employed in order to make it work, as there is no proper way to code for the Apple TV, making it highly inefficient to even attempt.
This device has been around for many years now, a factor which leads to inevitable obsoletion no matter what. Depending on what changes in terms of add-on compatibility, you might even be able to continue using your Apple TV 2 for a while into the future with the current version of Kodi, but only time will tell. There has also been talk that perhaps someone (maybe us) will fork the current version in order to continue to provide support, but no plans have been made as of yet.
Exactly how long Team Kodi plans to continue hosting instalation files of the current, compatible 14.1 version of Kodi to Apple TV 2 devices is not yet known, but we do recommend that you go ahead and re-jailbreak your ATV2 devices and install the latest version of Kodi to them while you still can. This will help ensure that you’ll be able to continue running Kodi for as long as possible.
Now, it should be noted that there has been great achievements over the past year in terms of Android support for Kodi. In the past few months, we’ve tested multiple devices that greatly outpeform the Apple TV 2, and highly recommend upgrading devices in time, in order to continue to benefit from the ever-growing capabilities that Kodi has to offer. Remember, as usual, the best is yet to come!


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