Saturday, November 14, 2015

What is the best chess server to play chess engine in tournament?

Definitely Infinity chess is the best place to play chess tournaments at this moment. I will state why I am confirming this statement. 

Infinity chess is been around from 2010-2011 more or less, since then I always see this site increasing in power and quality, see some of the main characteristic that attract me a lot to play engine on such website

1-This chess server is free (hopefully I hope it keep the same for much year ahead)
2-Its interface is better familiar with Chessbase and easy to interact 
3-There is existing data or information to tech beginner how to load a new chess engine and start walking through ,no experience is needed here
4-Friendly environment.
5-Every day at 1600 and 2200 server time big tournament for chess engines  
6-Every day ,every hours people login to play in auto 
7-Best place to test your CTG chess book

Now I know you are almost ready to click the link and go play,here are some tips that need to remember later on when you have lost couple games against strong player

Tips for Maximum Performance on Infinity Chess!
1.UCI Engine: Copy and Paste UCI engines to (My Doc"s – Infinity Chess- data- Engine"s Folder) Create UCI’s from this location.
2.CTG Books: Keep your CTG books in the Chess base default folder! (My Doc"s- Chess base-Book. Create paths to book for Default location.
3. Playing Mode: After logging on Infinity Chess, go to the Playing room you want, example. Human, Engine, Tournament Room, Then select Playing Mode – Human, Engine, Centaur, as needed for the room you’re playing in!
4. Make sure your Windows OS has been updated!
5. When leaving the room’s exam... Rebooting, reloading etc... Once you return Always check to make sure you are in the correct Playing Mode! If you have to log off or get disconnected when game is in play and you log back in, playing mode is saved and game will resume automatically!
6. If you have more than 2 pending updates of Infinity Software, it may help to uninstall and do a fresh install!

You can follow those recommendation for the manufacture of their chess engine to make the best from them

For examples:
From the magician Houdine
Maximum number of threads (cores) used by the analysis.
Default is hardware-dependent, min 1, max 6 (Standard) or 32 (Pro).

Houdini will automatically limit the number of threads to the number of logical processors of your hardware. If your computer supports hyper-threading it is recommended not using more threads than physical cores, as the extra hyper-threads would usually degrade the performance of the engine. See the FAQ about hyper-threading.

The FAQ about computer responsiveness contains some tips about using the correct number of threads to improve the responsiveness of your computer while the engine is running.
Amount of hash table memory used by Houdini, in MB.
Default 128, min 4, max 1024 (32-bit) or 4096 (64-bit Standard) or 262144 (64-bit Pro).
The value is rounded down to a power of 2 (4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, 131072, 262144 MB).

For infinite analysis or long time control matches you should use the largest hash that fits in the physical memory of your system. For example, on a system with 4 GB of memory you can use up to 2048 MB hash size.
For shorter games, for example 3 to 5 minute games, it’s better to use 256 MB or 512 MB as this will provide the best performance. For 16 min games 1024 or 2048 MB hash size should be fine.

With Position Learning Houdini will remember advantageous principal variations it has analyzed by storing them in a learning disk file, for reuse in later games or analysis. The feature is completely transparent to the user, once Learning is enabled the data will be saved and loaded automatically.

The Position Learning is available in analysis and match play. But remember that it will only kick in for certain positions in which there is something to learn, i.e. when the score is significantly above the static evaluation of the position. In quiet, equal positions there's usually not much to learn.

Position Learning works best for positions where a good move exists that raises the score significantly above the statical evaluation. Learning is less useful and sometimes counterproductive for positions where many more or less equivalent moves exist and the goal is to avoid bad moves. To improve the efficiency of the learning the feature only kicks in when a certain positive scoring threshold is exceeded. By default this Learning Threshold is put at 10 centi-pawn (0.1 pawn).

Although the learning file grows very slowly, make sure not to allow the file to grow too large as the automatic loading may slow down the engine at the start of the analysis.

The impact of Position Learning can be illustrated as follows.
When running the Eigenmann Ending Test Suite with 20 seconds/move on a single-core laptop producing about 1,000 kN/s, Houdini finds 77 out of 100 solutions, the total solution time is 12:06. The test run produces a Learning File of about 27 kB.
Running the Test Suite a second time demonstrates the profit of the Learning File. Houdini now finds 80 solutions and the total solution time drops to 9:42.

Learning (checkbox)
When Learning is enabled the learning file will automatically be loaded at the start of the analysis, and further analysis will be appended to the file.
When Learning is enabled, automatically the Never Clear Hash option will be activated as clearing the hash would be counterproductive for the learning.

Learning File
File name for saving the learning data.
A full file name is required, for example C:\Chess\Learn001.dat.
By default Houdini will use the Learn.dat file in the "My Documents" folder of the current user.
The learning file will be updated at the start of a new game or when you close the engine or GUI.

Learning Threshold
Min 0, Max 200, Default 10.
The Learning Threshold is the minimum positive score of a principal variation that is saved.
When Learning Threshold is larger the learning file will grow slower, as fewer moves will satisfy the condition..

Ponder (checkbox)
Have the engine think during its opponent's time.
The Ponder feature (sometimes called "Permanent Brain") is controlled by the chess GUI, and usually doesn't appear in the configuration window.

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