Monday, October 26, 2015

What is an 'Haswell' processors i7

Intel has officially revealed its next-generation lineup of desktop and mobile processors in the Core i3, i5, and i7 family, also known as "fourth-generation" or code-named "Haswell." The two-part announcement started over the weekend with Intel's quad-core enthusiast-level processors, and now the veil has been lifted on dual-core desktop and mobile processors, too.
This FAQ will mainly focus on the dual-core processors and what they'll do for mobile systems. For a detailed rundown on the quad-core processors, check out our hands-on look.

What is it?
Haswell is Intel's code name for the fourth generation of Core i-series processors, those ubiquitous chips found in nearly every laptop, desktop, and (Windows) tablet out there. The last generation, code-named "Ivy Bridge," was released mid-2012. The newest CPUs come in a variety of types: desktop-based quad-core processors, dual-core mainstream processors, lower-power longer-battery-life ultrabook processors, and processors aimed specifically at tablets.

When can I get PCs with these new processors?
You can get PCs with the higher-end quad-core processors first, but these are expensive, high-performance machines. Intel leads with the high end first, then releases the middle-range processors (in other words, the ones you'd want to buy) later on. A number of systems will pop up over the next few months, but by the fall most PCs should have them -- not all, though.
How do I know if a PC has it?
You'll never see "Haswell" anywhere on an actual product box, so strike that from your memory. They're still all Core i3, i5, and i7 processors, ranging from i3 (slowest) to i7 (fastest), with a variety of speeds and types for each. Just make sure the first number after the "i7" or "i5" is a 4, as in "Core i7-4650U.",i7-5930K. If it were an older third-gen processor, that four-digit number would start with a 3. More specifically, Intel has also created four classes of mobile processor based on PC type: "H" for high-end quad-core processors, "M" for mainstream quad-core and dual-core laptops and some desktops, "U" for lower-power ultrabooks, and "Y" for super-low-power tablets and detachable hybrids. It's confusing, but that's why we compare different PCs with benchmark tests.
What do these new dual-core processors do?
While they're faster than last year's processors, the real impact will be giving ultrabooks and tablets better battery life and graphics performance. We haven't tested any of the newer dual-core processors yet, but Intel claims up to 3 hours better battery life for ultrabooks, and significantly better graphics for gaming over last year's equivalent third-gen Ivy Bridge processors.
Does this mean new Haswell ultrabooks and tablets will play lots of games well?
Well, keep your expectations in check, but yes, both tablets and ultrabooks (and laptops and desktops) with Intel's newest integrated graphics should handle gaming, video encoding, and graphics-based tasks a lot better. Keep in mind, though, that different fourth-gen processors have different levels of Intel graphics. The Iris-level pro graphics aren't the same as what you'll be getting on a new Haswell tablet. Last year's Intel HD4000 integrated graphics were a nice bump up from the previous HD3000 graphics, but weren't as good as higher-end dedicated graphics options from Nvidia and AMD.
How good will battery life on new ultrabooks and tablets be? A full day?
We hope so, but stay tuned for actual tests. Intel claims between 2 and 3 hours of battery life gain in its test slides

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