Monday, August 3, 2015

How Chess Rating Reflect the Ability of the Player ?

from Yahoo

Best Answer:  Chess ratings roughly reflect the following hierarchy of ability and commitment to the game:

1000-1200. Corresponds to average casual players, for example, players who have never participated in a tournament, or read a chess book.

1200-1400. Corresponds to average players, who occasionaly participate in a tournament or read a chess book.

1400-1600. Corresponds to good players, who occasionaly participate in a tournament or read a chess book.

1600-1800. Corresponds to good players, who regularly participate in tournaments and have studied chess at least one year. These players will always beat casual players who have never studied chess. Level of better High School players.

1800-2000. Corresponds to good players, who regularly participate in tournaments and study chess, but also have real talent. This is the level of top High School players in large cities.

2000-2200. The "expert" level. Corresponds to the players at the local level. Sometimess win local open tournaments. The rating of some master level players with uneven results.

2200-2400. The "national master" level. Reaching the 2200 level is usually considered attaining mastery of chess. It represents consistent good results in strong local and national tournaments. Players will not necessarily devote an enormous amount of time to studying and playing chess.
The International Chess Federation ratings all start at 2200.

2400. The "senior master" level. This is a high ranking at the national level (top 200 in the United States) and usually means that the player is spending most of his energy studying and playingchess.

2500. At this point, it is the international rating which is most meaningful, see the list of the top players (note that a woman is number 20 in the world).
A rating of over 2450 probably means that you are an International Master, and over 2600 an International Grandmaster. However, these titles are earned by achieving good results in international tournaments, not simply by rating points. A rating of 2800 means that you are either the current or former world champion.

The chess rating system is also used on internet Chess servers like Internet Chess Club and the Free Internet Chess Server. People mostly play speed chess on these sites, and the ratings hierarchy roughly corresponds to the one outlined above.
chess_master_usa · 8 years ago

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