Thursday, February 19, 2015

How to protect my website from internet attack?

Preventing Attacks

What can individual sites do to protect themselvesfrom DDoS attacks?
To protect your website, you need to be able to block or absorb malicious traffic. Webmasters can talk to their hosting provider about DDoS attack protection.
They can also route incoming traffic through a reputable third-party service that provides distributed caching to help filter out malicious traffic -- reducing the strain on existing web servers. Most such services require a paid subscription, but often cost less than scaling up your own server capacity to deal with a DDoS attack.
Google Ideas has launched a new initiative, Project Shield, to use Google's infrastructure to support free expression online by helping independent sites mitigate DDoS attack traffic.

Project Shield is an initiative launched by Google Ideas to use Google's own Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack mitigation technology to protect free expression online. The service allows other websites to serve their content through Google’s infrastructure without having to move their hosting location.

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