Thursday, December 4, 2014

Marine Stadium at Miami need You

Marine Stadium News 

The excitement about the Marine Stadium keeps building. There seems to be something new every day. We continue to work closely with the National Trust For Historic Preservation (NTHP).  NTHP has made the stadium a high priority. working to develop both marketing plans and special events-details to follow. Check out this link to a story about our joint initiative by NTHP Project Manager, Karen Nickless. 

We are thrilled to be included in a video produced by NTHP of the top four of their National Treasures. Click on the image below to see it (the Marine Stadium is the last of the four projects discussed).

National Treasures: Saving Places That Tell America's Story
National Treasures: Saving Places That Tell America's Story

The Marine Stadium continues to draw international attention. Recently, Spirit of Progress, the Journal of of the Art Deco and Modernism Society based in Victoria, Australia, featured a storyabout the Marine Stadium. Our thanks to longtime Miami Beach Preservationist Jeff Donnelly, and Robin Grow, President of the Art Deco and Modernism Society for making this happen!  

In November, Gustavo Tumialan, engineer with Simpson, Gumpertz and Heger (the firm that has completed several studies of the Marine Stadium) will deliver a lecture about the Stadium to Asocreto, the  Colombian Association of Concrete Producers, in Cartagena, Colombia.  The organization had read about the Stadium in an article in Concrete International Magazine and requested the presentation.

Finally, there will be a memorial service for Jack Meyer, brilliant engineer of the Marine Stadium, at Plymouth Congregational Church, Coconut Grove, 3400 Devon Park Road on Thursday, Oct. 18 at 3:00 PM. Following the service, there will be a reception at his much beloved Biscayne Bay Yacht Club, where he served as Commodore. We feel so blessed that Jack played an active role in saving the stadium - he was the only one who still had the original set of engineering drawings!! We were able to honor Jack this past Spring with speakers from all over the world praising his exceptional talents. Click here for the obit for Jack Meyer.

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