Sunday, October 5, 2014

USCF Online Rated Tournaments on ICC!

This information is one of the most wanted gift for this coming xmas and it is now a reality.

USCF Online Rated Tournaments on ICC! 
The Internet Chess Club (ICC) and the United States Chess Federation (USCF) are proud to announce their alliance to provide USCF online rated  tournaments on the ICC chess server.
The tournaments will be held using a New and Official USCF Online Blitz Rating, which will be available to all current USCF members. 
Tournaments will be held as a 7 round Swiss, 3 2 time control.  The tournaments will be weekly!  The schedule will be posted soon! 
To join these online tournaments, you will need  to have a valid ICC membership and USCF membership.
If you don’t have an ICC membership, you can register an ICC membership here:
If you don’t have a USCF membership, you can register for a USCF membership here:

Frequently asked Questions:

How do I join a tournament?
You do NOT need to pre-register. The tournaments open 20 minutes prior to 7PM Server Time (New York time); once it is open, you just join the USCF tournament.  If it is your first USCF/ICC tournament, you will be asked for you USCF ID/PIN: a windows will pop up asking you to fill in your USCF ID and your PIN.  If we can't find your USCF ID, you will be sent to the ISCF website to register/check about your ID and PIN.
Note: We store your USCF PIN and ID, so you won't be asked for it again next time you join a tournament. Once you have joined, you're ready to play. when the tournament starts, you will be prompted a small window asking you to match your opponent.  The channel reserved  for the USCF tournaments is 231. The channel will be added to your channel list automatically once you join the tournament.    

How do I look up my new USCF rating?
Go to and enter your name; Find your name listed and click it, then click the far right tab "Tnmt Hst" (Tournament history)

Where can I see past tournaments played?
Go to and enter your name; Find your name listed and click it, then click the far right tab "Tnmt Hst" (Tournament history)

Is this rating only used on ICC, or will it be used in other events?
This is an official USCF rating and can be used anywhere!

How often are the tournaments being held?
To begin with they will be held once a week but we expect to run more as the popularity demands.

Where do I get my pin if I cannot find  it?
The USCF pin is on the magazine cover you receive.  Members who do not receive magazines receive a letter with their membership card.  Their PIN is provided in that letter.  If you cannot find that letter, pleasecall the USCF office at 931-787-1234 and someone in the membership department will be happy to help!

How many bye points will I get if I latejoin?
You will receive a half point for each round that started before you entered the tournament.

Do we win prizes?
From time to time, there will be random prizes!

ill there be entry fee tournaments with prizes?
There are no entry fees at this time.

How soon are ratings posted?
Most days, ratings will be posted hourly until 11 PM (Note: This may be delayed as we launch the first of these events) Note: see the FAQ "How do I look up my new USCF rating?"

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