Sunday, June 29, 2014

Top 10 Hints to improve visiting to your webpage


Submit your site.

After you publish, make sure search engines know you're ready for visitors.
Submitting your site puts your business in the running for a place in their search results (though not even we can guarantee if or where your site will appear).
Don't wait! Search engine indexing can take weeks, sometimes longer, so go ahead and publish and submit your site, even if you've got some polishing to do.
We've made submission easy — in fact, if you build your site with Site Solution, we'll submit you to Yahoo, Google, MSN, and Ask automatically when you publish. If you're using another site building tool, you can easily submit yourself: If your site is published, you'll see a "submit" link both at the top of this page and in the Site Traffic module of your Home tab. You can resubmit every 48 hours


Eliminate orphan pages.

Make sure your web pages are linked together.
Search engines review your site by following links from your home page, through all of your subpages — and they may miss orphan pages, or pages that are not connected to your home page in some way.
If you use Site Solution to build your site, and haven't uploaded other pages on your own, you're all set. If you're using another tool, just make sure visitors can reach all of your pages by clicking links in your home or subpages. And don't forget to test your links — if they're broken, neither search engines nor visitors will arrive at their destinations.


Use meaningful titles.

Help search engines — and visitors — understand the purpose of each page.
Title tags appear at the top of the browser when a web page is viewed, and in a visitor's bookmarks menu, if the page is saved to bookmarks or favorites. Search engines also use titles to index web sites, and often display them in search engine results.
Site Solution will create title tags for you automatically, based on your business name and the page title (which you can edit anytime). If you're using another site building tool, you can add title tags yourself.

No matter what your business, give some thought to choosing a concise,descriptive title for each page of your web site, making sure it includes one or two keywords from that page.
 See more tips on writing titles.


Add keywords.

Keywords won't make or break your search engine ranking, but they can help your site stand out.
Your visitors won't see your keywords, but search engines sometimes use keywords to understand the relevance of your site to particular searches.
Pick keywords you expect potential customers would enter in a search engine to find you. Be specific. Your keywords should also appear in the text on your page.See tips on choosing keywords.
Site Solution will create keywords for you automatically, including simple information like your address and product names, but no matter which tool you're using, we recommend that you devise and add your own keywords (and be sure to update your keywords as your page content changes.).
Learn how to add keywords.


Refine your keywords.

Search terms change, and so should your keywords. Once you've added keywords, review and test their effectiveness regularly.

You can see how your site ranks in search engine results for particular keywords with the Search Engine Ranking tool on the Home tab. You can also use Site Statistics to better understand keywords your visitors have used to find you.
Add variations of your successful keywords (including common misspellings), names of popular products you sell, and professional specialties. For more ideas,check your competitors' web sites — which keywords do they use? See more tips.


Write clear page descriptions.

Your description summarizes your page content and may encourage clicks in search results.
Some search engines use your description to help categorize your page, but more important, your home page description may appear in search results. A clear and persuasive description may not boost your search engine ranking, but it can encourage prospective customers who do see your site in search results to visit your site.
Focus on writing a clear, concise summary of the page, including a couple of keywords from that page, if you can. What do you want potential visitors to know?See tips on writing descriptions.
Site Solution will automatically create page descriptions, which you can easily editto make your own. If you're using another site building tool, you can add descriptions yourself. Learn how.


Add alt text.

Let search engines "read" your images.
Alt text is descriptive text that appears when you hold your mouse over an image in a web page (or when the image does not appear). Alt text is important for web site visitors with visual or audio impairments who might use special readers to explore your site.
Also important, search engines can't see your images, so they'll read your image alt text instead. Keywords and other relevant information in your alt text can impact the search engine's evaluation of your site for search results.
An image's alt text should be short and accurately describe the image. Try to include important keywords, when possible. If your image shows a Macintosh computer, for instance, your alt text might read "MacBook Pro."
And take care not to repeat the same alt text for every image on your page. Search engines and impaired users will read the images as if they are text. A gallery of different computers that all read "computer, computer, computer, computer" won't mean much to search engines or visitors using special readers
Both Site Solution and SiteBuilder make it easy to add alt text for your images.


Use captions.

Make sure search engines understand the importance of your images.
Search engines love quality content, and your captions are no exception. Writing captions for your images is not only a great way to educate and engage your visitors but also an opportunity to incorporate valuable content into your site.
Your caption should describe the image and, if possible, the benefit of the image's subject, but you can also appeal to search engines by incorporating some of your page keywords into the text. Instead of just "green jacket," for example, try something both value-oriented and more specific: "Our green Gore-Tex jacket will keep you dry in any season." Try to use words your customers are likely to enter in their searches.


Use a Sitemap.

Provide a Sitemap to help search engines read your site.
Sitemap is a simple data file that provides information about your site to search engines. A Sitemap is invisible to your site visitors but can help search engines do a better job of reviewing your site — which in turn can improve your chances of appearing in search results.
If you're using Site Solution, we'll create and update a Sitemap for you, but with a little effort, you can create your own Sitemap using any tool you like. Learn how to create your own Sitemap.


Link to other high-quality sites.

Well-crafted, relevant links to great sites can impress both your visitors and the search engines.
Link to other web sites? Won't linking out make me lose business?
You can improve your visitors' experience and your own credibility by adding carefully chosen links from your pages to complementary content on other high-quality web sites. The more relevant and specific your links, the more relevant and valuable your own site will seem, and the more likely your visitors will be to return.
Hint: Including pertinent keywords in the link itself can not only help your reader decide if the link is worth clicking; it may also help influence your rank for those keywords in search results.


Sign up for a search engine optimization service.

Bring in the professionals for custom tuning.
We recommend lots of techniques that are great for every business, but nothing beats custom attention. No one can guarantee your site's placement in search results, but if search engines are a major part of your marketing plan, consider hiring a professional search engine optimization (SEO) service, which can analyze your business and web site and help you fine-tune your search engine strategy.
SEO services can help you with everything from editing your content and picking meta tags to redesigning your home page. See SEO services in the Yahoo Directory.

Reference: Yahoo, (retrieve url:

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