Wednesday, May 21, 2014

spirit rover mars images

Next in "Coast to Coast" show

Anomalous Object in Rover Photos:
First hour guest, exopolitics pioneer Michael Salla talked about the evidence for life on Mars that NASA doesn't want to discuss. In a set of images taken by the Spirit rover, an object that may be an animal about the size of a basketball, appears next to some distinctive rocks in some of the photos but not others, implying to him that it was some kind of creature on the move. Salla also talked about his newest book Kennedy's Last Stand, exploring what JFK knew about ETs and UFOs.

In tandem with his 5/20/14 appearance, Michael Salla shares a series of Spirit Rover images that he believes shows a moving object/animal on the surface of Mars. 

#1 - Click on image to enlarge. 

#2 - Click on image to enlarge. 

#3 - Click on image to enlarge. 

#4 - Click on image to enlarge.

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