Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What is OLED?

 Unlike traditional, synthetic LEDs (light-emitting diodes), OLED uses an organic substance that glows when an electric current is introduced. This revolutionary material is part of new design approach that drastically reduces the thickness and weight of the TV. The light passes through a combination of filters to reproduce spectacular high-definition images.

What is OLED TV?

OLED TV utilizes this amazing technology at a previously impossible 55-inch class screen size, making it the ultimate display for your home. LG has further added all of its newest and best TV features to bring consumers an uncompromising television viewing experience.

How OLED works

The secret to OLED is the unique light-emitting diode structure with its electroluminescent layer, a special film made from an organic, carbon-based compound that emits its own light when hit with an electric current. A thin-film transistor (TFT) backplane switches each specific pixel on and off. This configuration enables a thinner, lighter form factor, higher resolution and big, home theater-ready screen sizes.

Compare: OLED vs. LCD

Because OLED displays do not require a backlight, pixels that are switched off are truly black, so OLED achieves deeper black levels and a higher contrast ratio when compared to LCD (liquid crystal display) TVs with conventional cold cathode fluorescent lamp (CCFL) backlighting. The lack of bulky CCFLs--and other layers that are no longer necessary--also makes possible a much thinner, lighter piece of hardware.

Compare: OLED vs. LED

LED LCD televisions owe their compact profile and improved contrast ratio to the array of tiny light-emitting diodes that provide the necessary backlighting instead of CCFLs, but again neither of these is needed for OLED. So a thinnest-ever form factor, superior color reproduction, individual pixels that switch off for true blacks, and increased energy efficiency are some of the ways OLED surpasses even LED TV

information and pic from webpage:

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