Sunday, March 23, 2014

Pictures of Mushrooms

 UPopin Staff  March 19, 2014

1. Bleeding Tooth Fungus (Hydnellum peckii) – Looks like jelly

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA2. Golden Jelly Fungus (Tremella mesenterica) – This one looks like The Blobmsuhrooms 213. Veiled Lady Mushroom (Phallus indusiatus) – Is this mushroom about to get married?msuhrooms 194. Amethyst Deceiver (Laccaria amethystina) – That purple is stagerringremushrooms 175. Glow-in-the-Dark Mushroom (Mycena chlorophos) – Love things that glowMinolta DSC6. Blue Fungus (Entoloma hochstetteri) – As blue as the ocean

mushrooms 157. Dog Stinkhorn (Mutinus caninus) – Interesting namemushrooms 148. Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor) – Nailed it!mushrooms 139. Devil’s Cigar (Chorioactis geaster) – Not seing the cigars. Looks like a starfishmushrooms 1210. Brain Mushroom (Gyromitra esculenta) – Look at those folds!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA11. Giant Puffball (Calvatia gigantea) – Biggest mushroom I ever sawmushrooms 1012. Lion’s Mane Mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) – Now THAT is coolmushrooms 913. Indigo Milkcap (Lactarius indigo) – Looks like it brokemushrooms 814. Cordyceps (Cordyceps ophioglossoides) – Looks like tiny fingersmushrooms 715. Fly Agaric (Amanita muscariaj) – I just want to get my Mario Kart out and start bouncing on thesemushrooms 616. Violet Coral (Clavaria zollingeri) – This looks like it belongs in the oceanmushrooms 517. Fancy Peach (Rhodotus palmatus) – Those jelly spots are intensemushrooms 418. Anemone Stinkhorn (Aseroe rubra) – Definitely belongs in the oceanmushrooms 319. Caesar’s Mushroom (Amanita caesarea) – Et tu Brute?mushrooms 220. Pixie’s Parasol (Mycena interrupta) – Considering the zoom on this one, they could definitely be umbrellas for fairiesmustrooms 1

Don’t these photos just make you want to head out in the forest and start turning over logs to see what you will find?
Update: Many people have been writing in and asking which of these mushrooms are actually edible. The ones labeled as “DO NOT EAT” are potentially deadly and/or will make you very sick. Please see the key below:
    1. Edible, but known to be psychoactive.
    2. DO NOT EAT. Known to be very bitter.
    3. DO NOT EAT
    4. DO NOT EAT
    5. Edible and quite tasty!
    6. DO NOT EAT. Awful smell
    7. DO NOT EAT
    8. DO NOT EAT
    9. Edible
    10. Edible
    11. Edible
    12. DO NOT EAT
    13. Edible, but must be properly prepared (a Chinese delicacy). Toxic and fatal if not dried or cooked.
    14. DO NOT EAT. Tastes awful
    15. DO NOT EAT
    16. DO NOT EAT
    17. DO NOT EAT
    18. Edible - Discovery Channel’s Planet Earth stunning time lapse of it (see below)animated gif of veiled mushroom
    19. DO NOT EAT. May contain arsenic from the soil.
    20. DO NOT EAT

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