Monday, October 21, 2013

Tonight on Coast to Coast:Uri Geller's Secret Life:

CoastZone Newsletter
Weekend Edition  Oct. 21, 2013   Insider Audio
Uri Geller's Secret Life:

Joining George Knapp for the entire 4-hour show on Sunday night, Uri Geller, one of the 

 most celebrated and investigated paranormalists, discussed how his proven powers led 
him to
 be given a succession of highly classified espionage roles, known only at the highest levels 
the intelligence community. As early as five years old, he discovered he had the ability to bend 
spoons in his hand,
 and could perform telekinetic tricks like moving the clock ahead at school to get out early.
 an Israeli, said he first met a Mossad agent around the age of 12, and demonstrated his ESP
 mind reading techniques, and began doing work for them, eventually going on to meet such
as Moshe Dayan and Golda Meir.

In the early 1970s, the esteemed parapsychological researcher, medical inventor and author, 

Dr. Andrija Puharich conducted tests and experiments on Geller, who had been performing at
 nightclubs in Tel Aviv. Under hypnosis, Geller revealed information about extraterrestrial 
in nature, and there were strange, unexplained metallic-sounding voices on Puharich's tape
 recording of the session. Around this time, Geller also came to the Stanford Research
for secret CIA testing
 of his skills. As described in this film excerpt, scientists said that Geller was able to
detect objects, change the weight of a piece of metal, and accurately sketch drawings
 that were 
hidden from his view.

On one of his missions, Geller said he had a secret meeting with Ambassador Max 

and was tasked with telepathically bombarding the mind of a Russian negotiator in
 Geneva so that
 he would sign a nuclear arms reduction treaty. Geller also conducted two experiments 
on the
 air-- one involved fixing broken watches and time pieces, and afterward, a number of 
emailed in to say that their old time pieces were suddenly working again. In his second
 he made a drawing, and sent out a mental image of it to listeners, inviting them to 
recreate it. 
People may email George Knapp a photo of their drawing, which will be compared to 
Geller's, and
 the results will be announced next Sunday.

Uri Geller (b. 1946)
Uri Geller is an international star in the paranormal circuit and is most famous for his claim to be able to bend spoons and keys with the power of his mind.

Profile Name
Uri Geller ( Hebrew: אורי גלר‎)
Psychic, Entertainer, Mystifier, Lecturer
Place of Birth
Tel Aviv, Israel
6' 1"
Geller possesses the apparent uncanny ability of psychokinesis - the movement of matter, and telepathy; the ability to receive someone's thought pattern and transmit images in a similar manner.
His signature effect is the bending and contorting of spoons and various silverware.
Interesting Fact
The name "Uri" is derived from the Hebrew words meaning "My Light." 


Uri Geller was born in Tel Aviv, Israel on December 20, 1946.
His parents were of Hungarian and Austrian descent, and he is distantly related on his mother's side to Sigmund Freud.
At the age of four he had a mysterious encounter with a sphere of light while in a garden near his house.
A retired Israeli air force officer, who was an eyewitness to this encounter, validated this mystifying event decades later.

He first became aware of his unusual powers when he was five. One day, during a meal, his spoon curled up in his hand and broke, although he had applied no physical pressure to it.

His parents were somewhat shocked and Uri did not mention the incident to anyone else at that time. He developed these powers in school by demonstrating them to pupils. His mother thought he inherited them from Sigmund Freud.

When he was eleven, he went to live in Nicosia, Cyprus where he attended a Catholic high school, The Terra Santa College and learned English.
He then returned to Israel, served as a paratrooper in the Israeli army and fought in the Six-Day War of 1967 during which he was wounded in action.

From 1968 to 1969 Uri worked as a model, being photographed for many different ad campaigns; during that time, he began to perform for small audiences as a nightclub entertainer, becoming well-known in Israel.
In 1969 he began to demonstrate his powers of telepathy and psychokinesis to small audiences. By the end of 1971, he was a household name throughout Israel, thanks to his numerous stage appearances.

Uri has been studied by the world's leading scientists, including a few who worked with Albert Einstein.
The world's most prestigious scientific magazine, Nature, published a paper on Uri's work at the Stanford Research Institute in the U.S.A - a unique endorsement, and an irrefutable proof that his skills are genuine.
His work with the FBI and the CIA has ranged from using Mind Power to erase KGB computer files and track serial killers, to attending nuclear disarmament negotiations to bombard and influence the Russian chief negotiator with positive thought waves so that the Soviet delegation would sign the Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty.

Uri has lectured to the directors and CEOs of large multinational companies such as Henkel, the Prime Minister's Conference, Novartis, Mizuno, Sony, Rolls Royce, Hallmark and many more.

In 1995 a major motion picture inspired by Uri's life story titled MindBender was filmed in Israel directed by the legendary Ken Russell starring Oscar nominee Terrence Stamp. The film was distributed among others by Disney's Buena Vista.
He was also invited by PriceWaterhouseCoopers as a speaker to the 2004 World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland, along with such dignitaries as Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney and Steve Forbes.
In 2006 Uri lectured to the heads of Reuters in Jerusalem and also to the heads of Google Europe. 

A vegetarian and fervent promoter of peace, Uri has used his intuitive abilities to successfully detect oil and precious metals, one of his successes in locating a huge offshore oil field for Mexico's national oil company PEMEX resulted in Uri getting a Mexican nationality as a token of appreciation and honour by Mexico's President Jose Lopez Portillo.

Uri Geller's artistic skills began during his early childhood. A 'pupil' of Salvador Dali, whom he knew well, Uri has exhibited his drawings, paintings and artworks in major galleries and museums in the USA, Europe, Japan and Israel.
His successful television series "The Successor," which premiered in Israel in early 2007 to historic record-breaking ratings, has now been launched worldwide. Screening in the United States on NBC prime time, under the title "Phenomenon," the show was co-hosted by illusionist Criss Angel.
In 2008 Uri created an amazing UFO TV event in Germany and more TV specials are planned for worldwide distribution.
Although he is not a Magician, Uri was very proud to accept  the David Berglas International Magic Award in London in 2008, for his services to the promotion of Magic. In 2010, he received in Los Angeles the prestigious Dunninger memorial award.

Uri Geller has a daughter and son, both in their mid-twenties; he is also the owner of two dogs and the author of fifteen best-sellers, including the novels Ella, currently in production to be made into a major Hollywood movie, and Dead Cold, which was listed as a contender for the Golden Dagger Award by The Times in the UK.
Throughout the years, Geller has been accused of using simple conjuring tricks to achieve the effects of psychokinesis and telepathy; Geller dispiutes that accusation.
His career as an entertainer has spanned almost four decades, with television shows and appearances in many countries.
Uri Geller used to call his abilities "psychic," but now prefers to refer to himself as a "mystifier" and entertainer. 

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