Thursday, May 23, 2013

Why Microsoft Named Its Search Engine Bing (冰):DISEASE

Microsoft's new search engine, reportedly code-named Kumo, will actually be called Bing! Here's the real meaning behind those four characters.
John Dvorak

Microsoft tells us that its new search engine, reportedly code-named Kumo, will actually be called Bing! I've asked the users of Twitter to reverse-engineer an acronym based on those four letters. The people's choice:
But It's Not Google 
Indeed. We're hoping Bing is anything but Google—in fact, we're hoping it's better than Google. But it won't be, and nothing will be until the Google paradigm is destroyed and replaced with something hot.
Big Investment, No Goals
All modern search engines are modeled after some of the very first, such as Web Crawler, and evolving right to AltaVista. Google is actually a copy of AltaVista in many ways, including the idea that you can cache the entire Internet on massive server farms. Microsoft cannot seem to break this paradigm either, and Bing can't possibly be anything other than old wine in new bottles.
Bing Is Not Groovy
Microsoft has supposedly reinvented its search two or three times from its early MSN search to its current Live Search. (What is "live search" anyway? As opposed to dead search, or what?) Anyway, lately the company has changed its faceplate so the search box appears on a pretty picture that has nothing to do with anything. It's kind of dorky.
Brought in New Garbage
Nowadays when you search for images with the Microsoft engine, the site returns JavaScript that make the photos grow and shrink and presents them in unique ways. I've been waiting for an AJAX layout for the search results whereby you could dynamically change layouts or get some visuals for the search. Cuil tries to give us this new look, and it would work well if the results were actually good. Therein lies the rub.
Big Incompetent Net Grub
The problem with Microsoft search has always been its failure to go the extra mile; where are the massive fleets of crawlers and huge mountain-sized server farms? Microsoft, while probably spending more money than Yahoo on these things, still exhibits a penny-pinching approach, hoping things work out anyway. You have to recall the early MS folklore: When someone wanted to work for the company Gates insisted that they take a cut in pay from their previous job to prove that they really wanted to work at Microsoft. This is a tightwad's cover story. The only time I have seen the company go the extra mile is with the Xbox 360, which for some unknown reason managed to stay under the cheapskate radar as it trolls for spendthrifts. The rest of the time there is always some "on the cheap" initiative.
Bill, It's No Good!
There's a rumor going around that Microsoft will buy up any search company it can and incorporate every known idea into Bing (or whatever comes next). Unfortunately Microsoft has a not-invented-here corporate culture, despite the fact that most of what it does is technology bought from someone else. The company's tendency is to absorb a basic product, then reinvent it. Perhaps the moniker should be not reinvented here. In the process of reinvention the company either lets the product languish (like PowerPoint) or ruins it to the point where it is unusable (ever tried Front Page?). So if there is a good search engine being developed, please, don't sell it to Microsoft.
But It's Nearly Google
Microsoft's unfortunate copycat strategies will not result in anything other than a weak copy of Google, with some visual tweaks to make the presentation look better. Redmond will never take a chance on something radical. My advice to the company is to try to understand what's going on at Collarity, where it's easy to see what a new idea for search is all about. I'm actually kind of surprised that one of the big three hasn't already made Collarity's developers an offer they could not refuse. Maybe none of these guys are paying attention.
Be Innovative, Not Geeky!
The point is, Google owns search. And renaming and starting a rebranding campaign for a dumb-sounding search engine like Bing is a serious waste of resources. New thinking and a new direction are needed, but Microsoft doesn't seem cut out for the job. If Bing is a success, I'll be the one who will be the most surprised



Mind control is obvius:  ( 冰 )Pronunciation BING .Its translation from chinese is DISEASE
This is a type of message subliminal that our eyes is capching everyday.When we see this word , our braing behing does the conversion for its proper translation.Then our   subconscious will do the rest,just bringing us what what we request trought mental pictures (DISEASE)

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