Monday, April 22, 2013


Juliana Conte
iStock_000014646405Small_dengue_flubydustSurvey of the Ministry of Health (MOH) released yesterday (10/04/2013) shows that people over 60 are 12 times more likely to die of  dengue than those of other age groups. The elderly represent 42% of all deaths recorded in the first three months of this year (132). Because of this, the ministry recommends that these people straightaway seek health services so that the first signs of the disease are fever, headache - sometimes more localized behind the eyes - and joint pains.
According to a folder, the reason for this increased risk is not yet completely understood, but may be related to the higher prevalence in this age group, chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
The ministry also noted that patients with suspected dengue fever should not take medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid in its composition, as Aspirin. The recommendation is that the person take plenty of water, juices and coconut water to hydrate.
In the first three months of this year, ten Brazilian states showed a high incidence of dengue and concentrated 74.5% of the cases reported in the country. From January 1 to March 30, the states of Rondônia, Acre, Amazonas, Tocantins, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso and Goiás recorded indices ranging from 304.9 to 3105 cases per 100 000 inhabitants. The MS considers three levels in dengue: low (up to 100 cases per 100 000 inhabitants), medium (101-300 cases) and high (above 300). The national average is 368.2 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants.

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