Monday, March 18, 2013

48th Capablanca Memorial

Monday, 18 March 2013 23:12
The 48th edition of the Tournament Capablanca in Memoriam 2013 will take place from April 20th to May 1st
at Habana Riviera Hotel in La Havana, Cuba.

The Elite group’s full lineup was announced. With the March 1st ratings, the tournament reaches FIDE Category 18, something that might change in April.

There will be two Russian Grandmasters in the field: current National champion Dmitry Andreikin (2727) and
 Ernesto Inarkiev (2688).

Indian Pentala Harikrishna (2705) and Hungarian Zoltan Almasi (2689) will also take part.

The field is completed with two Cuban representatives: the best player in Latin America Leinier Dominguez (2723)
and Yuniesky Quesada (2596).


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