Wednesday, February 6, 2013

MagicJack Plus

Use magicJack Plus™ with or without a computer. It's so easy!

No Computer Required with magicJack PLUS
You do not need a computer anymore, so now you receive as good or better service than your regular home phone does. No more having to keep your computer turned on all the time. You can use any phone—corded, cordless, portable, DECT and simply plug it into your new phone jack in the magicJack PLUS which can be plugged into the wall now. Of course you still have a choice to plug your phone into the magicJack PLUS when you want to use it with your computer when traveling, at a second house, at your business or even your home. Now you have a choice, and magicJack is the only one who gives you these choices.

New York Times"A little device called magicJack will let you make calls from your phone to other phones in the United States... (the magicJack) has a real telephone jack on the side, letting you quickly bring almost any corded or cordless phone into the 21st century." - NY Times
CNBC"Skype and Vonage killer. Company must be watched. They have done this in Stealth mode." - CNBC
Laptop Magazine"If you've pondered ditching your landline because of exorbitant phone bills, magicJack just may be for you. We were pleasantly surprised with how easy it is to use..."
- Laptop Magazine
The Boston Globe
"A new device, the magicJack, may provide the cheapest way for anyone to start making calls using an ordinary landline phone. It is definitely the easiest to use." - Boston Globe 

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