Saturday, February 23, 2013

Julian Beever Pavement Art 3D Optical illusions

Julian Beever Street Art 3-D Optical Illusion

1 Christmas Card Optical Illusion

julian beever christmas Julian Beever Pavement Art 3D Optical illusions
Julian Beever is British, that is why he has that traditional red post box. This is a very good picture just because it is so believable. I like the candle.

2 Julian Beever Factory

julian beever factory Julian Beever Pavement Art 3D Optical illusions
Simply spectacular, he transports you mind to another world just using oone layer of brick, I love the pole.

3 Julian Beveer Mirror Opitcal Illusion

julian beever mirror Julian Beever Pavement Art 3D Optical illusions
He has done many illusions with himself as the subject, it is good that he has not shied away from depicting himself.
He must spend a lot of time getting the colours right, to make everything so realistic.

4 Waterfall Optical Illusion

jullian beever waterfall0 Julian Beever Pavement Art 3D Optical illusions
The details stell us that this is not optical illusion but reality, or is it?

5 Upside Down Illusion

 Julian Beever Pavement Art 3D Optical illusions
This is a very ambitious picture and it has a sureal quality to it.

6 Julian Beever Boat Resize

julian beever boat resize Julian Beever Pavement Art 3D Optical illusions
Look at how he is able to have a reflection of the boat, this is very realistic.

7 Fountain 3d Optical Illusion

fountain resize Julian Beever Pavement Art 3D Optical illusions
He must spend a lot of time getting the colours right, to make everything so realistic.

8 Julian Beever Spiderman

julian beever spiderman113110660 d53cf4af94 Julian Beever Pavement Art 3D Optical illusions
Look at the wall he is kneeling on,

9 Rembrandt Otical Illusion

julian beever 08 Julian Beever Pavement Art 3D Optical illusions
He is a very cheeky.

10 Frog 3 d Optical Illusion

julian beever frog Julian Beever Pavement Art 3D Optical illusions
You feel like rescuing the child from the giant frog

11 3-D Chalk Art Brick

3d chalk art brick hole Julian Beever Pavement Art 3D Optical illusions
It would have been interesting to see how the oublic reacted to the hole and the bricks, but you can see how they are avoinding everything.

12 Julian Beever river

julian beever 3d chalk art river1 Julian Beever Pavement Art 3D Optical illusions
It takes days to draw something this extravagant, I wonder if he gets permission from local councils to do this, you are always tempted to believe that the raft is real.

14 Laptop 3d Optical Illusion

julian beever laptop Julian Beever Pavement Art 3D Optical illusions
This is done on the strnd in London, he should have asked sony to sponsor this picture.
15 The Sun Optical Illusion
julian beeversun Julian Beever Pavement Art 3D Optical illusions
I told you he was a cheeky chapie, he calls himself pavement Picasso, well it rhymes and it might be true.

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