Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How to create content for submission sites

This tutorial will help you to create content for the different submission sites. You can turn one piece of content into several different content types.

Step 1: Write a short article

You need content that you can submit to other websites. Start with a well-written article that contains 300-500 words. Focus on a single topic and target a specific keyword in the article.
Start by submitting that article to article directories. Here are some tips for writing good articles:
  • Make the article headline as catchy as possible. Articles that contain "How to" or numbers ("10 things that...") usually work well.
  • Start with a short introduction. Explain the problem that you will discuss in your article.
  • Discuss several solutions to the problem in the body of the article. Keep the paragraphs short. If possible, use bullets and sub-headings.
  • End your article with a brief summary and with a call to action.

Step 2: Convert the article to a press release

If your article focuses on a single topic, it is relatively easy to rework it as a press release. Press releases have a specific format. If you want to get maximum distribution, your press release should have the correct format. Submit your press release to press release sites.

Step 3: Convert the article to a stey-by-step tutorial

As explained in step 1, your article should offer a solution to a certain problem. If you article isn't already a "How to" article, rewrite it so that you can submit it totutorial sites.

Step 4: Convert the article to Powerpoint presentation

It's not difficult to convert a how-to article into a Powerpoint presentation. Describe the problem on the first presentation slide and different solutions on the following slides. If you don't have Powerpoint, use the presentation tool in OpenOffice (see step 7). Submit the presentation to slides and presentation sites.

Step 5: Convert the Powerpoint presentation into a video

Use a screen recording tool and record the screen as you talk and click through your presentation. Submit the recorded video to video directories.

Step 6: Convert the article to a video

Another way to create a video is to record yourself reading the article aloud (of course, it should look like you're speaking freely). You can record the video with any web cam or digital camera. Submit the recorded video to video directories.

Step 7: Convert the article to a PDF file

The free OpenOffice office software suite enables you to save any file quickly as a PDF file (File > Export as > PDF). If your PDF file has enough pages, you can submit it to eBook sites.

Step 8: Convert the article to a podcast

Converting your article into a podcast is easy. Just read your article aloud and record your voice with an audio tool. Then submit the file to podcast directories.

Save time with submission helpers

Submitting your website to various types of websites usually means that you have to fill out a lot of web forms. The following web browser plugins fill out forms automatically so that you will save a lot of time when submitting your site:
We recommend the free Autofill Forms plugin for Firefox. It takes some time to set it up but then it works very efficiently.

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