Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Improve brain health and performance.

Your brain, just brighter.

Improve brain health and performance.

  • Brain training produces real world benefits
  • Enhance memory, attention and creativity
  • Easy, web-based brain training program



Why Lumosity

Research shows that certain types of mental exercise can enhance the health and function of the brain. Our scientists have engineered dozens of engaging games with this discovery in mind, and studies have confirmed that Lumosity training can improve memory, attention, and other cognitive areas. Our users, in turn, have reported positive and often remarkable results that include better face-name recall, faster problem-solving skills, and a quicker memory. Their success storiesreveal the confidence that comes from performing better at work, home and school.
  • Love_these_exercises

    You'll love these exercises.

    We work hard to design entertaining exercises you'll want to play everyday. After all, the harder you train, the stronger your brain. We believe that Lumosity is a truly enjoyable experience -- and we're not the only ones who think this. Among our many fansThe London Times found our games "good fun to play" and Women's Health concurred that Lumosity is "surprisingly fun."
  • Personalized_games

    Personalized for you.

    Lumosity designs personalized training programs tailored to each person's goals, whether those be improving memory,reaching peak performance, or focusing attention. With the help of your Brain Performance Index (BPI), you'll grow more confident as your training grows even more focused and productive.
  • Easy_to_use

    Lumosity.com is easy to use.

    You can sign up in less than a minute and then access your training program from anywhere in the world. No software is needed to enjoy Lumosity's simple interface and easy-to-learn brain exercises. Plus each day's workout takes only 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Scientist

    Neuroscientists designed Lumosity.

    Lumosity.com is advised by leading experts in neuroscience and cognitive psychology from Stanford, Berkeley, UCSF and other prestigious institutions. Based on the concept ofneuroplasticity -- the brain's ability to physically adapt to new stimuli -- Lumosity training includes challenging exercises engineered to improve a wide selection of cognitive functions such as working memory and fluid intelligence. By improving these functions, Lumosity can enhance your memory, attention and more!

How We Help

We engineered Lumosity to be simple, comprehensive, and -- most importantly -- effective. Based on extensive research, Lumosity improves memory, attention, processing speed, and problem-solving skills so you can feel more confident in your abilities.
  • Lumosity_everyone

    Lumosity is for everyone.

    Cognitive exercise is like physical exercise: anyone can benefit, regardless of age, gender, profession, or educational background. With more than 25 million members, Lumosity has received thousands of testimonials recounting how it helped people perform better at work, school and home.
    Lumosity has helped people remember names and faces, prepare for sports competitions, study for academic tests, and even learn new instruments and languages. It's also helped those recovering from disease- and accident-related brain injuries. Lumosity is truly for everyone.
  • Healthy_benefits

    A healthy benefits package.

    Lumosity has your brain covered. Our comprehensive training program enhances brain health and performance using clinically validated tools designed by neuroscientists. Our users have reported profound benefits that include:
    • Clearer and quicker thinking
    • Faster problem-solving skills
    • Increased alertness and awareness
    • Better concentration at work or while driving
    • Sharper memory for names, numbers, and directions
    No matter who you are, your brain needs care. Invest a few minutes today, and you could reap the rewards for years to come.
    Your brain will thank you.

The Science

Researchers used to believe that cognitive power was fixed after childhood. Over the last few decades, though, scientists have discovered that we can improve our cognitive abilities after childhood. Lumos Labs was founded with one simple goal: to use science to make the world a smarter, brighter, and more confident place.
  • Scientists
    To facilitate this, we started the Human Cognition Project, a groundbreaking research effort tasked with maximizing human intelligence. Led by the neuroscientists and developers at Lumos Labs, the project aims to leverage Lumosity's training and assessment technology to improve our understanding of cognitive enhancement and performance.
  • Research_partners
    We're joined by a Scientific Advisory Board that consists of leading scientists from Stanford, UCSF and other top research institutions. Our Advisory Board does more, though, than just advise the development team at Lumos Labs; they also produce independent research.
  • Improve_intelligence
    Together we've discovered that Lumosity training improves intelligence by challenging cognitive faculties using noveland engaging exercises in which the difficulty level constantly adapts to each person's individual development. When correctly designed, these exercises can produce significant and long-lasting results.
  • Lab_equipment
    Lumosity.com is science that works. It improves brain health and performance, making a difference in the daily lives of people world-wide. To learn even more about the science behind Lumosity, explore some of the key concepts that inform our research or else read a brief overview of brain training research.

You have the power to change your brain
Scientists have discovered that the brain can reorganize itself when confronted with new challenges, even through adulthood. Based on this research, Lumosity's exercises are engineered to train a range of cognitive functions, from working memory to fluid intelligence.

Scientifically demonstrated benefits
Scientific studies have shown that Lumosity training can improve your ability to dynamically allocate attention, which sharpens memory and processing skills.

Designed by neuroscientists
Lumosity exercises are designed by neuroscientists and are based on independent scientific research from institutions like Harvard, Stanford and Berkeley.

A simple, convenient training program
Research shows that training just 10-15 minutes a day on Lumosity can lead to dramatic improvements over time.

Experience the benefits of Lumosity training
Lumosity users report positive and often remarkable results that include: better face-name recall, faster problem-solving skills, and a quicker memory.

Success StoriesStart Training
“Since joining Lumosity, I can understand difficult concepts more easily, concentrate longer, remember names more easily, and articulate better than before. The list goes on and on!”
Sara, 20

  • “Lumosity's daily training doesn't take much time. It's fun, and I can really see an improvement in my ability to think through and quickly understand new processes in my job. I also pay a lot of attention to tracking my BPI and progress in my profile; it helps me stay focused on improving my weaker areas.”
    Alison_b Alison B., 20
  • “I do a Lumosity training session daily and feel the BPI gains at work all the time. I'm much more organized, focused and I maintain better attention because of the work I do on Lumosity. I find this site so incredible that I recommend it to everyone.”
    Angela_b Angela B., 32
  • “My mother is recovering from a stroke, and I looked into Lumosity for her...and got hooked! I LOVE Word Bubbles! It helped me with tip of the tongue brain freezes. As I continue to train with Lumosity, I find I am thinking and processing information quicker and finding clever rhymes easier to keep my songwriting fresh.”
    Carolyn_b Carolyn B., 43
  • “My memory simply isn't what it used to be. It bothered me to watch my mother's mind go and to see those around me deteriorate. Two of my close friends succumbed to Alzheimer's. Determined to fend this off as long as possible, I exercised my brain, working at computer games and puzzles. One day, I discovered Lumosity.” Read more
    Dd_m D.D. M.
  • “Near the start of 2009, I signed up for Lumosity and played aggressively for about a month as an experiment for a presentation I was giving to our employees on Maximizing Mental Effectiveness. During this time, I progressed rapidly and found that my thinking was much clearer, my short-term working memory had improved, and I was able to solve problems and come up with creative solutions much more quickly.”
    Chris_b Chris B., 27
  • “After 4 years of studying, I found that I couldn't remember things well anymore. Lumosity helped me get my brain back in shape to focus on finishing my last year, hopefully with honors.”
    Achim_e Achim E., 23
  • “I just started using Lumosity about a month ago. I started out with the free trial, and I immediately signed up for a one-year subscription. I am already seeing many of the benefits that Lumosity has to offer. I am seeing improvements in my memory, concentration, and - oddly enough from playing the game Birdwatching - it is improving my peripheral vision.”
    Timothy_p Timothy P., 30
  • “I started with these games because my mom had Alzheimer's, and I know one can inherit it. When I began playing, my scores were so low! I understood what doctors meant about not exercising your brain. I have now improved so much! I cannot believe it. I am very motivated, and I plan to be in the 100th percentile! I can feel the difference in my brain in every aspect. Wonderful exercises! Thank You!”
    Emma_g Emma G., 60

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