Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Biggest Out of Place Artifacts Ever?

Update: The Biggest Out of Place Artifacts Ever? Immense, Stupendous Petrified Trees of the Black Hills, South Dakota

Posted by Chris Parker

Photo: Portion of gigantic petrified tree laying horizontally on the ground. Here we could be looking at a stump or a branch with a circumference of 130 to 150 feet. Black Hills, South Dakota. Photo Copyright Joseph C. Bennett. All Rights reserved.
Gen 7:17 “The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than fifteen cubits. Every living thing that moved on land perished—birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind. Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died. Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; people and animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds were wiped from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark.”
……..”this isn’t “rocket science”. Any self respecting boy scout can identify petrified wood.”
We first met Joseph C. Bennett almost three years ago, online when he forwarded some incredible photographs and made some incredible comments to go along with the photos. Joseph Bennett was the discoverer of a phenomenon that if true would require a radical re-examination and realization by science of the true history of this planet.
Photo: Right. Colossal trees neccessarily must have colossal seeds/pits, right? Mr. Bennett proposes that this is such a photo of a gigantic, petrified seed or pit at the Black Hills site. Photo by and Copyright Joseph C. Bennett. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate.
This post isn’t so much as an update as a restating of the original discovery and an opportunity to restore links to photographs.
Also, Joseph has made a video providing significant details of the discovery in terms of his explanation for the gigantic artifacts that he is diplaying pictorially. Joseph’s original site is no longer up, but if you are on facebook you can see approximately 140 pictures that he has located there.

Unfortunately, the detailed descriptions and explanations that were on the main site are no longer there.
Bennett is working on enhancing the material and promises to come back on line with a new site and with the new material that he has gathered over the years.
Our original short post on this topic is still one of the most popular posts on the site. In short, the discovery is this:

“An entire island, 50 x 100 miles, completely petrified. Covered with the petrified remains of a forest of super giants. Trees of incredible/impossible size, destroyed by a cataclysm that collapsed the island itself into the surrounding sea.
Having remained secret for all time. Now, this place has decided to make itself known. Here is just the beginning of an astounding photographic documentation of this petrified island. A little glimpse of an entirely unknown condition upon the Earth. Giants indeed.” Joseph C. Bennett
Photo:The bark on this stump or branch can be seen on the upper right of this photo. Black Hills, South Dakota. Photo Copyright Joseph C. Bennett. All Rights reserved

Bennett believes that he has discovered a gigantic, petrified forest of mind blowing dimensions in the Black Hills of South Dakota. If these artifacts are what they appear to be to the discerning an open minded eye; the remnants of forest of gigantic trees; where did they come from? In the history of the planet, at what time would an island of giant trees like this have existed?
Science has its own ideas about the many petrified forests (smaller trees) that have been discovered around the world;
“A petrified forest is a forest made out of fossil or petrified wood. In other words, a petrified forest is a forest made out of stone trees. Petrification is a natural process that occurs when all organic material in a tree dies and is replaced by a combination of quartz, copper, iron, and other minerals. Once the process has been finalized, petrified wood is no longer considered wood, and it becomes classified as a stone. In fact, petrified wood is Washington’s official stone. All petrified forests are national monuments and are carefully protected.
A petrified forest becomes such over the course of million of years. Some of the world’s largest petrified forests are an estimated 100 million years old” Wisegeek.
The Bible of course provides another version of history; that the whole earth was at one time covered in water above the mountains in a global flood less than 10,000 years ago. In 2011, what is being called the world’s largest tree was discovered in Redwood National Park in California. The tree named Hyperion reaches a height of 379 feet.
Scientists recently concluded that the maximum height of a tree is 425 feet under current gravimetric conditions. So how does one account for trees in the past of such huge size as to be impossible to imagine–up to 1/2 mile in circumference (distance walking around it)–and larger? For instance, a 900 foot petrified tree found in Texas in 1927 had “upright trunks are so large that they appear from a distance to be great symmetrical columns of natural rock.” A 900 foot tree should not have been possible under the current gravity of the earth–but Bennett claims evidence of trees much larger even than this. Perhaps the trees were as large as this in the Garden of Eden?

….”When you get to the top of one particular ridge, overlooking a long meadow to the south and a larger valley to the southeast, you see a vast landscape, littered everywhere with large petrified tree sections similar to the ones you have seen so far. Then when you look out a little further, you notice right away that things get a lot bigger and you realize that everything else you have seen is most certainly smaller giant trees and branches of much larger giant trees.
Wow. Time to burn some brain calories. First, is this for real?”
Photo above: In the foreground; Mount Rushmore. In the background; gigantic broken off tree stumps?
Joseph Bennett made these discoveries while hiking in the Black Hills of South Dakota himself. As he says, these artifacts aren’t going to go away. Anyone with the time, a little knowledge and the inclination can verify these discoveries-and their implications themselves.

We don’t have the ability to understand the satellite maps in the same way that Mr.Bennett sees them. We are on board with the notion that he has a number of photographs proving that there are gigantic, petrified trees there at the site (the smaller trees). We think that he has more work to do to prove that the really super big trees which appear to be small mountains are really broken off tree stumps. He promises to come forward in the future with some additional, mind blowing artifacts.
The facebook site of a number of these photographs is:Black Hills Petrified Giants
All photos Copyright Joseph C. Bennett
Hey Chris,
Spot the giant log?
Joseph C. Bennett

Following is an additional, large scale view of the location with several huge stumps described.
Click the photo to see a higher resolution version.

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