Saturday, November 3, 2012

ChessBuddy-Playbuddy :How to boost my chess elo rating?

Chess Buddy is the perfect tool for you. This Play Buddy, sits quietly in one corner of your screen, monitors your pogo chess game and teaches you how to improve your chess skills by suggesting great offensive and defensive moves. 
Chess Buddy uses an intuitive interface that gives you helpful hints that can swing a game in your favor. It's highly configurable, undetectable and guaranteed to help you improve both your game and your rating.
Este es un programa que se favorece por ser sencillo,facil de manejar,no mucha complicaion por asi decirlo,te permite hacerle un upgrade a su chess engine por cualquier UCI engine,yo lo he usado,y me ha gustado,mis amigos han podido alcanzar hasta 2300-2400 con otro chess engine tales como Rybka,Naum ect
puedes instalarlo en 5 pc, con el password/confirmacion que te enviaran si compras el program luego de probar los 7 dias de free trial
ahora la parte mala de el
trabaja en Java,lo que te quita movilidad en la pantaya de tu pc,es solo 7 dias gratis luego se desactiva,lo que te pedira que lo actives con su creador,el opening book nose puede cambiarlo,esto es informacion hasta el dia de hoy


Does the game of chess intimidate you? Are your chess skills below par? Is your Pogo Chess rating lower than the sea level?
Chess Buddy is the perfect tool for you. This Play Buddy, sits quietly in one corner of your screen, monitors your pogo chess game and teaches you how to improve your chess skills by suggesting great offensive and defensive moves. 
Chess Buddy uses an intuitive interface that gives you helpful hints that can swing a game in your favor. It's highly configurable, undetectable and guaranteed to help you improve both your game and your rating.

The Interface (GUI)

The main element of the Chess Buddy interface is the replica chess board that maps your current game and displays hints. You also have a set of controls that help you fine tune your game

Menu Options

Options > Program Options opens a dialog that contains a wide array of parameters that you can tweak to optimise Chess Buddy's performance. It also offers an opportunity to refer a buddy (tell a friend) about Chess Buddy and/or request a new feature.
The Rooms menu contains backdoor access to Pogo's Chess rooms (even full ones).
The Help menu provides instructions on how to use Chess Buddy and how to buy and register your copy. But perhaps the most valuable feature here is the auto check at startup which automatically checks for any updates.
Always On TopEnsures that your Chess Buddy window is never obscured by other open windows
Play Sound on StartupEnables/Disables the "Welcome to chess buddy" voice at program startup.
Auto Promote PawnIf this option is checked, Chess Buddy will automatically promote pawns during hits. Pawns can be promoted to any piece except another king.
Use Another EngineSwap the default Game Engine with newer ones as they are released. This ensures that your Chess Buddy is up to date. (Note: Only UCI engines work with Chess Buddy as of now) 
Always allow player to joinAllows new players to join your game at any time.
Auto close endgame windowsAutomatically closes windows that appear at the end of a game.
Decline Undo Move requestsAuto-declines requests made by opponents to Undo their previous move.
Decline Draw requestsAuto-declines requests that force a draw.
Think only on Opponent's timeSets Chess Buddy's AI to compute possible moves during opponent's turn only.
Hint move always shownOverrides the Show Hint button and displays moves automatically. Red boxes indicate next best move and the blue ones denote the last move made.
Always PlayAgainTells Chess Buddy to always start a new game when autoplay is on.
Start game with RobotTells Chess Buddy to play against robots if no live players are available, when autoplay is on.
Autosave games to PGN fileAn invaluable tool for Chess students and aficionados to study games and improve their skills. Games can be saved in the PGN format, a format that is supported by a wide range of chess games and chess analysis tools.
Click SpeedControls how slow or fast games are completed during autoplay.

How To Use

  • Log on to Pogo games with your username and password.
  • Launch Chess Buddy and use the ROOMS option to quickly enter a game room OR manually enter a game room.
  • When your game opens, Chess Buddy automatically recognizes it and is ready to work. The interface mimics the live chess game and illustrates via blue squares where the opponent just moved from.
  • You can play manually and use Chess Buddy as a helper or tool via the PLAY HINT and SHOW HINT  features. Or select the AUTOPLAYoption and let Chess Buddy handle it all.

Optimizing Performance

  • 1-minute games: 5-minute games are ideal for optimal performance but for those who want to play shorter games, make sure "think only on opponents time" is checkmarked. This will help Chess Buddy play faster. However this same setting on a longer game can result in lost games - always give the Buddy as much time to think as possible to increase chances of winning!
  • Multiple games: Do not have more than one game open as Chess Buddy monitors the current game board and swapping between multiple tables could cause it to crash.
  • Engine swap: There are hundreds of different engines (free and for sale) accessible via an online search. Any .uci engine of your choice may be used with Chess Buddy


It won't recognize the game window

Double-check that you have the newest version available. Do this by using the check for update feature under the Help menu on the Buddy. Also, the "News" section at the top of this page has a link to "Updated Buddies." Here you can see if the Buddy has been recently updated and why. 
Now make sure that all the system requirements for the Buddy are met. These include Windows XP or Vista, Internet Explorer, Sun Java, and appropriate display settings.

It won't work

First, go to the Help menu on the Buddy and visit the Troubleshoot page to see if your solution is there. No luck? Select the Bug Report feature under the HELP tab on the Buddy. Fill in the required fields, capture the screen, and then send it. Play Buddy Support will receive it and respond to you via e-mail.

Miscellaneous / Other

Don't see an answer to your question, or do you think something else needs to be added to this help file? If so, e-mail with your suggestion. 

Registering your software

Chess Buddy is trialware and it cannot be used once the seven day trial period has expired. To avoid losing a great buddy, buy your copy by using the BUY NOW option in the HELP menu.
System Requirements
Windows XP or Vista
Sun Java 
Internet Explorer 6.0 or newer
Note: AOL users will need to open their games and operate their Buddies in IE Windows
Chess-Auto Buddy does more than play Yahoo chess™ and Pogo chess™... it puts you in league with the pros! If you're one of the many chess players who is intimidated by chess, has a low rating, or just wants to learn how to play, then there is a perfect tool for you -- that tool is Chess-Auto Buddy! Created specifically with you in mind, this chess cheat completes any job; need a Yahoo chess ratings boost, pile of Pogo tokens, or a Pogo chess badge? No problem. With Chess-Auto Buddy, consider it done. Whether you want to earn a 2200+ rating in the span of a day, or want something to offer you hints when you need them, this is the chess auto for you! Chess-Auto Buddy is a chess cheat no Pogo chess or Yahoo chess player should be without. Download your free 7-day trial today!
    COMPLETELY AND 100% UNDETECTABLE!! Others can only guessif a Pogo cheat or Yahoo cheat          is being used, so play with confidence!
    Plays Yahoo Chess and Pogo Chess automatically.
    Pogo players: Works in Club Pogo and free account Chess rooms.
    So powerful, it plays 1-minute games and can hold its own against 2000+ rated players!
    Allows users to swap out the default .uci engine with one of their choice.
    Includes play hint and show hint features to use during manual play.
    Earn thousands of Pogo tokens or Yahoo points while you work or sleep - get Pogo badges and a          Yahoo chess ratings boost faster than ever before!
    Precise and reliable. This chess auto will not let you down in the middle of an important game or          tournament.
    Contains quick and easy built-in backdoors to favorite Chess rooms.
    Programmed with multiple features and customizable options making this the best Pogo cheat and          Yahoo cheat available for Chess.
    Free unlimited Chess-Auto Buddy upgrades for a year after purchase
    Friendly online technical support.
    And *much* MORE - try it today for free!
How to win with ChessBuddy
Here I will post my best advice to win with chessbuddy

-First of all ,U will need to have a good CPU like :

Intel Core Quad
AMD 64 bit

-Need to have a good chess engine (like Rybka lastest version)
-Need to set time to 1/0 2/0 
as much longer u set your time u will have the risk to lost in front of powerfull Opening Book, and this is your weak side

Strong side:

-faster interface
-easy setup
-engine upgrade
-really good in 2min and 1min

Weak side
-opening book
-longer game like 5min/6min/10min
 I noticed that to improve playing strength on longer time controls like 6min/10min etc it is best to turn off the autoplay feature and use the 'play hint' button to move instead.

Using the program this way you can gage the amount of time the engine thinks before making a move yourself, allowing extra thinking time for the engine during opening and middlegame to compensate for not having a good book in the program. You can then put the program back into autoplay mode by simply pressing the autoplay button once you get towards endgame to move alot quicker and avoid running out of time.

so if u keep this in mind, u will get your 2300 points of more
Commun problem and its solution
I will posting possibles error u will find in chessbuddy that I have found and resolved,so my solution will help others
1-When loading an UCI engine make sure u use the right one,lets say u have a PC with 32 bit and u load a 64 bit version of any engine
-this is what u will find
*When opening ur prog after 1 1/2 sec will get freezed,ur prog will no works at all,can't play for ende

Go to the directory of that 64bit UCI engine where u downloaded and deleted,
this is necesary because once the prog get freezed u can't choose another engine,and this chessbuddy every time u click to open and play will get freezed right away with out giving u enought time to edit or fix choosing the right engine,u will never get that time when opening it
Now u can load a new UCI engine ,but make sure is 32bit now,so u don't get freezed again-----------------------------------------------------
What happend when connecting thru.......?

Log in ID at yahoo --- + ---Chessbuddy connection thru = results

Internet Explorer + Internet Explorer = OK
Internet Explorer + Firefox = chessbuddy no play
Firefox + Firefox = OK
Firefox + Internet Explorer = chessbuddy no play

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your info. I really appreciate your efforts and I will be waiting for your further write ups thanks once again!!! POGO support You can reach Acetecsupport at their Call Toll Free No +1-800-231-4635 For US/CA.


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